Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Luan Loud is a main character in The Loud House and 4th oldest of The Louds. She is into being a comedian and a prankster, on April Fools it goes into outright sociopath territory, still she is a nice girl. She also runs a Business known as Funny Business Inc which provides entertainment to kids and others. Where she has hired her siblings Lucy, Lynn, Leni, Lisa and Lincoln at points to assist her, although only Lincoln kept his position due to the other 4 screwing up. Luan has also employed Bender and Rick as well after the events of TGTTA 2 to help when her family is busy.


After the events of TGTTA 2, Luan has become a main character of the series and is the deuteragonist and other main character of The B Team Storyline with Bender in phase 4. She is also the most important character of The B Plot of Phase 4 behind Anti Cosmo, Slade and Bender.

Luan is very keen on performing having even a dream to be the youngest performer at Royal Woods, though her sister Lucy would eventually have that title, ironically it was Luan herself that taught her


Luan Loud I Go Looney

Best Friends: Mr.Coconuts (Her Dummy) Lincoln (Younger Brother), Leni (2nd eldest Sister), Luna (Roommate), Lucy (6th youngest sister), Bender (Father Figure and partner) Starfire (Mother Figure), Benny Stein (Love Interest), Marcy Wu, Cleo Sub Prime, Spider Gwen, Kate Bishop

Love Interest: Benny Stein

Friends: Lincolin, Clyde, Ronnie Ann, Her Siblings, Lydia, Bender, Skipper, Starfire, Jorgen Von Strangle, Jimmy, Finn, Marceline, Axel, Phineas, Isabella, Twilight, Discord, Amanda, Rick Sanchez, Steven Universe, Connie, StanFord, Star, Marco, Antauri, Mallow, Uncle Grandpa, Pizza Steve, Mr.Gus, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Marcy Wu, Wile E Coyote, Captain Hero, Stan Marsh, Bean, Elfo, Luci, Cleo Sub Prime, Sid Chang, Hilda, Tom Lucifor, Amity Blight, Cricket Green, Libby Stein Torres, Scrooge Mcduck, G-Lo, Celes Chere, Angus, Charlie Mangue, Chip, Dale, XR, King Andrias, Ms.Marvel, Ace Jr, Hilda, The Planet Express Crew, Sergant Callohun, Homer Simpson, Wolverine, Kick Ass, Hit Girl, Spider Gwen, Kate Bishop, Shark Boy, Lava Girl, Luz Noceda, Jerry, King, Eclipsa, Lillith, Globgor, Bianca, Star Light, The Boys, Dale Gribble, Professor Membrane, The Resisity, Black Star, Death the Kid, Blissina Utonium, The Boys, Luz Noceda, Anne Boonchuy, Mulder, Scully, Larke Tanner, Truman X, Vee, Camilla Noceda, Edirc Blight, Emira Blight, Alador Blight, Lizbeth, Cassie Lang, Kelly, Tech E, Betty, Cecil Stegman, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Jack, Felciity Smoak, Blue Falcon, Dynomutt, Ann, Morgana, Ryjuji, Cavendish, Dakota, Hellboy, Eric Cartman, Grace Wain, Hack and Slash, Henry Jones Sr, Mark Greyson, Atom Eve, Tawna, Spider Ham, Spider Noir, Private Public, Sergant Oakey Homa

Netural: Sasha Wayblight, Captain Grime, Death (Puss In Boots), Commander Airlock

Enemies: Eobard Thawne, Deathstroke, The Joker, Toffee, The Legion of Past, Present and Future Evil, Flip (At times, Tetherby, Morag, Bill Cipher, Bill Cipher's Cult, The Weirdmageon Cult, The Core (Amphibia), The Prankster, The Pranks A Lot Mob, Captain Putty, Emperor Belos, Vecna, The Belos Empire. Kostas Becker, The Cartel, Don Eladio, New Reisnchmen

Worst Enemies: Big Jack Horner, The Joker, Dark Arrow

Occupations: Owner of Funny Business Inc, Partner/Sidekick of Titanius Anglesmith, Loud & Associates, Middle School and High School Student, Babysitter, Super Hero, Leader of Her Resistance against Dark Arrow

Phase 3[]


Lincolin and his sisters make friends with Lydia who was separated from her friends and they help her get back while being friends all through the journey. This get into a battle with Deathstroke who is after them and they manage to deal with him with help of Amanda and Stanford. Lincoln though does save Deathstroke from potentially falling, this comes back to help him later when Deathstroke spares him and his sisters from the spear's effects. He joins Bender, Skipper, Lydia, Rick, Twilight and Marcus afterwards and joins forces with Deathstroke to defeat Thawne


Luan and her sisters wait for Lincoln and the others as Toffee nearly kills them. Luan asks about what nearly happened to Lincoln and he mentions that a triangle dorito with demon powers and Toffee nearly killed them and that they still need to stop Toffee from accomplishing his goals. Once everything is discussed with regards to the two, Luan joins her sisters Lola, Lynn and Luna in going to Mewni and learning more on Toffee which is cut a bit short by Toffee invading Mewni and she defends Mewni with deadly pranks.

S3E25A Luan and Benny kissing

Once Moon is dead, she and the others mourn for Moon and she goes after the cult with her sisters and friends. Luan sneaks into the Cipher pyramid and uses her pranks to suprise Cipher's friends so she can find Bender and Skipper. Once the heroes use the spear, Luan gets there and Bender tells her things will be fine.

Luan joins Bender and Lincoln on their vacation to Aruba

The Miracle Dark Elite and the Apokolips War Endgame[]

Phase 4[]

Luan Loud gets a much bigger role in this storyline as one of the main character alongside her brother. Luan is one of the 9 main characters of the Secondary Storyline with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Libby Stein, Captain Hero, Bean, Wile E, and Harry Wells, she is one of the two deuteragonists alongside Harry Wells of said storyline.

Luan is the only returning B Team Member other than Bender to be a main character of Phase 4 with Stan Marsh taking more a major role.

Anglesmith Origins[]


Luan gets her first main role in Anglesmith Orgins chronologically as the one of the three deuteragonists with Slade and Anti Cosmo to find the Infosphere with Bender. She is the most promient character of the story other than Bender and serves as one of the central 4 main characters alongside Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo.

Luan has maintained a close friendship/father like relationship with Bender and once she hears of him running away, she goes looking for him and crosses path with Anti Cosmo and Slade who were also looking for him to bring into the Infosphere situation so they can find answers to their situations

Unlike the rest of the main characters apart from Death, she doesn't have a reason to go find other than help Bender.


*Italian means this happened after Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and are the wraparound segments

Luan arrives in Great Lake City with Bender to drop off Libby to meet with Ronnie Anne, Sid and the others for a sleep over, she and Bender decide to stay and keep an "eye on them for Ronnie Anne's folks. When questioning, Luan tells the kids that she is heading to a comedy thing in Great Lakes with Bender being her driver and filling in for the dad role as her dad is busy.

Luan and Bender decide to tell Lincoln, Lydia and the others about how Anglesmith and Associates came to be. Luan states that this was before she had a secret to hide from the family and her friends in Royal Woods that she is a Spider Girl or something like that.

Before Bender left to Mexico, Luan is visited by Bender before he heads to Mexico for his next high risk adventure and they talk about what he is up to and what they'll do when he arrives. Bender hands her some money for her date with Benny as well. During her date with Benny, She and Benny talk about Bender and the situation he is as Luan can tell he's just trying to get what happened with Brick and Butch and deal it with the only way he really knows as Benny can tell Bender is erratic as of late. She ponders about Slade and the others in regards to The V Team and what they are doing in regards.

That next morning, Luan gets the note that Bender about him heading to the retirement home and she is devastated and decides to go find him. She is aware something happened to Bender down in Mexico that must have caused this. Luan's parents and her siblings tell Luan not to pursue this as they can see Bender when she wants at the retirement home and she is not doing this alone. Luan tries to bargain with her parents and get Lori or Leni to drive her to Mexico to find Bender, but they turn her down due to it being a school day and other reasons.

Luan upset with her parents, heads back to her room. Luan calls up Benny and tells him what happened, Benny tells Luan if she loves Bender like a father to her, she should go looking for him at some point. Luna arrives and tells Luan to pursue what she wants and while it isn't wise to defy mom and dad, some things are more imporant and Luna tells Luan to start at that M.O.D.A.B Home.

Glad that both her boyfriend as well as her sister/room mate are on her side, Luan heads out to the M.O.D.A.B place of residence to get their help

Chapter 1[]

Luan explains to the others about her own feelings on Bender's retirement attempt, when they ask her about it. She was shocked he considered this and knew something some was up as she decides to narrate this next part after Bender did the Prologue

Luan using Luna's chopper arrives at the M.O.D.A.B Household and she tells them that they need to find Bender and wants their help as he settled in Mexico out of the blue. Dib and the others rebuke her respectfully, she tries to get Skipper, Heloise and Starfire but they are not here. Dib and the others feel he can take care of himself just mine. Undettered, Luan decides she'll do it herself to find Bender and decides to head down to Mexico. If she doesn't get lost on the way.

She is found by Anti Cosmo and Slade who ask her on Bender's location, where Luan is trying to find. The two then bring her on as they may know where he is. Luan also sees Harry too who is joining Slade and Anti Cosmo on this as well. Luan learns about The Info Sphere from and Slade as Anti Cosmo and Harry locate the Doc and the retirement home . Upon arriving in Albequece, Anti Cosmo and Harry provide a cover for her to visit Caldera and learn where the retirement home is really. Luan manages to pull it off and she sneaks in that Luan wants to find Bender as well which Caldera suspected was her real reason.

Getting back, she learns ofHarry's spying on Bean, Elfo and Luci, she goes on a rush to get Bender with the other 3 right behind her. With Harry, they find Bender's room and with Harry, Anti Cosmo and Slade find Bender and meet Wile E, she and Harry observe the retirement home as the latter two tell Bender about the proposition

Realizing Bender may be some more convincing, Luan talks to Bender and tells him what he needs to hear, and she is informed of Bender's encounter with the wolf as they talk alone as Luan has a fearful look as she realized Bender was dealing with someone that struck real fear into his mortality as she sees the nearly cut head on him. Luan manages to get Bender to join them and go after Becker

Shortly, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Luan, Wile E and Harry manage to reach the Becker head quarters. As they reach the headquarters, They encounter Bean, Elfo and Luci as well as Becker's men and they all get into a fight and fight over the map. Which they get. Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry and Wile E with the map start their quest to find the Infosphere.Though she is a bit questioning Bender's fear and feels Bender may have seen the wolf again

Chapter 2[]

Luan validates Bender's words as Hero was working for Becker, but the reasons were unknown to them at the time to why Hero was aligned with Becker and the Cartel at the time.

Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Harry and Wile E make their quest on the map as they set into the woods.Luan takes Bender aside and talks to him about his recent actions. She's not mad with Bender, she just wants to understand him. Luan learns Bender's reasons for the infopshere hunt respectfully is not about money like Slade promised, but to find a way to get his loved ones back. Luan unlike the other 5 has no desire as she tells him, as she has learned that she had no need for anything new as she embraces life as it is these days. Though she admits granted she wasn't always like that to him

She changes the subject, and Luan wants the truth asks Bender about the running away deal he did, she learns about his struggles in the brave new world they are all in. She shares this view point and inquires more about the hooded wolf. Though Bender only really knows that the guy is a true menance and nearly killed him with sickles and taunted him when they were leaving with the map.

The 6 set up camp for the night and she gets Bender to considering a sleeping bag alongside Anti Cosmo after laughing at Wile E's usual failures with ACME, then they accidentaly spit molten food at Wile E while having Marshmallows.Luan sees Bender and Harry discuss their family matters and Wile E talks with her and Luan reveals that she just doing what needs to do help the 4. Luan recongizes privately that all 4 of her friends are looking for some kind of atonement respectfully. Bender for failing his daugther and Boomer's brothers, Slade and Anti Cosmo for Eddy and The V Team and Harry towards his daughter. She was let in on this because Anti Cosmo vouched for Bender to let someone in on this. She agreed with Bender that keeping this from the rest of the heroes was something she didn't enjoy doing, but she did let her boyfriend know about this.

Luan and her friends are ambushed by Becker and Bean's teams and a three way fight goes for the map. She is quick to notice Becker stole the map and sees Wile E managing to get a torn piece of map. She watches Bender run in fear, and she goes after him. Catching up to Bender, she calms him down and eases him as the others catch up that things will be fine and that she learns that he heard the whistle and saw him again.

After catching up with the other 4, Luan and the others head to the sea respectfully following Slade and his winch.

Chapter 3[]

Luan and Bender answer the questions they are asked by Lincoln and the others as they continue on with what happened after they used a winch to find water.

Luan arrives with the boys to the sea and makes some sea puns which causes groans in Slade and Harrison, and decides to go play in the sea as they make their boat respectfully with Anti Cosmo, Bender and Wile E. After some point, Anti Cosmo, Slade and Harry sets up a boat for them to take to the other side

She, Wile E and Bender all talk and discuss matters respectively and she tells Wile and Bender about Deathstroke's Job Offer to the latter and why he is offering. She tries to convince him to take the job for his own safety. Luan also learns Bender considering outside of doing work for Slade and Anti Cosmo what they get him, he was considering retirement just not the kind he was in earlier.

The Cartel shows and attempts to attack them, Luan takes charge of the boat and tries to get it away from Sombra who Bender is facing with Wile E's help and his pirates. While she does manage to get a bit away from Sombra and does a fair enough job. Sombra and his men to manage to sink the boat and nearly completely as Lasombra tries to harm Luan but Bender stops him from doing so.

They are saved by Oona and Mora and unlike Anti Cosmo and Bender doesn't show open supscion of them even after what she hears about them from Harry and the two themselves.Luan, Mora and Oona all have their own banter about Bean and her friends as well as some of Luan's own situation when it comes to her team mates. Her Concern for Bender and what she is supsecting he is running from , Wile E and his obessive pursuit of The Road runner, Slade and Anti Cosmo's tunnel vision to her and Harry's need to talk to his daughter.

Afterwards, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry and Wile E are dropped off by Oona and Mora to continue their part of their quest.

Chapter 4[]

Luan calls intermission, and after this she takes the lead in telling the story for once although not before noticing Anti Cosmo checked into the Casagrande Household and that Bender and her make Her Brother and Lydia aware that they know what the truth of their real relationship after noting Luan and Bender's own Bond.

With the mountains pretty much ahead, Luan is told that that need to hike up them. Not being the atheltic Lynn is, she is skeptical of this and isn't exactly thrilled to have to do Seeing Bender stole equipment, she rolls with it and asks for help with it when they do so.

Like Slade, Bender and Harry, she decides to take a nap respectfully. She recognizes alongside Bender that Slade barely sleep and now it seems like he's doing it more which Anti Cosmo already took notice to as he makes it clear to Luan.

It's Night time and Luan wakes up and she pranks Slade to wake him up with a spray flower. Slade and Wile E help her get on the hiking as Harry and Bender lead the way, though Slade makes her promise not to shock him with a joy buzzer in if he helps Luan. As they hike up, Bender get nearly freaked out again by seeing the Wolf's eyes, though Luan tells them that he ain't there.

Luan is ambushed by Becker and his group, she is threatening with arrest for aiding and abetting Bender as well as Slade's Empire. Bean also arrives as well with her team and they get into a 3 way fight for the map with Luan trying to do her darnest against Becker and The Cartel. However she ends up kidnapped by Bean, Elfo and the others, though this was completely by accident.

Bean and the others realize this and Bean apologizes for the kidnapping thinking they had the map. Luan overhears Bean and her friends talking and through this ends up figuring out Bean's intents for the infosphere. She sees an idea in her kooky brain.

Chapter 5[]

Luan tells Lincoln that she was okay despite the kidnapping as this was a concern of his. She also states she even used to her advantage

Luan despite being held hostage makes it feel like she isn't a hostage regarding Bean as she talks to Benny and her family as well as making Bean realize she's better then she thinks she after hearing Bean confide in her about her situtations and desires. Afterwards, Stan and Wendy approach Luan about Bender and Luan tells them what's been going on with him without mentioning the truth and tells them about what Slade and AC's own stake in this as well.

Luci approach's her about the word she said to Bean and Luan points to him that the more benign reasons her friends have. She denies having a reason herself pointing to Luci, that her friends have more benign reasons than Becker to get the Infosphere so it will be better to work together and not against each other. Luan sees Anti Cosmo, Harry and Slade and regroups with them and tells them what she had learnt from Bean, Elfo and Luci respectfully. Luan asks why Bender isn't here and Harry pointed out Slade didn't want to put him at a risk. He didn't agree with this as Bender cares about her like his own kid which he felt she knew and after Stardash, it makes sense.This gets her some praise from Slade respectfully for being through.

Elfo, Bean and Luci arrive to go after Slade and his gang, feeling Luan was faking her kidnapping to trick them. Luan admits she wasn't she wanted to know. Before anything can go down, Oona and Mona arrive to warn them about Becker's men. Said Men show up afterwardsStan and Wendy tell Luan that it may be a good time to try and get them all working together in the case of Becker and Luan manages to convince Bean's group and Slade's group to unite as one fraction against Becker so they can deal who gets the Infosphere among people who won't harm the multiverseThis works as everyone works together against Becker's group

Afterwards the united group goes back to where they left Bender and Wile E. Wile E tells them he was trying to find a short cut and tries to talk them about Wendy's text but they're already in on this. Luan gets worried as does Harry about this. Luan sees Bender running with the others and catch up with him over his real fear of Death, before handShe tells Bender that Bean is helping them with Becker being a bigger problem. And asks what went on really

Luan learns Bender's puruser was Death himself, Luan tells Bender that she was supscious of this and tells Bender that she had her own encounter with Death. This happened when she was a kid, and she nearly killed herself by ODing on meds because of relentless bullying from people at her grade school. She states it was to keep her from bouncing off the walls and being hyper. Luan's parents wanted to keep her mind focused and she had to take them. It got to the point where she took multiple pills at once to get better at a class she was failing and was in a near death situation in the hospital. Luan was very much near the light respectfully, heard the whistle and saw Death who was going to reap her, but held off as he felt her dying was unfair because she valued her life despite her usual loony behavior', and taught Luan a lesson about life and death saying she shouldn't throw a life away because of failure and being given up on. This resulted in her trying to be herself and become more of the happy go lucky prankster which she remained to this day

Luan tells Bender the moral is, that the best way to deal with life and death is to accept the inevitable, live for today and to make meaningful experiences which is what they been doing. She states that if Bender really is determined to accomplish his goal, He has to make sure he will be determined to go down with it.

Chapter 6[]

Luan tells Lincoln and Lydia why she tried to kill herself and what was going on through her head and her own visit to a therapist saying that need for mental help isn't just limited to Lincoln.

The heroes find the infosphere at the top of the mountain and they find it's power is enough to do some downright destructive stuff respectivelyApart from Luan, Stan and Wendy, all the heroes compete to get to the Infosphere and who should be the one using it. Luan doesnt as she has no wish or desire for the infosphere unlike the others as she has everything she has and even stops the others from trying to fight with one another with Stan and Wendy,

This manages to work when Becker arrives on spot with his men intend to take them all out at once and she convinces Slade to pull Bender and Bean aside to co-op fully. Bender and Luan both roll their eyes at Becker calling himself Death have dealt with Death straight up.

