Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

This article was been declared by the authors from CIS Productions to be no longer canon to their stories once its original idea was discarded to welcome more developed and planned ideas. However, to preserve old ideas for research or personal purposes, this article will be kept in the wiki.

This episode of LOTM: Sword of Kings is filled with mature content such as horror gifs, rape and sexual violence, black and offensive jokes, obscene languages and gore images. Do you still want to view it?
Yes, I do No, I do not


"Mature Content Warning!"
‎This article contains some content involving a mature subject or situation and may not be suitable for younger audiences. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. If you're not 18, B1-Killer Kampfdroide Unit-CM 130 will use you in his experiments, he loves children.

LOTM: Sword of Kings Holiday Special

Halloween Special

"From Hell" Letter

Based in True Events

Previous Special Episode: LOTM: Sword of Kings Special: Valentine's Day


"From hell.


I'm sending you half of the kidney I took from a woman and preserved it for you. I fried half and ate it, it was very nice. I may send you the bloody knife that took it out if you only wait a while longer.

Signed - Catch me when you can"

LOTM: Sword of Kings Special Halloween: From Hell Letter is a Halloween special Holiday episode that happens 2 weeks after the end of LOTM: Sword of Kings AA - Raizen School Arc. The episode is a canon episode appearing in LOTM: Sword of Kings Saga AA. As stated, this is a special holiday episode, this is the second holiday special episode, The Valentine's Day is the first holiday episode. The plot is set some days prior the beginning of LOTM: Sword of Kings AA Final - Eckidina Arc.

Based in True Events


Not recommended for people under 18-years old. Gore images, sexual content and brutal violence. You have been warned. We are not responsible for any negative reaction.



  • Rated: PG-18
  • Genre: Horror, Mystery, Detective, Yuri, Romance, Gore, Echii
  • Stories: LOTM: Sword of Kings



Based on one of the most legendary and ruthless seri --- षसहॐक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़फ़य़ॠॡ।॥०१२३ ४५६७८९ॲॻॼॽ ॾॿঅআইঈউঊঋঌ এঐওঔকখগঘঙচ ছজঝঞটঠডঢণত থদধনপফবভময রলশষসহঽৎড়ঢ় য়ৠৡ১২৩৪৫৬৭ ৮৯ৰৱ৲৳৴৵৶৷ ৸৹৺ਅਆਇਈਉਊਏ ਐਓਔਕਖਗਘਙਚਛ ਜਝਞਟਠਡਢਣਤਥ ਦਧਨਪਫਬਭਮਯਰ ਲਲ਼ਵਸ਼ਸਹਖ਼ਗ਼ਜ਼ੜ ਫ਼੦੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮ ੯ੲੳੴઅઆઇઈઉઊ ઋઌઍએઐઑઓઔકખ ગઘઙચછજઝઞટઠ ડઢણતથદધનપફ બભમયરલળવશષ...


Main Characters[]

Neutral Characters[]

Main Antagonists[]

Opening - Counting Bodies Like Sheep[]


A Perfect Circle Counting Bodies Like Sheep lyrics

Part 0 - Jack the Ripper[]

Japan - Tenguu State

Hamiza City

06:32 AM

Original drawn by cola gotouryouta sample-6011a5ff2ced948ea8913d3ac2135434

For many people coming from outside the country, the word "Tenguu" reminds them of "Tenguu City." However, "Tenguu" actually is a Japanese state. "Tenguu City" is the capital of this state and there are many small towns around Tenguu City, however these cities are not metropolitan cities with railways, airports and viaducts like Tenguu City, yet still great cities to live. In fact, these small towns are great places to live away from violence and urban chaos.

In these small towns, everyone knows each other and are friendly with each other. The violence is very low and there are not many indications of crimes. Moreover, it is a peaceful place where you can walk the streets at night without fear of being robbed and you can easily see stars at the night since small towns does not exist so much pollution.

Two weeks has passed since the beginning of World War III. London, Tokyo and Tenguu City were ones of the thousands of cities around the globe that suffered attacks during the first night. Fortunately, Chronos Empire managed to drive out the KnightWalkers and saved Tenguu City, United States, Tokyo and London. However, there was only one week to the beginning an armed conflict. The world was at peace for three weeks after the massive attack that night, but there was only one week left to the beginning of the greatest conflict in human history. People could not do anything but pray for anything to happen to their country. Many people migrated to the small towns where possibly there would be no attacks, yet the entire world was under threat of nuclear war and there was no place to hide.


In Hamiza City, there are many Japanese apartments for people who have migrated. And in one of these blocks, there was a manager stirring in a plastic bag that was stuck in the stream in front of his apartment. He felt a horrible smell coming from that bag and decided to open with a bamboo. One of the residents living in the apartment saw it through the window and tried to stop the manager.

Female Resident: Hey, hey! Manager, stop that! If you tear this bag it will stink even more! I didn't leave Tenguu City to smell more rotten things.

A resident of the apartment is an old and grumpy woman. However, she has a point. After the attack in Tenguu City conducted by the Mafusa Gang, the streets were full of dead bodies, no matter where you went you felt a rotten smell of dead bodies everywhere.


Manager: I know!

Ignoring her warning, the manager continued stirring the bag until the tip of bamboo tore the bag in the middle, releasing a unimaginable stench. It smelled so bad as sewage. When the bag opened, a huge amount of flies left flying.

Manager: What the---?

The manager tries to scare away the flies with his hands until they were gone, he had not chance to look at what was inside the bag.

Manager: Flies and worms, what the hell did they put inside?

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The manager is an old man so his vision is quite bad but the female resident can see very well. In the blink of an eye, the skin resident was pale and began to tremble when she saw something strange inside of that bag.

Female Resident: M-M-Manager! What's that?

Manager: What?

The manager turned his sights. The old female resident pointed her finger at the bag.

Manager: Huh?

Female Resident: Over there!


The manager looked at the bag again, seconds later he finally could see what was there. To his surprise, he dropped the bamboo he was holding and fell backward when he saw a horrible and grotesque scene down there.

ManagerWHAT'S THAT?!!

Inside that bag, there was a dead person. If it were only a dead person it would not be a surprise, since several bodies had been found in the rivers. During the attack of Mafusa Gang, members of the gang threw civilian's dead bodies in the rivers and many of them arrived in this city. However, within that bag, there was a completely mutilated woman, disemboweled, without eyes, broken bones, pierced hands with screws and cut throat. And besides, her womb coming out of her genitals.

The woman and the manager screamed so loud that all civilians that were sleeping woke up and ran outside to see what was happening. They saw the same scene and had the same reaction. The female resident passed out and others vomited.

4 hours later


Police Officer 1: As we thought. Another one.

Police Officer 2: This is the thirty-second body in this week.

It's been a few hours since the police were called to the scene. 5 police vehicles were called to isolate the area and keep order and 2 cars from the fire department with trained men to remove the body from the stream. There were hundreds of residents across the city at that location, the town is small so the news spread very fast.

Cameras' flash lights and sirens were heard all over the place as the firefighters withdrew the body. As the police officer said, this was one of the many bodies that were found by civilians after the Mafusa Gang attack in Tenguu City, 23 kilometers away. The police decided to send drones and men to the rivers to find more bodies. In two 2 weeks, 73 bodies were found, but the estimate is that 120 people were thrown in the rivers at the night of the attack.

Police Officer 1: But this time...

Yes, even the police officer noticed that. This time, the body was completely "destroyed". All previous bodies were found with stab wounds and only shots but this time, the body was completely mutilated.

Police Officer 2: Do you think it was Mafusa Gang or the KnightWalker Family?

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Police Officer 1: Don't be stupid, the KnightWalker Family would never do that... But Mafu---

- (???): Another victim.

A female voice interrupted the police officer was talking. The police officer turned around and saw a beautiful woman walking towards them. Looks like the woman just left a car besides their vehicle. 

Police Officer 1: Who're you. Civilians should stay ou---

The female woman that looks like a office lady pulled her ID Card and showed it to officers.

- (???): Kirigiri Kyouko. Super High School Level "Detective" from Global Pact Defense.

Police Officers: !!!!!

Kirigiri Kyouko

Kirigiri Kyouko. All police officers in the world are trained to respect this person. Why? She is considered the most famous detective in the world. She solved more than 32,000 cases of homicides and murders in series around the world. Thanks to her, many criminal organizations and terrorists fell around the world. She is hunted by the criminal underworld. She wears her hair back in a pony-tail with two strands of hair lose that go down the front of her body.

She wears a greenish jacket, and wears her gloves still. Her shirt is a white blouse. She has a brown belt, holding up a dull purple short skirt. Around her left leg she wears a brown satchel. Her shoes are boots that are only a bit above her ankle, but they are also heeled.

At some point after the invasion of Liberty City 2 years ago, Kirigiri joined the GDP Investigation Team. She was once a student of Hope's Peak Academy.

Police Officer 1: Kirigiri Kyouko-san!

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In Japan, "-san" is used for people with people of high social standard. Using "-san", showed the respect of the officer towards the Kyouko.

Police Officer 2: Sorry for the disrespect, Kyouko-san.

Kyouko passed by the officers without saying a word and looked at the men removing the body of the stream.

Kyouko: Report.

The Police Officers woke up from their embarrassment with her words.

Police Officer 2: A-Ah... It's just another dead bod---

Kyouko was expecting another answer so she stopped the police officer.

Kyouko: Wrong.

Police Officer 1: Eh? 


"Eh" was a normal question. After all, all dead bodies found in all rivers are people killed by Mafusa Gang 2 weeks ago, so if the crime was caused by another group or person, it would be more shocking.

Kyouko: This is the 29th victim...

Police Officer 1: 29th? You are talking about the murder of civilians in Tenguu City?

3 million people were killed during the attack of Mafusa Gang, so the number "29" was quite wrong at that moment but the police officers continued hearing her words.

Kyouko: More or less. Yes, the murders happened in Tenguu City but this murder is different.

Police Officer 1: What do you mean, Kyouko-san?

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Kyouko turned around and looked at the officers.

Kyouko: What's this? So you the police of this town don't yet?


A silence fell but the sounds of voices, sirens and flash could still be heard.

Kyouko: *sigh* It can't be helped.

Police Officers: Roger!

The officers saluted.


The police of this town are trained by the military, so the "Roger" with military salute is normal. Kyouko crossed her arms.

Kyouko: 3 months ago, a murder occurred in Tenguu City. However, this murder was different. You could say this murder was caused by the hands of a psychopath with psychological problems. A body of a woman was brutally pierced with 90 bayonets in format of crosses. She had her hair shaved, eyes gouged out, removed skin and the uterus was placed between the lungs.

Police Officer 1: Jesus...

Durarara!! E14 03m 12s

Kyouko: After that murder, the killings continued in other ways. We noticed all victims were women, most of them were adults. 3 of them were children between 9 and 10 years old. The police tried to investigate all forms but this killer was a very smart and strategic murderer. The killer grabbed the women by behind and in two precise blows cut the throat exposed. This killer, in weeks, became more violent and cruel. This killer began to open the bodies of the victims, gutting the strange out. 

Police Officer 1: Oh, I remember now!

The office remembered about these murders. It was obvious that he would remember, these mass murders had the spotlight all over the world at the time. But after the massive attack caused by Mafusa Gang, these killings have lost their importance and the reconstruction of the city was the most important thing to think now.

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Kyouko: You remembered now? Yes, this is the 29th Victim of the Jack the Ripper of 21st Century.

Jack the Ripper... Who don't know this guy? One of the most iconic serial killers in history. Killed 5 women in London, 1888 in the most brutal ways that anyone can imagine. His main victims were drunk prostitutes. His murders were marked by his signature butchers; removing the wombs of women.

Police Officer 1: I see... So this is another one... Jack...

28 women and girls had been killed by this serial killer. After the attack in Tenguu City, the murders stopped for a few days but after a week, the killings continued. Many people were praying that this assassin had died during the battle. The last victim was killed 4 weeks ago, her name was Joshun Clore, a 32-year-old Jewish woman.

Kyouko: The GDP ignored these murders because they are focused in war crimes. But this time, the GDP sent me here to investigate. They fear another serial killer like the Jack the Ripper from 1888 can escape from his punishment.

The Jack the Ripper from 1888 managed to escape and was never captured by the Justice, that's why he was one of the most iconic serial killers in history.

Police Officer 1: But why are you here? I thought the murders were happening in Tenguu City.

Kyouko: I came here because I thought the murder might have moved to this town. But I think this body came from Tenguu City. I was wrong.

Kenzo Tenma

- (???): I'm late again, Kirigiri Kyouko.

A man approached Kyouko and company.

Kyouko: Kenzou Tenma.

Kenzou Tenma is a detective like Kyouko but he is not part of GDP. He works for the National Security.

Tenma: I checked the route of the body. There is not doubt that this body came from Tenguu City. All that I can imagine was that the serial killer tried to divert our attention to this city. Probably to deceive us.

Tenma stopped walking and gave a document to Kyouko.

Tenma: You're probably right.



Tenma: Also....

Kyouko changed her sights to Tenma.

Kyouko: What's it?

Tenma pulled an envelope of his pocket and gave it to Kyouko.

Tenma: We found this with that body.

In that envelope, there was some Japanese Kanjis written in it. Kirigiri took the letter.

Kyouko: "Despair or Hope?"


Kyouko opened the envelope and started to read.

Kyouko: "Her cries were incredible. I ate her uterus. Of course she was pregnant but I removed the..."

Kyouko stopped... She could not continue more than that. Tenga was cool like he was before, he probably read the letter before he could show it to Kyouko. But the officers were scared... It was the first time they saw one of the legendary letters from of Jack the Ripper.

Tenma: Jack the Ripper is a cannibal.

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Kyouko put the letter in a detective plastic bag.

Kyouko: This is not important. I'll send this letter to TCPD. Tenma, we are going back to Tenguu City. I noticed 25 of the women killed were involved with Raizen High School.

Tenma: Raizen High School? 

Raizen High School is the school where Katarina Couteau currently attends. Other people, such as La Folia Rihavein, Eckidina KnightWalker and Misogi Kumagawa also go to school here. Eckidina KnightWalker was the president of the student council there but with the beginning of WWIII, Eckidina left the school and became the new leader of KnightWalker Family by betraying her father, Juria KnightWalker.


Kyouko walked towards her car as she left the crime scene. Tenma followed her. The officers could only watch them leaving. Kyouko and Tenma entered in the car. Kyouko then turned on the car and drove out.

Some minutes later, Kyouko was already driving back to Tenguu City through the highway.

Tenma: What's our next step?

Kyouko: I need to know if this serial killer is somehow involved with that school. 25 of the victims were students and teachers from that school. This is strange.

Tenma: I can only think about one person. Eckidina KnightWalker.

Kyouko: No. Eckidina is now the leader of KnightWalker Family and is very busy now. She is a warmonger but not a serial killer. 

1 hour later

Tenguu City Abandoned District

Abandoned Warehouse

12:45 AM

Abandoned warehouse by dandup-d6ql3jb

The murders had no time to happen. Usually murders happen overnight but this new Jack the Ripper did not have time to kill. In one of many abandoned warehouse in Tenguu City that was once used as a base of Mafusa Gang, a beautiful civilian was running with all her endurance and breath. At such times, there are many people who run through streets and make their own marathons to do morning exercise, but this was not running civil doing morning exercises, she was running away.

Civilian: Someone! Help me!

Hand selecting the box

She was being chased by someone.

The woman looked behind and didn't see nobody. She finally arrived in a huge place full of boxes, it was the deposit. The woman stopped running and hide behind a box. Seconds later, she tried to hear the footsteps of her chaser but she did not hear anything but her heavy breath.

Civilian: I did it...


Civilian: I survived... Screw you...

The woman let out a victory grin.


