Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Kirie Fujou is an anti-villainess from Kara no Kyoukai. She is an antagonist in the first chapter.


A woman in her late twenties, Kirie had long black hair (with a blue hue in the film) that obscured most of her face. Aged at 27, she was mainly depicted as wearing a white hospital gown for most of her appearance. Her second body noticeably possessed longer flowing hair that levitated, often covering her eyes. This combined with her second body possessing a billowing white dress (seemingly a larger version of her white hospital gown), gave her the appearance of a traditional Japanese ghost. Her overall frame was rather thin, enough for Shiki to liken her second body's haunting appearance to that of a skeleton's bones. In contrast, her billowing white dress was described as giving her the beautfiul appearance of a lilly flower.


Kirie is quiet and timid. She is defined by day-dreaming and floating. She has been plagued by disease and spent her life in the hospital ward. After losing her sight, she viewed the world with renewed clarity, and was set free by Souren with another body after awakening her spiritual ability. She has no goal even with this body, so she has nowhere to go. She lingers and floats, and although she desires to make new friends, they cannot hear her or sense her and this causes her to grow lonely. She possesses their souls with the intention of making them notice her, resulting in the body of the victims to commit suicide in the process. Despite her subdued demeanor, she continued to use her power to the point of escapism; even though she was aware towards the eventual fate of her victims. Only when she was caught by Touko does she freely admit to her crimes. Although she had possessed Mikiya, she has shown a sense of compassion by never actually tampering with him enough to cause his body to commit suicide. When Kirie's second body encountered death through her fight with Shiki, this caused her to develop a fondness for the feelings she felt during the experience. She likens the feeling of death as if "life" was brought back inside her ill body, and as such chooses to commit suicide to relive the same experience. Before death, Kirie believed that the only way she could return to the reality of the normal world after being deprived of experience for being bed-ridden for so long was to allow herself to finally die.


Shiki Ryougi[]

Souren Araya[]

Touko Aozaki[]

Hisui (Tsukihime) & Kohaku (Tsukihime)[]

Two relatives from her clan. Though the awareness of their relationship is not known.