Harry and Anti Cosmo realize that they may need the backup they're working and hand what they worked on to Luan. Luan takes it but before this, she tells Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade that despite them all wanting the Infosphere. They shouldn't fight among themselves as The Cartel is a bigger problem than Bean and the others who have good intentions like them Luan fights Pinstripe, La Sombra, Tuco Salamanca  with her friends for the Infosphere as they need all the teamwork possible with them being outnumbered.

The Last Request is printed out and Luan is told by Harry to get it. This she does and gives it to Bendertelling him that maybe he didn't need the Infosphere for his answers. She doesnt know what to do and thinks he needs it the most to her as Anti Cosmo also arrives on this cue. She hears Death's whistle like the others and he arrives. Upon watching him raise a fire wall to keep this between Bender and Death, With Slade, she saves Anti Cosmo from the fire wall blowing him away with Slade who watch as Bender is challenged by Death

Luan smiles as they face off, as Bender did indeed take her words/advice as he fights Death. Admitting she taught him something important like he taught her stated that an old dog like Bender can learn some new tricks. After Death Spares Bender, She and Anti Cosmo both go to Bender and egg Slade to apologize to him as they were the only two people to not criticize Bender about dealing with Death.

Becker returns to get the Infosphere and gets Uroboros to be used on himself to kill his enemies and fellow traitors. Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo decide to deal with this as Bender is still reeling a bit from his fight with Death. Luan is asked if some of the herb is still in her and Luan feels some of the Heart Shaped Herb is still in her and she helps Anti Cosmo and Slade as well as the others take on Becker as he's infected with the virus. While a tough foe, this comes down to the group other than Slade and Anti Cosmo being aware of it's effects. Hearing Bender and Wile E's very idea, She leads the others to destroy the Infosphere after hearing it's the key to killing Becker.

This works as they all escape the volcano as it turns out and Luan helps the others get on the plane that Nacho had called as he was aware of this early on and intended to escape. Luan and Bender both get on and help Anti Cosmo and Slade get on and watch the latter two finish off Kostas Becker.

Doing so, they all stare at the night and stars, Luan asks Bender about the job Deathstroke offered him and Bender decided to take it and start his own P.I Business with Luci and Dreamland. Bender offers her to join him as his partner/sidekick and Luan points out her terms, though agrees to this terms. Bender states to Luan that he thanks her for saving his life.


Luan explains to her friends about what happened on her side after the Infosphere when Dr. Wells Dropped her

Luan meets back with the rest of the family, who were worried about her. Luna and Benny ask if Luan found Bender and what went down with him and those other guys. Luan does almost snap their spines as she still has some of that strength the herb gave her. Though it will fade off, Luan is then seen sketching how to set up her and Bender's P.I Business and includes her entertaining gig into it which Luna and Benny help her make it.

She sees Bender and Wile E who are heading to the President's office to see Deathstroke about the job offer where with Bender, they talk with Gus Fring who is aware of who they were facing and can see them worth helping them against The Cartel.

Next, Luan and Bender head to Dreamland and Luci's inferno and see the space under Luci's bar so they can put their own ideas how to design their office and business. Luan shows Bender her blue prints, and the two get Bean and Zog's servants to do the work. After the details are put together, Luan sees a potential super hero recruit in G-LO and has Captain Hero go get her, to work with them

Meeting back with Bender, they discuss with Anti Cosmo and Slade their projects and how everything was going on both of their ends.

Luan, Anti Cosmo and Bender all think just how much their actions shaped some of the world they live in after sending the others to bed. Bender tucks in Luan as she has a big day ahead of her and him.

Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult[]

Luan has joined Bender's work duties as a Private Investigator as his on off sidekick on the weekends and when her dad and mom are busy. Luan and Bender meet Marcy Wu who was asked by King Andrias to find Titantius Angesmith to get his assistance in regards to the Cult formed by Bill Cipher. Luan and Bender as well as their friends decide to help Marcy Wu and Andrias unknown to her with Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison Wells joining the duo in the case. Luan was the only sibling Morag didn't take in account in regards to Lincolin in Chapter 3 and Luan is unaware Lincoln is in the game as well.

Chapter 6[]

Luan is introduced to Marcy Wu who asks Bender to invesitgate the cult and gets him on to it. Luan talks with her and then recruits other of Bender's assoicates and Slade's crew who she and Bender visit to confirm Marcy's request. Luan joins them on their missions, though uses comedy despite being a kid who does come in handy to defeat Glomgold, Chip Whistler (Who she annoys by crappaing in the urinal) and the rest of the cult


Luan goes back to school after their mission is complete as it's the weekdays.

Chapter 7[]

Mr.Loud lets Anti Cosmo and Bender go up to Luan's Room and  tells Luan that Bender is here for his letter, Luan asks what's Anti Cosmo doing with Bender?. Bender explains that he is on an invesitgation for a disappeared corpse and Anti Cosmo is with him on the ride. Luan is aware of the text Harrison sent to her that he got from Marcy and it was about pistachios that him and Slade are going after. Bender split his team to help them, while he works with Anti Cosmo.

Luan learns from Anti Cosmo that Naseala found a blood sample of the ambush Sideshow Bob took when he eavesdropped on Toffee's cult. Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo all share their disgust with Toffee basically slaughtering Disney characters and that Marcy is aware of this too.  

Luan hands Bender the letter and he opens it with Anti Cosmo and Bender reading it with Luan. They learn that the writer was kidnapped and was taken to a secret lab and all that they saw was Disney universes in brief glimpses, that said person is a stranger and seeing the ad for Titantius Anglesmith as an expert multiveral P.I maybe he can help find her and that she had some descriptions of the universes for Bender and Anti Cosmo to follow.

Bender puzzles why it was sent there, Luan deducts that it was because she was on the ad as Titantius's (Bender's) sidekick and her number was there. Anti Cosmo states that were two phone numbers and adresses and hers was easier, and that this time he will be Bender's sidekick for this case.

Luan still has a few days left for the weekend so yeah Anti Cosmo will be Bender's sidekick for this case. Bender and Anti Cosmo though are a pit clueless where to go based on the locations said writer descirbed, though both of them feel they're Disney Universes.

Luan proposes the two go see her sister Lisa for help on this

Chapter 8[]

Luan is once again busy with her stuff when Harrison and Slade arrive at the door asking Luan to come to the bomb shelter. Luan wonders why Slade and Harrison are here and that she is told Anti Cosmo and Bender are here as well so they are here for them

Luan, Slade and Harrison walk to the bomb shelter and see Lisa, Bender and Anti Cosmo break dancing and Luan videotapes this on them. Luan gets back with Captain Hero, Stan, Luci, Bean, Elfo and Wile E and they enter the bomb shelter.

Luan asks about what Bender, Anti Cosmo and Lisa Loud found and they show a girl that they have found. Luan decides to befriend the new girl seeing a kindred spirit though Lisa wants to experiment on her and see what makes her different. Bender and Luan then discuss how they're going to get around The Cult and what did Bender find. Bender tells her he found some vengeful sea woman, A mustached mexician, a Toad and a blonde girl. Luan tells Marcy who arrives as a hologram technology and Luan asks Marcy for what she has found.

Luan gives her infomation this to Harrison and Lisa and that Marcy was investigating Amphibia stuff with Andrias. Luan also learns Marcy is heading to Mewni as well. The Girl wakes up and Luan and everyone learns that she is named Cleo Setori, Luan wonders how she could be Cleo setori when she knows she's dead and Cleo reveals that she sent the note to Bender to go after and find her and tells the crew how she arrived and how she came to be here. Luan is brought with Harrison Wells alongside Bender, Marcy, Slade and Anti Cosmo and is told about the alternate mutliverses and how the universe has been formed as of late.

Luan like Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade questions just a pretense and Harrison explains his theories on Cleo Setori and decides to call her Sub Prime. Luan who already has a good rapport with Cleo Sub prime decides to find more about her with Wile E, Lisa and Harrison Wells as Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo investigate The Boiling Isles.

Luan keeps on tabs through Harrison on the trio and notes how the Blights are planning something and that Toffee is up to something. Harrison, Wile E and Lisa are busy doing some experiments on Cleo Sub Prime, though they're harmless ones.

Luan and Cleo Subprime begin actively hanging out as they learn more about each other and Luan learns about the man who was after her was The Thinker and that the orginial Cleo was who he took and corrupted into villainly as Cleo Subprime saw this and Luan tells Marcy about this. Luan asks Cleo Subprime about how the process of mermaidism occurs and she is told about the Mako Island situation and reveals the moon water from the moon was what caused a transformation in her and Cleo Subprime reveals that she found a way to control her transformation  as opposed to other mermaids.

Luan pranks Cleo Subprime with a water bomb to see if it works and it doesn't  work due to Cleo Subprime's control. Cleo Subprime uses some water bombs on Luan and hits Luan with a literal one made of water and Luan glows  and transforms into a mermaid. Luan is suprised at her new fish tail and asks did she turn her into a mermaid and Cleo Sub Prime reveals she used a water bomb made of the water that turned her into a mermaid  and she must have used it on Luan

Luan asks how to become human again and Cleo Subprime warms her up and tells Luan she will become a mermaid when she touches water for 10 seconds and that there is a way to control it, she'll tell her

Harrison who meanwhile kept tabs on Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo and notices that Toffee and the Blights have them and Harrison goes off to save them. Cleo Subprime takes to the water and tells Luan it's time to take a swim

Luan, Cleo Sub Prime and Harrison Wells all arrive and help the trio deal with Toffee and The Blights although they had everything under control. Luan and Bender both notice Weirdmagedon and realize Toffee was setting this up and they need to get back to the Bomb Shelter Lisa has and quick and the six take their leave to head back to the bomb shelter.

Chapter 9[]

Luan gets everyone into the bomb shelter  with the help of the others as they all invade the bubbles of pure madness and the petrifying eyes. Luan worries that the rest of her family will be effected and she has no idea where Lincoln but hopes that Ford and Lydia have him safe unknown to her he is and they are on the case themselves

Cleo and Luan talk about did Luan handle that long trek of swimming to The Boiling Isles. Luan says it did feel quite nice to not worry about drowning or losing air, she does admit it feels odd that it only took 10 seconds and how absorbing moon island water caused this change

Cleo Subprime stated it's a unusual change, and Luan asks if it's unusual to a tail that long and Cleo states it's not and the reason it's yellow and it seems Luan has an infinity for yellow and while the tail is thin and seems not too impressive as she settles into it, It will become quite powerful

Luan tells Cleo she doesn't want the change to be permanent, and apologizes if she took it too far, Cleo Subprime tells Luan that she can make what Luan is doing be more under her control even telling that she does have powers of her own.

Cleo decides to test this and uses her powers to wet Luan, transforming her into this form and she did this right in front of Bender who demands an answer from them.

Cleo apologizes that she didn't mean to and Luan pranked her first, Bender points out to her that Luan is a prankster and to expect that and Cleo knew she had moon water from Mako Island and used it to prank Luan. Cleo tells Bender that she was unaware that the moon out was The Mako Moon that changed her and Bender does admit that it's not like he knew either.

Bender tells Cleo Subprime that he doesn't want Luan's life ruined because of her prank and wants her to live the best life and turning her into a mermaid might have done that. Cleo Subprime tells Bender she's working on a way to stablize it like she did to herself. Bender states she better or he's sending Cleo Subprime back to her alternate multiverse. Cleo sees this as a win win as she was pulled out of there, Bender states he meant that. Cleo Subprime ponders when will she shows powers.

Bender and Luan talk about this recent development and Luan confesses that she kinds wanted to get super powers and may have liked developing powers as a result of Cleo Subprime's actions. Bender questions Luan about why she did this, Luan explains that she doesn't feel really special when compared to Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison who all have great skills and just sees sees herself as the girl who tells puns and makes jokes. Luan also confesses she questions why Bender has her as his sidekick and protege when they are others who are capable of being his partner as she is a normal teenaged girl. Luan wants to be able to prove herself as a worthy partner to Bender and wants to be like the others in the group and feels she dissapoints Bender

Bender points out to Luan that she is special to him and the thing he likes the most about his new life. Bender sees Luan as like his own kid and sees this relationship as a 2nd chance at having a kid after what Eobard Thawne did to him regarding his orginial daughter, this is why he cares about her so much and sees potential in Luan. He also reveals that she balances out his outlook like Marcy does, He admits that while Luan is a normal teenaged girl, she has served to be stragetic and smart with her pranks and does have her own perks. Luan asks should she keep her powers when they emerge and stay the way she is, Bender tells Luan it's her choice, Luan tells Bender to not tell anyone about this, Bender states he will have to tell Marcy , Harrison, Anti Cosmo and Slade about it and Luan decides an exception can be made.

Luan get her shot from Harrison and then tries to help him, Slade and Anti Cosmo deal with Zhan Tiri after Captain Hero is drained during his fight with her. Luan goes to Newtopia to defendit from Toffee's Forces and spefically works with Bender, Wile E, Marcy and Harrison to deal with NOS-4A2 and the Phantom Blot. Luan tries to hold off the vampire and despite her efforts doesn't get much success, but to her credit, this does distract the vampire enough for Wile E to get the jump on the vampire and Bender does gun down the vampire in turn.

Luan has more success with the Blot and works with Harrison to stop him from getting to Andrias.While Harrison does a good amount of leg work, Luan does ultimately be the one to stop the Blot with the wording Bender gave her and using her pranks stragically to stop the Blot and have him arrested.

Luan thinks a bit as Marcy asks Luan to help deal with Toffee Cipher as Marcy does feel Luan could help off with them and that they're friends. Slade, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Harrison and Marcy wait for her answer and Luan eventually comes to agree as they all want her to help.

Before Luan leaves, Cleo encourages Luan to use her powers that will surface at some point and that she doesn't need to be transformed to show them and Luan questions this and Cleo Subprime tells her to focus when the time comes and to believe in herself.

Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)[]

Luan joins up with Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Wells in the pyramid as they're attempting to find the throne room. Luan talks to Harrison about her powers that Cleo subprime said she has and when their powers will emerge, Harry runs his metahuman scanner on Luan and says he detects nothing that or what Cleo Subprime did to her is not among the metahumans abilties he detects

Luan theroirzes that as it was moon water from Mako Island and that Cleo Subprime has Wile E and Lisa doing research on this and to find a way to stablize the Mako Mermaid effects so she won't turn into a mermaid whether she is splashed.

Under Wile E and co, Luan finds the throne room with the other 5 and takes Bender's orders to handle the compoents of Tofee Cipher's throne with care realizing some of them are Dib and Friends including Starfire. Luan with Harrison, Marcy and Bender manage to get a good deal of the throne back to Luci, Stan and Mojo who run Slade's portable transporter on their end

Toffee Cipher however sabotages the connection and is displeased with Luan and her friends stealing his throne and wonders why Bender brought the goof ball with him when he could have brought anyone else with him. Luan annoyed with this sprayed Toffee Cipher with some water with her prank flower. Bender wonders why she didn't transform despite this, Luan explains that it didn't touch her and it was loaded before her prank with Cleo Subprime. Harrison finds this fasciating as well. Toffee Cipher intending to kill the five goes into beast mode against them

Luan attempts to activate the powers she has as a result fo being in duress, but they don't seem to come out despite Cleo Subprime's word as she watches Bender, Marcy, Harrison, Slade and Anti Cosmo fight and not fare any better than Lydia or Lincoln did. Luan does spectualte that the eyes of Toffee Cipher may be a weakness due to remembering Bill having a sesnsivity and she tries to help her friends.

Luan tries to get close to Toffee Cipher with the intent of damaging his eyes gets help from Slade and Anti Cosmo in getting close to him as Toffee Cipher closes in on Marcy and Bender. Slade gives Luan a chemical and tosses her up which she throws in his eyes. Toffee Cipher angered uses his reality power to make water fall on Luan transforming her into a mermaid  and she flops with Toffee intending to kill Luan for that, Harrison stops this and heat up Luan to turn her back.

Toffee Cipher uses a entrapping Bubble to trap Marcy to get Luan alongside the robot, the masked man, the anti fairy and the scientist to save Marcy Wu so he can kill them. Andrias shows up and stalls Toffee Cipher and Toffee tries to feed Luan to the henchmaniacs alongside Bender, Marcy, Slade, Harrison and Anti Cosmo. Luan heads with Bender, Marcy and Anti Cosmo to find Toffee again as Slade and Harrison are saved by Jesse.

Luan and Anti Cosmo both work to find a new way to the throne room as Marcy and Bender both  work to save Sid Chang from becoming a snack to Toffee's henchman. Luan and Anti Cosmo find a new way and they find Marcy, Sid and Bender to tell them how and Sid is aware of the throne room as well.

Luan, Anti Cosmo, Sid, Marcy, Bender, Slade, Harrison and Jesse all manage to finish the heist orginating between the others other than Sid and Jesse. They manage to complete the progress and they are informed of the demerge at Toffee and Bill and Luan joins the others in deciding to pursue Toffee

Luan with the help of the others manages to corner Toffee at the same times as Luz, Anne and Cricket do so. After some confusions and Marcy Wu states Luan and the others are with her. The 11 characters all join up to defeat Toffee and fight him off, despite the situtations being heavily disadvantaged against Toffee, Toffee still holds very well with his gauntlet he kept in case his merge was hindered.

Luan uses her trickery to get the jump on Toffee and with some encouragement from Marcy and Bender in regards to the hydrokientic powers, Luan eventually has some success with this and traps Toffee in water tentacles and while having some problems with control, She is held by Bender to make sure she doesn't lose focus and to protect her. The other 10 manage to kill off Toffee thanks to this move and Luan loses control of this and the water comes down, and she turns into a mermaid as the others evacuate at Wile E and Harrison's explosives go after

Luan gets her footing thanks to Luz helping her with this and she puts her swimming to good use with the water filling up and gets Marcy and Bender with Slade's help who are trying to stop Castiel and Rick from safricing themselves stated that this is what they want to do and they can't convince them other wise.

Drying up and turning back into a girl, Cleo Subprime hands her the potion that Wile E and Lisa made to stablize the moon spell and it works as she turns into a mermaid and back with will power alone. Luan is singled out for King Andiras for saving Newtopia with Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison Wells and obivously Marcy.

Luan decides she wants to keep any powers she may have discovered and thinks about keeping this a secret between her and the others around. Bender of all people shows displeasure for this as he tells her that what he has done, and has harmed him a couple of times. She is told do as he says, but not as he does as Bender subtly wants Luan to be better than himself. Luan finds out the truth of Cleo Subprime being a mermaid royalty and finds out Bender renamed his P.I Business to have both of their names be on the busy to show how proud Bender is Luan, touching her.

Multiversal Noir[]

Luan joins Bender and Anti Cosmo on their investigation for Lizbeth as Bender decides to investigate himself under his alias which he tried to convince Boomer, Dib and Bubbles to hire.


In Royal Woods, Luan is hanging with Cleo Subprime near the pond both testing their powers.  and tells Cleo that Bender and Anti Cosmo have been trying to call up to her. Cleo asks what is Anti Cosmo and Bender asking about, Luan states that they have another case and it's a missing person that Bender is familar with.