The civilian stood up and tried to find the exit of the warehouse. It was a huge so place so she tried to sneak to the exit. She finally found the exit, it was a destroyed door with vision to the outside. The strong sunlight came through that door, resembling the scene of hope.

Without thinking twice, the woman run towards the exit. She was hoping her chaser was no longer chasing her. She knew very well who was chasing her, it was the new and most famous serial killer of history. This woman loves gore and horror books and movies but this is not what she liked.

The woman ran through the door and stopped when she saw the place outside, it was a fenced area full of trees and shrubs. That scene was so beautiful that the woman cried in happiness.


- (???): Your body will give more trees.

An unknown voice came from behind the woman. She was so focused landscape that she could not identify if the voice was male or female. Before she could turned around in panic, a katana was swung in her neck, the woman's neck was cut in half. The only vision she had of the killer is that the person was wearing a black hood.

Like a ghost, the killer was gone before the woman's body could fall within the deposit. The katana cut the woman's neck was left in place as if the killer was giving a chance for the police to find him.

Raizen High School

May 24 - 2036

1 day later

11:04 AM


Summer break has ended and it became the 24th of May. There was an event happening in the afternoon, which had still not escaped from the summer heat. There was a bizarre atmosphere around the gymnasium of the Raizen high school.

Ai: [One year ago we learned many things.]

Katarina Couteau's classmate, Yamabuki Ai, stood on stage while clenching her fist, and squeezed her voice out to the mike.

Ai's best friends, Hazakura Mai and Fujibakama Mii were standing at both of her sides, holding the Raizen High School flag up on her left and right. They had, incidentally, took up an "At ease" posture of a bodyguard or an imperial guard from somewhere. Together, with the bizarre vigor Ai put into her state, it was like looking at a country's ruler about to declare war.


Ai: [The meaning of a bitter experience, the humiliation of a defeat the cold feeling of the ground when made to grovel on the floor!]

Ai said that with detest, swinging her fist, and nimbly raised her face.

Ai: [Well then, gentlemen. This pitiful army of defeated gentlemen. I want to ask all of you. Are we still experiencing the feeling of bitterness? Are we still groveling on the ground? Are we still stuck sunk in defeat?!]


Ai slammed her fist on the podium. The microphone's audio feedback echoed around nearby.


- Ai: [No! No way! Those guys have committed a grave mistake; they have given us time to sharpen out fangs of revenge! Our dearest time of fulfillment has come! Let there be glory to Raizen! Let there be honor to Raizen! With a strike with all our strength, we will bite their throats to a thousand pieces!!]

At the same time Ai swung her fist upwards, as if responding to that-----

All StudentsOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhh!!

The students crowded in the gymnasium raised their voices all at once. The gymnasium's glass windows shook slightly and the tremendous voices echoing on top of each other shook his eardrums until they hurt.

La Folia: Haha...They are so full of energy.

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La Folia Rihavein cracked a wet smile while gazing at her classmate giving a speech up on stage. Nonetheless, it was not like she didn't understand the reason why they were so wildly enthusiastic about it. That's because---

Katarina: La Folia, what on Earth is Ai saying? Is she trying to start a war somewhere?

A doubtful voice echoed from her right side. When La Folia turned to look where the voice had come from, she found Katarina Couteau standing beside her directing her attention at her. She had night scarlet hair reaching her waist, and a pair of crystal eyes that stared back at La Folia. She was a beautiful girl, beautiful enough to think it was not something she was naturally born with.

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Nonetheless, right now, her face was perplexed with a very bewildered expression. Well, that's probably normal. If a person with no prior knowledge about the situation saw that speech just now, then without a doubt the person would be confused. No matter how much one looks at her, the current Ai looks like a war hero or a lecturer giving her own seminar.

La Folia: It's because this month is the Tenou festival.

Katarina: Tenou festival? What's that?

La Folia: Hmm... Well, an easy way to say it is that it's a super big school festival.

When La Folia said that, Katarina's eyes sparkled.


Katarina: School festival! Ooh! I've seen that before in the television. It's a dream-like festival with food vendors lined up in the school!

La Folia: Hmm. That's not wrong but...

- Katarina: Ooh... I see. We're going to do a school festival! That's uh, I think it's good!

She said that, and after making an ecstatic expression for a while, she once again twisted her head.

Katarina: Oh? So, why do we need this kind of meeting for the school festival?

La Folia: Aah, the Tenou festival this year will be a little different... The schools from Tenguu City will help in the reconstruction of the city.... It's a combination school festival with the ten high schools inside Tenguu city.

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Katarina: Ten schools... Combination... Mafusa Gang... Eugen...

Katarina started to look down in disgrace. Sad and tragic memories came in her head... Memories of her fight with Aki Honda 2 weeks ago. Luckily, any person in Raizen High School lose a familiar or a friend so everyone in this school were happy to see their friends survived that attack... But everyone noticed Katarina's behavior. Katarina became depressed and tried to hide her scars through a smile. Even now, Katarina's still shaken.

Katarina's Flashback[]

Scenes from LOTM: Sword of Kings AA - Katarina Vs. Aki Honda

- (???): Sister!!

Hospital corridor at night cc by nc sa by jakebowkett-d65jhoh

Katarina: Sister......?

Katarina was blind, without her left army, with her open column and mentally shaken.

Eugen: It's me! Eugen!

Eugen took Katarina by her right arm and her carried away from there. But Eugen was just 9 years old (14 years old) so she carried Katarina with difficulty.

Katarina: Eugen... Please... Run... Th-is- n-ot- a pla-ce for y-ou...

Eugen ignored.

Eugen: Let's go home... Sister... To our family... Let's go back to La Folia. She will help us all...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Eugen felt something go through her body.

Eugen looked down and realized that a katana crossed her body. Eugen screamed, spat blood and fell to the ground along with Katarina. Aki Honda had thrown her katana at Eugen.


Aki Honda: STUPID BRAT! Who is laughing now!? Brat "Heroine"! 


Katarina was looking for Eugen with her hands since she was blind.


Eugen: Stu--pi-d Onne-san. This is all because you, sister.

Eugen smiled while she trying to hold her pain.>

Katarina found Eugen and tried to hug her to protect her from Aki Honda.

Eugen: Damn, onne-san. I wish I had spent more time with you. I wanted to have lived more..... Ahhh .... what my parents would say about it...

Katarina: Eugen.... please d-on-t die.... If you die before m-e, I'l-l p-unis-hh y-ou.

Eugen: Idio-t, you're the o-ne that ne-eds to be pr-otected. Don't c-cry, onne-chan. You will escape.... A-And live. You're a good wo-man, sister. Run... Please... R-run. I l-ove you, sis.... even if we just met.


Eugen fell back on the floor, dead.

Katarina looked for Eugen but she was dead.

Katarina: Eugen....? Eugen? Eugen? Eugen? Eugen?! Eugen?!

Katarina found Eugen, but she was dead. Katarina wept tears of blood.


 Katarina cried loudly while carrying the body of her dead sister.

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Aki Honda: This is so cute! That worm did not know her place, buzzing like a fly! This is what happens to an insect!

Katarina still crying.

Aki Honda: Now...

Several criminals and members of Mafusa Gang appeared behind Aki Honda.

Aki Honda: You sure defeated several of my soldiers. Now I should return the favor!

Katarina stopped crying and heard Aki Honda's voice.

Aki HondaI'm going crush you with the palm of my hand! Your life is officially OVER!


Katarina: You just called this girl a worm?....

Aki Honda: Hmm?

Katarina: You called this girl a bug?....


Katarina: This is unforgivable!

Aki Honda: Ahn?

A dark and red aura began to surround Katarina. 

Katarina: This is unforgivable....

Katarina opened her eyes that a few seconds ago were cut off. Her eyes became red with pure blood of rage and hatred.

Mafusa Gang Criminal 1: What.....

Mafusa Gang Criminal 2: What the fuc-.....



La Folia stayed in silence and pet Katarina.

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La Folia: Easy...

Tenguu City, the place Katarina and the other are living in, was a reconstructed area of the northern part of Kantou region, from the Japanese metropolitan area which suffered devastating damage by a south-east grand disaster 30 years ago.

Right now for sure, using it as a test city with state of the art technology, they planned to make it suitable for humans to live in, but during the time they started the reconstruction, probably thanks to the threat of a spacequake having not faded, there was an unbalanced time where the number of citizens was very small, compared to the completion of areas or institutions in the region. It was at that time when the union festival, called the 'Tenou Festival', came in to practice.

La Folia continued explaining about the festival to escape from that tragic matter.

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La Folia: Well to put it simply, since the number of schools and students were small at that time, it would seem they planned to do it together to make it more exciting and to show how our schools can be useful to help the city. That continued even after the number of citizens increased.

La Folia made a wry smile while shrugging her shoulders. At first it was a festival planned together by the schools in the underpopulated area, but right now it's a great event held in the Tenguu square's giant exhibition hall, with it being reserved for three whole days to distribute tools, food, water and supplies to the citizens of Tenguu City.

For Tenguu city, which presently seemed to have approved the festival that had grown to such a big event; it couldn't just let the Tenou festival end with the attack of Mafusa Gang.


In addition to the sensational nature of the event, and as a natural consequence of it being covered by television, there are some economical reasons for this much fanfare; It attracts tourists from outside the city and a considerable number of middle school students, from both locally and among the many visiting tourists, will be determining their High School of choice by the results of the Tenou Festival.

Even so, the event that was at first an idea beginning with famous schools joining together and making the school festival livelier, started to gain a different meaning because of the many schools joining in.

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Katarina was a little sad but her teacher, Tamae Okamine, passed by the crowd and walked towards Katarina and La Folia.

Tamae: Hey, Katarina!

Katarina and La Folia turned their sights to Okamine while Ai, Mii and Mai still acting like dictators at the stage.

Katarina: Teacher? What's wrong?

Tamae stopped in front of Katarina.

Tamae: Ehh... A person know as Kirigiri Kyouko wants to talk with you.

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Katarina: Kirigiri Kyouko? You know her, La Folia?

Katarina turned around and looked and La Folia and then...

Katarina: La Folia?! What's wrong?! You're pale!

La Folia was pale... When she heard the name of Kyouko.

La Folia: Katarina! The person who wants to talk with you the most famous detective in the world! Kirigiri Kyouko is the Super High School Level Detective!

Katarina swung her head to right in signal of confusion.

Katarina: Super High Scho... What?

Tamae: Also, Mana Takamiya is there. Kirigiri Kyouko is waiting in our class with some of our students. She is investigating about the Jack The Ripper's murders.

La Folia: Oh... Those murders. But why does such important person want to talk with us?

Tamae: I don't know the details but she suspects that the killer is involved with the school. We noticed it too. All of the victims were students and teachers of this school. Raizen High School requested the GDP to send her and capture this criminal, so she is here because of us.

Katarina: I see... I hope I can beat the shit out of this serial killer one day...


Tamae: Well, this serial killer is not a simple criminal...


Tamae: Please, Katarina. Stay away from these murders. Let the GDP solve that.

Katarina: A-Ah. If you say so.

Of course, Katarina was excited to beat this serial killer. Usually, Katarina fight for fun but this serial killer was a disgusting enemy so she just wanted to punish him for his crimes. Katarina don't kill but her fight with Aki Honda broke her laws because Honda pushed Katarina to Despair Event Horizon.

La Folia nodded.

La Folia: Right. We are going there.

Tamae, La Folia and Katarina started to walk.

Raizen High School

42nd Class

5 minutes later

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It's been five minutes since Kyouko had called Katarina to the 42nd class. The gym was that all students were is located out of the main building then took a while to get there. Kyouko had not only called Katarina, but some other students were there too. Kyouko was not suspecting of any of them, she was just investigating using people who have more influence in that school. Kyouko know Katarina is the legendary Red Haired Demon but this doesn't matter now.

There were 5 people in that class, four were students and only Kyouko was the non-affiliated person to the school. Kyouko was seated the teacher's desk while the rest of the students were seated in their typical seats. The door of class opened, revealing Katarina and La Folia.

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The atmosphere is heavy and silent. No one made a noise and opened their mouths to say something. Nobody questioned "why" they were over there too. Everyone know Kirigiri Kyouko and can only obey her orders.

When Katarina and La Folia entered the class, they saw Mana Takamiya seated in one of the seats.

Mana: You're late!

Mana appears to be around the age of a middle-school girl. She has long blue hair, tied up in a ponytail, with some bangs left out. She has brown eyes, and a mole under her left eye. She has a "mysterious past" and is said to be involved with "Dark Empires" and "Balam Alliance". Some days ago, Mana tried to say to Katarina and La Folia that she came from another reality but she could not say it. Mana is currently living with Katarina and La Folia. She also transferred herself to Raizen High School because she wanted to have school life too.

Katarina turned her sights to Mana and smiled.

Kirigiri in ep 13

Katarina: Sorry, guys.

Hearing her voice, Kyouko looked at Katarina and La Folia.

Kyouko: Welcome. I'm glad you came, Red Haired Demon.


Katarina: ......................

La Folia: Hehehe...

Kyouko was confused with her reaction.

Crimson avenger by ryukun1231-d8921u3

Kyouko: What's wrong?

Katarina was kind of... Dead?

Katarina: Woaah... Even if the most famous detective in the world calls me for that name. I'm such useless person...

Kyouko swung her hands several times to deny her opinion.

Kyouko: No! No! No! No! It's not like that. I thought you would like if I call you like that. Because... Well... You're a legend.


La Folia: She don't like that nickname because she feel like her existence is only the "Red Haired Demon" and not "Katarina Couteau". That nickname was gave by Mafusa Gang and became know worldwide.

Kyouko: I see, so it's make sense. Sorry for that, Katarina Couteau.

Katarina: Hai...

La Folia laughed and changed her expression to seriousness when she looked at Kyouko.


La Folia: Hehe. Changing the matter, Ms. Kirigiri, why we were called here? I know you're investing the murders but if you're tryi---!

Kyouko interrupted La Folia. Well, even if La Folia know who is Kyouko, she is not going to let her blame Katarina for these murders just because she is a vigilante.

Kyouko: Well, this is what we are going to talk about. 

La Folia was not thinking properly. Normally, the world's best detective would never try to welcome a serial killer.


- (???): I was looking forward to this, Kirigiri Kyouko!

The girl who talked is Sonia Nevermind. Sonia is a tall, young woman with knee-length blonde hair with pale skin and light green eyes. She is wearing the standard issued school uniform of Tenguu Raizen High School Class 3 with a brown vest over her white dress shirt. Raizen High School has several types of uniforms.

Katarina: Sonia! You're here too!

Sonia: Yep!

Kyouko turned her sights to Sonia.

Kyouko: Actually... Sonia came by herself... She wanted to meet me in person.

Sonia: Oh! I always read Kyouko's cases and I'm a huge fan! You can call me a fangirl!

Mana (think): *This is not normal... Fangirls... Such scary race...*

3 minutes later


The conversation still going in funny and awkward ways. Kyouko stood awkwardly in front of the class since the reason of everyone there was another. But one of the students was raised her hand and said to everyone stay in silence... The name of this person is Otoya Takechi. She has long purple hair that is in a pony tail and light greenish-blue eyes. Just like the other students, she wears a uniform. She likes to tease others, but her actions are seen as borderline bullying. 

Otoya: Enough guys! Ms. Kyouko wants to talk with us!

Everyone turned their sights to Otoya.

Sonia: Humpf!

Katarina: Well... Well... I agree.

Mana: *sigh*

La Folia: Hehehe...

Kyouko: Please...

Kyouko sighned as everyone seated in their seats. Kyouko walked towards the teacher's desk and started her section.

Kyouko: You all probably know why I'm here. My name is Kirigiri Kyouko. I'm the Super High School Level Detective. I'll show you an image of one of the students of this class that was killed by Jack the Ripper. This photo is heavy then recommend to not look if you are not used.