Bender and Anti Cosmo arrive and notice Cleo Subprime, Bender asks Cleo to assist in their case which she agrees to. Anti Cosmo asks where will all of them meet, Luan states that her house is off limits.

Cleo questions this which Bender explains that The Loud House has been really busy in part to Lincoln's new neighbor and the last time Bender and co hosted a get together there. Hero went nuts in regards to a soup or salad order. He also refers back to the time, Hero went hunting with Bender, Wile E and Bean and Hero straight masscared animals with a arensal of assault rifles, armor pierecing bullets and a Covenant Needler. Luan even adds Hero was on Bong Ripes on that occassion. Luan also did suspect as well that Lisa let too many people into her bomb shelter referring to when Slade's army, Yuman and Bender's associates all being there.

Luan offers to call Hero and Wile E to help with the case and asks if they just recruit President Wilson's Help. Bender explains to Anti Cosmo and Cleo that he also does work for President Deathstroke Wilson who ran for poltics to run the multiverse after using the spear of destiny and defeating Thawne.

Luan calls up Wile E and Hero and tells them (Titantius) needs them for a new case and they will meet up at either the Drawn Together home or Luci's Inferno. Bender, Cleo and Anti Cosmo head to Dreamland to go get Bean to assist in their case.

Chapter 1[]

Luan joins Bender  and his friends at the Drawn Together home and is warned of the messed up things Hero does by both Bender and Princess Bean. Bender and Anti Cosmo present the Lizbeth case and they discuss her trip to London with the V Crusaders, and their history with her. When Bender proposes to his team about the alternate multiverse theory they could go for to find Lizbeth as maybe that's what happened. While Cleo, Bean and Hero think he's nuts to varying extents, Luan ponders this plan to herself in this could really work out and states if Bender was able to do this with time, it's possible.

Wile E and Bender decide to go see President Deathstroke and Luan goes with them to discuss this. Deathstroke has the same idea concidentaly about the plausbility of Bender' s plot. Luan, Bender and Wile E conivnce Deathstroke to help them and they decide to head to Halverston and Area where both Milo and Lizbeth lived.

Luan learns about Milo Powell and Lizbeth Zaragoza's history in Halverston and Area where they worked to help little kids and did so until Milo's folks moved and Lizbeth took the duty herself with the help of Pinky and The Brain. After what happened, Luan learned from Lincoln that Lydil Red was actually involved there and Bender asks about Lydil Red. Luan explains that Lydil Red is a 11 year old masked vilgante girl who recently appeared on the scene as a super heroine.

The comedian shows Bender a news paper article of Lydil Red being cosidered a criminal, a vilgante, a public menace as Luan states she's a mixed figure not for competency or scruples but more for being a pre teen and Luan shows Bender the writer was Nolan Grayson. Bender asks Luan about her powers, and Luan reveals she doesn't have them anymore the stablizer worked too well from Lisa and Wile E and when Anti Cosmo and Bender picked her up it was the last time she had to use them.

Upon meeting Hilda and Bender being recultant to help her, Luan convinced Bender to help the blue haired british girl and Hilda recongizes Luan as Lincoln's comedian loving bigger sister and Luan recongizes her as her little brother's pen pal. Luan and Bender both learn that Hilda crushes on Lincoln and Bender jokes about despite being a white haired, dorky, chipped tooth and average kid he has a lot of harlem and Luan states Ronnie Anne told her of 4 other girls who grew to love her little brother and how Leni's Beverly Hills friend fell for him too.  Luan states that Lincoln only really has eyes for one of the girls according to  Ronnie

With everyone on the plan, Luan joins Bender ,Anti Cosmo and Hilda to go to Halverston and Area though Toffee's remaints of the Separtian Army to hinder them for a time before getting away. Upon arrival Luan heads to the Powell House with the others and help Deathstroke create the dimensional traveling  machine.

Upon Completion, Luan alongside Bender, Anti Cosmo, Wile E, Hilda, Captain Hero, Bean and Cleo Subprime prepare for their 1st journey through the multiverses.

Chapter 2[]

Luan arrives in a multiverse where everything is a Western world and just like Bender, she puts on a cowboy costume and follow Wile E to where this multiverse Lizbeth resides.

Bender, Captain Hero, Anti Cosmo and Bean go to a saloon to try the alcohol leaving Luan, Hilda, Cleo and Wile E to investigate the area. Some outlaws harass some of the folks and Luan with Hilda isn't thrilled about this so Hilda grabs a rope and basically catches an outlaw by the horse with Luan throwing horse shoes at him and making jokes about this. More Outlaws show up and start chasing Luan and Hilda and even try to shoot the two which Luan responds they can't take a joke and Hilda points out how nuts they're acting over roping an outlaw.

Luan and Hilda both try to figure out to lose them until Luan has an idea and tells Hilda to hand her a banana. Hilda asks if she's using a banana gun which Luan does laugh at but she means she's throwing a banana peel which ends up causing a few horses to trip and Hilda gets it.

Hilda asks for some of Luan's prankster tools and takes the extending boxing glove to hit a few more when the final out law manages to avoid this and Wile E who watched this hands Hilda and Luan ACME Little Giant - Giant Fire Crackers to spook the outlaw off the horse and Luan takes advantage of this and ties up the head outlaw as Cleo brings the other outlaws to the sheriff with Wile E and Hilda who looks like a 11 year old redhair with girlish pigtails thanking them for their work


This is when the 4 meet back with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Bean and Hero and Bender asks where Lizbeth and she points to that house. Wile E hands Bender the DNA Tracker as he chases a roadrunner with Luan laughing classic Wile E. The crew find Lizbeth but learn her name is Lizbeth Mattie who was a young girl who got herself into guns and business as well as her unlady like business who captured and took revenge on the man who killed her father and best friend with the help of two allies who are implied to be the Western Versions of Skipper and Bender but she lost her right arm to a rattle snake bite and it had to be amputated.

Luan asks if this is their Lizbeth which she denies but Luan tells Lizbeth Mattie why She, Bender, Anti Cosmo and the others are here regarding what happened and Bender's suspicions. Lizbeth Mattie tells Luan of her views that if something like that happened in their multiverse then it did happen here and maybe if it happened to another like her, maybe she managed to return or someone else felt it.

Luan and Anti Cosmo both know Bender's real feeling when he tries to dodge that he loves Lizbeth albeit not like Boomer or Starfire for each other respectively. After returning to the multiverse, Luan asks Wile E did he succeed at catching the Roadrunner, WIle E mentions he almost did but The Coyote Kid tried to catch the Roadrunnner who he stopped and surpingsly joined forces with The Roadrunner to bring them in before letting him go. Wile E even admits it was weird but felt sportingly.

Chapter 3[]

Luan is brought in with Anti Cosmo and Hilda to investigate the next multiverse with Wile E and Bender who were talking about their plan and Luan questions why just them and learns from Wile E that he would perfer that they work on it due to their compatabile teamwork among each other.

Upon their arrival to this multiverse, Luan discovers that it's a timeline in the multiversal infused with classic horror movie elements and she asks for a way to blend it. She decides on her Frankstein outfit will do the trick and wears to the confusion of the others. This is when the 5 see a teenaged young woman vampire hunter pass them in pursuit for something which Wile E confirms is Lizbeth which has Luan ask Bender wasn't she smaller than that to her knowledge.

Luan, Bender, Anti Cosmo, HIlda and Wile all catch up with her, but Lizbeth there  doesn't recongize them and asks them are they good or bad which Luan clarfies with Bender she's good. Teenaged Vampire hunter Lizbeth tells the five of her quest that she is undergoing to help her people and requests the help of the 5 man band if they really are good like Luan said they are. Luan accepts with the others and they all go on their investigation.

The 6 who go through a village, a clock tower of death, a mad forest, a murky marsh, a haunted ship of fools a cave and it's catacombs, a cursed tower, a moat bridge of peril, an abadoned mine and eventually the castle courtyard leading to the halls and a clock tower which are full of classic monsters and true forces of evil such as Skull Knights, Giant Bats, Frankstein's monsters, Bone Dragons, Evil Flames, Cyclops, Water Serpents and Mummies evenutally going against Dracula himself who they take out together.

After their success in this job, Teenage Vampire Hunter Lizbeth thanks the five for their work, Luan and Bender both bring up Weirdmagedon as does Anti Cosmo. She explains to the trio that Weirdmagedon in this timeline is a prediction at the hand of the mayans something that will happen in a couple of years and that she will be ready for it. Luan wonders why and she explains that she hasn't aged physically since she was 15 years old and she's 17 right now due to some kind of magic or socery reffering to the gilyph on her back. Luan, Hilda, Wile E  Bender and Anti Cosmo are told they will meet again at some point if they can do this again.


Luan with Bender, Wile E, Hilda and Anti Cosmo return to their multiverse and Separtians have indeed found them and she, Bender and the others meet their leader Ratiskor who is attempting to avenge Toffee's death at their hands. Everyone gets into an engagement with the massive army Ratiskor brought with big setbacks on Ratiskor's hand though they manage to damage the machine before they leave

Deathstroke decides to have the machine repaired but lets Bender and co do their own thing after Bender brings in Mrs. Taruantla to assist in repairing and hacking the materials. Luan suggests Los Pollos Hermanos Chicken to them as they head off to have Fried Chicken and to show Hilda the delicay of it as Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo have all at before and loved it.

They  meet with Gus Fring, who's an assoicate of Deathstroke and the team has a sitaution which Gus agrees to meet after hours. With Deathstroke there too, they reveal their issue to Gus about the multiversal dimension machine and the Separtians. Gus offers a solution to take it to his chicken farm which everyone follows Fring to.

As the others set in to do their repairs, Luan, Bean, Bender, Cleo and Hilda basically feed the chickens as they wait with Wile E, Hero and Anti Cosmo all come to get them with Deathstroke's forces.

Not taking risks, Luan and the others all show up in the multiverse, one according to the scientists and Wile E took place after Weirdmagedon. As everyone looks around, Bender gets the feeling this would have happened if he and his friends failed to stop Weirdmagedon and all.  They continue to look around and they are in front of a cemertry which is for the M.O.D.A.B teammates and they find Lizbeth who states that they all gave their lives to stop Weirdmagedon and defeat Bill and Toffee. Luan states so this is the timeline that would happen if they died doing so.

Bender asks Fallout Lizbeth what happened and learns that Bill Cipher and Toffee were the causes of this too in this timeline, the difference is that nearly her whole team gave their lives to save Toffee and Bill and for the most part she is alone now. She suriived but at what cost to see a new world be built and she reveals she stopped them too.

They decide to leave afterwards on their clues to find a new multiverse that existed after Weirdmagedon. Luan and Bender both engage in a meeting with their friends about what the trio saw and they are put in a corner thanks to Phantom Blot revealng their encounter with them.

Chapter 4[]

The 9 of them all find themselves into a comic book like world  where everyone is either a super hero or a super villain. Bender, Hero, Wile E and Luan all blend in nicely as a result and decide to use the opporunity to investigate who Lizbeth's super hero alias to find her

Luan tries to  feed Webs some  insects, she is then bitten by Webs by Accident as she takes them. Bender calls Webs out on this and Webs apologizes about biting Luan, and Luan  seems okay with it.

Luan, Anti Cosmo and Bender all agree to look into it and Anti Cosmo decides to get a location on her with Webs coming with him.

Captain Hero convinces the team to go around and do true heroics, Bender asks what kind does he have in mind. Hero states that any will do as long as they blend in to this  world. Bender begin actively chasing down and killing criminals with his plasma rifle and then with Luan who helps him with tying up gangsters  though Luan isn't feeling to well due to Webs biting her by accident which Bender asks if she is fine.

Bender and Luan look into another portal that randomly opened up and they find a robot war with humans being exterminated and the machines won't stop until everyone is dead. Bender and Luan both quickingly leave as a result as Bender is unsettlled by the vicious crulety despite his own "kill all humans' thing which Luan herself asks Bender who he be on board. Bender tells Luan that he would rather do it quick and amiably rather than emotionless and slowly.

Luan and Bender both enter another one by accident and both are slimed by Nick Slime which is the Nick Multiverse. The two then travel different multiverses randomly a film noir one, then one that's frozen over and then one where everyone is british and then they pop back in the hero verse  and the two question what the hell happened and Luan states that something too random like multiversal hopping within a multiverse.

Anti Cosmo and Webs both call Bender and Luan as they have found out where the Lizbeth of this one here.

Them and Bean both arrive and this is when Bender wonders where is Wile E, Hero, Hilda and Cleo and this is when Wile E and Cleo emerge out of a portal and Luan is quick to notice how sad Cleo when saying that and wonders how she will get around leaving her family. Bender has an idea but they'll talk later. Luan ponders and asks Cleo if she would stay anywhere where and Cleo answers a beach house is something she would like if possible. Luan keeps this aside to herself.

Wile E figures out where to find Lizbeth and takes the team with him to the lair of the Kid group with Lizbeth and Anti Cosmo confirms his appointment and Luan joins Anti Cosmo and Bender and they asks their question on Weirdmagedon

This Lizbeth knows exactly what happened with Weirdmagedon and reveals that the ones who disappeared and were sucked into the interdimensional hole did return. Luan, Bender and Anti Cosmo all believe it must be from where it all began which is what  this Lizbeth was hinting to the three.

Luan and Bender both find themselves in communciation with Starfire and Skipper about what she and Bender know. Bender and Luan state what they do to help them and the other two find out Bender's secret but decide to keep it between them. Upon learning of Dib and Boomer's info, Luan offers to go with Bender but he has Anti Cosmo come with him as Luan may not be on top of her game if she is still reeling from the bite.

Chapter 5[]

Luan with Bender and Anti Cosmo arrange their get away vechile to London as they tell Deathstroke of what they found out. Gus however informs them of the arrival of the Septraians and Ratiskor's arrival

Ratiskor and the Septraians are here to lash out against the team for Marcy, Tom and Jessie's destruction of Ratiskor's machine. Luan realizes that Anti Cosmo and Bender's need is more important than her own and works with Bean to stall Ratiskor so the other two can get to vechile where Guzma and Gus's men are waiting.

Luan then takes on the Septarians with the others that are in the way of the team. Things get complicated when Luan starts getting her hands stuck to the monsters randomly like she's sticky all of a sudden. This causes the monsters pain as Luan tries to unstick herself as she eventually manages to unstick herself.

The Septarians consider Luan a freak which has Luan think to herself about this. Webs though did manage to notice this unlike the others.

After Anti Cosmo and Bender find out about Ciel and Lizbeth being indeed gone and most liekly dead. Luan with Captain Hero and Wile E arrive with Hilda in tow for Bender and Anti Cosmo to join them in bringing her home. Luan with the others extends an opporunity for Hilda to join their P.I Team as Bender hands Hilda a bag of money for a job well done.


Bender arrives at the memorial speech for Luan and Anti Cosmo to come with him to support him in this event. When it' s his turn, Bender tells the public of the admiration he has for her and respect for her. While not as close to her as Boomer or Milo, he still felt close to her despite them showing  virtol. Anti Cosmo and Luan both talk about Luan having sticky hands in caramel which she states she hasn't touched it for a prank since pranking Elfo.

Luan and Anti Cosmo are talked to by Heloise who they tell that Their co-operation with the representative of the empire that got in contact with Bender was because they needed someone to investigate and Bender was who. Heloise states that she knew his private detective would get him some attention and mentions the president and Luan confirms he knows now as well.

Luan discusses with Bender, Starfire Skipper , Heloise and Anti Cosmo about their way to handle Lizbeth and Ciel's death themeselves.

Luan joins Anti Cosmo and Bender heading to Luci's Inferno to get a drink for the latter 2. Slade, Marcy Wu and Harrison enter Luci's inferno to see the three. The Six discuss their situations involved in their adventues and Bender ends up shocking Harrison with experimenting with alternate mutliverses which he gets scolded for.  Luan tells Marcy about that they just came back from a funeral and that Bender isn't exactly happy as this failure was something devasting.

As Bender speeches about he, Anti Cosmo and Luan tried everything and couldn't find her in time and this is when he realizes to his fury. Bender may have had the investigation and mystery figured out the whole  time and is upset for doing so in that Lizbeth could be alive. He is told by Slade that Time has been blocked out apart from manatory travels and if he wants her bad he must go at it another way.

Marcy offers a chance to hang out with her for a night which she offers Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo to calm down in the case of Bender which she accepts.

The Prankster Point Paradox[]

Luan finds herself still reeling from Webs's bite as she is now wearing gloves to make things simple as Luan has being sticking to everything and  she learns what is happening to her as she has stuck to everything ever since. Luan learns this before meeting back up with the rest of the gang for their faceoff with the Pranks a Lot Gang led by The Prankster and the Pranks A Lot Mob

Luan alongside Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry Wells is one of the 4 deuteragonists of the story


Luan is back at school and she is still going through the misfortune of sticking to everything her hands touched, She finds herself having to wear gloves.This causes trouble for her and then a web gets shot out of her own wrist. Luan runs outside as she cannot comprehend how she did such a thing. This leads into her grabbing the bully's hand with little effort and  tightens her grip stating she has no interest in fighting.

Luan jumps out of the way and the bully hits a locker and everyone calls Luan a freak. Luan runs outside the school with Benny following asking how she did that. Luan tells Benny she doesn't know it just came and she asks did he see that web that shot out of her own wrist. Benny says he didn't see it and asks Luan what's going on.

Luan checks her hand where she was bitten by Mrs.Taruntla and while the bite closed off and saw a spider on a web. Benny figures that maybe it had to with the spider bite. Luan agrees and thinks about the sticky hands and she puts them on a wall and then realizes she can climb walls and does so up a buliding. Benny and Luan are both confused about this.

Luan on the roof begins running on the them and begins jumping across buldings a.la parkour. Benny tells her to take it easy, Luan states that it's quite remarkable and wants to try something.

Luan decides to make another jump and tries to shoot web but itsn't working as Benny worries. Luan manages to get it on time and swings down like Geroge of the Jungle. Benny tells Luan not to worry him like that. Luan apologizes as she was trying to get a hang of it and that they're home

Luan is lacking breath thanks to the andrealine and goes to take a bath in regards to the sweat she has on her forehead due to parkour like jumping she did.  Afterwards, she gets a new pair of her usually quirky clothes and notcies in the mirror that she's a little more broader than she usually is.

Luan is called by Benny who states Bender and an girl dressed like a Dungeons and Dragons character have come to visit her. Luan states she's coming, she observes she is still normal looking but does have evident physical strength. Luan states that yeah she can hide it  from her sisters.

Luan meets back with Benny who is with Bender, Ronnie, Marcy and Cricket and Luan tells them about what happened. Bender states that Webs’s bite must be like a Spiderman thing. Benny points out that she nearly got splattered over it. Luan states it was a test run and asks what is Bender, Marcy Wu and Ronnie Anne doing here.

Cricket tells Luan now that he is propely introduced to her, about the story regarding Ronnie Anne, himself, Bender, Marcy Wu, Chip Whistler and Marcy’s friends. Luan asks if Chip is still mad about the poop in the urinal, Bender states he still is. Luan mocks Chip for being childish and Marcy states that they’re here to get working with them in this case of Chip and his employers

Luan once again tries to state she has school, though Benny urges her to go as Luan’s incidient with those spider man like powers might be more trouble if she keeps going to school in this case and that taking some time could work for her and he’ll get her homework. Luan thanks Benny and kisses him on the check.

Leaving with Bender, Cricket, Ronnie and Marcy. Luan goes to get the others to join the team, as soon as she learns of how Celes and Cleo’s changes in looks, powers and outlooks. Luan has a question asking Bender is getting better about the changes in his life since The Spear of Destiny’s events. Bender states he’s getting a little better but he is struggling.

Having an audience with King Andrias on Olivia’s report, Luan learns about Andrias’s propsition regarding Marcy Wu and Bender’s situations and it involves the Calamity Box for the team to power up with the 3 stones. Luan discusses the propsition with  Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry discussing Andiras’s propsition and she gets Bender to agree due to how much the Lizbeth case messed him up like Marcy does.

As they leave, General Yuman brings them Sasha and Grime who she found. Luan again tries to jump head first to attack Sasha and Grime with her spider powers as she perceieves the duo wants revenge on Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade and Marcy Wu. Despite this, Luan does come around quicker that the two want to help them with Chip and his employers.

Learning of the Prankster and The Pranks A lot Mob, Luan states that Sasha and Grime may be able to help them with this situation and the Lizbeth situation as she urges Bender to explain this. This works as Sasha has the ability to relate to this though she does take time to tell Luan that her prank on Chip was funny.

Chapter 1[]

As the Team waits for their jet plane to arrive, Luan thinks to herself about these spider powers and how to handle them. After some consideration she goes to G-lo for advice, even though Bender, Cleo and Anti Cosmo do state she did have water powers albeit temporary, this one proably is permanent. G-Lo being the nice girl she is offers to help her understand and use them.

G-LO states that she can't remember how she got her own powers but she eventually became skilled with them to be a heroine herself. At least Luan knows how she got them, which Bender and Marcy agree with. As they board the plane Malcolm Merlyn got for them, everyone sets off for Big City

All of a sudden, something tingles in Luan and she notices something and it turns out snakes on the plane and she works with the team to try and figure it out. Not wanting to expose her secret, she works with Bender to investigate this as they go around capturing or killing them.

She convinces Bender to capture one and she checks the snake and realizes they were laced with something which caused this. Luan then notices that G-Lo is storing snakes away in cages she is using her body to make, After this, G-Lo tells Luan that is how her powers are used. Luan tells her she somehow detected their presence on here, it's like she had a sense. G-LO calls it a  spidey sense which gets a disapproving look from Harrison who asks does she want to be sued.

Upon arriving, Luan goes with Anti Cosmo, Amity and G-Lo to Whole Sales to buy some supplies for the trips and Luan keep pressing Amity about her reaction to the snakes which Amity keeps dodging not wanting to answer. However they're not the only ones there as Chip's hired criminals Bash, Bella as well as Odalia and Alador are there and that Odalia set a trap with Chip Whistler for them

As Amity and AC deal with Odalia, Luan and G-LO finds themselves face to Bella and Bash. The Eloganted heroine tries to consort Luan about using her spider powers as she is freezing up a bit. She has been in these situations with Bender and his detective agency but in this case she is starring down 2  armed criminals herself and without any fighting or combat experience. As G-Lo deals with them while protecting other innocents, she gets through to Luan to focus and use those webs for ensaring the criminals. Luan thinks back to her trek across Royal Woods with the webs and shoots out rapid shots of web on the floor which is considered amateurish

Unitl she actually ensares them in the next web she slings and takes away their arms. To her suprise she breaks the guns in half with simple force before leaving with the others. Luan and Anti Cosmo then are vented to by Amity about how much she hates her mother.

G-Lo notices Luan kept one of the snakes and asks about it. Luan explains that the source of what laced the snakes could be found here and they can do some work on that, as they suspect some kind of gas did so.

Chapter 2[]

Getting  back Together with the  rest of the gang, Luan and the team decide to get a hotel and rooms despite Cricket mentioning that it's hard to get so many rooms for them all. Luan knows that Bender has an idea and has a hotel contact which he uses. As Bender pays up Charlie for the 6 rooms, Luan strikes up a talk about how things are with her and Luan tells her about the spider bite and having webs shoot out of her wrists and etc. Harry tells Luan that he was intending to find out this all happened, Luan mentions that Webs bit her by accident that's proably the cause and why does Harry takes this seriously. Harrison mentions he needs to see the effects of it and what it means.

In the Hotel room, Luan talks with Anti Cosmo, Bender and Slade about what Marcy and the robot found out at the Remington Manison which was a clue that takes them to their next location before reaching the temple.  She tells them as well as of her 1st real shot at being the Spider Girl or what ever she called it. This gets a rolled eye from Slade in turn with Bender listening observely. She and Anti Cosmo think how it's possible that those connections were managed to made by The Prankster

Marcy and Libby come in with a video contact from Andrias they got from Yuman and Olivia and Andrias reveals to the 6 about Captain Putty's attempt to break in to the vault and how the king found putty on the floor.  Luan, Libby, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo think someone was trying to uncover info on them for the mob after hearing of Andrias and unknown to them Putty's attempt to find out stuff on this. Luan though has her own suspcion that The Prankster didn't need a file to know who Bender is, though questions why use BIll Green.

Luan is told that Harrison has gotten his results done by Slade who seeks her and Bender has an audience to tell his findings to.

Bender, Luan and Marcy all come to him and ask what did Harry find out from the sample and Harrison tells them that the bite that bit Luan was mutated spider venom. Bender and Luan both point that Webs is A Tarauntla, not a spider. Marcy states that it's still a spider and Harry asks for Bender and Luan not to intterupt him.

Harrison explains that the mutated spider venom bite  has resulted in Luan's whole organic strucutre being altered  by a mutamegnic cerebellum wide alterration. As Harrison explains and as Bender and Marcy show, Luan shows the spider sense, the usual enhanced strength, stamina, endurance, speed, agility, equillbrium, reflexes and healing factor all the while being able to crawl walls, shoot webs out of her hands that are adhesive and having a sense of night vision. This is all tested with the others showing by demsonstartion

Adhesive of all these changes, Luan doesn't how she is going to hide all this and how to get them all out of control. The three do state that G-Lo is trying to help in this regard to help her much like Cleo and her own multiversal hopping powers.

Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison, Wile E, Ronnie Anne, G-Lo, Libby, Tom, Grime and Sasha all discuss their situation. Discussing the research Harrison did with the mutant spider venom, The Calamity Box, and what is being suspected about the Prankster. It becomes obvious that there must be a good way to get close to The Mob without Prankster knowing it becaues of what King Andrias state that The Prankster might have knowledge on Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Wile E, Ronnie Anne, Cricket, Cleo, Sasha and Grime as The Prankster couldn't have been aware of the others.

Bender gets out a massive phone book and hands it to Marcy to find a good investigator to get one over The Prankster who may know him stating it's her call.

The next morning, Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harry pay their bill and Charlie asks to stay in contact and they'll set up their stops at any place they need. Luan has a costume in her hand and Harry asks about the costume, and Luan said she stitched it up with G-LO last night and that she can take the streets as Spider Girl, Harry states already tooken then how about Spider Luan, Harrison states too egostic. Which Bender and Anti Cosmo both get a laugh at while Slade gives Harrison a look. Luan then states the Archarind Teen, Harrison states okay it'll work.

A train pulls up in front of the six of them as the rest of the team catch up with Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harry. This is when King Andiras gets out of the train and told them that he came  personally to pick up the team and they'll be on their way to Mafia Town which is what Marcy, Bender, Wile E and Harrison found where were to go next.

Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Celes, Grime, Wile E, Cleo and G-Lo all do their own things and this is when Merlyn and Libby warn them and the others that The Millers are on to them. The Group reaches their destinsation and King Andrias drops them off wishing them good luck with their mission as he does his own thing.

Bender, Luan, Tom, Amity and Libby all go into a group to go and investigate and it becomes very obvious that the Mafia has basically taken over town. Libby tries to call the cops, but learns that the cops were tide up, and had their guns, uniforms and tasers stolen and then hear "fry piggy".

Luan and Tom both are quick some of the mob cornering them and the 5 of them end up getting into a fight with them as F.O.W.L. Members, Mafia of Cooks, Bella, Bash and The Don Bot all corner them. Despite being outnumbered, Luan uses her spider man powers to stick them in place

Tom drives them considering that yes, this is what those spies had in mind to corner them and Libby states then why hasn't anything been done about that. This is when the car crashes and Captain Putty shows with Sunlock and Airlock. Putty manages to get the better of Bender, Luan, Amity and Libby and has Airlock capture them and bring them to The Prankster while Tom decides to play along as a captive

The Prankster shushes out Putty and Airlock and greets Bender, Luan, Amity, Tom and Libby. The Prankster reveals she know who Bender is, his real name and she had the others out of the room. Bender angrily states will she turn him in. The Prankster reveals that she won't, it's confidental and had no intent to turn him in. Luan questions her after The Prankster makes a joke at Bender and The Prankster seems a bit suprised to see that Luan is around and appreciates a comedian.

The Prankster  decides to explain her intentions by song, Robot Hell while kicking Bender aroudn forcing Luan, Tom, Amity and Libby are forced to contirbute to the song as a result. She does admit it's for showmanship and explains her real reason that Prankster wants something Luan and Bender would know about. Luan and Bender talk about this to each other and realize she knows what they did.

Tom decides to pull a spring and get away getting everyone out and this works. Bender, Luan, Libby, Tom and Amity decide to all flee and The Prankster tells her men to catch him and Odalia decides to kill Bender, Which The Prankster refuses she needs him and Bender will figure out what she needs from him because only he and his friends can figure this out.

Captain Putty manages to trap them on a few ocassions and pins them down with his abilites, though each character has a chance at getting the others out of danger. The 5 are all stuck as Prankster is revealed to have anticapted this. Though Bender does put a call to the Greens and knowing Nancy and Alice they both hit the other crooks and they drive them off telling them that they told him they would come in handy. They all discuss the situation as they meet back up with the crew

Luan and Celes both show suspcision about Cleo as she can't lift her arms right after sending Merlyn through the portal and with Andrias's help they get her to focus to make a succesful portal and Luan gets her powers ready to get the others safe from the fall, deciding to go in last of the team.

Chapter 3[]

A Portal randomly opens and this is where Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Luan, Wile E, Ronnie , Cricket, Sasha, Grime, Libby, Tom, Amity, Scrooge, Celes and G-Lo emerge out and it's among a ocean of water.

Luan is trying to get a glimpse of her spider powers other than the usual, she does crush a lemon in one hand suprising herself with her strength. Luan states as weird as this is all is, it's nice to have some evident muscle.

Libby, Celes and Grime both seem to recongize this and feel that she needs to learn how to use her powers. Luan states she made webs and that she can stick to building and can swing. Celes states, Luan needs to learn control of these power apart from that and Libby points out that Harrison and Bender were only able to find so much and that there is more to figure out. Luan asked Libby how much more does Harry need to know. Celes states that Harrison wants to see what's she capable of it when it comes to knowing.

Grime crushes a keg on his head he was drinking and plants it there telling her to see how that would works. Luan adds G-Lo could do that, though G-Lo states she is busy being the boat. Grime takes the kegs he drunk and puts them out there telling Luan to focus her shoots and to drag them over to her. Libby and Celes both sit as Libby takes notes and Celes observes although she watches while thinking what's going on with Cleo

Luan is merely just average as she is doing just on instinct, Grime advises her to not feel when using her powers and to think. Luan does better afterwards as a result, as she start using to her head. Grime is pleased and tells her to aim for the phone he took from Sasha, he tells Luan that it won't mess up her phone and Luan does just that.

The Team manages to arrive to Loch Loud as G-LO reshapes herself after they arrival on the shore. Marcy, Luan, Slade, Harrison, Cricket, Tom and Amity take the lead with the rest behind as they are unfamiliar with the territory.

Marcy, Luan, Cricket and Amity as they follow Lady Olivia talk among themselves how Loch Loud has changed since they were there. Luan espeically as she wasn't around to deal with Morag, Marcy states that Morag did do some real damage and that they are still working to repair the damage did by her and her allies but it's won't take as much time due to Team Free Will's help as the sacred grounds were part of Loud Family legacy.

Harrison, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo all decide that they have to  check on something.

Luan and Celes know what they're talking about, Celes states didn't they need to keep it secret, Luan tells Celes it's a personal matter for them and she did help in this regard. Celes says does Anti Cosmo and Slade really want to reopen what happened and asks Luan if Bender is just as willing. Luan says that Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade have been pretty open about the past and well Harrison had a hand as well. Celes asks does the others know and by the others he means Slade's other army members and Bender's other friends. Luan states the two did in almost all the major details.

Marcy, Luan, Wile E, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, G-Lo, Celes, Sasha, Grime, Scrooge, Tom, Amity and Libby are all visited by King Andiras, Yuman, Olivia and Cleo as They found Cleo and upon being asked where she was. Cleo just states she was just in another ocean and had to see her queen.

Marcy, Luan and Wile E are curious on this and Cleo just states that her ruler isn't too long for this world, is looking for a heir and Cleo herself is among the top candiates but she was considered not reponsible. Cricket agrees with this assessment as does the other 3. Marcy states that King Andiras is a goofball but actually does have some reponsibility.

Angus overhears this and decides to maybe talk to her about this herself. Celes stop this and tells them there a huge electric manta on the run here and it's coming to the castle.

They all look as it comes at at them and the team learns that they can't touch after Yuman attempts to attack it and get shocked, Olivia comes to her side and the smarties make an observation that Yuman faked to get it.

Cleo focuses and uses her powers which does actually cause it pain as Wile E predicts though he does warn her to keep it away from any water as it will be conducted like her own powers. Cleo does listen and uses her water powers further and moves back as the Manta is coming closer. Celes and Tom decide to give her a hand by using their ice and fire powers respectively in tangem. Celes, Tom and Cleo all manage to soak the electric manta.

It breaks the manta into small mantas, which Luan, G-Lo, Amity, Wile E, Tom, Cleo, Marcy, King Andiras and Celes all go after them. Olivia warns her king this is dangerous, and Andiras states despite the fact the fact they stil have electric powers, he'll be able to deal with this taking out his flaming sword.

The Small Mantas are doused by Cleo, Tom, Amity and Celes as Tom and Amity are using fire spells to melt Celes Ice and Cleo is using her own water powers to keep up the effort on them.

Luan and Marcy are use their arrows and spider webs respecitvely to tag team the ones they're after and G-Lo provides cover for him, taking a few shocks from them though unlike Yuman she has more resistance to them.

King Andiras congaruates the rest of the team for their work and asks where Anglesmith, Harry, Slade and Anti Cosmo are and Luan tells him that had something to do. King Andiras states well have them see him when they get back as he decides he wants to see the rebuild town and asks for Olivia and Yuman to come with him. Luan and Wile E ask Marcy how did a guy like him be king with Wile E referring to a overgrown manchild, Marcy states he's been ruling Amphibia for  a long time.

Marcy asks where did the 4 actually go and Luan is recultant to tell her as is Celes. But Marcy states that she cares about Anti Cosmo, Slade, Bender and Harry Wells and wants to know what's going on. Luan and Celes agree to tell her some of the details

Bender, Harry, Anti Cosmo and Slade all manage to return to Loch Loud to the rest of the team's relief. Luan and Marcy ask how did it all go, Deductive as ever, Harrison asks did Luan tell Marcy about what happened. Luan confrims this and Harry states it was between Luan, Celes and the 4 of them and she breached it. Luan tells Harry that Marcy cares about them and wants to know what happened and she only gave foot notes. Celes states that she approved it, Harrison backs off realizing that Marcy is part of their family to an extent and that it's for the best. Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender all admit it was tough to deal with it and that The Greens, Charlie and XR helped.

Angus comes to Marcy Wu, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry, Libby, Celes and Cricket asking them are they ready for their tour and Marcy states of course. Agnus proceeds to show everyone the town and city explaining to the team what happened since the Mclaughins invasion

He also makes an effort to show them the temples as well that The Loud Ancestry worked on and their efforts of being rebuild slowly but surely revealig that the Infinity Stones were stolen by Morag's ally Raiskor who Anti Cosmo, Luan and Bender realize that was who Toffee's ally was working for.

Slade, Scrooge and Luan all decide to pal up into the 2nd of the portals and this lands them in front of a temple which is guarded by Zombies and Skeletions. Combinng brutal force and cane fu this is dipsoed of quickily.

They pass a gate which is guarded by a hand which guards the way and isn't vulerable until is slams it's hand to the ground and glows blue. Slade nods to Luan to take action which she by blinding it with spider web shots and then decking it three times to open the gate.

Scrooge senses treasure and decides to go puruse it by going through a tricky platform situation and then gets another piece of treasure beyond a trap door. Slade rolls his eye at Scrooge's need for treasure

This is where the three enter the manor like temple and cross their way through a floaty box like sturucture while climbing up and at the top is another jewel Scrooge gets for himself.

Gem Creatures surround them trying to take them down, Luan and Scrooge go after the smaller Gem Creatures and Slade procceeds to take on the leader and destorys the Creature by using Luan and Scrooge's attempts at hurting the Gem Creature's smaller minions.

Heading up more platforms, the three use the hight to continue their progress while Scrooge helps himself to another treasure chest. This comes to a head at an another puzzle which they procceed to solve rather quickingly.

There is yet another hand guarded gate which the three do what they did earlier and proceed onwards. The next room has a lot of blocks except there are spikes around this time. Luan and Slade both get around this simply enough, though Scrooge does lose some of his treasure due to missing a jump or two and taking the brunt of it.

After stopping Scrooge from taking his lost treasure, Slade, Luan and him head up to the stairs and nativate to another gate with another steel trapdoor. Being both careful and observant of their surrounding they enter it without triggering the trapdoor. Taking care of another gem demon in the way of another treasure chest Scrooge takes, the three head up to the balconines and takes care of an active lionhead trying to burn them all the while avoiding loose electric wires.

Heading through more doors, they find a chain which they take down to a lower area where there is a pool with another electric barrier, which they wait to have dropped.

After going through more puzzles and more traditional horror movie monsters throughout the temple manor. This is when Luan, Slade and Scrooge all find some king of Stone Hedge enterance to a room and enter it.

It turns it's a live active murderuous flying doll that swipes at them, dive bombs and shoots energy missles at them. Upon getting over the shock of such a thing exixtence the trio heads to fight it. Scrooge and Luan manage to stun the doll by getting in it's face and sommerasulting into it. Luan tries to use web it on it's feet and then twirl it, while capable, she does have a harder time actualyl keeping a hold of the cod web and does lose a grasp over it.

Slade and Scrooge both manage to note this with the former kicking a Pillar into the Doll as Luan loses grasp over it to still hurt it.

As the fight prolongs each of them do something to hurt it with Scrooge wacking things into it with his cane, Slade smashing debris into it to stun the doll and Luan trapping it with her web shots and climbing on top of it with the climbing ability and then grabbing it like a wild bull and dragging it around and slamming it into the wall to finally destory it.