Kyouko activated a data projector installed on the ceiling of the class and the photo of one of the students of that class was showed in class blackboard. That person is Misa Trepes. That photo was... As you can see...

Katarina: Ugh...

Otoya: Jesus...


Other students covered their eyes in to prevent nausea and vomiting.

Sonia: This is...

Mana: This is... Misa Trepes.

Mana was cool... Because of her "mysterious past" (that is yet to be explained), she is used to gore scenes.

Kyouko: You know her? She was the 26th victim.

Kyouko was surprised with her words. She could identify the person in that grotesque image. Kyouko turned her sight to Mana.

Mana: I met her 4 days ago. She was a nice person but she was shy and was not related to anyone. All I can say she was anti-social. 


Kyouko: You noticed something strange around her? 


Mana: Yes... Actually, not just her but other students.


Sonia: You noticed that too? As expected from you! Actually, I realized that all people before being killed had an altered behavior. They were kind of... Worried. Like if something was chasing them.

Kyouko: Chasing them?

Sonia: Yes, 'Some of them preferred to stay in school instead of returning home and others preferred to stay nearby where there were crowds of people. It was like if someone was following them in the shadows. They were getting paranoid and violent.


Otoya: Now that you said... Well, I live in the same street of Misa and I noticed she always looked around as if someone was stalking her.

Kyouko: So... The murders did not happen randomly... The serial killer had already marked them... But if they knew they were being stalked by the killer, so why they didn't tell the police or anyone?

La Folia: They were under threat? 

- (???): Not really.

The voice of a proud man echoud through the classroom. The man who said that is one of the students there, he is a teenage boy of 17-years old. His name Hiroto Tonomachi. This boy is know for his otaku-characters. He loves virtual anime girls instead of real girls.

Kyouko: What do you mean?

Hiroto: Since the serial killer is know for his "letters", so he probably sent letters to his victims and threat their friends and lovers... In fact, there was also a strange thing in these murders. All the people who were killed were solitary and anti social people.

Wiki 9

Katarina: The victims were loners because it would be easier to kill?

Hiroto: Probably, Katarina. Also, the assassin knew their address and routes  they used to back home. After all they were killed when they returned home after the end of class. What can prove that the killer was following them for a long time. So the attacks were planned.

Kyouko (think): *If a psychopath follows you, then you'll never know that because they are the perfect stalkers. So he sent letters to his victims? Also, all victims were women, so the killer is a man?*

*iron sound*

Genoscissors by razrrjunko-d6ueqam

An iron sound was heard in the classroom while the students were debating about the murders. Everyone looked back and saw a pair of scissors on the floor, that scissors fell from Otoya's pocket. That scissors were a little abnormal...

Otoya looked down and took the scissors.

- Otoya: Sorry, this is the scissors of my friend that I loaned!

Otoya put the scissors in her pocket. Everyone there already knew she like scissors for some reason with exception of Kyouko.

Part 1 - Scissors[]

46th Street

7 hours later

06:12 PM


It had been several hours since that meeting was over. Kyouko just called people who had more influence in that school because she thought they might have more clues and information about the victims. And Kyouko was right, thanks to that meeting, she could find incredibly useful things. The behavior of victims, psychological state and much more information. After the meeting was over, all students had gone to their homes.

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Obviously, all students walk in groups now, they cannot cancel classes and the Tenou Festival because of a murderer, the people of Tenguu City relied on GDP to solve these murders in series that were generating panic and fear.

- Tenma: So, how was that?

- Kyouko: They're incredible people... I guess. I was expecting the Red Haired Demon to be more... Shocking. Yet, I'm glad I came here. I think I might have a idea.

After the ending of the meeting, Tenma was waiting for Kyouko at the main gate of the school. After she left the school, they were walking together in the evening.

- Kyouko: I'm starting to think... If the Jack the Ripper is a student or employee of the school.

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Tenma, who was eating a donut looked at Kyouko.

- Tenma: Seriously?


- Kyouko: Every serial killer has a weakness. In their first crimes, is the time that they are more comfortable and leave a lot evidence behind. Every serial killer is very unprepared in the first murder and leave many things that can destroy themselves. Only in the next crimes does a serial killer become more cautious and it will be harder to track their steps.

Tenma blinked as if he was trying to figure out what she was saying. Of course, he knows about the "first murder" story but he don't know what it means in that situation.

- Tenma: Why do you think that?

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- Kyouko: I investigated the first place of the first death. There was a medical scissor in the place. In fact, all deaths were caused by medical scissors. We tried to see if there were fingerprints of the killer on the scissor that was found at the house but the killer was apparently wearing gloves. So, the killer has knowledge of medicine and anatomy, as all cuts in the bodies of the victims were made with incredible precision. This killer could cut a person in the middle with only scissors.

- Tenma: So Jack the Ripper is a doctor?

Jack the Ripper from 1888 was suspected to be a doctor too because he cut his victims with precision.

- Kyouko: No. I realized the killer knew the girls that were killed. This murderer killed the girls when they were alone in their homes, which means that the serial killer has studied these girls. He studied all these people. Routes, daily life, family, friends and even personality. What I am saying is the killer is probably a student or employee of Raizen High School.

Jack the ripper by davepalumbo-d5nf3d2

- Tenma: So the killer is inside of Raizen High School or he is just waiting for his victims outside of the school?

- Kyouko: Probably, because this killer is only focusing in girls of this school. If he was a typical serial killer, he would choose girls from other schools as well. This serial killer know our attention is focused in this school... So... I think his victims will change from now on. Tenma... If the serial killer is a student or employee of this school, I want the full list of all students and employee who left this school in last few days. Can you do that?

- Tenma: Sure... If this Jack the Ripper was like the Jack from 1888, it would much easier to catch him because we can do that now with technology.

- Kyouko: Please don't put so much faith in our technology. Serial killers today can easily avoid that.

Tenma nodded.

- Tenma: I've been thinking. The serial killer is a man who kills for sexual pleasure?

- Kyouko: Probably. Also the assassin has anatomical knowledge. Tenma, tomorrow we are going to investigate the Medicine School building. The teachers are the main suspects. Also...



- Tenma: What's it?

Tenma became curious.

- Kyouko: Investigate Otoya Takechi, send a Spy drone to watch her.

- Tenma: Roger.

Saying that, Tenma and Kyouko walked by the beautiful Japanese street.

Global Pact Defense Branch of Tennguu City

Kyouko's Office

1 hour later

07:45 PM

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The building of the GDP is located right in the center of Tenguu City. This is one of many building located in the commercial center of the city, where thousands of people will buy products every day. In the city center, there are many cinemas, shops, malls, restaurants, hotels and more. Japanese cities have a rule that all the shops and international companies must be located in the city center, then it would be obvious that the GDP building would be there.

Unfortunately, the attack Mafusa Gang left many building burned and destroyed streets, however, with the help of advanced technology and the charity of other states and countries, Tenguu City was literally reformed. All homes, buildings and apartments were reconstructed in 2 weeks, clearing the chaos left behind. Also, there were many bodies in the center but the GDP removed all the bodies and buried them all in a dignified manner. Unlike members of Mafusa Gang who were burned away from the city as if they were garbage. Thanks to this attack, Mafusa Gang entered in history as a black spot in the history of mankind.

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After Kirigiri Kyouko and Tenma Kenzou left Raizen High School, they went to GDP Building. Their duty was already over for that day but Kyouko was obsessed to discover the identity of this suspect and decided to look for evidence alone while in her office.

- Kyouko: 2 people are killed all weeks. But how? If the killer follow and study the victims then it means he is stalking two people at the same time?

Kyouko was reading some documents about 15th and 16th victims of Jack the Ripper in her desk.



Kyouko's stomach rumbled in hunger. Kyouko remembered that she was hungry. She did not eat anything all day because she was too busy investigating the murders. The only thing she ingested today was a cup of coffee in the morning. If this continue, Kyouko is going to pass out from weakness. Fortunately, she remembered that she had her favorite cakes in the refrigerator of her office.

Kyouko stood up and walked towards the refrigerator.

- Kyouko: I should have ate some of Tenma's donuts...

Kyouko opened the refrigerator and... As you can see...

- Kyouko: I have to clean it one day...


Kyouko searched for her cakes in the middle of that mess. It turns out that Kyouko buy more than she eats. She spends most of the time working and completely forgets to eat. This is the result of buying many things but the food are retained in the refrigerator. But thanks to that, Kyouko has an amazing female body. It's not like she care about her appearance, Kyouko loves to be a detective so romantic feelings is something that is missing in her dictionary.

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Kyouko took a bento with some meat cakes. This is one of her favorites foods. Kyouko closed the refrigerator and walked back to her desk. She turned her sights to the documents in her desk again while shut put one of the cakes in her mouth.

- Kyouko (think): *It's impossible to watch two people at the same time. It takes weeks to learn everything about a person. Jack the Ripper was already stalking his victims even before the murders began? If this is the case th---!!!!!*

Kyouko felt something sticking her mouth. It was something small and sharp. This little thing pierced her tongue. She quickly covered her mouth with her hands in despair and spat out the cake she was chewing in the palm of her hand. To her amazement, she saw something that scared her to the spine of her soul.


- Kyouko: A-A needle?!

Kyouko stood up from her chair and threw the rest of the cakes on the wall with all her strength. She was a detective put even the most controlled people can not think properly after suffering an attack.

- Kyouko: He was here!


1st floor

Kyouko realized that the killer had entered there. But it was not time for despair. That was the perfect chance to Kyouko find out who was there. Kyouko immediately ran out of the room and went to the control room. All employees were gone, the only people in that building was Kyouko and 4 guards. The guards were in the Security room, controlling the cameras and checking if there were suspicious movements inside of the building. The first thing Kyouko did was go to the camera room on the first floor.

Kyouko was running for minutes. On the first floor, Kyouko finally arrived in front of the door of the Security Room.


The door of the security room is a high-technology door so Kyouko put her GDP keypass in the keypad but the access was denied. She tried to open the door with the code but access was denied too. Kyouko tried again but the access was denied. Kyouko had no alternative but knock metal the door to tell the guards that she was trying to get in.

*baam* *baam* *baam*

Well, the door is heavy metal door so the onomatopoeia is different from typical "knock" sounds. With all her strength, Kyouko knocked the door several times.


- Kyouko: Open it!

Kyouko repeated the same phrase for minutes but no one answered, she was beginning to suspect that and decided to destroy the keypad with a gun. In fact, destroy the keypad is not enough to open the door. Kyouko then took the pistol in her belt that was strapped to her right leg and shot the keypad. The sound of the shot and Electricity echoed throughout the building. After that, Kyouko opened the keypad and broke all the wires inside the keypad. These electric wires were the link of the keypad with the metal door, the door could then be opened manually. Of course, with the shots, the alarm was triggered and the police was called automatically, that action saved Kyouko's time to call the police manually.


The lights of hall became red as the alarm went online. Kyouko then grabbed the door and tried to open in the middle with all her strength. That door weighed more than a ton but still possible to open it but with difficulty. As she opened the door, he was trying to pass between the gap of the two doors in the middle, after a few seconds trying to pass, Kyouko jumped into the room as the door she was holding closed quickly. Kyouko had to jump, if she were going let the door go and remained in the same place she was before, she would certainly be crushed by two doors.

- Kyouko: Where are they?

Kyouko was finally inside of the security room. The room was a typical place of any surveillance room. It was a large, closed and dark room. Only the lights of the monitors of the computers in front of the room was lighting up the darkness. There was no anyone in the room, Kyouko looked at all sides looking for the security guards but there was no sign of them.

AC4 Security Room

- Kyouko: This is...

Kyouko walked towards the computers and tried to check the recordings but for some reason the recordings were stopped at 16:45 PM.

- Kyouko: Someone stopped the recordings. That means I can't see what happens after 16:25 PM.

Kyouko noticed that the killer was inside the building after all the staff had gone, so it would be easier if the killer entered the building without being seen by anyone.

- Kyouko: But where is the---!!!!


Kyouko looked to the right side and saw blood coming out under the bathroom's door of the security room. Kyouko walked towards the door with her gun and opened the door. To her despair, she saw all four security guards on the floor with twisted necks as if someone had turned their necks. They were disemboweled with their entrails out.

- Kyouko: What the---

Kyouko gave several steps backward. When she looked ahead again, she saw something written in the wall of the bathroom. There was bizarre message made of blood in the wall

- Kyouko: My god...


Fades to black

In the Next Day...

Tenguu City Police Department of West

Investigation Laboratory

12:53 AM

Koski Institute

It's been a day since that incident in the GDP building. Quickly, this news spread throughout the world. Usually, a murder would take too long to reach the ears of the people from other countries but that massacre passed all bounds, that was the first time in history that a murderer could get into a high-security building and managed to kill all the guards inside building without being seen by anyone. That news was so frightening that some people thought the killer was not human. Besides, that was the first time that men were killed by the serial killer, only women had been killed before.

The only issue in the newspaper this morning was murder in series. Moreover, not only four guards were killed in the GDP building - another body of a woman was found in an abandoned deposit.

Conspiracy theorists thought the killer was the actual spirit of Jack the Ripper himself and there was nothing that humans could do about it. Also, at the 05:23 AM, the police found the body of Kanako Tsutsutori. Kanako was a civilian who worked as a teacher in Raizen High School. Kanako Tsutsutori is the homeroom teacher of Katarina's class and a former researcher.

The police and detectives were more focused on building of the GDP, of course some of them were focusing in the murder of Kanako as well. However, many of them were focusing in the GDP Building because it was where the killer might have left some evidence. Also, another issue that has been much talked about by everyone, is that Kirigiri Kyouko, the person who was in charge of the investigation suffered an attack against her life. When the killer entered in the building, he entered in the security room without being seen by the cameras and killed the four guards and then stopped all recordings of the cameras. A few moments later, the killer would have put needles in Kyouko's cakes in order to kill her. Proving the serial killer was scared.

A MediAscii office

- (???): This is a problem.

- Kyouko: I agree...

The person who is talking with Kyouko is Adam Jensen. Adam is a tall man around 20-years old. He works as one of the many detectives sent to Tenguu City by Global Pact Defense. He works in the same branch of Kyouko.

- Adam: But thanks to this invasion now we know the killer is related to Raizen High School.

Kyouko and Adam were seated in their computers alongside many detectives there. Kyouko nodded.

- Kyouko: Yes. When I stepped my foot in that school, the murder tried to kill me. Probably because I was getting too near to find his true identity. There is no doubt, Jack the Ripper is related to Raizen High School. He is probably a student or a staff member.


- Adam: Hmm... If that's true... Wait a second...

- Kyouko: What's it?

Kyouko turned her sight to Adam beside her.

Adam is a notable detective. He is another a Super High School Level Detective like Kirigiri Kyouko but he is considered one of the Top 10 Smartest Detectives in the world.

Adam put his hands in his chin.

- Adam: The needles. The needles in your cakes.

- Kyouko: Yes. I know.

- Adam: How did the killer know you like Meat cakes? I investigated your refrigerator... Ah... Clean that...

A blush of shame appeared in Kyouko's face.

Keiichi Sewing Needle Higurashidwd

- Kyouko: Y-Yes...

- Adam: If the killer knew you like meat cake, then it means he was stalking you for a long time.

Kyouko's eyes widened.

- Kyouko: Now that you said... I was wrong... I thought the killer only focused in me when I stepped in Raizen High School... He was actually following me for a long time... Since I arrived in Tenguu City before the Mafusa Gang attack in Tenguu City.

Kyouko came to Tenguu City 4 months ago prior to the beginning of World War III.

- Adam: Yes. I thought Jack the Ripper only saw us as stupid detectives and showed no importance to our actions. But he was actually following all of our steps...