Luan, Scrooge and Slade were all successful in getting a clue in the temple as they try to read it. In turn An Abomdination shows up and grabs Slade and pins him down. Luan and Scrooge prepare to fight off it when more of them appear in front of them. Odalia and Alador Blight arrive with Odalia grabbing Alador by the ear and states that it's nice to see Slade again

Slade glares at Odalia and states it wasn't enough to attack Anti Cosmo and Bender and now she wants him. Slade tells Odalia to leave the anti fairy and robot alone as it's just him she wants and to leave Luan and Scrooge alone

Odalia states she would rather do both and doesn't care they were accessories to her reptuation, she has an abonimation grab Luan and throw her in the ocean in a box. Shocking Alador and Scrooge that Odalia will be that cold. Odalia states if she can't kill Bender because The Prankster doesn't want her to, she'll just kill the kid to get revenge on the robot. Alador snarks that with that attiuide it's a real suprise Odalia cares about her reptuation, she glares at him causing him to go slient

Slade sees this as an opporunity to escape by blowing up the abomination and proceeds to fight off Odalia Blight.

Luan is trying to get out of the crate, she does manage to get out but she realizes how deep in the ocean she was thrown and she tries to swim out. Which she does, she focuses on shooting a web to get her out of the water. Scrooge knocks out Alador Blight with a whack of the head and  Slade Attacks the admoniations Odalia sends after him and Odalia gloats that even if he does escape, Odalia and her boss have already done something to that lovely wife of his.

Slade loses focus and asks what Odalia did to Celes, Scrooge tells him to focus and not listen to her. Luan attacks Odalia and spider webs her mouth and pins her down by restraining her arm to prevent another andomiation from coming out.

Slade decides to leave to see his wife and Scrooge and Luan have to come depsite the latter wanting to stop her right there and then. Odlaia tries to attack them but Alador recovering from consciousness tells her to just come along as it's not worth it.

Back at the Loch Loud Castle we have Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Sasha, Wile E, Libby, Scrooge, G-Lo and Angus as they study up on what they uncovered. They only have half from Bender and Marcy's side, Slade and Luan's side and Anti Cosmo and Libby's end.  Angus looks in the books himself telling them that those clues make no sense and states they are in a random order and that the other half will be needed from the others. Slade is seething over Odalia basically putting Celes in the hopsital and swears to gut her eye for it, Anti Cosmo reminds Slade about the last time a personal member of the crew was hurt or killed and that he needs to approach Odalia more level headed or risk her getting revenge on him. Slade states easy for him when he's never had a more personal foe like Bender or himself, and that Odalia is going after all of them. Anti Cosmo tells Slade that Harrison reported to him that Celes is alive, just temporary weakened.

Bender, Libby, Wile E, Sasha, Luan and G-Lo are all busy discussing their own sides. Bender and Libby both suspect  That The Prankster was just stalling them to get what she wants and that she is clearly running a bigger game than they realized. G-Lo, Luan and Sasha all curious of what he means, Bender explains that The Prankster is after the secret of multiversal travel in asome respect. Luan realizes that their actions back when hunting for Lizbeth may have had a hand in this and there is a proablility that those portals were being used for a test subject. Libby, Bender and Sasha agree with this idea. Sasha asks both Luan and Bender what have they been taking as that's a sheer ridculous theory even though she knows the Calamity Box.

Bender tells Sasha somehow he found a way to make it possible with the help of his employer and his associates though using a lot of unique techinolgy and 121 gigwatts of electricity. Sasha still in disbelief states that an crazy goal Prankster has. Luan and Bender both do refer her as a Joker fan girl so yeah it's crazy. G-Lo asked where did he even get that much power, Luan states Captain Hero was used a lighting rod for a bolt of lighting and he did it himself. Sasha rolls her eyes as that is batshit crazy of him to do.

Scrooge sees Bender, Luan, Marcy, Slade and Anti Cosmo who all waiting outside for Scrooge's pilot. Marcy and Bender both discuss that their undercover guys have indeed found something Deathstroke has been hiding, in that they are kids from an another multiverse here. Anti Cosmo is the most understanding of the three and asks how did this happen, Slade comments that both him and Bender played with Pandora's Box and are seeing consquences like Harry warned Bender and Anti Cosmo about, mentioning this is one of them. Luan adds if this did indeed occur, how would Cleo be able to arrive here she was here before Bender, Her and Anti Cosmo tried this.

Scrooge finally talks with the 5 and states that is his pilot right there, and that he also resides in Duckberg like he himself, He asks the 5 that have they or anyone else ben there other than Anti Cosmo and Bender. Luan, Slade and Marcy all shake their heads, Scrooge states then this will be new for them.

However it looks that the plane crashed into something on the way conerning Luan and Marcy.

Chapter 4[]

Scrooge calls everyone to get aboard of the plane. Bender, Marcy Wu, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Wile E Coyote, Cleo, Libby, Tom, G-LO and Sasha all show up. Launchpad was suprised to see how many people Mr. MD has brought on the quest with Celes, Grime and Amity rearing at the back

Luan is alternating between using spider powers and doing weight lifting and work outs to try and to adapt to her super human characterstics and spider powers that are continuing to make themself present.

Luan is alternating between using spider powers and doing weight lifting and work outs to try and to adapt to her super human characterstic and spider powers that are continuing to make themself present. G-Lo keeps her eye on this and encourages her to push harder and to keep her powers focused and in flux. Luan states she knows she can swing from webs, crawl on walls and many other things already, G-LO states a good heroine keeps herself well trained although considering how different metahuman bodies are, she could be wrong, she does place some blocks there for Luan to smack through as this is also a matter of strength

Luan is currently busy talking away with Benny about everything that has happened. She even does some showing off to him. Benny advises Luan to pretty much not make a show for herself and not use those powers in publich when she's her. Luan states he isn't Lincoln, but Benny does point out he is aware of the whole super hero thing and advises her in regards to her more superhuman abilities to not overdo it so people don't suspect her. Luan wants to meet up with him for some Burpin Burger afterwards, Benny states when she's done whereever she is and in a while.

At the Green Farms, Luan joins Bender, Tom and Marcy and goofs around with Bender and Marcy by making farm jokes. Tom questions the trio and

Bender and Luan both have their reasons, Luan states she's a comedian and Bender points he wants to ensure Luan can still be herself, not wanting to lose her cheerful demeanor.

Bender's true care and love for Luan is revealed as him trying to fill that hole that Thawne put him and Starfire through and how it was one of the few instances Bender has no control over as what the Lizbeth situation. Bender states he does everything he can get to give the comedian a future considering her huge family, working for the Presdient and doing crime. He admits he doesn't care if he lives or dies as long as Luan has what she needs and when he does decide go, he'll go happy doing everything he could.

All of the team head into the manor and Launchpad informs them about Scrooge's nephews being impriosoned and to go safe them. Equipped everyone heads to attack the mooks respectively breaking part of the bricks and resuce the first of his nephews

Marcy Wu splits off next with Luan, Tom, Anti Cosmo, G-Lo and Cleo as they go up against more enforcers of the mob's will and find some treasure chests which they open up to see some of Scrooge's stolen fortune. Using a combination of arrows, Spider shots, Fire, Magic, Strech powers and Elecctrokinesis which the latter choose to do

After the whole debacle  Luan admits it was a good time to test her spider powers fully. Upon seeing Chip blowing up Cricket's house she is applaled by the cold blooded crulty Chip has for Cricket and this extends further when Luan finds out Chip instructed her death over the urinal incdient.  

Scrooge and the rest of the team other than Bender and Marcy check out the vault.  Luan, Ronnie Anne, Cricket, Libby, Cleo and even Anti Cosmo and Sasha all feel a need to do something they always wanted to do. Try and jump in the money, like it's water which Scrooge did and they all crash down.

Luan goes to see Libby and G-Lo and sees that the latter is the work of making a costume for Luan to go out and fight crime as a super hero like herself. G-Lo sees an opporunity to use her crime fighting days to step and get Luan as her own sidekick. Luan states she already is Bender's sidekick. Libby asks Luan how that goes and Luan state that she is Bender's partner when it comes to investgations and detective skills, and he helps her with her gigs.

G-Lo says she's not fond of the guy, he writes good articles but feels he goes too far with slandered masked heroes. Luan asks G-LO about Putty as she can tell G-Lo has a personal history with Captain Putty.

G-Lo tells Luan and Libby that Captain Putty is someone who will sell anyone out for money, and helps the cartel and criminals to get more of that cheddar.

Libby states Luan is thankful Bender is protecting her despite now having powers. Luan asks where He and Marcy went and G-Lo stated they went with Tom to see someone about this.

With 2 stops done, the 3rd stop is confirmed to be the African Mines and Scrooge recruits Marcy, Luan and Ronnie Anne to help here. They do meet Charlotte here as well who reports that there is something going now there in the mines. Luan, Ronnie Anne and Marcy decide to go after what ever is and Scrooge wants it out of his mine.

After they find the 3rd treasure,  Luan and Marcy ask where Bender went, and Libby who is present with her pad and walkie talkie tells them that Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo have found an contact through Odalia Blight using the Millers for something. Marcy, Luan and Scrooge consider helping them, though Libby does state that it looks Chip and Dale found them and are likely helping them. Charlie decides to look into this herself.

Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo meet back with Luan, Marcy, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Libby, Tom, Sasha and Cleo and they reveal what found out in regards to The Millers, Chip and Dale, and Charlie's involement.

Marcy Wu, Libby and Luan share the 3 of the 5 anceint trasures are found and they have 2 left.

With the transportation methods having taking some damage and Scrooge having already picked his crew he  apologises to Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Sasha that he won't be able to take them to the moon.

Marcy, Anti Cosmo, Bender, Sasha, Slade and Luan all find Bender's contact and it's XR who takes the 6 to find the Green Cheese of Longviety. In a Star Command ship, The 7 of them land on the moon and everyone other than Bender, XR and Anti Cosmo are chewing some gum that allows them to breath in space as Harry Wells was working on a way to breath in space. Marcy and Luan dont' like the taste though. However XR finds himself abducted by a mothership and his body is scattered around.

After Marcy stops Bender and Sasha from fighting with each other. Luan tells Bender to be a gouda robot regarding this and gets a laugh to the unimpressed Slade, Sasha and Anti Cosmo. Sasha states if she can agree with them it's  that Luan should stop the puns.

Marcy puts XR Back together and does her darnest while Slade, Sasha, Luan, Bender and Anti Cosmo patiently wait for Marcy's sucess. Upon this and getting the last treasure they head back to the manor.

King Andrias tells Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Sasha that that he, Olivia  and Yunan found that the 4th clue is among them in that temple which Marcy knew since they had Harry and Wile E do. Though as Olivia puts it The Pranks A Lot Mob is there too.

The whole team head into the temple and go looking to find Harry and the others and they go looking around. Though it's surrounded by mobsters and members of the Prankster's group as they all go stealthfully, even taking out plenty of henchman who are guarding the area.

Slade, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Marcy all know something's up. The Prankster had this in mind as they deter

As Tom, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Anti Cosmo, Bender,  Cleo, King Andrias, Tom, Luan, Libby, Slade, Sasha and Scrooge all follow the foot prints they find Harry, Wile E, G-LO, Celes, Amity and Grime who are with Ace, Hilda and Kamela.

Marcy, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Amity's mention of the Royal Isles is caught on by Slade, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Luan and Cleo as they all visited there once

Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Cricket, King Andrias, Wile E, Cleo, Tom, Amity, Libby, Sasha, Grime, Ronnie Anne, Scrooge, G-LO, Ace, Hilda, Kamela, The Greens + Remy, XR, Charlie, Chip and Dale, Gus's men, Tiger Claw, Yuman all proceed to fight off The Prankster's forces while Bender and Marcy proceed to go after The Prankster

Luan and Harry are both present during Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo's therapy session and she is mentioned as being made of Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Dr.Wells's past. Where She, Bender and others were tortued and abducted by a mad god.

Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison worked to made the Nano Gauntlet and get the stones to save Bender and Luan from the mad god

This came at the cost of Brick, Butch and The V Team who her friends mourned. To distract herself, she got herself a Chrotle Portal Gig and asked Bender to get her there though he himself was called to see Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harrison, Mojo, HIM, Celes and Sideshow Bob.

Luan is giving Disppensation from Anti Cosmo and Slade in regards to the secret that them, Bender and Harry have to keep.

Bender gets back with his share to Luan and breaks down and confides in her about his frustration and all. Luan says her own side of the whole ordeal in that both her and Bender hadtheir own private talk about Bender's situation and the fact that Bender has to keep the fact he buried  Brick and Butch away from his friends and their own brother. He states this was like Stardash all over again and he wants to stop what's he doing after such deveasting consequences and after the event that shook. Burying them under Slade's mansion was just the tip of the iceberg.

Luan advises Bender to do give himself a rest, let him do his own thing and maybe stick to something lower like P.I Work on the Multiversal Scale. She mentions with his knowledge, he can really use it for the benefit of himself and not endanger himself to such a degree or his own issues. Luan also insists he take the job offer from The President if he's really serious about this. Bender agrees by this and decided to use his P.I Alias and decided to put up unoffical work with the President

Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry all say that Marcy was going to be let in on this as a token of their friendship and respect for her.Libby, Celes, Tom, Luan, Marcy, Harrison decide they need to help the three anyway they can and will do what they need to

When it comes to Ace and Hilda, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Wile E, Cleo and Luan all feel a bit gulity as their actions inadventutly led to the two arriving as well as Mrs. Safrass

Luan sees Benny and talks to him about her superheroine life and powers and how it goes. Benny tells Luan and warns her about this vilgante thing considering Nolan and his crusade against Lydil Red. Luan tells him back not to fall for Mrs. Safrass's plans as she look just like her and sounds like her. Benny is willing to help Luan anyway and sees her no different despite being a Spider Man like heroine than when she was before the bite

King Andiras shows at Burpin Burger to see Tom, Libby, Bender, Luan and Marcy and what the 5 found.They reveal their clue, they met the others assocaiting with Deathstroke's associates  and they know who Prankster really is. Andiras already assumes that they're at a crossroad on this correctly. Andrias reveals that he did some work of his own and knows that Black Heroin is an agent of Toffee's . Luan asks how he found out, Andiras reveals that he had his sources investigate F.O.W.L and found this out.

Chapter 5[]

Luan states that Benny knows a thing or two about robotics and maybe he can help out, Harry states that this science, not robotics. Doofenshimtz doesn't think this is a terrible idea and decides to bring him along. Luan has Cleo make a portal and she gets Benny who Luan tells to work with Wile E, Doofenscimtz and Harry Wells to work on the Other Dimension- Inaotr. Benny just rolls with this knowing how nuts this all is.

At Miseryville, Bender, Marcy Wu, Luan, Grime, G-LO, Tigerclaw and Guzma all arrive and Grime states it look a lot like the other place. Bender and Luan both state that while true, it's acutally not a bad place to live and that his top scientist lives here. Guzma states that this scientist is Heloise, one of Bender's two longest sidekicks alongside the penguin Skipper who Doofenshcimtz also knows. Bender tells Guzma he's not here to see Heloise, he is here to see Miseryville's ruler Lucius Heinous VII for the resources. Guzma and Tigerclaw both question this and Luan reminds them that Heloise is busy with her own things and that Bender could get her, but if it did his alligance with Deathstroke would be revealed.  Wile E is Bender's guy to keep this under wrap, Guzma questions why Luan gets a pass, Bender states because Luan wanted in and that the two and Slade's crew are trying to keep the rest of the crew safe and give a normal life .

G-LO then manages to get the others into Lucius's office as them wait in there. Luan decides to pull a prank on the tiny ruler which Marcy and Bender both look with dissapproval.

Lucius arrives  from the toilet, looking through his misery catalogue and sits on a whoopie cusion which Luan laughs  and Bender tells her to keep quiet. Lucius is ready to call his secuiry when Bender tells him to call it off it's just him

Lucius states it's been a long time to him and what brings the robot here and does Heloise know he's here. Bender states he's here without the others and Heloise doesn't know he's here with his crew as Marcy, Luan, Grime, Tigerclaw, Guzma and G-LO show up too with him

Lucius questions how they even all got here, G-LO explains she disguised herself as a guard and got them. Intriggued he asks how she did so,

Marcy tells Heinous that it's a matter of finding Bender's friend who went missing and that everyone other than him and her boyfriend think she's gone. Lucius knows he's talking about Lizbeth and states that it did hit him pretty hard, and that he is cuirous if Bender really does have a way. Marcy states nether Bender or Her really have an answer but his resources could help uncovering a clue for them and if he does he can use the whole Misery Inc and have it tested. Luan asks is that really a good idea, Bender states it is and many of them can take a lot of punishment.

Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Celes, Cleo, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Gus, Malcolm, Tigerclaw, Guzma, G-Lo, Sasha, Grime, Libby, Amity, Tom and Scrooge all come back with Lucius, Stewie and Dr.Blowhole and the latter 2 go to help out Harry, Wile E, Scudsworth and Benny with their stuff as they put the Innator repair into work.

Luan, Marcy, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Bender decide on a pratical approach and state that they go see Eda and get info on this

Upon exiting out of the portal this is where Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison, Wile E, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Tom, Libby, Amity, Scrooge, G-LO, Sasha , Grime, Ace, Hilda and Ms.Marvel all land into the Boiling Isles

Luan and Harrison as they walk discuss what Harry told Benny as Luan is curious to what was told to him. Harry revealed that he told Benny about his wife and what happened to her and why he is so protective over his daughter and that he can relate to Luan getting super powers of her own and having someone dear to them react to it. Luan states that her family doesn't know yet he does know about her powers. Harry and Luan both look at Marcy, Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo and wonder if they're fine. Luan states that Bender is dealing with Brick, Butch and LIzbeth in one go and that by having Launchpad and Lucius's crew on awareness maybe this isn't a secret that can go on. Harrison is unsure on this as Slade and Anti Cosmo do seem content to drink like they did back when they arrived at Boiling Isles at the first place

Marcy and Amity agree and state that they will pose in Hexside to find Amity's friends and lead an expedition with the others humans as this can work better. Ronnie Anne, Sasha, Ace Jr, Tom, Hilda all head to go with Amity and Marcy. G-LO and Cricket wish to join them too, Marcy states Luan should come along too and that she can hopefully get Odalia and Alador off Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender. Amity states they're her folks and she knows if she lets them come along, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo will try to murder Odalia the instant they see especially the former two what happened to Luan and Celes respectfully at Odalia's hand. Luan and Marcy ask about Ms. Marvel and Libby and why they're not coming

Marcy, Luan, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Tom, Amity, Sasha, Ace, Hilda and G-Lo all arrive at Hexside Amity states that they are  here to get some reinforcement. Tom states he has seen magic and this is defiently true already, he just didn't know they had a school and only heard of passing the royal wand down due to his ex being part of that family. Luan asks if he's talking about Star Butterfly and Tom states he is and Luan reveals her demise upsetting Tom but Luan states that at least they know now. Luan asks about the royal wand and that where is it?

Marcy, Ronnie Anne and Cricket all tell Luan that it's in the trusted hand of someone that all trust, Luan states she thought someone who had the wand when dealing with Toffee and Bill Cipher. Ronnie Anne, Cricket and Marcy realize Luan has an idea that Sid has it and that the three admit she has found the wand and is learning how to use under Eda and then another member of the Royal Family

Amity sees Willow, Gus and Hunter and sees them and that it's good to see them and Willow reveals she was worried sick of Amity and Luz repsectivefully as they were gone for a while. Amity states she was investigating a Bunch of gangsters with the help of her friends and introduces the team to Marcy, Luan, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Tom, Sasha, Ace, Hilda and G-LO

They ask about Luz, Marcy states she is proably in Royal Woods with Anne. Hunter asks why are they all here anyway. Marcy and Luan both explain that they're on a mission regarding this Mob under a Mrs. Safrass and that Amity's parents are working for her and that this could be bad for them too in case.

Luan asks on the did and WIllow explains Toffee and Belos betrayed each other respectivefully and Toffee must have recruited the Blights to use in his war with Belos and his Coven as moles.

Marcy, Luan and Amity all have gotten off topic explain that The Prankster is looking for alternate dimenison travel and has come from an alternate multiverse due to Luan making an accident with Anti Cosmo and Bender and this is also why Hilda and Ace are here as well.

Marcy then gets out of a potion class with Luan and AMity both stating that they told Marcy not to do so. Marcy states she was just curious and wanted to learn potions, Luan uses her spider powers to grab the book and shows it to Marcy saying that she took so many freaking notes on already has a book ready and says Marcy really got into it. Amity notes this too and asks Sasha if this has always been like Marcy and Sasha says yes it always has been. Tom takes the book aside and asks Marcy is archery enough for her and Marcy confides that she has always wanted to study magic and now she can at this school and that it's not a realtiy she's seen Anti Cosmo do so and he has magic. Hunter alerts Marcy that Odlaia is present and that this is an opporunity to see what Odalia is up and in case something goes down and Marcy, Luan, Hunter, Amity, Tom and Sasha all follow Odalia to see exactly what she has in mind for them or anyone.

Marcy, Luan, Amity, Sasha and Tom end up going down to the gymnasium and they see Odalia and Lorenzo with The Prankster, Bradford, Black Heroin, Shocker and Fat Cat and they're all taking out some provisions with The Prankster and Odalia's money.

Hunter, Marcy, Luan, Amity, Sasha and Tom who spy comment on this. Amity states that it looks like Prankster has some sense of mercy, Marcy states she and Bender noted this too. Sasha states that she didn't know how bad Amity had it with her parents and explain her parents were pretty bad themselves and she hated both of them for not being there for her, she admits her only true parent figure was Grime. Luan and Tom both seem saddened for her hearing as does Hunter especially the latter can relate, Amity states a lot of them have parents and that should make a club about it.

Marcy is too focused as she is watching the them and the provisions and becomes aware that Prankster has ordered monsters for a distraction ploy and asks Amity what kind of monsters would be dangerous to them. Amity states a Ballisk would be very dangerous, Hunter states that is true and Toffee has assess to them as well as magic to do so and Black Heroin is the one who gave this to Toffee. Luan asks about Black Heroin's loyalty to Toffee and Hunter states she isn't loyal to either Toffee or Bradford

Marcy, Luan, Amity, Tom, Sasha and Hunter keep contact with their eavesdropping and Hunter recongizes what Safrass is doing as does Marcy and Luan.

Luan then has her own senses to detect and move them out of the way and this is When Prankster states that it's about they came to face to face. Marcy Wu decides to go attack the Prankster, though Prankster states she has no time to fight with them and has Black Heroin, Fat Cat, Shocker and Lorenzo deal with them while she and Bradford escape when the latter sends out some of his F.O.W.L. Men. Marcy leads TOm, Amity, Sasha and Hunter to fight off them as Luan decides to go against this and go after Prankster herself using her own spider webs and superhuman abilities to stop the ones going after her and pursue Prankster

Luan chases down The Prankster and they have their own faceoff of weaponry vs spider webs and they trade off well enough with Luan landing some spider shots on The Prankster and actualy hits her. THe Prankster and Luan end up sharing dialogue with Luan figuring that she is an evil her and stating what didn't she tell Marcy and Bender?. THe Prankster reveals she did tell Marcy Wu and Bender nearly everything and that she throws the webs at Luan  and states that she is just trying to get her stubborn father to tell her the truth of multiversal travel. Luan states Bender isn't her dad but he is like a dad to her. The Prankster states that it is something he knows and is protecting the mermaid that has the power and that she isn't out to kill him and the others as she isn't targeting innocents or heroes for too much damage

Luan knows she has killed and Prankster statess that she has killed thousands but all criminals, mobsters, gangsters, dicators etc. No Inncoents, Luan states they're still people and she did commit murder. Prankster concedes that's the case but she is smarter than a typical mobster and on top of the travel, she feels she can bring order to the criminal underworld to operate and she has no interest in money but in an empire to keep control for her loyal henchmen and you know for those who are in for the money and all that. Luan brings Prankster stating she is going to bring her in right now and webs Prankster. Prankster states the robot taught her well but she still is a step ahead and has Bradford knock off Luan so they can escape with the door being bulit

Marcy gets back and asks Luan about that and Luan states that she was dealing with that evil counterpart of hers

Marcy, Cricket and Luan decide to go after Bender and wait for him to return.

Chapter 6[]

Marcy Wu, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo,Harrison Wells, Luan Loud, Cricket Green ,Wile E Coyote, Cleo Sub Prime, King Andiras, Celes Chere, Ronnie Anne, Amity Blight, Tom Lucifor, Captain Grime, Sasha Wayblight, Libby Stein ,Scrooge McDuck, G-Lo, Ace Savry Junior, Hilda (Graphic Novel), , Ms.Marvel, Wolverine, Sergant Callohun, Kick Ass and Hit Girl all go through the portal and land in springfield

, Wolverine explains that V, Alucard, Zero and Linkara are one unit looking for her and they're another unit. Anti Cosmo, Luan and Slade all ponder out which other members could have been put on the job. Bender and Luan both theorize The V Crusaders want to cover their bases and with the time stone being the only known way to travel at this time the crusaders can't use their wayback machine.

With the rest of the gang out and all about, Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Homer, Callohun, Wolverine, Kick Ass, Hit Girl and Celes all begin to ponder where they could find the first of the gem to power the box.

Luan has been recording everything and talking to Benny on this seeing what he could see and Benny tells Luan that if he got his theory right is that if Bender met Homer then he must time traveled there. Slade, Celes, Harry and Anti Cosmo add that it's illegal as well to the multiverse now and even Bender would struggle to get away with it now.

Luan, Bender, Slade, Harry, Marcy and Anti Cosmo decide they need to lay a trap in case Prankster follows them as they set off.

Taking the stolen limo, Marcy, Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harrison, Celes, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Wolverine, Callohun, Homer Simpson, Kick Ass and Hit Girl drive on their way to head to Burns Manor so they can find the first of the 3 Calamity Gems.

Marcy and Luan both ask Bender about what Mindy mentioned of being followed and his meddlings with the Donbot.

Marcy tells Bender, Cricket, Celes Slade and Luan to get to deal with who's following them as she, Anti Cosmo, Harry and Ronnie Anne will keep the vechile on drive. Wolverine, Callohun and Mindy decide to follow suit with Dave and Homer helping drive the vechile.

Bender, Luan and Celes decide they should focus on Black Heron who is targeting them and face off with her 3 on one. Black Heron is fighting them because she feels like it and is just fulfilling a contact to her employer. Celes asks if it's Bradford, Black Heron states Toffee, Toffee gave a contract hit order to kill Anti Cosmo, Bender, Slade, Luan and Dr.Wells after taking over the multiverse except she got the order after he was killed as Toffee was unwilling to take risks with them all around

Luan and Bender both sigh and ponder how many more pawns are there on Toffee and Bill's chess board. Celes states it's not the time to think it's the time to take action and Bender loads up a riffle and goes to spot to get a clean shot on Heron while Luan and Celes fight off Black Heron. Luan asks if Bender is okay with this, knowing what happened and all that, Bender states he completely trusts Luan and knows she can do this. He's observed her and knows under that goofy pun making comedian is a reponsible and capable girl that will do just fine. Luan and Bender hug and Bender heads to take the shot and Celes with Luan step up to fight Black Heron.

Odalia tries to trap Slade with his anger focused on her though Celes steps in and saves him and puts Odalia legs on ice and Slade has Anti Cosmo and Bender toss her in the sea.

Black Heron enages against Luan and the two have a hard fought battle between them which eventualyl leads Black Heron getting a hold of Luan and ready to shock her when Black Heron feels something it turns out be sharp like barb and Luan noticing her skin has barbed like scopulae hairs on her hand which she realizes may have had a hand in her clmbing up walls and then this causes Black Heron to jump away unsettled and then Luan holds her wrists and shoot spider webs like snowballs at rapid pase cauing Heron to be trapped in them. Luan then picks her up by the arm and swings her into the car being driven by Titan and her evil counterpart causing them to stop.

Slade tells Marcy she is not driving after the rocket car and good luck getting a learner's lincese that way. Marcy states it was her first time, Bender states but not the first time he's been in a crazy driving situation referring to back his chase with Skipper, Marceline, Agent 9, King Julian and Axel, When King Julian and Quackerjack drove a vechile, the two times he was chased by Joker's satelete laser system, Julian kicking the wheel to road house and Captain Hero driving a chariot drunk

Luan and Harry both look with at Slade and Anti Comso on this and they confirm it's all true

Harry sees a tunnel and states that's where it has to be and Homer reongizes it as the Storm Cutter's tunnel. And the rest of the team run to the tunnel.

Luan is trying to call Benny but is getting static which concerns her and she asks Bender and Marcy to try and get a hold of him. They try their phones and get nothing with Marcy and Bender stating either Benny is busy or asleep. Luan states or something else, Celes thinks on what, Luan states she doesn't want to do.

Harrison, Slade, Bender, Luan, Marcy, Anti Cosmo, Celes and The V Crusaders make their way through the Power Plant but there is no sort of danger other than Homer's co-workers other than his friends thinking Homer is doing something stupid or letting other people know all the secrets. Luan asks how many times was he sacked and laughs. Bender states after 33 years he doesn't know and he is from the future.

Slade, Luan, Harry, Anti Cosmo and Celes find Cricket and Ronnie Anne and Cricket tells them that the gem was indeed found by Mr.Burns and quesiton how.

Slade, Anti Cosmo and Luan theorize the pink one was the gem representing Sasha, Since Marcy had some inffinity for green and whoever the 3rd girl is must be the blue. Luan states the red represents stength, the green wit and the blue heart by the looks of it if she knows anything about Sasha and Marcy. Anti Cosmo states and yet Sasha is no Blossom, and Marcy is No Buttercup. Luan gets a text and shows it to them

Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Celes, Cricket and Ronnie check the phone and realize Benny was kidnapped and that he mistaken his abductor for her and is sorry for that. Luan states her evil alternate counterpart did this and that Bender and Marcy need to get this

Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and The V Crusaders state that they are a gem down and 2 to go when it comes to the Calamity Box and that they need to find the ones that do blue and green gems. Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Cleo, King Andiras, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Celes, Wolverine, Homer, Hit Girl, Kick Ass, Callohun, Libby, Tom, Amity, Scrooge, G-LO, Sasha, Grime, Kamela, Ace, Hilda,  Guzma, Gus, Malcolm, Scudsworth and Tiger Claw all observe as the dimension shatter and bring in another universe. This is when they all see the Nimbus with Bender moaning why is he here?, Marcy and Luan ask Bender on who and he states DOOP and by the looks of the president.

The Nimbus then beams the entire crew up with the whole group wondering what the hell is going on.

Chapter 7[]

Luan alongside Bender, Slade, AC, Marcy, Harry, Wile E, Cleo, Cricket and The V Crusaders are summoned to the White House on account of them being the main ringleaders of the opearion. Luan meets Fry, Leela, Farnsworth and Zoidberg after hearing so much about from Bender.

She listens as Anti Cosmo and Bender discuss matters in regards to LIzbeth and make their own intent to ask Farnsworth on that. Luan does bring them up to speed and when asking them the two state thier poential theory to ask Farnsworth

Upon heading to Slade's manor which she and Bender have assess to like Slade, AC and Wells she joins Bender, Anti Cosmo and Harrison in asking Farnsworth about Lizbeth.

Farnsworth is heistant to tell Bender, Anti Cosmo, Harry or Luan, though Bender is angered if he doesn't learn the truth he will bend him like a girdler. Farnsworth asks what Bender is so fussy about, Luan and Anti Cosmo tell him about his kid's death as well Brick and Butch's death and what it did to him as well as Slade and AC.

Farnsworth tells Anti Comso, Bender, Harry and Luan that all he knows is that she manage to live for a few years before perishing legally and tells them to pay attention to the word legally. Bender beams up saying that he was right, wasn't her. Harry and Anti Cosmo say Bender was right and he thought he was crazy. Luan reminds Bender never assume the craziest theory when he could be right.

After arriving at Slade's manor, Luan joins Harry and Celes in getting the crew equipped with their weaponry. Luan is texted by The Prankster and learns with G-LO, Harrison, Wile, Cleo and Sasha  of Benny's hostage situation and her demands.

Luan swears to go bring herself and save her beau from herself. Wile E and Harrison both look at confusion and Luan states she's Loud, Prankster is Sassfrass.

Planning with G-LO and Sasha, she decides to go after Prankster with Bender, Marcy and Slade to get Benny back.

Slade gets the rest of the group up to speed and take the team into the cruiser. Luan questions about Benny, Slade assures her that they, Marcy, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Wells will deal with her. They just need to get her allies out of the way.

Luan go the warpath to save her boyfriend fights with Bash, Bella, Titan, and Black Heron with Tom, Celes, Harrison, Marcy and Bender and because she is dead focused. She uses her superhuman abilities and spider powers to beat up and pulverize them and she does with a tranquil look on her face. Only with Titan being a respectable challenge and Heron being a decent oppoent for her and Marcy.

Accompanied by Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Libby and G-Lo she comes to the Prankster and demands Benny. Prankster will give him back if Bender and Marcy give her Cleo. Obivously Refusing, Prankster springs her own trap and forces them to fight her 1 on 1. Luan is the middle of the pack, And Prankster tries to make Luan override Bender and Marcy and give over Cleo.

Luan suspects she's up to something and fights her on a roller coaster as she throws Mrs.Coconuts dummies at Luan who are like grenades and they land in the lead car and the coaster derais as they jump between coasters as Luan wrestles downs herself and being stronger than her counterpart because of the bite she lands a lot of good hits on her. Prankster is smarter though and keeps the pace and eventually leads them to where Benny is and Luan fights Sassfrass to save Benny and Luan nearly saves Benny but Prankster reveals her own trap preparing to deal with Anti Cosmo next.

After Prankster is bested by Anti Cosmo, Marcy and Bender afterwards, she decides to negotiate terms with Prankster with Bender and the other girls and they manage to break a deal. Putty however shows up and tries to turn them all even her evil counterpart in to the Police or Criminals.

Luan escapes Putty's locked door and decides to align with the antagonists alongside her friends to stop Putty, The Prankster has Bash and Bella bring Benny to safety as they go against Putty. Working with her countetpart, Bender, Slade, Harry, Marcy and G-Lo they manage to turn the tables on Putty who goes to attempt murder on them after Libby and Anit Cosmo expose what Marcy and Bender recorded on him and what The Prankster found on Putty.

Luan and The Prankster mock Putty for calling them fragile i that he himself is a pretty fragil guy as they decide to have him thaw and be brought in.

With the anomality now a bigger concern, Luan works with Slade, Bender, Marcy, Andrias to close off the cracks while getting mission control from WIle E, Libby, Farnsworth and Harry as they do their darnest to unseal the cracks made by The Prankster's attempt to get home.

Zapp deciding to give up his life to save the world, the entire crew manages to succeed in closing off.

As New New York seals back into it's dimenison, Luan and Bender both watch and Luan knows Bender is going to miss the meatbags after such a long time and only being around for a short time. However at least he knows he can find them again at somepoint and that Hulu will get another Bender for the contract or there may be some other way.


After saving the others, she and Benny reunite and Benny states that he has total confidnece in her and apologizes for falling for Prankster's illusions

Luan states  that Prankster is like her so it makes sense and at least she kept him alive and they managed to expose Putty for G-LO

Luan tells Benny she'll be back as she joins Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Marcy, Harry, Amity's Family, Libby and Andrias in deciding to what to with Odalia Blight. Luan is a bit against Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo wanting to kill Odalia and agrees with Alador's idea to take her powers and put her in a prison with Libby and Marcy Wu.

As Andrias takes Odalia away, Luan joins Bender, Marcy, G-Lo And The Prankster is seeing Captain Putty who threatens to kill them or ruin their lives when he gets out. Similar to Prankster she dishes a "Ahh Shut Up" to Prankster.

Luan joins Bender and Marcy in seeing her evil counterpart being taken away to Juvie. The Prankster reveals she wanted to be caught after Putty's double cross and that she had fun with this whole cat and moues game. Bender questions why did she turn herself in willinglly. Prankster states she did so as it was the best way out, if she didn't turn herself in she would proably die, get injured or do something truly insane. She accepts she won't go home now but knows she will when released and that part of the deal she made with them is that they will do so and that Titan, Lorenzo, Bash and Bella will join her when they do. Marcy and Bender both agree to this and Marcy believes they do deserve for sticking with them against Putty

Prankster asks about Alador, Luan states he got his charges cleared for being blackmailed. Prankster states Luan is better than she thinks and her whole stand against both her and Putty say she has what it takes to be a heroine, and that she is good hands with the two of them and the others. Prankster with her hands behind back tries to wave and Bender, Marcy and Luan do just that.

After seeing Kamela, Ace and Hilda leave, Luan joins Marcy and the others to Newtopia to head back to the castle for themselves. After discussing Cynthia Coven with Bender, Anti Cosmo and Marcy they talk about their adventure.  Marcy is insistent that they're friends with Sasha. Bender and Anti Cosmo state they do trust her a little more, but not fully. Marcy states it's a start and that when do they want to start the 2nd box. Bender states give it a few months.

Marcy asks if Bender will be okay, Bender states he will be fine eventually but he is at least a little more at peace now. Luan states a little, he seems more then a little. Bender states to Marcy that in  a way like Luan Loud, Marcy saved him in  some sense and he realized this during this quest. Anti Cosmo concedes Marcy saved him and Slade as well.

Marcy doesn't feel like she did, though Luan tells Marcy she's more of a heroine than she thinks, if she can earn the trust, respect and friendship of herself, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Harry  and even Slade and have them get to take orders from her, Marcy is special in the eyes of Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Slade and Harry as Luan bluntly puts it

Marcy doesn't agree but does appreciate that she means a lot to the 5 of them and managing to bring a multiversal Mob and stopping the alternate multiverse emerging does rank as impressive acheivements regardless as she smiles at Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo

Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

Chapter 1[]

Bender, Luan, Marcy Wu, Anti Cosmo, Libby, Wile E Coyote, Captain Hero and Benny Stein are all there and head to Slade's mansion to see Slade.

Slade asks about why is Benny even here, Benny tells Slade he's here for Luan, who has been acting strange which is shown when she turns invisible and back stunning the others.