Jack the ripper-HD

- Kyouko: Wait... Adam...

- Adam: What?

- Kyouko: You said "following all of our steps". Right?

Adam nodded in confusion.

- Adam: Yes.

- Kyouko: If the killer was following our steps and knew all of our operations, then it means he is a person who has access to our information and operations. This killer has access to our investigations. He knew where my office was and the GDP branch. Then it means he was there before the attack. Also... He managed to open the Security Room of GDP Branch. Which means he had the key-pass to open that door through the keypad. But I have I wonder how he defeated 4 security guards alone. The doctors analyzed the injuries of the guards. They all had their necks twisted before being disemboweled. And also there were no signs of other injury in their bodies, it means that the killer killed all four security guards wringing their necks with his bare hands. All security guards had guns in their belts but the guns were not even touched or fired by the guards. That means the killer killed all the guards before they could react... Or he was someone familiar... But how...?


- Adam: Oh! I see now! So the killer is involved with Raizen High School and our department?!

- Kyouko: Yes... Or Jack the Ripper is a hacker who has been hacking our system and watching us. Of course, it's just a theory.

- Adam: Not only that... Through your theory, I could think in another explanation.

- Kyouko: Go on.

Kyouko was actually curious. Adam is a person who Kyouko can believe and respect because of his intellect.

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- Adam: Maybe the killer is not related directly with our department... Maybe he is related to some of our workers...

- Kyouko: !!!!!

Kyouko' eyes widened.

- Kyouko: Maybe he is related to some detective of this case. This is a very nice theory.

- Adam: Or if my theory is wrong, the killer killed some detective of this case and took his or her key-pass. After that, he used the key-pass of to open the door of the Security Room.

Kirigiri smiles

- Kyouko: This is not wrong... I have a idea. Let's investigate using our theories. If the killer killed some detective, then I want the list of all detectives in this case and I want the list of presence of all people who came to work today. If the serial killer killed one of our comrades then this person is missing in our office for days.

Adam took a paper and a pen. He started to write down everything Kyouko was going to say.

- Adam: Done. Next.

- Kyouko: Next, I want a list of all the relatives of the detectives from our office. If the serial killer is a person related to one of our detectives, then it means that this person is in Tenguu City.

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- Adam: Done. Next.

- Kyouko: I want our hackers to check who entered our system and track the location of where the person was at that moment. If the killer hacked into our system then it is possible to check the historical of the computers that managed to enter into our system and track where this person was at the moment when he hacked our system.

- Adam: Done. Next.

- Kyouko: Nah. It's just it... Wait... Kenzou Tenma is the only person that has access to our operations in this department...

- Adam: Wait, you're saying Kenzou Tenma, the person who worked with you for years, is a suspect?

- Kyouko: No, not really. I'm saying there is a person related to Kenzou Tenma and Raizen High School... Tenma has a daughter studying at Raizen High School. Whenever I walk into his car, he has a photo of a girl with silver long hair. She is part of the Student Council of Raizen High School that was once controlled by Eckidina KnightWalker. Eckidina was once the president of the Student Council there before the beginning of WWIII, so Eckidina chose this person to be part of the Student Council. Many people at school think the Student Council is a tyrant group because most of them are rich people, cold and ignorant people. They even approved bullying people in lower grades. Because of their actions, 7 people committed suicide in the past. But Eckidina KnightWalker suborned the police to stop the investigation.


- Adam: This is the most twisted group of kids I've heard in my entire life... Who is that person with silver long hair?


- Kyouko: Tama Sakai... The 6th Chief of Raizen High School Student Council.

- Adam: So our next step is go to Raizen High School again to investigate Tama Sakai?

- Kyouko: Yes. But Adam, don't tell anything to Tenma. Tama Sakai's his adopted daughter so he would be mad at me because I'm suspecting his daughter. We are going there now, Tenma is in his office now.


- Adam: OK then. But... Why Tenma doesn't do anything to punish his daughter? Tama Sakai is one of the members of the Student Council of Raizen High School. She was one of the ones responsible for the death of 7 people there.

Kyouko stood up from her chair and replied his question.

- Kyouko: Tenma is a good person. He is very calm and cold but he is a man that I admire. Tenma has his own internal conflict. Tama Sakai lives in an apartment alone because he spent most of his time working. And he feels guilty for what she did, after all he never gave an adequate education for Tama Sakai. He let Eckidina KnightWalker corrupt Tama, that's why he does nothing for her. He's ashamed to show his face to his daughter after all he did.

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- Adam: I see...

Adam never heard Tenma had a daughter but his question was answered at the same time as Kyouko explained why Tenma never told anyone he has a daughter. Normally, any father would be ashamed to say that he never took care of his daughter and let her to be corrupted by the hands of a psychotic tyrant known as Eckidina Knightwalker.

- Kyouko: That's why we must let Tenma away from this part of the investigation. Currently, Tenma is investing Otoya Takechi's house. She is one of my suspects. Let's go. Tama Sakai is in Raizen High School... *sigh*... I'm going to request for help of Sonia Nevermind.

After Kyouko said that, they left the Police Department and headed to Adam's car in the parking lot. Their next step is to find Sonia and investigate Tama Sakai.

Raizen High School

Entrance Gate

01:22 PM


Raizen High School is surrounded by a beautiful narrow street full of trees. Normally, that scene happens only in spring but due to climatic changes caused by nuclear bombs launched by KnightWalker Family around the world two weeks ago, the climate was highly affected and spring came earlier this year.

- Kyouko: Eh... Sonia Nevermind... Can you help us...?

- Adam: Uhmm...

Kyouko asked to the beautiful blonde girl in front of her. Luckily, Kyouko and Adam found Sonia in front of the gate when they arrived. She was about to enter in the school when they arrived. Adam and Kyouko were making awkward smiles to hide their shame. Two of the smartest detectives in the world are asking for the help of a teenage girl.

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- Sonia: HM! SURE!

Sonia's eyes sparkled.

It's about time to know Sonia Nevermind. Sonia Nevermind is one of the many students in this school, she is know as Super High School Level Princess. Sonia was born in Germany during the reign of KnightWalker Family in Europe. However, her family was rich then they were never attacked by KnightWalkers. One day, Sonia Nevermind went to Hope's Peak Academy in USA to prove her talent. After two years, she returned to Germany and came to Raizen High School in Japan to finish high school. The reason she left Hope's Peak Academy is unknown. Sonia is considered one of the most beautiful girls in Tenguu City alongside La Folia Rihavein and Eckidina KnightWalker but none of them care about that.

- Kyouko: Sorry for calling you. I know you will lose your class today but I can tell the board of directors about you missing today. Sonia, we know your family, the Nevermind Family, is one of the richest families in the world alongside KnightWalker (Eckidina's family) and Rihavein (La Folia's family) Family and is part of Global Pact Defense but we have to ask some questions about the murder.



- Adam: She is one of your fan girls?

Adam murmured to Kyouko.

- Kyouko: Hehehe...

As a child about to receive a Santa's gift, Sonia answered back.

(- Narrator: What a cheerful individual).


Adam broke the funny meeting and decided to go straight to the point.

- Adam: Sonia-kun, can we go meeting room? We can't chat here.

Sonia turned her sights to Adam.

- Sonia: Sure.

After Sonia said that, they walked towards the main building of the school and headed to the meeting room.

Raizen High School

Meeting Room

01:30 PM

Sos clubroom

It's been a few minutes since Kyouko and company entered in the building. The building of the school is quite large and complex, so it takes a long time to reach the meeting room. It is a school, so one should expect much of a meeting room in this school. The meeting rooms are great places with large tables and several chairs, however this meeting room is small and simple. Formerly this room was bigger, the attack Mafusa Gang destroyed half the school, some of mortar missiles that hit Tenguu City, demolished half of the school, but fortunately everything was rebuilt.

Sonia, Kyouko and Adam seated in some chairs in front of the meeting desk.

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- Kyouko: Let's start. Sonia, I want to ask you about some people in this school. You're from Nevermind family, one of the families that is financing this school for years. Your family is very involved with this school and you are a incredible person. That's why I choose you to help us in this case. It's about 21st Century Jack the Ripper again.


A silence fell over the room. Kyouko and Adam looked at Sonia and saw that she was crying.

- Kyouko: What's wrong?

- Sonia: *sob* *sob* Nothing... I'm glad you called me "incredible".

- Kyouko: Ahh... OK...

- Adam: Well then, Let's start. Sonia, we are going to ask about some people in this school. Only two to be precise.


Sonia wiped her tears and was back to her normal character.

- Sonia: Right.

- Kyouko: About Otoya Takechi. As you should already know, the murderer kills his victims with scissors. Yesterday, the first day that I came to this school, Otoya Takechi was using scissors on a belt that looked like a utility belt. The scissors she was using was a pair of scissors a bit out of the ordinary. You know why she's with scissors belt?

- Sonia: Hmm. I already wondered some weeks ago the why she like to walk with scissors. Obviously, she lied to you yesterday when she borrowed the scissors from a friend. She always walked with scissors, Otoya is a liar and a childish person when things happen with her but she is a very kind person. She has a playful personality and likes to talk to people. One day, I decided to ask why Otoya walked with scissors. Hmm... I think she said something like...

- Sonia (as Otoya): "Hey, did you know? Spiders insert their venomous fangs into the prey they catch and suck out their bodily juices by dissolving them from the inside. The prey remains alive as it's killed little by little, can you imagine it?"

- Kyouko: This is... Why?

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- Sonia: Everyone thinks Otoya have some type fascination with spiders. She walks with scissors because they resemble spiders fangs.

- Kyouko: When did Otoya move to this school?

- Sonia: Hmm... I think 2 years ago.

- Kyouko: You know Otoya's sexuality? What she likes to do?

- Sonia: She prefer to talk with women, Katarina Couteau is one of these people. The few men with whom she talk are the male teachers in our class. Some people think she is lesbian and has some kind of hate towards men. Some think Otoya had a boyfriend before but he betrayed her in the worst possible way, so she started to hate and avoid men. But that's just a theory... Hmm... I don't know what she likes to do... Also... She hates children.


- Kyouko: I see, she hates children. But there's something that you can give us about her hobby?

- Sonia: All I know is that she likes to play with her scissors. During recess, she walks around the school looking for insects and keep them in a bag. All days when the class is over, Otoya goes to the school garden alone. There are many spiders there, then she put the insects in spiders' web and enjoys it.

- Adam: This behavior is abnormal.

- Sonia: Many people think the same but she is really a cool and awesome person so this abnormal hobby is forgotten by everyone. Also, Otoya uses her scissors to cut paper in classroom. Hmm... If there is something more abnormal than that... Her house.

- Kyouko: Her house?


- Sonia: Some weeks ago prior the Mafusa Gang's attack, Katarina, La Folia and me went to her home to to a school teamwork. When we got in there, there was an unbearable smell of something rotten. Otoya said it was the trash that she forgot to throw away in the kitchen. Luckily, her room is located in the 2nd floor so the smell of something rotten not reached there.


- Kyouko: Can explain how was the smell?

- Sonia: The smell was heavy like a garbage dump indoors. I suspected Otoya's garbage in the kitchen had not been thrown away for weeks.

Kyouko stopped her questions about Otoya and looked at Adam. They looked at each other at the same time and nodded as if they were right. Kyouko decided to continue her questions and looked back at Sonia.


- Kyouko: Thanks for the information, Sonia. Now about Tama Sakai.

- Sonia: Oh... That...

Kyouko and Adam were surprised with her reaction.

- Adam: You don't like her?

Sonia's cute face changed to a disgusted expression.

- Sonia: No one likes her. She is... Ignorant, manipulative, arrogant, childish, annoying, cold, greedy and bossy. Just like her...

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- Kyouko: Eckidina KnightWalker?

- Sonia: Yes, I was here when Eckidina joined Raizen High School after the final battle between KnightWalker Family and KnightWalker Funeral Parlor in Ward Walker 24 Base in Tokyo.

What Sonia is talking about, is the final battle between KFP and KF in Tokyo during the final events of Tech of the End in LOTM: Sword of Kings Spin-Off - Rise of the Blue Haired Heroine that happened 2 years ago. After the end of that battle, Eckidina moved to Tenguu City and joined Raizen High School.

- Kyouko: She did something to you?

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- Sonia: Not really but she did many horrible things here. She abused psychologically a girl here. The problem is the girl that was abused was my friend. The shock was so great that she left the school. Tama calls herself Second Eckidina KnightWalker. She is type of person who have admiration for what Eckidina does. She loves Eckidina because she can control so many lives at the same time and she has the power to put the world under her feet. She even said she is going to replace Eckidina and continue her legacy.

- Kyouko: You know what Tama Sakai likes to do?

- Sonia: Bullying people? She is seen intimidating students all the time.


- Kyouko: Hm. When Tama moved to this school?

- Sonia: 1 year ago. Tama was a troublesome student so Eckidina choose her as 6th Chief of the Student Council. She probably choose Tama because of her cold behavior.

- Kyouko: Who are the people she maintains relations?

- Sonia: Only the Student Council, who are troublesome people with cold and ignorant hearts.

- Kyouko: You know Tama's sexuality?

- Sonia: We don't know. She keep her romantic feelings away from everyone. She always act like bully so we don't what type of person she likes. She talks with both men and women.

- Kyouko: Do you noticed something strange in her behavior?


- Sonia: She acts usual during the class. But after the class ends, she goes to the gate of the college and stand there as if she is waiting for someone. She spends up to three hours standing in the same place. I don't know what happens next since no one stay in the school after 3 hours. I think... She is missing Eckidina. Because of her obsession for Eckidina, many people think she is lesbian like Otoya.

Adam and Kyouko's sharpened after heard what Sonia just said. Both suspects were lesbians and has abnormal behavior.

- Kyouko: Hey, Sonia. Otoya and Tama have some kind of relationship? They're friends or something?


- Sonia: Not really. They never talked with each other in the school.

- Kyouko: The last question... Otoya and Tama attend a course of medicine?

- Sonia: Yes, the course of medicine is located at the 3rd floor.

- Kyouko: I see. I think that was it. This meeting really helped me make a lot of ideas. Thanks, Sonia.

Kyouko and company stood up. Sonia clasped Kyouko's hands and smiled. Adam took his documents folder and he stretched his shoulders.

- Sonia: No problem! Actually, I'm happy I helped you somehow!

Part 2 - Forgive Me []

Raizen High School


01:50 PM

School hall by falynevarger-d8vk2r1

It's been 20 minutes since Kyouko and Adam did some questions about Otoya and Tama to Sonia Nevermind. Well, Kyouko was starting to like Sonia, she was a very easy-going person. Sonia went back to her class after the meeting was over.

Otoya and Tama are definitely too suspicious. Otoya has some kind of bizarre behavior and Tama has some sort of psychotic affection for Eckidina KnightWalker but now that Eckidina became the leader of the KnightWalker Family, Tama may be suffering from psychological attack, Tama is a loner person because of her father that left her so Eckidina was the only person who Tama could trust... Now that she is gone... Tama is suffering.

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No matter how Kyouko thought, these two people were the main suspects. Previously, Kyouko thought it was impossible that only ONE killer could watch two people at the same time since two people die every week by the killer's hands. So, Adam began to think it might be two serial killers acting in partnership.

Kyouko: Tama Sakai and Otoya Takechi. They are very suspicious.

Kyouko and Adam were walking through one of the many hallways of the school. All students were watching their classes.


Adam: Yes. Maybe the theory about two serial killers is right. Also... The last murder happened with a katana so the serial killer changed his weapon to kill people. Why?

Kyouko: There is no doubt the serial killer is in this school. And he or she knows about our presence. Maybe we are being watched right now... Tama Sakai... Get out of there!