Bender, Marcy, Slade, and the others are all shocked at this and back and wonder what's happening to Luan. Luan isn't so sure herself as this just started to happen, Benny said that this  happened before a few times and other aspects to Luan

Harrison, Benny, Wile E and Jessie are busying looking at Luan on Benny's request. Harry tells Luan that it seems her bite at the hands of Webs is continuing to change her even at this point. Luan and Benny both figured this was the case. Jessie and WIle E both examine that it goes further than that,

Luan thought she was getting bigger as she did put on more mass in her arms and seems atheltic to the point of putting Lynn to shame. Harry admits that's part of it but Jessie states that has Luan being dealing with stress, something in particular

Benny does mention that The Loud Kids were separated from their parents because of Team Free Will's exposure and that she can't see her parents or siblings and this was expectionally upsetting for her. Luan sadly states that she loves her family and that it was unfair what happened, she is thankful Bender got her away from them and even kept her off the radar from them. Luan and Bender both worked to try and find the other louds, but only learned Lisa ran way, she feels it was like Bender having to do what he did regarding his friends and that Bender is also investigating Batman.

Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells, Jessie Wells, Libby, Benny, Wile E and Captain Hero all meet back up and through their work they figure that Vought may have some measure in this, and that whoever incrimianted Team Free Will may have associations with them too. It also apparent that they must investigate the monsters and aliens around and must split the work accordingly

Harrison and Luan both decide to do their own play and have Benny and Captain Hero come with them as Hero is still a Hero and Benny is Luan's boyfriend so it will work well enough.

Luan, Benny, Captain Hero and Harrison head off respectfuly with Hero taking them through his power of flight. They head off the the big city of town with Luan, Benny and Harry. Harry works to try make sure he has a understanding of Luan's DNA and it's mechanicular changes. Luan looks around and sees wanted posters for Lincoln and she wonders who could possibily be trying to kill Lincoln. Benny is questioning this too as Lincoln is somewhere he doesn't know. Harrison and Hero look carefully as they watch the DNA as Captain Hero is watching Vought on the news and here about the invasion attack on the kids. Hero states it looks like Vought was hunting the others.

Harrison states that it looks like Vought is taking action quickingly it seems. He discusses to Hero that he also saw something wierd in Newtopia and like a bunch of machines and a core like system. Hero states that a nerd like him could work on that like no one's else business. Harry tells Captain Hero that he found this in the basement of the castle and has trying to figure out what it is.

Luan and Benny both come back and Luan states that she has seen supes in town and that she and Benny saw them in action. Luan explains that the supes she saw were The Seven and that Homelander seems to be their leader, Harry calls Luan on endangering herself like that by watching them. Benny states that not all the Supes seem bad, but according to what he read up on some really do have good intentions and some are just cyncial. Luan and Benny both tell Harry that someone is man hunting Lincoln.

This is when they are encountered by the mysterious girl who states that the man is Homelander. Luan, Benny, Harry and Captain Hero are surpised and ask who she is. She is introduced as  Gwen Stacy, I.E Spider Gwen. Gwen states she eavesdropped and saw Homelander put a man hunt on Team Free Will's remainders, considering what she found out, it seems they have started. Luan questions how she found them.

Gwen tells Luan her spider sense told her to follow Luan spefically, Luan asks spider sense and that she is a spider girl like her. Gwen informs them that she is one and from an alternate universe and explains how she arrived here. Harry asks upon hearing this when did she get here, Spider Gwen confesses she arrived in the dimension a bit ago, Harry suspects Anti Cosmo and Bender's accident caused this.

Gwen admits that it wasn't some machine that brought her here, she learned that a rift cracked from her universe and she was brought in as a result. Harry and Luan both question each other trying to figure out who else would know this. Gwen states that as much as they want to talk about things, they have to stop this consipiracy, she has been battling aliens and monsters on her way and without breaking a sweat.

Luan states and she did this with spider powers. Gwen states she has and now that they need to go before Homelander puts the dotes together that Lincoln and her are related. Luan is fasicated by Gwen that she is another spider themed hero and wants to be more like her, Benny asks Luan didn't she look up to G-LO, Luan states she has, but now someone with her powers is here and she turns invisible again briefly but comes back. Benny and Hero notice this and  observe.

Harry and Gwen discuss the Altenrate multiverses and what happened in this regards. Gwen and Harrison both lead the way with Luan, Benny and Hero behind. Gwen tells The 4 that she is going to look for the people who have been helping her through the way and have been looking into Homelander and the Conspiracy.

Chapter 2[]

Spider Gwen, Luan, Captain Hero, Benny and Harry Wells are heading off with Spider Gwen as she explains that she is aware of that Homelander and the Vought Coporation's threat. so she decided to look for anyone who could be of help. Luan asks Gwen who could possibly be a help against a guy like him. Spider Gwen says The Boys

Gwen, Luan, Captain Hero, Harry and Benny reach the Boys and Gwen introduces themselves to them. Luan and Hero aren't exact trusted due to being Supes and Benny is seen as a mere boy. Harrison though does gain respect and is recongized as a kindred spirit to them

Gwen and Luan decide to go alone and think. Gwen tells Luan that she wanted to talk about the whole spider girl/man thing that Luan recently got into. Luan tells her she was bitten by accident, Gwen states that's always the case. Gwen tells Luan that these powers are to used reponsibilty. She can tell Luan has more powers than that as she been observing those invisble tendencies she has. Luan questions how she knew that, Gwen tells Luan spidy sense, remember.

Gwen tells Luan further that she may lose someone important and changes the course of their life. For her it was her Peter Parker, and Luan can only imagine who hers will be. Luan takes note and decides to blank out anyone who says the Uncle Ben words as she feels anyone who says them is basically going to die. Gwen knows Luan may be having some luck but won't control said powers without guidance and decides to be her mentor despite what "Specs" would say. Luan does point out "Specs" does have a super heroine daugher and he does know what to do.

Gwen admits he does, but Harry does come off too much like a drill segant, and while she can be hard, she can also be gentle. Luan asks what other powers come from this bite, Gwen states the ability to crawl walls, shoot web, physical enhancments, senses and sometimes the biology of it suprises them.

They see Intergang and Bruno Mannheim once again smuggling some kind of product from Vought and the two spider girls decide to go after it.

Luan and Spider Gwen both pursue Bruno Mannheim and deal with the Intergang, eventually catching up and noticing what is being smuggled and they try to take from them. Luan and Gwen both struggle and The Deep shows up interupting them and summons his creatures to help attack them. Luan and Gwen both fight off The Deep and his brethen and Luan accidentaly electric shocks some, and she's stunned at this. Gwen notices too and Luan then turns invisible again randomly and this distracts Gwen who is sucker puched by The Deep and Bruno. Luan turns visble again randomly and then the vechile crashs and Luan and Gwen jump off and webs forms on Luan's arm pit shocking her again and the two gilde down to where Captain Hero and Harry are as the Boys and Benny were sucessful in undercovering something with Benny's cover

A box falls down near them and Harry decides to go look into it with Benny and The Boys and they decide to investigate the products

Luan and Gwen discuss what happened as she was shocked with those moves she made. Gwen states it's her Spider bite giving her more powers. She ponders on them. Gwen spectualtes it's a fight or flight thing with Luan in that respect, Luan asks how are they going to get that under contorl. Gwen considers Harry could help in that regard. Luan asks about electricity she used, Gwen feels this could be much like her friend Miles Morales who had powers like that too spectualting Luan's bite must be giving her powers like Miles. Luan asks about the web gliding, Gwen has a spectulation that maybe that's new to her as her suit is built like that as she can do it,

Luan admits she struggled for a white upon her becoming a Spider Girl and her powers made seen as a freak. Her powers emergeg just before they went against her alternate multiverse counterpart so she sees as a fortune aspect that she couldn't show to her family or other people. Luan states with how sticky she was and her bones being changed is awkard for her to live with. Gwen realtes, when she was bitten, she has to adjust to her new powers and it was awkard that for her too, she did eventually find the confidence to do so by becoming her city's defender

Luan and Gwen return and that the two are brought up to speed on Compound V by Harrison, Benny and Hughie.

Luan comes with a plan to study the product and destory it but they will get to go far away away from Homelander, Luan and Benny get a tracker off it as it was supposed to be tracked.

Captain Hero considers dumping it in the ocean, Though The Boys turn this down as Hero would attract The Deep. Captain Hero moans that he wants to go to the ocean, Luan and Gwen decide that could be a risk,, though The Deep isn't as dangerous as A Train or Homelander which mean they won't risk A Train.

Luan, Gwen, Benny, Hero and The Boys head off to the sea.

Chapter 3[]

Luan and Harrison are in contact with Bender and Anti Cosmo as they are told about The Smoking Man who the latter 2 and Slade are aware of yet returned as well as Zib and Blackfire being part of the operation. They are warned that they may be targeted ast some point.

Luan asks Harry how much do they have to worry, Harry states that it may be or may not be a huge concern. They know they have the edge, in numbers and Libby did undercover the infomation.

Luan is in more in thought about Zib than anyone else as he did come from an alternate multiverse similar to The Prankster and Gwen.

Gwen tells Luan is she ready for her training as she has an idea how to control her powers. Luan heads off

Luan, Gwen, Frenchie, MM and The Girl return and Luan is in a new super hero outfiit, Gwen designed it for her body type so she doesn't have to worry about clothing trouble. Luan states that MM and Frenchie helped her gain more control over her spider powers, though she still has some trouble with her invisibiltiy and electric powers, as The Girl was able to still beat her down.

Mother's Milk suspects that they didn't put Luan into enough danger as the fight or flight respects will be needed. Frenchie states he did try to put fear into her, but it just didn't work.

Gwen asks Luan if it fits or okay, Luan states it fits fine considering her bones growing and changing shape meant this was going to happen. She does want it to be in pink and yellow though, so Gwen offers her spray paint to make her outfit like the way she wants, as Gwen did get a outfit of her own for Luan.

Luan, Gwen, Billy Hughie, Benny, Captain Hero, Harrison, MM and Frenchie discuss what their plans are in regards to throwing away the Compound V. Each have a different Idea, Captain Hero and Mother's MIlk intend to just destory the crate, Hughie, Luan and Benny want to basically just use science to basically see how Compund V is created and find a way to tamper with it.

Each of them all debate the ideas and are on disagreeance what is the better idea. However The Deep attacks with Susshi, Tornadon, Squishy them. All them of notice this and The Deep is here to get The Compound V Crate back from them

Harry, Captain Hero and Billy refuse to give it to them and The Deep sends the monsters to attack them. Hughie and Benny being non action guys decide to keep the submarine safe with Harry, Captain Hero, Billie, MM, Frenchie , The Girl, Luan and Gwen all put on snorkel gear to be able to swim and take on the monsters and The Deep without as much trouble.

Luan and Gwen swim to deal with Squishy, the giant squid who attacked the two with it's tentacles, they both used their webs to capture it and to stop it, it does grab them by the tentacles and throws them, Squishy shoots ball of lighting at them which does cause damage to the two, Until Gwen tries to get Luan to use that electrical powers she has.

Gwen alerts Luan to the electric powers, Squishy grabs Luan and Luan electrifies the squid as Squishy tries to squeez the life out of her. Luan's electric powers come out that shock the squid and turns it into calamri.

The Deep angered by this goes after them and summons creatures to keep them all in hand as he prepares to finish this.

However his sea friends attack him, for some reason and everyone is techinally saved and it turns to be Queen Cleo. Luan and Harry recongize her and state how did she find them. Cleo states she was aware The Deep was here and she got help from Shark Boy or Shark Man as well as Lava Woman. Shark Man arrives and chases off The Deep.

Shark Man and Queen Cleo both basically tell them to head to the isle to dispose of Compound V  upon being told of this by the others and are told to follow them. Benny, Hughie, Frenchie, The Lady, Mother's Milk, Billy, Luan, Gwen, Captain Hero and Harrison Wells all follow them as a result to that island

Shark Man and Cleo lead Luan, Harry, Benny, Captain Hero, Gwen and The Boys to the Island where Lava Woman is. Cleo states she found her friends to help out, Hero asks about her appearance and Cleo states she changed in part to her adventure with Luan and Harry, and used her accepting of Cala Maria to change herself.

Luan and Harry hear that Vought is up to something that they don't want to know. It's Kate Bishop she arrives saying she was keeping an eye on them this whole time.

Kate shows them a file on Vought and explains what their plan is to them.

Luan, Benny, Captain Hero and Harry ask Cleo if she was playing with alternate dimenisons again, Cleo states she wasn't doing anything other than make simple portals to visit her friends in her own universe.

Luan, Gwen and Kate Bishop are all hanging together. With Kate revealing to the two that she was brought here alongside her friends Cassie and Ren to her knowledge so far and that it was something to do with time. Luan is baffled as she was told that Time Travel isn't really allowed after The Spear of Destiny was used.

Kate is able to tell Luan is a meta human thanks to her spider powers with sheer decution. Luan tells Kate that she has been turned into one over a accidental bite. Over time she devleoped powers, superhuman physical abilities and stuff assoicated with spiders. She also has some how developed electric powers and invisibility though she has no control.

Gwen states that she suspsects it's a flight or flight thing and she's helping Luan with this. Kate offers to help Luan too. Kate tells Luan, she is a both an capable archer and very alethic heroine who's whole body is a weapon. She offers to help Luan with control in hand to hand due to not having powers. Luan admits why does everyone want to train her all of a sudden.

Gwen states because them and Wells see her a kindred spriit to realte them and help make her own path. Luan does admit she doesn't want the cure despite the troubles it gives her, she likes it.

Luan, Gwen and Kate Bishop are fighting off Lord Dregg and his alien forces, With Luan and Gwen tag teaming his forces and basically beating them like files so Luan's training with Gwen as paid off in her being more accurate with web slinging and showcasing comfortably how strong she has become since the start, Gwen seems proud of Luan as she does as she fights up close with them. Gwen throws Luan up and she uses her webs to glide down and then traps the aliens with her powers and Gwen finishing them off

Luan, Harry, Hero, Benny, Gwen, The Boys, Cleo, Shark Man, Lava Woman and Kate all got away though Benny apolgizes about losing Guppy.

Kate Bishop and Gwen discuss out to help out each other return to their universes. Luan, Benny and Harry come to them telling them that Homelander and CSM are their main priority.

Luan approaches Kate Bishop and tells she will take her up while Gwen and Harry can help with her brains and adapting to her powers. Luan feels Kate can be of great help to be trained with control  and Kate can help learn about determination. Kate states Luan can be one of the greats and where she comes from she is, and still be the comedian she wants to be.

Chapter 4[]

Luan holds a plan with Benny and The Boys to bring down Homelander or bring the guy down a peg. With Bender and Anti Cosmo helping her, Luan and the Boys intend to expose his role in the Alamo Land attack to force him to back off a bit. Luan learns that they need to head back to Royal Woods, and she's concerned as The Smoking Man will be looking for her and hunting her there with Homelander, she understands she needs to lure them out. She talks to Harry, Kate, Benny and Gwen to figure out a way to do just that.

Luan is put through more training at Gwen and Kate's hands after learning of Kate's successful contact with Cassie Lang, Ren and Kelly.

Her fear is justified as Homelander and CSM catch her and the others and she meets CSM the man who put her family in danger. Luan isn't scared but still shocked that she has come to face to face with who she didn't expect. She breaks out the net with Gwen and Kate and they take on The Smoking Man to learn about Operation Countdown and to protect Luan's family from further farm at his hand.

They do handle things fine enough even for CSM is old and still managed to hold his ground. She suffers power incontinence over all this and the 2 of them have to help Luan regain control of herself. It takes Kate having to go Harry Wells on her to succeed.

Luan finally gets her powers under control and uses them to nearly take out The Smoking Man until The Deep saves him. Luan is not dettered, she is glad she has gained controls over her invisiblility, spider and electric power. She explains this to Benny, Harry, Gwen and Kate and she even feels strong too.

After Harry gets off the phone, Harry tells Luan that they need to visit The Prankster for clarification as her and Titan are in this too and so is Lorenzo though he isn't with them at the moment and Luan explains the whole deal with them

Chapter 5[]

Luan shows off her controlled powers to Gwen, Kate and Benny in her venom shock, invisibility and spider ability. She even seems a bit pleased with herself noticeably bulking up as she bloomed as Gwen put it as a spider person. Luan is almost told of her powers needing great responsibility by Benny, she stops him as Bender warned her about anyone saying it will die at some point.

Luan sees Prankster again and questions her like the others. Luan does learn what Sassfrass does know about, and she is noticing how others are willing to listen and others aren't for it. Luan debates with Harry about trusting The Prankster or getting her help with this operation, Harry tells Luan he has an idea and will negotiate something with Prankster.

Luan and the others watch Harry do so, as Luan is aware Dr.Wells can keep an eye on her as a result. Luan manages to see Prankster negotiate a fair condition with them, and she is lead to an an abadoned lab and they figure out where to go. Luan learns ground zero is where they need to go, Vought's place. Luan and her friends see Queen Maueve who whistle blows was she does know about Homelander and Vought. Luan sees this as an opportunity to help Bender bring down Vought.

Luan and Harry call Slade and the others and tell him what they know. Luan tells Slade and Marcy, what they dug up on Vought and The Seven's corruption and what is being swept up that He, Bender, AC and Libby didn't find. With her being told of what happened to Shark Man and Lava Woman's daughter, she wth the others thinks a way to save her and regroup with Slade, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Marcy.

Chapter 6[]

Luan and Harry with the rest arrive to Halverston and Area and they also meet up with Slade, Marcy and the others as they head to a place to arrange their plans. Luan feels a bit uneasy being here as she, Bender, and Anti Cosmo were here and they did cause a ruckus. Though she is told by Slade that no one knows it was them and that it was the president.

Luan asks Slade about Bender and Anti Cosmo and Slade states that they're busy and he is going to go get them and their crew to come to the area. Slade places Marcy in charge and has Luan and Harry as right hands.

As Luan gets her crew associated with them and follows Marcy. Marcy, Luan, Harry and the others all make arrangements to discuss what they will do respectfully and look for places to hold their meetings. They decide the Powell House as Luan states the Zaragoza home is too suspcious and Harry turns down the Howell House as Bender told him about MIlo's bratty Cousin who Bender actually killed with ironically something a eighth of inch bigger than him. Marcy asks about the irony and she learns that MIlo's cousin also bragged about a eigth of an inch taller. Marcy admits that despite Bender's causal murders of people, she still looks up to him as a kind of cool older brother mentor in some respects.

Luan states she accepted that warts and all, and Marcy comments on she looks different from went they last saw each other, Luan states Kate Bishop and Gwen at a hand in that to her. Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo with the rest of the crew return and upon everyone reuniting. Homelander's forces attack and Luan goes after them respectively with crew sepfically the Black Arm forces where they are joined by Shadow and the crew is all ready to take on Vought, CSM and Homelander.


Luan trains with Kate as this will be when she puts her spider powers and enhanced physical capabilties to the test. Luan promises to do her best for her and Gwen Luan then helps Bender and the others protect the latter's friends homes.

She takes on Blackfire with her friends and brings her in for HIM, Hades and The Dutchman and helps the Supes capture Tighten. Libby gives her Raikou to Luan, so she can help Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender which Luan agrees to and she uses it to hold off Team Galactic.