Adam looked at Kyouko in confusion but he changed his sight when he saw a girl with silver hair leaving behind a pillar of the corridor behind them.

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Adam: You are... Tama Sakai!

Tama: Why are you detectives so surprised? It's me Tama Sakai.

Tama simply stared at them with a poker face. No different expression was seen. Kyouko was actually mad at Tama because she was following them for a long time. She knew Tama was hearing their conversation with Sonia in the meeting room from the beginning.

Kyouko: Why were you following us?

Tama: Huh? I just pass---


Kyouko yelled at Tama.

Kyouko: This is not a joke. I know you're following us since we entered in this building!


Tama: Hmm. I was just curious. Actually, I want to protect you.

Kyouko: A good-hearted bully? This is funny.

Img D-Frag 11 tama-chan again!

Tama crossed her arms and remained cool ignoring Kyouko's sarcasm.

Kyouko laughed in sarcasm. Kyouko's cool character was quickly changed to a challenger character as if she mocking Tama. Adam was surprise with her sarcastic character.

Tama: Yes, I'm a bully but I respect people with high level of social standard.

Kyouko: Eckidina KnightWalker shows no respect to people with high level of social standard.


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Everyone stayed in silence as the atmosphere was getting heavy. Kyouko said that because Tama is a copycat of Eckidina and the person who Tama is trying to imitate shows not respect for anyone. Eckidina uses a false mask to relate with other people, so Tama must have this quality too.

The silence was broke when Tama laughed.

Tama: HAHAHAHA! This is funny! I like you, Kirigiri Kyouko!

Kyouko: What do you want?

Tama: I know you're thinking I'm the killer. Well, this is obvious. I'm Second Eckidina after all.

Kyouko: We have not decided that yet. This is confidential. Answer me. Why are you following us?

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Tama: Like I said! I'm protecting you. You know, since the students of our school are being murdered one by one, the weight of their death goes all to the Student Council. We need to create movements and methods to prevent more deaths.

Kyouko: I'm impressed. I thought the Student Council showed no importance to students of this school.

Tama: That's not true. Well, it's true the Student Council were tyrants when Eckidina was here but since she left, they put another person in the post. We have to obey this person. However, the fact we are doing good deeds for the students does not mean that I'm going to change. I want to fell the fear of the students, I want to be feared. When they show that expression, it makes me feel powerful.

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Adam: I see... She is a stupid bully.

Kyouko: Yes... I thought she was more creepy than that. However, Tama Sakai, this does not change the fact that you were one of the people responsible for the death of 7 people in Raizen High School. 1 year ago, Eckidina and you approved bullying in this school. In result, many bullies abused most of the students. As a consequence, 7 students committed suicide. If we were not investigating the case of this serial killer, I would arrest you here and now.

Tama let out a smile.

Tama: I think you got that wrong.

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Adam: What do you mean?

Tama: I did nothing. Eckidina was the one approved bully in this school. The rest of the Student Council only watched her as we were doing our duty as the Student Council. Yes, I'm a bully myself but I never had involvement in this mass suicide Well, I don't blame you since all people in this school think we are bad guys because of Eckidina. I'm a bad girl myself but I would never commit such atrocities. I like to be feared, just it.

Kyouko is the smartest detective in the world, so she knew very well that Tama Sakai was not lying. Tama was speaking in a clear, direct and very calm way. There were no lies in those words. For a moment, Kyouko thought she was wrong about Tama but she keeps her personal feelings away from her work.

Kyouko: Tama, why you're so obsessed with Eckidina? Why you like her so much?


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Tama: She was my only friend... Well, because of my bully personality, many people avoid me. But Eckidina was the only one who trusted me. I noticed that when she choose me as the 6th Chief of the Student Council. I was really happy. I knew she was from KnightWalker Family and all things she did before... But I really liked her, I admired. I call myself Second Eckidina KnightWalker because of her awesomeness. Every time when the class was over, I waited for her at the gate so we could eat something. I was getting so used to it that I waited for her even after she left.

Kyouko's eyes widened. The information which Sonia had about Tama was wrong. Obviously, as Sonia said, no one approached Tama and tried to find out how she really was, that's why many people call her cold, annoying and evil. Tama actually committed bully because she is a very shy person and do not know how to approach people, so she is abusing other people to have relationships with others. Eckidina was the only person who approached Tama directly and that's why Tama has a great affection for her. The person Tama was waiting in front of the gate was actually Eckidina.

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Eckidina (Tama's mind): [You're beautiful, Tama Sakai. So show who you really are to other people. Show your wild human nature and remember what humans really are. They're evil and cruel. If we commit cruel acts, that means we are the real humans. The ones who do good deeds are the real monsters.]

Tama: I don't care if she was using or manipulating me... I'm happy that at least one person in my entire life had the courage to approach me...

Kyouko: That's why you want to be like her?

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Tama nodded.

Tama: Yes...

Kyouko: I see...

Tama: That's why I said I like you too. You approached me and listened to me. I'm happy. When I was saying I was trying to protect you, I wasn't lying, I want to protect you.

Kyouko: Why do you want to protect me?

Tama: I noticed that girls who talked about Jack the Ripper in this school gets murdered.

Kyouko & Adam: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam: This is...!

Kyouko: What did you just say?

Tama: Ah... The police don't know about that yet... The victims of this serial killer were murdered because they talked about Jack the Ripper. That's why Tamae Okamine tells to all girls of this school to stay out of this case. Curiously, only the girls who talked about Jack are murdered. Many boys still talking about him but they all still alive to this day.



La Folia: Oh... That murders. But why such important person want to talk with us?

Tamae: I don't know the details but she suspects that the killer is involved with the school. We noticed it too. All of the victims were students and teachers of this school. Raizen High School requested the GDP to send her and capture this criminal, so she is here because of us.

Katarina: I see... I hope I can beat the shit out of this serial killer one day...

Tamae: Well, this serial killer is not a simple criminal...


Tamae: Please, Katarina. Stay away from these murders. Let the GDP solve that.

Katarina: A-Ah. If you say so.


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Tama: Many people are saying this murders are actually some kind of curse of this school. People who talk about Jack the Ripper are killed in the next day. Luckly, I'm not talking about him directly right now so I'm okay.

Kyouko's eyes widened.


Tama and Adam noticed Kyouko's reaction and looked at her in confusion.

Kyoko shocked face

Adam: Kyouko.

Tama: Are you okay?

Kyouko changed her sight to Tama.

Kyouko: Tama Sakai! You're amazing!

Tama blinked several times.

Tama: What? That came from nowhere...

Kyouko started to walk away. Adam followed Kyouko as well, leaving Tama in the same place she was standing.

Tama: What?...

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Seconds later, Kyouko and Adam disappeared into the darkness of the hallway ahead. The hallway ahead has no windows or illumination. Tama stared at the darkness for a while, she was trying to figure out what just happened. Few moments later, she returned to her normal state.

Tama: Well, I think I was wrong about her too. She is a nice person too. *sigh* This meeting remembered me I can't be Eckidina... I can't follow her path...

Tama smiled and turned around.

Tama: Well... I think I'll try to be myself for once. Maybe things will change.

However, when Tama looked ahead...

Tama: Huh?

Tama's eyes widened as something sharp came in the direction of her head.


A loud sound of bones being broken echoed through the hallway of the school.

Tenguu City Center

Haruka Street

05:50 PM


Several hours had passed since they Kyouko and Adam left Raizen High School. A horrible thing happened to Tama Sakai, Tenma Kenzou's daughter, seconds later after they left the building but no one knew about the murder that had just occurred there.

Thanks to Tama and Sonia's information, Kyouko felt she could be getting close to the truth. She knew that her life was at risk as the killer must have already realized that she is coming close to find him. Kyouko was investigating this serial killer for months, a few months before the attack Mafusa Gang in Tenguu City, so she would be delighted to know that this case could be finally coming to an end. 31 people had been killed by the serial killer, the whole city was in panic.

In 1888, Jack the Ripper killed only 5 women but the number of people killed by this killer of 2036 is crossing the line.


The murders were not the only thing that was leaving this city in panic. In fact, outside of the country, something terrible had just started. When Kyouko and Adam were going to TCPD No. 2, a civilian protest disrupted the traffic, leaving the traffic stopped for hours. These civilians were protesting what had just started in Europe. In all channels of radios and televisions, the news was the same ... The World War III began.

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Kyouko and Adam were listening to the news in the car's radio. The war had begun. Out of the car, there were people running everywhere to pick up their stuff. The military said the safest place when the war began would be the rural towns, with that, there would be a mass migration of civilians from urban to rural areas worldwide.

The war began with the invasion of Stabilization Union in Europe. Three weeks of peace after the massive attack caused by KnightWalker Family in Japan and London, the world answered this attack with war. Nothing can stop this war now. Many historians, philosophers and politicians think this war will be the cause of humanity's extinction because this conflict is a war with the use of nuclear weapons and high level of destruction technology. It was obvious that people around the globe would go into panic and despair, they never know when a nuclear bomb will fall on their heads.

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Screams and gunshots were heard throughout the city as police tried to contain the chaos. The World War III started without speech and warning. Little did all these poor human souls know that this war would be the door to reform of humanity. Billion people were destined to die.

The SU Alliance sent warships to Europe to strike the KnightWalker Alliance's base in France from above. At the same moment, the KnightWalker Family launched 40 nuke bombs in USA. In just a hour, 9 million people were dead.

Kyouko: Jesus...

Adam: The World War III... Has begun... I wonder how many people will die... The KnightWalker are using 1 billion drones in their army.

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1 hour was enough for all world's TV channels and radios stop their schedules to show scenes of combat on the coast of Europe. 90 million soldiers from all nations were sent to the first battlefield. However, this is just the first wave, 4 billion of people are going to fight. The world is ignoring all human rights and are sending women and elderly to the battlefield.

Kyouko: Cold War III...

Adam: Now World War III...

Kyouko: Many people said this war will end all humans for sure... Thinking about that... This is good?

Adam: Who knows... If the world need peace... Then humans should disappear. We are both extremists so we know if humans die the world will have peace forever. But only God knows what will happen to us.

Kyouko: God... Maybe we finally reached the Apocalypse chapter of Bible... It's because of her... Eckidina KnightWalker... Because of her... Billions will die.

Tenguu City Police Department of East

Main Hall

06:53 PM


It was happening again. Tenguu City was thrown into chaos... and to make things worse, Tenguu City was not the only city. More than 90,000 cities around the world are suffering the same situation, the number of dead is more than 7,000 people. The world was thrown into chaos again.

Fortunately or unfortunately, this time the police of Tenguu City were armed and had permission to shoot the civilians. In the attack of Mafusa Gang, the police proved unable to fight back against the members of Mafusa Gang. So now police are armed with the best weapons of the decade and have resistance armor against firearms. Despite them being the police, they appeared to be more like soldiers than officers of the law.


In times of war, civil protests are resolved through violence as the country has no time to waste resources for civilians who do not do anything but spend products. This may seem radical but a country need to act with iron fist in times of war. With WWIII declared, Japan and many other countries will keep their fists clenched and are ready to end any rebellion that causes more problems than they already have.

Luckily, only a part of the city center suffered attacks. 10 building were set on fire and 50 people were killed by the police. 3 people died charred. The police surrounded the area and arrested everyone involved in the mess. 200 people were arrested. As said before, the rebellion was easily defeated through the violence, many nations do not use violence because it is a crime against Human Rights and is something that only a tyrannical country would do but they all know that violence is the best weapon that the government has to control its people.

With the attacks, Kyouko and Adam changed their destination point. They went to TCPD located in the East. All detectives involved in the case of Jack the Ripper were called there. 


This department was a little out of the ordinary. This building is used by the police of the leaders of the city, so it was expected that the building was a luxurious place.

After Kyouko and Adam arrived there, they saw many detectives from other branches there. As expected, all detectives from GDP are there. The TCPD called them there because Tenguu City was now in chaos and this building is very well protected by Japan Ground Self Defense Force. However, Kyouko and Adam wasted no time and headed to their new office. When they were walking through the hallway of the building, they saw Tenma Kenzo walking towards them.


Kyouko: Tenma!

Tenma: Oh! Kyouko! Adam! I'm glad you're okay!

Tenma's cold face was replaced by a brief smile when he saw Kyouko and Adam down the hallway. Tenma walked towards them and greeted them. He was happy to see that they were alright after all that chaos.

Adam: Greetings, Tenma Kenzo.

Tenma: Greetings, Adam Jensen... So it has started...

Tenma's smile faded.

Kyouko: Yes... World War III...


Kyouko: Tenma, I wanted to remain silent about this matter... But I went to Raizen High School and I---


Tenma interrupted Kyouko. Kyouko was about to tell she went to Raizen High School to investigate his daughter, Tama Sakai.

Tenma: I know. Don't worry, you're a detective. Also, I believe in my daughter... She is not a bad person... She is not like Eckidina. Also, with beginning of this war, I'm pretty sure she will stay away from Eckidina from now on... She is fine?

- Kyouko: Yes, she is fine. Don't worry, she is not my suspect anymore. She is a good-hearted person actually... She has only an internal conflict. She does not know who she wants to be. Well, she looks like a strong and energetic person so I'm pretty she will be free from Eckidina's corruption very soon.

Tenma smiled.

- Kyouko: Let's go to our new office. Looks like our office is in the same branch and section.


Tenma: Yes.

After saying that, Kyouko headed to her office Tenma and Adam followed her. Suddenly Kyouko's cell phone vibrated in her pocket. Kyouko opened it and saw that it was a message from an unknown person.

- Kyouko's Cellphone Message: "That was quickly like M9!"

- Kyouko: What's with that emoticon? Hehehe...

Kyouko let out an confused smile.

Tenma: It's probably our boss. You know he is ironic. Also I think he has hots for you.

- Kyouko: Please don't...


Adam and Tenma laughed. Kyouko tried to hide her smile.

Kyouko's phone vibrated again, another message was just sent.

- Kyouko's Cellphone Message: "The order has arrived!" *crying face*

- Kyouko: Order?

- Adam: Since we are moving to this facility, then our boss ordered all things in our old building to be sent here.

Kyuoko looked at Adam and replied.

- Kyouko: Oh, I see.

Kyouko put her cellphone back in her breast pocket and continued her way to her new office.

Kyouko's Office

3 minutes later


As expected from Kyouko's new office, the place was amazing. Perhaps the boss of this operation has some sort of affection for her, after all he always offers the best improvements for her. Many people think that Kyouko is the lover of the boss of this investigation but Tenma and Adam know that Kyouko is not that kind of person who engages in loving relationships. Tenma suspect Kyouko never had a boyfriend in her life because of the rigid behavior. She always think logically and never thinks emotionally.

Kyouko and company were standing in front of door.


- Kyouko: This is really amazing.

- Tenma: I'm pretty sure my office is full of trash...

- Tenma: Mine too.

Kyouko looked around and smiled.

- Tenma: Why don't you marry him?

An angry vein appears on Kyouko's forehead but obviously that was a joke. Kyouko turned around and looked at Tenma trying to hide her expression.

- Tenma: I was just joking.

- Adam: Hehehe... *sigh* Well, we are going now. We still need to see our stuff. Take care of yourself, Kyouko.

- Tenma: See ya.


Tenma and Adam left, leaving Kyouko alone in her new office. Kyouko smiled.

- Kyouko: They're funny.

Kyouko looked around and noticed a box on the ground in front of her desk.

- Kyouko: This is my stuff. Thanks, boss.

This boss would do anything for Kyouko, some believe that he would give his life for her. Maybe at some point when Kyouko joined the GDP, this person fell in love with her at first sight. Her boss is only 4 years older than her, and Kyouko is 24-years old so if they had a loving relationship it would be no problem but Kyouko is almost a robot and does not have any kind of feelings for him. Like everyone, she sees him as a friend. It's not easy to get out of the friend-zone.

Kyouko walked towards the box and opened it. It happened so fas----


Kyouko's eyes widened. She immediately screamed, for the first time in her life, she screamed in fear. Her screams were heard through the building. Everyone heard her screams and several security guards ran to her office. When they opened the door, they saw Kyouko on the ground with a box in front of her. Inside of that box, there was a hand holding a cellphone. By the shape of the hand, it appeared to be a hand of a woman. Adam and Tenma arrived and comforted Kyouko as she was trying to hold her tears. While Adam was comforting Kyouko, Tenma walked towards the box and took the cellphone inside of that box.

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Tenma opened her cellphone and saw a message written in the message box.

- Tenma: "The world is filled with "forgiveness"... Forgiveness...? DON'T TELL ME...!

Tenma turned around in despair and looked at to one of the security guards.


- Security Guard: Right away! Sir!

The security guard left the office. Tenma fell to the ground covering his face with his hands. While Adam was hugging Kyouko to comfort her, she was thinking about that quote in the cellphone. She was sure she had heard that phrase before.

Kyouko's Flashback[]

Tama: I don't care if she was using or manipulating me... I'm happy that at least one person in my entire life had the courage to approach me...

Kyouko: That's why you want to be like her?

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Tama nodded.

Tama: Yes... The world is filled with forgiveness, so I believe people will forgive me one day.

Kyouko: I see...

Tama: That's why I said I like you too. You approached me and listened to me. I'm happy. When I was saying I was trying to protect you, I wasn't lying, I want to protect you.

Kyouko: Why do you want to protect me?


Kyouko (think): *I see... So this is what happened... Sorry... Tama... It's my fault... I asked her about Jack the Ripper...*

Kyouko put her head in Adam's chest. A crowd gathered in front of Kyouko's office door.

Part 3 - Death[]

In the Next Day

Raizen High School

09:23 AM


The police were at the school the next day. The police informed the school board of the murder, so when the students arrived at school, they were stopped by the police.

Thousands of students arrived at the school to continue their studies but they all stood in front of the entrance since there were several bands and police officers holding the crowd. Fortunately, there were not fights or confusion. All students were wondering what just happened in there.

Katarina, La Folia, Mana and Otoya were arriving at school together. Otoya lives in the same neighborhood of Katarina, Mana and La Folia, so they all go to school in the same way. The girls released several smiles and laughs as they headed to Raizen school, however, when they saw several police and reports cars parked in front of the school, their smile faded. Anyone can imagine what happened when they see this kind of scene.


- Katarina: This is...

- La Folia: Please don't tell me...

- Mana: This is bad!

Katarina and company ran towards the gate of the school. Otoya was confused and stayed in the same place.

- Otoya: What?! What?! Jeez!

Otoya followed the group.

A few moments later, Katarina and the group finally arrived at the school's entrance. There were many students at the entrance, so Katarina had to open her way through the crowd. Katarina stood in front of the entrance and saw Sonia Nevermind standing in front of the entrance. Sonia was standing with a worried face.

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- Katarina: Sonia, what happened?

Sonia noticed Katarina and looked at her with sad eyes.

- Sonia: Katarina-chan... Good to see you. I hear it was a murder.

- Katarina: Eh?

- Sonia: You know the 6th Chief of Student Council, Tama Sakai? She was killed by Jack the Ripper in the basement of the school.

- Katarina: !!!!!!!!!!!

- Sonia: The murder occurred right after the Kirigiri Kyuoko and Adam Jensen left the school yesterday.

- Katarina: Tama...

- Sonia: I know she was a bad person... But no one deserves to day like that... Since I'm from Nevermind family, they said she was cut in half...

- La Folia: What happened?

La Folia, Mana and Otoya finally opened their way through the crowd.

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- Katarina: It was a murder... Tama Sakai was killed by Jack.

- Mana: No way! Tama?! The bully from Student Council?

- La Folia: She called herself Second Eckidina KnightWalker. She probably talked about Jack the Ripper. Any girl who talk about Jack the Ripper is killed in the next day. This is the curse of Raizen. I'm starting to think the killer is not human. Well, I agree no one should die like that.

Sonia turned her sight to Otoya. Otoya in silence looking at the entrance without saying a word.


- Sonia: Otoya-san.


No answer came from Otoya. She was too busy thinking in her little world.

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- Sonia: Otoya-san!

Sonia repeated and finally Otoya woke up.

- Otoya: What's it? Sonia Nevermind?

Otoya looked at Sonia.

Sonia's face changed to a serious expression.

- Sonia: What were you thinking about just now? Did you really not do anything to Tama? I know Tama once bullied you because of your behavior and since then, you never talked with each other again.


- Otoya: W-What are you saying? Don't be stupid!

- Sonia: The police are saying the murder was at 01:50 PM! You were not in class yesterday! Where did you go?!

- Otoya: She was killed by Jack the Ripper! Or maybe it was suicide... Maybe she gave up on life after realizing Eckidina will never return to this school again! That's right! That must have been it!

- Sonia: Tama hadn't give up! She was a bad person b---!

Otoya interrupted Sonia. Everyone saw 2 girls starting to fight in front of the entrance.

- Otoya: You're wrong... You're wrong. You're wrong. You're wrong! You're saying I'm the serial killer?! I thought we were friends! Tsk! That's why I hate kids!

- Sonia: It's not that! I'm say---

Before Sonia could finish her words Otoya ran away. Everyone looked at Otoya leaving the school.

- Katarina: Otoya...


- Sonia: I can't let this happen... 5 of the victims were my friends... I can't let that happen again...

Sonia clenched her fist and entered in the school. The police tried to stop her but she is from Nevermind Family, they can't stop her.

- Mana: Sonia... Why she is so upset?

La Folia looked at Mana and replied.

- La Folia: 5 of victims of the serial killer were her best friends. They were the first people she met in Tenguu City. She really loved them.

- Mana: I see. I don't blame Sonia for thinking Otoya is the culprit. Otoya has abnormal hobbies and Sonia is upset by the death of her friends... Both are victims too.

Raizen High School


09:28 AM


The news quickly spread throughout the city. Of all murders involving students and teachers from Raizen High School, that was the only murder that occurred within the school's campus. With Tama Sakai's death, 34 people were killed by the serial killer, as the numbers increased, the fear grew. Many people from other schools were relieved that Raizen High School was only the target, however, due to the intense focus of the police at that school, there were chances that the killer would change schools and start killing people from other places.

This was the last drop of water. Since a murder took place inside of the school, Raizen High School will be closed temporarily. The city government is considering closing the school permanently but that was not approved. With the start of World War III in Europe, there are chances that all schools will be closed in Japan. The government declared neutral in this war, however, they never know when some enemy nation will use the chaos to invade Japan.

Togo in Europe

Tama Sakai's body was found in the school's basement. The school basement serves as a deposit to put old things. There were objects from 1940 there. Raizen High School was created in 1920 by a war hero, the name of this war hero was Togo Heihachiro, he was a Japanese hero during the World War I. After the war, he decided to leave Tokyo and move to Tenguu City. In that city, he created Raizen High School for young teens. Togo Heihachiro's photo still in school board. It's been 110 years since Togo died but his legacy continues.

If Togo Heihachiro is seeing the situation of his school in another world, he is probably disgusted to know the school he created became a stage of mass suicides caused by Eckidina KnightWalker and then turned into a scene of a murder.

However, Kenzo Tenma was the saddest person there. Tama Sakai was adopted child by him. Tenma was born with a sexually transmitted disease. His mother had a disease and consequently the disease was transmitted to Tenma when he was born, so Tenma can not have children. He is a lonely person and tries to avoid loneliness in making friends.


One day, Tenma decided to adopt a child, that person was Tama Sakai. Tama was abandoned by her biological parents and was sent to an orphanage by the government. Tenma adopted Tama when she was a 1-year old. The moment he was with her was one of the best moments of his entire life. Unfortunately for him, he can't have a wife.

Tama Sakai was the only person he had, however, when Tenma became a detective of GDP, he spent most of his time working in other countries. The last time Tama saw her father was when she was 9 years old. Currently, she was 17-years old. This loneliness left her depressed.

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Baby Tama Sakai

One day, Tama met Eckidina and tried to become the evil KnightWalker. Tenma was informed about Tama's aggressive behavior and felt guilty for what happened to her. Tama became a bully and it's all his fault because he never acted as a real father for her. He did not have the courage to show his face in front of her. Everything Tenma wanted was say "sorry" and be her father again... But it was too late.

Tama was dead and he didn't even have a chance to apologize. Tenma He was so depressed that Kyouko thought of releasing him from the investigation. She was sorry to hear that news, Tama looked like a person she could easily relate with. Even Kyouko has the dream of having a family one day.

Tenma was seated in one of the many chairs in the cafeteria. He was looking down like a dead bird. Kyouko and the police went to basement to investigate the body. At the crime scene, there was a knife stuck Tama's head. Tama's body was brutally cut in half by scissors, her right hand was cut off, the heart and liver were removed and her eyes were placed inside her throat. A scene so bizarre that even the police officers who were at the scene would need psychological treatment.

The entire building was filled with police officers, 300 police officers and 20 drones were inside of the building searching for more dead bodies. Previously, only two people were killed in a week but this time things turned out differently, 6 people were killed in the same week. These murders have distorted the reality but thanks to murders in GDP Branch Building, Kyouko and other detectives were close to find the killer.


Kyouko saw Tenma seated alone in the cafeteria and walked towards him. She seated beside him and put her hand in his shoulder.

- Kyouko: We found her body in the basement. We already finished our analysis and we are now moving her body to the anatomy laboratory. We decided to not show her body to you. We will sew her body and put it back as before... Sorry for your loss...

- Tenma: It's my fault... If I had gone to Raizen High School with you yesterday I would have saved her... Because of me...

Kyouko was suspecting of Tenma few days ago because he was the only person who has involvement with the school and the GDP in TCPD. But with Tama's death, she refused to suspect him again. Like Kyouko said before, she think logically so if her friends are involved somehow, she will not think twice about suspect them.

- Kyouko: If you want to leave this case then leave. You're free to think by yourself. Don't worry, I'll capture this bastard and put him in the electric chair.


Serial killers with so many kills are sentenced to death in Japan.

- Tenma: ............

The atmosphere was heavy but it was broke when a blonde haired girl entered in the cafeteria and walked towards them, it was Sonia Nevermind. Kyouko looked at Sonia but Tenma was too sad to change his sight.

- Kyouko: Sonia Nevermind.

- Sonia: Good morning, Kyouko Kirigiri.

- Kyouko: Good morning. But how do you entered in here?

- Sonia: Well, I'm from Nevermind Family so I have prestige.

Kyouko stood up.

- Kyouko: Oh, I remember. But why are you here?

Sonia stopped walking and stood in front of Kyouko.

- Sonia: I have detective skills to thanks to Hope's Peak Academy in USA, so I can help in this case.

Sonia has detectives skills too. She is considered a Detective Class 2, the second level of a detective. She is smart as Adam and Tenma together.

- Kyouko: Are you sure? Beca---


Kyouko's documents

Sonia interrupted Kyouko.

- Sonia: I already saw your investigation folder. Adam Jensen told me everything. In some minutes, I figured out some information and theories.

Kyouko's eyes widened.

- Kyouko: Wow, that was quick.

- Sonia: Fufufu. I'm a Super High School Level Princess. Ms. Kyouko, can I take you to my mansion? There are some things in our laboratory that will help you.

- Kyouko: Eh... All right. You're a Nevermind so you know what are you doing.

- Kyouko: I'll take your car. I can drive despite my age.

Sonia was not messing around. The nickname "Princess" is for nothing, she is the perfect girl. Kyouko nodded and turned back to Tenma who was seated in the chair behind her.

- Kyouko: Tenma, I'm going to Sonia's mansion. Please take care of yourself.

- Tenma: ........

- Kyouko: I'm leaving.

Sonia and Kyouko left the cafeteria.

Nevermind Family Mansion

9 kilometers away from Tenguu City

01:38 PM


The Nevermind Family is one of the most powerful royal families in the world alongside he KnightWalkers and Rihavein, so they have a small nation known as Kingdom of Novoselic, which is a small European monarchy. The family, however, left the country when the Second Cold War began in Europe when Eckidina KnightWalker destroyed Fiore Kingdom in Germany 17 years ago.

The country Novoselic is known for its beautiful women, most of them are white because of the cold and blondes because of the autumn. Many say Novoselic is a mixture of Germans and French people who migrated across the continent of Europe in 500 AD. This country has a history of invasions, however, the most remarkable one was when the KnightWallker Family tried to invade the country in 1400 but the invasion failed and they never tried to invade Novoselic again.

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Novoselic Kingdom

The nation is governed by Nevermind Family. There are 3 people ruling the nation, Arthur Gaz Nevermind LXIIVirgilia Nevermind LXI and Sonia Nevermind. Sonia is a princess and has enough intelligence to be free of restrictions and rules of the kingdom, so she does not need a real name like her parents.

In addition, Sonia is free to marry anyone she wishes different from Eckidina KnightWalker and La Folia Rihavein who are forced to marry other men. The fact that La Folia have been forced to have relations with a grown man when she was a child, forced her to flee from her kingdom and came to Japan, and was in Tenguu City where she met Katarina Couteau. Eckidina, however, simply killed four men who tried to marry her out of sadism. Juria KnightWalker, her father, gave up in the idea to force his daughter to marry.

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As Sonia requested, Kyouko let her drive her car. Sonia had a driver's license, as a princess of a nation, she needs to learn to drive when there is no other driver around for safety. You never know when something might happen to her. The mansion that Sonia was living is very far away from the city. The mansion is being protected by 30 armed men and 200 battle drones in case of armed invasion.

Sonia talked a lot with Kyouko in the car. There is doubt that Kyouko started to like Sonia, she appeared to be very mature and confident despite her fan girl personality. A person who Kyouko could put her trust. Sonia is a kind and honest person, she never lied in her life and many people idolize her. However, Sonia is still shy person when it comes it comes to sex. In the car, Kyouko noticed that Sonia is actually VERY smart and has talent to become a detective, if Sonia were about to become a detective, she could easily surpass Kyouko's tittle as Super High School Level Detective.

Arriving at the mansion, Sonia parked the car at the entrance of the mansion. At entrance of the mansion there was two armed guards. Kyouko was a little intimidated at the sight of such wealth and security in just one place. Kyouko and Sonia left the car.

Chicago arched-door

Kyouko: Amazing...

Sonia: Hahaha... Let's go. I want to introduce you to my parents. 

Sonia walked towards the entrance.

Kyouko: OK.

Sonia and Kyouko up the stairs and opened the door. Interestingly, the security guards had not opened the door for Sonia. They all know that Sonia is an independent person and hates to be treated with great stewardship because she's too nice to make people serve her. Even so, her family has rules but Sonia can easily break the rules because she is the future of this kingdom.

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The mansion inside was huge, a place worthy for one of the richest families in history. It seemed that this mansion had taken 20 years to be built. Just a simple vase in front of the door cost millions in cash. Still, it was not anything to impress because of after a while walking through the long corridors of the mansion, Sonia and Kyouko arrived in front of a door at the end of one of the many corridors of the mansion. It was a door made of wood with more than 10 meters high.

Sonia: It's here... My father is waiting for us.

Kyouko: Waiting for us? He knew about my presence here?

Sonia: Y-Yeah... He is a little rigid. He knows everything, some people call him a Magician.

Kyouko: Ooh...


Kyouko gasped. Few people has the chance to meet the King of Novoselic Kingdom. Sonia opened the door, on the other side of that door there was a huge white hall. The place was huge as a Catholic Church in Vatican. it seemed that place was a underground hall because that room was as big as the mansion itself.