Luan joins Marcy and Professor Membrane in taking on Zib and his elite 100 and afterwards, Luan captures Zib and brings him to Harry Wells so they can put him away After Bender, Anti Cosmo, Libby and Slade restore Dialgia and Palkia to normal, Luan bares farewell to Kate and Gwen as she will miss them. Luan gives Kate a photo of the three to remember and she'll hold on to what Bishop taught her

Luan and Lisa join Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade in heading back to Royal Woods where she reunites with her family and accepts some Horner Pie as someone Lynn did business with. Though she is careful not to hurt her parents with her new strength and tells her dad about what happened to her over the last few months.

Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]


Luan returns in the 2nd half of Chang's Guide To The Galaxy with Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison Wells with their friends. Though her and Wells play a smaller role than Marcy, Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo. Luan though will be appear in the between events of The Prankster Point Paradox and this story usually through Marcy's perpsective.

Chapter 5[]

Luan returns from Gravesfield in regards to her investigations on Belos to Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo with Wells. She blended in perfectly due to halloween and being dressed in a super hero costume while actually being one was a perfect cover. Though some mistake her for using helium or other stuff as well. Luan tells Bender what she got off the Belos Case respectfully with Harry serving as her father. Bender is proud of Luan going on this detective case on her own and showing her capability at the job

In this respect, she is told about what Odalia was up to against them and all and with the threat coming their way. Bender and Slade settle on Luan getting their other friends as the other 4 settle for dealing with Odalia and saving Marcy. Luan gets her costume on as she is told by Slade she will picked up by his forces to get the crew.

Bowser, His Son, Captain Hook and The Flying Dutchman show up to pick up Luan as they go looking for her teammates and friends. Using her codwebs to glide down as she heads to each location she picks up Wile E, Captain Hero, G-LO, Tom  and Libby all one at a time before going looking for Bean and her friends.

This isn't as simple as Bean and her friend are being attacked by Dagmar so Luan and her friends join the situation to help Bean with the others. Luan's training at the hands of Kate and Gwen shows off as she shows how skilled she has become hand to hand with Dagmar's henchmen and how she has perfected her skills against them. She even manages to put the Demogorgons down pretty well too as Bender did warn her about them as his investigations on Hawkins showed this to her.

She is radioed by Slade and Anti Cosmo, and Luan brings the group with her to Slade's manor to save Luz from Kikimora and result in the others having to retreat. Bender and the others get back and Luan is privy to what Harry, Bender and Marcy have dealt with at the hands of Belos and his empire. Planning with Harry and Marcy, Luan sends a signal to Anti Fairy World for the Anti Faries to keep the Magic High Comission in place for Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Raine, Eberwolf and Darius to deal with, before joining Anti Cosmo in heading back to his castle with the others.

Chapter 6[]

Luan informs the others in Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade's stead about their investigation of Belos with Harry as well as Bender looking into Vecna with Libby. Luan also informs Sid and the others that she also has been looking into Jack Horner who has been trying to use her father's business as a front for his plans and is trying to extort them. Lisa inquires why she and Lincoln and the rest of the family didn't know about it. Luan tells that Bender and her were the only two that knew about this as Bender wanted to make sure The Louds didn't freak out about this.

Luan approaches Slade and Anti Cosmo about Bender and Marcy's location and learns that they are trying to find a way to control Sid's uncontrollable magic if it does occur. Slade and Anti Cosmo have her, Celes and Harry stay with the others and gather reinforcements as it will be needed.

Luan joins Bean, Elfo, Luci and Jerry in heading to Dreamland to get help from the Elves, Ogres and presumably the mermaids as Bean feels Moana can help with this. They are right on this, as Elfo manages to convince the Elves and Ogres to help as Belos is working with Dagmar who is trying to control Dreamland. Dagmar arrives on cue to put a stop to this and Luan rolls her eyes at this and Bean goes after Her.

Luan, Elfo and Luci manage to convince the rest of them to fight alongside them, which works like a fiddle. Luan also notices the Baker's Dozen and manages to capture some of them and with Luci integrates them in regards to Jack Horner and what he wants with her dad. They find out that Jack Horner is doing this to stop Bender from getting to the bottom of his true intentions as Horner is aware that Bender's alias has been sniffling around his operation and that he knows Luan is the sidekick to Bender and in order to get him off his back, Horner decided to go after Luan's family to have Bender back off.

Luan and Luci return to see Dagmar having fled, but Elfo and Bean are prepared and have their reinforcements and return back. Luan is informed by the others about the draining spell Belos is up in regards with his empire and Horner and The Blot are both in on it. Luan tells Bender about why Horner is after her dad, and that Horner is trying to blackmail both Bender and The Louds into being complicance in his operation, as Bender is proving to be a threat to Horner. She isn't going to take it and will bring down that plum thumb. As they head to the Boiling Isles to get the students of Hexside to assist as per WIllow, Luz and Amity's ideas.

Chapter 7[]

Luan goes with Sid, Luz, Marcy, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Celes, Harry and Jessie to see HIM and Hades about controlling Sid's magic.. She learns that Jack Horner is trying to kill her family and trying to blackmail Bender and her father so she decides she needs to take him and the Blot down

With Bender, Marcy and Slade's group, she rescues Team Free Will and finally reveals to Lincoln her super hero alias and ego. Luan and Bender talk about going after Belos's two accomplices who knew about the draining spell and she tells him to go get Jack while she gets The Blot

Chapter 8[]

Working with Harry, Hero, Jessie, G-Lo she fights and captures the Phantom Blot like she and Bender planned and then she helps Bender, Marcy, Slade, Anti Cosmo and the mane Six who arrived on Bender and Harry's behalf to take on Jack Horner and defeats him.

Luan decides to help deal with Vecna and Belos with Harry as Bender, Marcy, Slade and Anti Cosmo go after the Collector.


She is brought back to health by Lisa with Lincoln and she goes to the ceremony. During this ceremony, Luan with Bender, Anti Cosmo, Marcy and Libby ponder what the future lies for them in the final gem to the calamity box.


Luan as an adult

Chronicles of Zaragoza[]

Chapter 6: The Arrival of Earth X[]

Luan was first seen fighting as a grown up young woman against The News Reichmen intent to save her allies and friends to insure of their safety against the Nazis. Though she fares well, she is unable to save them and Luan realizes she needs help to deal with him.

After a comedian set, Luan reads an article about Neo Vought International and decides to set out to find them. She books a flight to the town hiding her spider Luan costume in her luggage.

She arranges a meeting with Cecil Stegman, Larke Tanner and Starlight, the latter two she knows and introduces herself to Cecil and explains what's going on to them. The latter two note how long it's been since they seen her and that she stayed in the north multiverse while they went down south. She meets the crew respectively and when quesitoned how she can help. Luan reveals she's Spider Luan and shows off her capabilities and superhuman abilities despite being skinny. Luan needs their help to deal with The New Reich as she wants to protect her people and friends from Dark Arrow

Eliza agrees to help, though she is shocked Luan is a super heroine and has powers like Noir and She basically leads the others against Dark Arrow, unaware she is being spied on by the Reich.

Deciding on getting the Phantom Thieves to help, Luan has a sense they are being watched and helps Eliza stall Over Girl as it was a reason she couldn't get her friends to safety because of how powerful she was. Upon hearing of Ren from Eliza, she begins to remember she knows someone like that, They head to Japan and manage to get Ann to help out.

After a brush with the Nazis, Luan reveals that she is after the New Reichmen, for what Dark Arrow and his allies did to her. Luan was set to marry Benny and be part of the Stein Family accept they were killed by Dark Arrow and his General For religion reasons a day before the wedding. What should be the happiest day of her life, turned into the worst day of her own life, losing the love of her life and having to see his cut off head didn't help. Luan admits that she should have seen it coming as Benny told her "with great power comes great responsibility", something her father figure warned her about when becoming Spider Girl. She also lost members of their family to Dark Arrow, because Leni, Lori, Lana, Lola, Lilly and her mom all refused to help them, She has no idea where Lincoln is but knows he's alive, She also notes Lucy died too and that Luna, Lynn and Lisa lived but lost contact with them. She had trouble at first with her powers and physique changes but was trained by Spider Gwen and an archer known as Kate Bishop to master her fighting skills and spider abilities.

When asked about her own friends, Luan states she lost M.O.D.A.B to The Core as well and how she did help stop The Core with the remaining heroes. During her faceoffs she found the Tesseract and kept it safe knowing Dark Arrow was wanting it. She learns Cecil made his hands on it and gave it to Mark and Eve who she joins them in going to see.


Luan admits she wants to make Dark Arrow pay for what he did, for wrecking her life just because she loved a Stein and was involved with The Louds and that she never felt such hatred for a foe before. Saying how the Crime Bosses may have been bad, but they never did what he was able to do. Heading to Los Angeles and noting The New Reichmen, Luan drives them off with the others as Luan uses her spider powers to keep the villains at bay and get the Tesseract from them. She learns about The Tesseract holding an Infinity stone from Cavendish and Dakota, she remembers that's what Lincoln told her once.

Helping the others, they get Cassie, Kate, Ren and Kelly Back, Luan is suprised they knew Kate and Kate recognizes her as Luan Loud, that it's so nice to see her protégé again and they catch up on their time apart. After talking to the others, Eliza takes to Luan about M.O.D.A.B, Bender and Anglesmith as Eliza feels she knows what happened with Bender and Luan admits he's alive and fine without revealing he is Anglesmith.

Chapter 7: X Marks the Spot[]

Luan decided to help get her friends up and going as she can tell they're still recovering from Dark Arrow's attempts on them. Once they do so, Luan finds out that Dark Arrow managed to acquire a stone of his own in the scepter and it was The Mind Stone. Luan has Deja vu when it came to Thanos and Darkseid from a long time ago, though keeps this to herself for the most part.

When Larke Tanner calls everyone in to discuss the Infinity Stones and Dark Arrow, Luan blurts out what she dealt with from those stones before to the others respectfully. Recongizing this, Ren decides that it may be necessary to go for a lower priority mission and decicde to find the Time Stone with her friends and his thieves

Luan agrees and with him travel To Japan to get Ann and Ryujuki to help out with this, Luan like her smarter colleagues figures out where the Time Stone is. When they go to get it, They deal with Stormfront leading multiple plans and attacks on them to slow them down for Elsa to compete her ends respectfully.

Though they find the Time Stone, they lose it to Stormfront and her crew, due to using the heroes as hostages and having Hellboy try and start the end. Luan manages to save herself and with her friends gets Baron Zemo to help out while dealing with Rasputin and his cult.

Luan and Ren return to say they failed to get it and Kate cheers her up about it. Ren and Luan do wonder if this made a difference what they did and Ren likes to think that did regarding what he noticed on Schindler.

Chapter 8: Earth X's Last Stand[]

Luan and her resistance still end up fighting the New Reinshcmen and it's revealed that she has found more than just her allies that she had placed in the Quantum Realm that she picked up through Anglesmith and has Cassie and Spider Noir go to get their help to investigate things.

After undergoing some more training and comedy, Luan gets a message from Larke about Dark Arrow as well as Steve and Peggy finding the Power Stone. Luan picks up her pet Spider Pig to go see them and upon learning about the stone. Luan decides with some of her allies to help Eliza and her friends go after the Power Stone.

Luan outfights and manages to take out the Nazis while helping go against Over Girl who she notes is weaker for some reason. When informed of what Noir told them, Luan begins to suspect Dark Arrow's newest ally is someone she knows well, but keeps this to herself respectively.

Upon being told of the Soul Stone being gotten by Dark Arrow by Spider Ham, Private Public and Oakey Homa, she sends them to get her allies in the resistance in the Quantum Realm. This pays off which Luan manages to put the New Reichmen on ice. Hearing about who kidnapped her, Luan realizes the answer to this is none other than Thawne. She thought he was dead, but focuses on the matter at hand.

She fights Dark Arrow and the others and manages to defeat him for Benny and her sisters. Before this she manages to get find and fight Thawne and while she is beaten bad, she hurts Thawne signifcantly enough as Luan's wounds heal.

As she notes how Thawne is escaping, she learns Dakota and Cavendish will be taking care of this, as Luan works to help clean up after the situation as she thanks the others for helping her deal with Dark Arrow.


Luan and the other main characters learn of who were the president's contacts were and she is present for the note that Eliza gets from Scheinder in regards to them as they discuss matters, Ruji wonders when will Elsa appear again. Luan run into Dakota and Cavendish and learn what they were doing. They deliver Bender's message to her and is relieved he is fine and that he was from the [ast and helped deal with the New Reinschmen. She and Kate then leave and Luan states that Bender actually backed her and she was suprised her little brother still was doing so as well.

Greatest Universal Horror Show of Circus Gothica[]


Luan is brought up to speed by Ford and the others when they all arrive to see him and Scratch about the hauntings of the multiverse, When asked on Lincoln's whereabouts, Luan states that she has no  idea due to how much he gets around. When Bender offers to bring them in, Luan warns him that it may be not that simple, Bender states he'll be able to

Upon being informed of the situation, Luan decides to tag along with Marcy and her friends to get back to Big City as Bender decides to look into the situation with Libby, as Luan knows Libby needs Bender after what happened. Working with the rest of the team, Luan finds herself dealing with the horror monsters icons under Freakshow and has to basically put her Halloween plans to rest due to all this.

Though unfamiliar to this compared to Lincoln, she does at least get in contact with Lucy who helps her deduct this thing and due to her wising up and becoming more savry due to her role as a web slinging super hero she uses it to her edge as she went into Lincoln's comic books to learn this.

When The Grundel attacks, Luan is nearly taken due to her  child like mentality but is saved in time by Slade and Ford who both manage to stop this from occuring. Luan drives off the Grundel  respectivefully with them and then stays with the others as they head through the Ghost Zone to find the Greens


Luan and the others get Slade and his crew returning to show their plan for Freakshow, who they learned about as they arrive to Big City. Once regrouping with the rest of the heroes, Luan fights with the rest to prevent Freakshow's Diasteroid from crashing down to the world where she takes order from Molly and Scratch to do just this respectfully as Bender goes after Freakshow with Anti Cosmo and the others

After this is all done, Luan agrees to host their own horror show for Halloween and helps set up everything for the Casagrandes and has Funny Business Inc Represent it as per what she and Bender decided on.


Luan between the stories has developed strong friendships with The B Team, Especially Bender who she has a very family like relationship with and he in turn is very protective of her. Luan like her little brother is one of the main protagonists of the story with Bender and Lydia. She is apparently in the loop about what the timeline changed.


Her Family[]

Luan tells a lot of jokes, but rarely makes any of her siblings laugh. She also plays a lot of practical jokes on them, some of which seems truly mean spirited, In other cases, the impression does come off that she doesn't mean for anybody's feelings to be hurt.

She's always willing to help her siblings when they have a problem, and she has a generally friendly, and caring personality outside of her pranking nature, but can get violent tempered with her siblings

She is always closer to her father than her mom, on account of him laughing at her jokes and joking with her. Sibling wise, she is closest to her room mate Luna, Her older sister Leni, her Brother Lincolin and her younger sister Lucy Loud


Luan's best friend outside of her family and boyfriend Benny is Bender and it's unusual or is it in a sort of a way. They have a very close friendship in the way of Bender being something of a cool big bro, or seeing himself as a 2nd father/uncle to her as well as being very protective of her and won't let anyway insult her and that includes someone like Heloise.

Luan for her part loves having him around, for his comical persona, and easiness to talk with. She has him act as her assistant during her gigs and they often work to come up with new acts and often accepts his help when Luan wants to prank people. She also is unafraid to call him on stuff when he goes too far and Bender does listen to her, and actually respects her in a way he respects his wife Starfire and his close friends Heloise and Marceline. Bender arguably makes a better figure to Luan then to any of his kids, though as he explains he lost his kids and is trying to be there for her as much as he can. Bender and Luan even went in business together with both of their names as P.Is and to enterain for other kids.


Luan doesn't have as many interactions with Skipper than she does with Bender, due to Skipper being more unlike her than Bender or Heloise, but unlike Skipper's more virtualoic interactions with Julian, he does get along with Luan well despite how silly she is and how serious he is. She does treat Skipper like a pet penguin sometimes to his annoyance unlike Heloise or Bender who treat him like an equal. To be fair to Luan, she did tell Skipper that they need to blend in and Skipper being a pet is just being careful Both of them do share a similar desire to help Bender though and don't fight when they do. Skipper and Luan also work well together like the one time during one of Heloise's experiments gone haywire, they got trapped in a comic strip world and had to find a way to escape. Luan also has a use for Skipper's secret agent abilities to find out things she has to know.


Among the main 3 consisting of Heloise, Bender and Skipper, Heloise has less patience and more prone to being annoying by Luan than either Bender who dotes on her and Skipper who serves as an mediator of the two extremes. Heloise is not amused by her silliness and puns not finding them funny, as well as finding her immature for having a ventroquiest dummy in her teens, unlike Skipper she doesn't hesitant to call this out, even though Bender scolds Heloise for it. Luan does feel that Heloise is too uptight and temperatural, ironic since Skipper is the lawful one and Luan doesn't call him this.

Heloise though isn't so above it all and like Luan treats Mr.Coconuts like a real person, when alone and can be equally immature which serves as a foil to Luan. Luan is silly and immature but has some maturity to her and Heloise is very serious but still can be a kid. Both girls do respect each other for their skills, Heloise respects Luan's cleverness in pranks and how devious she can be at times and sees Luan and Bender's friendship as something good for both of them and Luan admires how intelligent Heloise is and how skilled of a scientist she is.


The Joker[]

One of Luan's enemies if not her main enemy, While Luan is new to adventuring she developed a strong hate for The Joker after joining the heroes against Thawne, This is too not far from Bender's hatred of Joker and Luan works with Bender to take him out. It's implied she knows about Joker that she lets on.

Marcy Wu[]

Luan make good friends with Marcy Wu when she met Marcy Wu who needed her and Bender's help and while they're different they are both quirky teenagers that get along. Luan and Marcy Wu are rather close as the 2 main girls of Marcy's operations.

Cleo Sub Prime[]


Her relationship is close with Starfire, while not as close as Luan's relationship with Bender. This is mirror to her own relationship with her own parents and Starfire is a motherly figure to her like Bender is a more patriarch like figure. Luan sees it as having two moms and dads and loves both of them very much, despite the differences. Starfire also dotes on her a lot for being like Starfire herself.

Kate Bishop[]

Spider Gwen[]

Libby Stein[]

Benny Stein[]


  • Luan is the only Loud sister whose has curved eyelashes
  • She has buck teeth like Lincoln and Lily
  • Luan records herself sleeping, in the event she sleep jokes
  • She has interest in magic tricks and arguably was how Lincoln got into magic.
  • Luan gets her sense of humor from her father, and similar to him got into cooking for a episode.
  • She has her own birthday business called Funny Business Inc., complete with a hotline and business cards. She also gets paid for it
  • Luan goes back and forth when it comes to knock-knock jokes.
  • She looks up to Joannie Sassafras, and the last name of her idol was the last name of the villain The Prankster.
  • Luan is the only original B Team Member other than Bender to be a main character in Phase 4
  • Out of her sisters, she likely is the biggest daddy's girl of them all.
  • Luan, Lincoln and Lisa are the only siblings that understand Lilly in Loud House
  • She is arguably one of the smartest Louds, though she seems more interested in her smarts for pranks and comedy. That's not even getting into Aprils Fools Day