Kyouko: This is...

Kyouko looked around but a few moments later she finally noticed an old man seated in a throne at the end of the hall. The man seated there was Arthur Gaz, the King of Novoselic Kingdom and the Sonia's father. 

Arthur: You're here, Sonia.

Sonia: I'm back, father.


Arthur: Hmm...

Sonia and Kyouko walked towards him and stopped in front of the mini stairs of the throne. Kyouko thought in bow but Sonia stopped her with her hands.

Sonia: Father, this is---

Arthur interrupted Sonia with his old, cold and deep voice.

Arthur: Kyouko Kirigiri?

Kyouko was surprised with his words.

Kyouko: Y-Yes, Your Majesty... But how do you know me?

Gaz (1)

Arthur: Isn't that obvious? 


Of course it is obvious, Kyouko is the most famous Detective in the world. That question was extremely unnecessary, everyone knows Kirigiri Kyouko. She noticed what Arthur was saying.

Kyouko: Ah... You're right... Sorry.

Arthur: Imagine, my daughter is your fan.

Sonia's eyes sparkled.

Kyouko: Hahaha... I know that. Your daughter is amazing.

Arthur: Of course she is. So, Kirigiri Kyouko, what do you want in my mansion? We are not involved with the KnightWalkers so I don't want any involvement with this World War III.

There are suspicions that Novosic Kingdom had an alliance with the KnightWalker Family secretly but everything was just a rumor.

Kyouko: It's not that. Actually, I just came because your daughter told me she is investing Jack the Ripper too. We don't wanna drag her for this case but she is a smart person so I accepted her help. 


Arthur: Hmm.

Sonia: W-Well, it's just as she just said.

Arthur: If this was a decision of my daughter then I can't do anything. This child is more talented than anyone in my kingdom so I let her free of the rules on compensation for her talent.

Sonia: Hum Hum~!

Kyouko: Oh, I see.

Arthur: If she invited you then you are an honored guest. Feel free to walk around the mansion. This place is just a makeshift mansion.

Kyouko (think): *This place is a makeshift mansion?!*

Sonia: Thanks daddy.

Sonia turned around and left. Kyouko bow before she left and followed Sonia. They left the hall and closed the door, leaving Arthur alone in the Royal Hall. That man was very kindly after all. Kyouko recovered her breath after she left. She was forcing her behavior. Luckily, the King was a nice person, she thought he was a little more... Tyrant and cold-hearted?

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Sonia and Kyouko were now going to her Nevermind's laboratory. When Sonia was driving her car, she said was investing the killer for a long time too. Since 5 of her best friends were killed, Sonia started her own investigation. After some minutes walking in the hallway, Sonia and Kyouko saw an unknown woman walking towards them. She was a 37-years old woman wearing rich and sophisticated clothes. Sonia saw the woman and called for her.

Sonia: Mother!

Kyouko (think): *Mother? Don't tell me she is Virgilia Nevermind! The queen of Novosic Kingdom!*


Kyouko was right, the woman standing there was Virgilian Nevermid, Sonia's mother. She is the wife of Arthur Gaz and Queen of Novosic Kingdom.

Virgilia: Oh, Sonia. You're back. What happened? You're back so early.

Virgilia stopped walking and looked at Kyouko.

Sonia: Actually...

Virgilia: Ooh. This beautiful woman is Kirigiri Kyouko. Arthur told me you were coming to our mansion. Nice to meet you.

Virgilia was a calm and mature person. Her words were so soft that they would make a baby fall asleep quickly.

Kyouko: Nice to meet you, Ms. Nevermind.

Virgilia let out a smile.

Virgilia: Fufufu. Just call me Virgilia. I don't like many formalities like my husband.

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Kyouko started to like her, she looks like a really nice person. But there is something that is making her uncomfortable; her eyes. Her eyes are lifeless... Like if they were dead.

Kyouko: Right.

Virgilia: Feel free to walk around.

Virgilia left quickly.

Kyouko: She is a nice person.

Sonia: W-Well, she is.

Sonia and Kyouko continued walking again.

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Virgilia: Kyouko-san!

Virgilia called for her name. Sonia and Kyouko stopped and looked back.

Virgilia: This case is full of despair. Don't you think?


Kyouko: Y-Yes...

Kyouko (think): *What the hell she is saying? I heard that phrase before... But where? Despair... Despair...*

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Virgilia turned around and continued her way.

Sonia: Sorry. She can be very weird sometimes.

Kyouko: Hehehe...

Sonia: Let's go.

Sonia and Kyouko continued their way.

Nevermind Family Laboratory

3 minutes later

Science lab

Virgilia words were echoing in Kyouko's head many times. Kyouko thought she was a nice person but later she felt that woman was weird. However, forgot about that, because at this moment, Sonia and Kyouko were in room similar to a laboratory research. The laboratory is located on the top floor of the mansion, that site was used by Sonia for personal reasons, since her friends were murdered, Sonia began her own investigation. And incredible as it may seem, her clues they were lighter than the police.

Unlike the police that he was looking for clues in a superficial way, Sonia has deepened in this case and was much further. Kyouko was impressed with her.

3 minutes had passed when Kyouko and Sonia met Virgilia. At this time, Sonia was showing some documents that she made about the murders. Kyouko was about to discover something terrifying.

- Kyouko: This is...

Kyouko was now reading some documents in Sonia's desk. Sonia was standing beside Kyouko while she was seated in her desk.

- Sonia: Kyouko-san, I've got information that the serial killer was not stalking the victims. He knew his victims before.

- Kyouko: Can you please resume your theory for me?

- Sonia: Yes.

- Sonia: The killings began five months ago, however, the killer was already in Tenguu City long before. All the victims were studied, their daily life were not spied but "watched". That is, before Jack started to murder, he already had intent to kill. This person is probably a student or teacher of Raizen High School, since only a person from the school would have as much access to the daily life of the victims. In addition, the killer had some relationship with the victims, it is impossible to know the daily lives of so many people without entering their worlds. So, the killer turned into a friend of the victims. The killer probably wrote down the name of all the victims (friends) and all their daily lives.

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- Kyouko: That makes sense, 2 people were killed per week. So it's impossible to know what 2 people do in just a week.

- Sonia: Also, I find that the killer is not a man. The serial killer is a woman. The scissor's cuts on the bodies of the victims were very well made, only women with sense of calm and patience can make precise cuts like those. Men have narrower brain lines, so the cuts would be narrower if the serial killer is a man. The cuts with scissors were perfectly aligned, I saw a picture of Tama's body, her body was perfectly sliced in half like a giant blade at high speed had cut her body in half. Furthermore, Tama's casings were not damaged as if the killer only cut the meat, bones and skin on the side of the body.

Kyouko stared at Sonia. She was paying attention to Sonia's words.


2nd Victim

- Sonia: The serial killer is a calculative woman. She chooses the perfect time to kill. Through the crimes, it is possible to find out about the killer's personality. Analyzing the crimes, the serial killer does not kill for emotional reasons, because when there is feelings like anger and hatred involved in a murder, the serial killer tends to put their victims on extreme torture while they still alive. In other words, Jack the Ripper kills for fun and loves to mutilate the bodies of her victims for sexual pleasure. It can be said that Jack the Ripper is a psychopath-necrophiliac with sadistic tendencies.

While Sonia's words were heard by Kyouko, she getting more and more impressed. She was able to identify the killer's sex through cuts and ways of murder. Sonia has knowledge in psychology, medicine, anatomy and crime.


- Sonia: You can say, the serial killer is a psychopath with a twisted sexual tendencies. This person has an insane mind and feel pleasure and happiness in killing. The victims were women and only four of the victims were men (the security guards of GDP Building), so it is possible to say that the killer has some sort of hatred towards women or maybe she is a lesbian with a twisted sense of sexual pleasure. Also, the killer seems to have started to use other types of weapons to kill. Once you stepped in Raizen High School 2 days ago, the killer began to use several types of weapons in the killings. Knives, axes and katanas, these were the new weapons used by the killer after she realized that the police had found the place where she was concentrating her activities. She may have noticed that the police might notice her behavior around scissors.

At this point, Kyouko thought about one person.

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- Kyouko: So the killer knew her victims for a long time. She only had to send letters and wait for the day to kill them.

- Sonia: Maybe... The killer sent the letters and then approached her own victims to comfort them. The bodies of the victims were found in the same place where they were killed. Most victims were killed in places without light or people nearby, this means they were attracted to these locations by a person they knew and trusted and this person is the killer. By the way, all victims were walking in groups.

- Kyouko: So the murder in GDP Building... She opened the door of the Security Room...

- Sonia: The serial killer does not have any involvement with the GDP...

- Kyouko: What?


Hack Card

- Sonia: Since the world began to use high security doors, organizations from the underworld began to create new methods to hack into government sites. Banks began to use armored metal doors and only a ID Passkey can open this door. However, these organizations from the underworld created the Hack Cards, these cards are portable virus that can hack the lock system of these doors and open the doors automatically. The serial killer must have used one of these cards to open the security door in GDP and killed the guards with her own hands, showing she has combat skills. When the GDP Building was invaded by Jack the Ripper, I sent my men there to see the historic of the keypad of the Security Room, the killer used a Hack Card to open it.

- Kyouko: Now that you said... The serial killer is not related to my office. She was watching me for a long time, that's why she put needles in my Meat Cakes, she knew that was my favorite food.

- Sonia: Also, I noticed something in the killings. 3 children were among the victims of the serial killer, the killer had not relationship with those children, as the serial killer is probably in high school and those children are in elementary school. Children study in different buildings and schedules of the school, so it is impossible the serial killer had relations with them. I studied children who were killed, all three children lived near the school and went home alone, the serial killer must have seen this opportunity and managed to attract children to a location away from the eyes of society... And also the murders of children were different. All the previous victims were teenagers and adults, and they were killed and then mutilated in horrible ways. Different from previous deaths, the children were kept them alive while they were tortured and mutilated in painful ways. Apparently the serial killer has some kind of pleasure torturing children... The 3 children were 10-years old. The test said the children were tortured before being killed... However, I realized that the 12th victim of the serial killer was 13 years-old and she was killed quickly like the teenagers and adults...

- Kyouko (think): *Poor kids... What kind of monster can do these horrible things?*

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Those children were cut while alive, sexually abused and disemboweled alive. Anyone would be sad and disgusted to try to imagine that horrible scene. The serial killer kept the children alive for some reason, in this type of case, the killer may have left personal feelings interfere in the murder.

- Kyouko: But why? I knew the serial killer kept the children alive while she tortured them but why?

- Sonia: Maybe she hates children or she loves torturing them alive, there are many options. The heart of the children were missing... The killer sent letters for the police before. One of those letter said she ate the liver and the heart of one of the victims. So there is a possibility this serial killer is cannibal. And she was not lying, she sent half of the liver with the letter. "From Hell" Letter.

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- Kyouko: Sonia... Don't tell me Otoya is your main suspect...

- Sonia: She is my main suspect. Yes. There is no doubt. Otoya Takechi is the most suspicious person in this case. All evidence points to her. But if you think that's only it... You're wrong... I'll to show you my biggest evidence against her.

- Kyouko: Your biggest evidence?


- Sonia: Yes, when Otoya entered in my list of guilty, I decided to investigate her house. Adam told me that you ordered Tenma send a drone to watch her house, however, this is not enough. Before you send a drone to watch Otoya's house, I had already sent my own spy drone. I present to you my Spy Drone.

Sonia opened a drawer in the desk. She took a small drone from inside that drawer. The drone was like a small radio-controlled car, it has two wheels, a body similar to a pipe and has a small camera in the center of the body. It was pretty simple military technology.

- Kyouko: This is the Spy Drone of Novosic Kingdom? This is used in secret missions.

Kyouko took the drone and examined it.


- Sonia: But this not what I want to show. I want to show what's inside of its memory. I sent this drone to her house and I explored every centimeter of that house. On the surface, there was nothing else, the house was perfectly normal. Since this drone can be controlled by distance, I used this drone to explore the basement of her house...

- Kyouko: What did you see?


- Sonia: It's only a theory but I don't know if she IS Jack the Ripper.

Sonia clicked in a button in the drone's camera and a photo appeared in hologram form in front of them. The image appeared on the desk.

- Kyouko: This is...!

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- Sonia: Do you remember when I said I went to home with Katarina and La Folia to do a homework? There was something stinking in that house... Otoya said it was the trash... But it was a lie... It was that... In the basement of the house, there is a chamber of torture. It's a small place but there is at least 12 bodies inside of that... That means there are 46 victims in total... These 12 bodies were never presented to the public...

Kyouko's eyes widened. She never thought that Sonia could have discovered such thing alone.

- Kyouko: So... Otoya... is Jack the Ripper...

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- Sonia: This is not over yet. I know her next victim.

Kyouko changed her sight to Sonia in surprise.

- Kyouko: What?!

Sonia nodded.


- Sonia: I can not confirmed it yet, but I estimate Otoya probably has 70 targets. So far, she killed 46 targets. Four days before you came to Raizen High School, I noticed a strange behavior of a girl in my classroom. The name of this girl is Haru Ichinose.

- Kyouko: Haru Ichinose? How did you notice it?

- Sonia: She was paranoid and avoiding people for days. I came to the conclusion that Haru will be the next target. The serial killer probably sent her a letter warning about her death. She still alive. 2 days ago, I decided to ask if I could go to her home, she accepted so I used this opportunity to investigate her house.

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- Kyouko: Can we meet Haru Ichinose now? I want to look for Otoya but we must protect the next victim! Also, I want to investigate Otoya's house.

Sonia nodded and crossed her arms.

- Sonia: Sure, I got her information from the school board so I know where she is living.

Kyouko stood up from the chair.

- Kyouko: Let's go! We must protect Haru Ichinose!

Tenguu City

Haru Ichinose's Apartment

04:50 PM


It took a long time to come back to Tenguu City, Sonia's mansion was far away from the town. After Kyouko's request, Sonia drove back to Tenguu City in her car. More conversations took place in the car, the two thought that the next victim is Haru Ichinose. It was coincidence that Sonia had noticed Haru's behavior in her classroom. Haru Ichinose study in the same class of Sonia so she was not the only one who noticed her strange behavior. Yet, there was no doubt that Otoya Takechi is the killer but Kyouko hadn't informed that to the police because she need prove it, like Sonia said before, this is just some theories.

Sonia stopped Kyouko's car in front of an apartment. Both left the car and looked at the building.

- Kyouko: This is where she lives?

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- Sonia: Yes, this where she is living. I already came here before to investigate.

- Kyouko: She is in there?

- Sonia: I don't know, if Raizen High School were having classes now, she would be there. But the school was closed because of Tama's murder so...

- Kyouko: I see. Which number is her room?

- Sonia: Number 312.

- Kyouko: Right. Let's go, Sonia.

Kyouko walked towards the entrance and opened the door.


- Sonia: You called for my name! Right!

Sonia followed Kyouko. Her eyes were sparkling.

Without thinking twice, Kyouko and Sonia entered in the apartment. At that point, things were getting clearer, Kyouko needed to investigate Haru's apartment personally and look for something. The apartment had several rooms, however, they were all silent, it seemed like there was no one in the apartment. There was a strong stench coming from all over the apartment, Sonia assumed that it would be the stench of the sewer pipe.

The Haru apartment was on the third floor. Sonia and Kyouko went to the walk up the stairs because the elevator was broken. The scenario left Kyouko scared but it was not enough to make her escape from that building. Sonia was cool and smiling like a princess as usual.

Anime style house 2 by deannart-d301nzd

After a while walking, the two arrived in a hall on the top floor. It was a simple and clean corridor. There was nothing suspicious about that, Kyouko saw the number of Haru's room at the end of the corridor and decided to knock on the door. However, no one answered, she decided to knock again and waited a few minutes. Kyouko had no another alternative and decided to use a clip to open the door's lock. The door opened by itself.

- Sonia: As expected from you, Kyouko.

Sonia and Kyouko entered in the apartment. It was a pretty normal place.


- Sonia: There is nothing wrong here.

- Kyouko: Yes, but don't relax. Look in the room, bathroom and kitchen. I'll check the closet, living room and laundry. Maybe we can find something important that can lead us to the killer's identity. Otoya is the main suspect but I want to confirm it.

Sonia nodded and quickly changed her expression to serious.

- Sonia: I agree. I'll tell you if saw something.

- Kyouko: OK.


Kyouko and Sonia walked in different directions and started their investigation. However, Sonia noticed something very important at that moment and stopped walking.

- Sonia: Ah, noticed something.

Kyouko heard and turned her sight to Sonia.

- Kyouko: What's it?

Sonia turned around.

- Sonia: Well, I noticed all victims that were killed were living alone. Except for the children that were living with their parents.

Those words did not sense in that moment. But even Kyouko don't had noticed that yet.

- Kyouko: Now that you said... I'll note that later in my evidence list.

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Sonia smiled.

Kyouko was beginning to develop a certain feeling for Sonia, not love but friendship. Among all female detectives she met in the past, Sonia was the only person with a talent that surprised her. Sonia can easily beat Kyouko in a mind game. She had finally found someone like her.

Sonia and Kyouko started the investigation. The house was normal, there was no marks of violence. Apparently Haru kept her apartment very clean and tidy. It was a decent apartment for a high school and independent girl.

The bathroom was normal, the living room was normal, the kitchen was normal and all the rest of the house was also normal. The investigation took 20 minutes, however, there was only one place that had not been investigated yet - the bedroom.

Koto room

Sonia and Kyouko gathered in front of the bedroom door. For some reason, Kyouko was getting sweaty and cold. She was afraid to find some bizarre scene there. Kyouko grabbed the doorknob of the room but hesitated to open the door. Sonia put her hand on Kyouko's right should and nodded.

- Sonia: It's all right.

Kyouko then opened the door. And for her surprise, the room was normal. It was fancy bedroom.

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- Kyouko: It looks OK...

- Sonia: Let's start.

Sonia and Kyouko walked around and started their last investigation. After they finish their investigation in Haru's house, they are going to Otoya's house, the center of the murders. Sonia opened a drawer in the closet and saw something there. It was a letter.

Sonia's eyes widened.

- Sonia: This is...

Sonia took the letter and read it. Kyouko noticed Sonia's reaction and asked what happened.

- Kyouko: What happened?

Kyouko walked towards Sonia.

- Sonia: Kyouko, you better see this.

Kyouko took the letter and read it.

- Kyouko: I knew it...


- Kyouko: This is a Death Letter from Jack the Ripper.

Sonia noticed something behind of the letter.

- Sonia: Kyouko, look behind the envelope.

Kyouko turned the envelope around.

- Kyouko: !!!!!!!!!!!!


- Kyouko: This is...! Dammit!

Kyouko knew what was that words. The killer sent that letter after she killed Haru Ichinose. They were late, Haru Ichinose was already dead.

- Kyouko: Haru Ichinose is dead...

Sonia decided to look in the closet and saw another letter inside.

- Sonia: Another letter.

Kyouko looked at Sonia.

- Kyouko: Another one?

Sonia opened the letter and read it.


- Kyouko: This is...

Sonia noticed the paper was very old.

- Kyouko: Don't tell me... This is the first letter. The killer sent this letter for Haru to warn her of her death.

- Sonia: So... This letter that was in the drawer is the second letter.

Everything was making sense. The letter that was saying: "Letter from a Very Stylish Serial Killer" was the letter Jack sent to warn Haru about her death. And the second latter saying: "I Must Say She Is Dead" was the letter to the police. They were late, Haru was already killed when they arrived there.

- Sonia: Hm?

Sonia noticed a red liquid coming out of another door of the closet. She opened the door of the closet and...

- Sonia: Eh?

Sonia fell to the ground. The scene was so bizarre and grotesque that she could not even scream or say something. Sonia ran to the bathroom and vomited. Kyouko saw that and looked inside. Kyouko's eyes widened in fear.

- Kyouko: .........

Kyouko could not say anything. Within that closet, there was an arm cut in pieces. There was also an eye next to the arm. In addition, there was half of a liver behind of the arm. Kyouko noticed a third letter beside of that arm. The letter was opened and it was possible to read what was written.

Sir, I'm sending you half of the kidney I took from a woman and preserved it for you. I fried half and ate it, it was very nice. I may send you the bloody knife that took it out if you only wait a while longer.

Signed - Catch me when you can

Part 4 - Killer's Identity[]

Haru Ichinose's Apartment

20 minutes later


Another death happened. After Kyouko and Sonia discovered remains of a dead person inside the apartment, they called the police to isolate the building and begin investigations there.

There was no more need to act with caution now that Haru was dead, Kyouko thought to call the police in the apartment would call the attention of the killer, in a way, Kyouko used Harua as a bait to find the killer. If the killer had not killed Haru yet, it would be easier to capture the serial killer when she was going to kill Haru in her apartment.

The police arrived quickly with several vehicles and even assault troopers. They do not know if there could be more dead people inside the apartment. Residents of the building were confused with what was happening at that moment, it all happened so fast.

The police and detectives asked to all inhabitants of the building to left the building to start investigations but not before investigating the residents. After the residents left the building, they finally understood that one of they neighbors was killed by Jack the Ripper, that news scared the spine of their souls. Jack the Ripper was on their apartment.

The police searched the entire building for the rest of Haru's body, however, there was nothing there. Other investigators thought the serial killer killed Haru outside of the building and returned to the apartment to let Haru's remains as a "gift" for the police. The killer probably cut off Haru's arm and then cut it into pieces inside the apartment. The scene resembles how to cut a tomato.

Kyouko and Sonia were amazed. However, that was not enough to let Kyouko in shock, she was the greatest detective in the world. Sonia was used with mutilated bodies because she had seen the bodies of her friends who were killed by the serial killer but that scene inside closet caught her by surprise. 

Kyouko: Are you okay, Sonia?

200 siop

Outside of the building, Kyouko gave cup of coffee to Sonia.

The police had surrounded the building and there was a crowd of people in front of the building, however, the police pushed the crowd to a certain point with safety strips. Many people were taking pictures while the police brought Haru's remains out of the building. The reporters immediately tried to jump the tracks and put the microphones in front of the detectives. Fortunately, Kyouko was sitting in a square alongside Sonia, they were looking at the confusion away from everyone.

Sonia was a little stable but Kyouko comforted her while they were there. Sonia took the cup and drank the coffee.

Sonia: Yes, I'm okay. It was just... That scene surprised me.

Kyouko: I thought you were used to see dead bodies.


Sonia: Yes, I saw bodies of my dead friends so I thought I was ready for that kind of scene. In fact, that arm caught him by surprise, I did not expect to see that.

Kyouko: I don't blame you. Actually, I'm surprised with you. When I was 17-years old, I could not even see a dead body... I had nightmares for days. But you managed to deal with the bodies of your friends... That's impressive.

Sonia smiled.

Sonia: Thanks...


Kyouko stood up.

Kyouko: Let's call it a day. Sonia, are you sure you want to continue to help in this case? If something happens to you...


Sonia:  Yes, I want. That is not enough to beat me. I'll help, no matter what. 

Kyouko smiled. Sonia remembered Kyouko when she was a student at Hope's Peak Academy but the Princess has more potential.

Kyouko: I see. Now I understand why they call you the Ultimate Princess...

Sonia: Well...

Sonia blushed.

Kyouko: Sonia. I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be the last day of our investigation.

Sonia: What do you mean?

Kyouko: We are getting close. I just asked other detectives about something. They located something strange in that apartment?

Sonia: Something strange? What's it.

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Kyouko: In the basement of the building, there was door that led to the tubing sewage. We suspect he killer used that door to enter and leave the apartment. Moreover, it seems that this serial killer left evidence behind. If I had to explain this evidence, it is the biggest mistake of this serial killer.

Sonia:  Biggest mistake?

Kyouko: In front of that door, there was a belt full of scissors. The belt was soaked with blood, proving that the killer may have used those scissors to kill Haru. In addition, the killer was in such a hurry to leave this apartment, "she" left this belt of scissors on the floor.

Sonia: That belt... Don't tell me...


Kyouko: Yes, when I went to Raizen High School for the first time, I saw Otoya Takechi with this type of belt. So, Sonia, tomorrow we are going to Otoya's house. I want to investigate that torture chamber too. Our investigation points to Otoya Takechi as the main culprit. Also... I think Otoya Takechi was the one who was stalking me for so long.

Sonia: I knew it... But we must confirm it.

Kyouko crossed her arms.

Kyouko: Agreed... Also, you by chance noticed some other students presenting strange behavior?

Sonia: Strange behavior? What kind of behavior?


Kyouko: Paranoid, ignorant and scared... Like the victims who received the Death Letter.

Sonia: Not really, I've got friends in 3 classrooms and I haven't noticed any behavior like that. Why do you ask?

Kyouko: I was thinking if I could protect the victims. I wonder why the victims never told the police about that...


Sonia: Probably because the killer is a stalker. Among the victims, there were three people who tried to tell the police that they were being chased by the killer, and in the next day, all of them were killed. The killer is a calculating and intelligent person, so she just killed her victims when they are alone. If the police sent some men to protect the victim, the killer would lose her prey, which is why the serial killer kills her victims in the next day before the police can act. This kind of action has caused many students to not talk about the letter.

Kyouko: I see. So this is the cause...

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Sonia: So we are going to Otoya's house tomorrow?

Kyouko: Yes, even if Otoya is the killer, we must confirm if she IS the Jack the Ripper. There are many killers in this city (not serial killers like Jack) so we need to know if she's our main target.

Sonia: I agree.

Kyouko: Well then, see you tomorrow. We will regroup in Raizen High School as always.

Kyouko waved and turned around. Sonia let out a smile after she turned around.

Sonia: She is... Our hope.

Sonia praised Kyouko but she did not hear what Sonia said about her. There was no doubt Kyouko was considering Sonia as a friend and comrade. Normally, it takes months to become friendly with Kyouko but Sonia was now her friend in just a day.

Sonia watched Kyouko walking towards her car and left. Sonia then stood up and called for her driver to take her to her mansion. 

Kyouko's Apartment

06:48 PM


Kyouko is the world's greatest detective, so she has the privilege of living in one of the most luxurious apartments in Tenguu City. Unfortunately for her, this apartment was 40 kilometers from where she was. In just one day, Kyouko spent more than $300 of gasoline, it was a long day for her and Sonia but everything was going according to plan.

Soon, Kyouko will discover the identity of the serial killer. At that point, Kyouko was considering to arrest the serial killer and sign the death penalty of this person. She already saw many cases of murders but this serial killer was a real monster. 

A complete monster without soul and heart.


A serial killer who keeps children alive while "she" rips out their organs in violent, sadistic and cruel ways. However, in Japan, there is a law that no person with an insane mind can be judged and responsible for their actions because this person does not have the ability to think rationally. This law is called the Law of Impunity.

Arriving in the apartment, Kyouko's room is the Room 300 at the top floor. The apartment is a luxurious place to let any middle-class person with fallen jaw. Only the living room of that apartment would cost the same price of a home.

Kyouko opened the door.

Semi classic bedroom night by l1qu1dx

Kyouko: I'm home...

Of course, there was nobody there...

Kyouko has the habit of entering in the house saying that. Kyouko is a very lonely person. When she was a child, her father, Jin Kirigiri, received her with hugs when she was back from her school in USA. She saw her mother cooking it in the kitchen with a smile on her face. However, everything changed when Jin and her mother died in a car accident when she was 16-years old.

Kyouko missed her parents. She just wanted someone to live with her.

Kyouko: I'm alone...

Young kyouko and jin again

More memories came in Kyouko's mind. However, she refused to remember everything again. Those memories were something wonderful, however, she thought that it keep her from moving forward. 


Kyouko walked towards and started to remove her clothes to take her bath when...

*knock* *knock*

Kyouko heard someone knocking on her door. It was a soft knock as if a baby was knocking the door. Kyouko knew that no one is allowed to be on that floor except her... Kyouko decided to take the gun that is in her bed and pulled the latch.

*knock* *knock*

The door was hit several times but no one answered on both sides.


Kyouko slowly grabbed the knob and opened the door quickly with the gun pointed at the person on the other side of the door.

- (???): Wew!

Kyouko's eyes widened.

Kyouko: Sonia!

Yes, the person who knocked Kyouko's door was Sonia Nevermind.

Sonia: Yo, Kyouko!

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Sonia smiled like a happy anime chibi. Kyouko was very confused at that moment.

Kyouko: Yo... Why are you here?

Sonia: Actually, I talked with my parents some minutes ago. Or better saying, they talked to me.

Kyouko lowered the gun.

Kyouko: Sorry for that...

Sonia: It's OK. You're a detective. About the conversation between my parents and me; when I called for my driver to to get me to take me home, the driver said my parents ordered me to stay with you. Since I'm Super High School Level Princess (Ultimate Princess), they thought I should gain experience with you as a detective. When my driver arrived, my luggage with all my clothes were in the car. They asked the TCPD where you were living so my parents sent me here. Luckily, I'm a Nevermind and the manager of this hotel let me stay with you in your room.

" . . . . . . . . . . . . "

Danganronpa 3 despair arch sonia nevermind by tatsucheng-da9e1dx

Kyouko: Eh?!!

Sonia: Excuse me... But let me stay with you!!

Kyouko was only wearing her underwear but she still maintains her usual posture in front of Sonia. A drop of sweat fell by Kyouko's face.

Kyouko: Eh... I-I-I thi---

Kyouko was speechless and sighed. She thought for a moment and the situation finally came to a conclusion.

Kyouko: *sigh*

Sonia: S-So?

Kyouko: All right... You can stay here.

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Sonia's eyes sparkled and blushed.

Sonia: Thanks, Kyouko Kirigiri!

Kyouko: BUT!

Kyouko pointed her finger to Sonia.

Sonia: But?

Kyouko: You will sleep on the floor!

Sonia: Eh? No way! Bu---

Kyouko interrupted Sonia.

Kyouko: No buts! You're in my territory! In my territory, even Kings bow down before me!


Kyouko was kind... Happy? She was smiling as she was showing her proud before Sonia.

Sonia: I didn't know you could smile like that...

Sonia noticed her smile. Kyouko finally returned to her character after hiding her smile with her hands. For someone like Kyouko who never smile, that face was kind cute.

Kyouko: *ahem!* Come in.

Sonia: I'm entering...

Sonia pulled her red suitcase as she passed through the bedroom's door.

Sonia: This room is... So handsome!


Handsome? What?

Kyouko: Handsome? Sonia-san... I know you're from Germany but this is not how English works... Ah... I going to take a bath.

Kyouko closed the door and walked towards the bathroom.

Sonia: I need to take my bath too. Let's go together!

Sonia said that while she put her suitcase beside Kyouko's bed.

Kyouko: No!

Sonia turned around.

Sonia: Why? We are both women! There is no problem!

Kirigiri kyouko danganronpa and danganronpa 1 drawn by iga tomoteru sample-2f8bc504781e529f93ee746a1c01d1f2

Well, she has a point. There are no problems if the two are women. Same thing with men.

Kyouko: I'm going first.

Kyouko totally ignored Sonia as she closed the door of the bathroom.

Sonia: I was ignored...

Well, if that was enough to stop Sonia from taking a bath with her "goddess"...

Kyouko: This is so... *sigh*

In the bathroom, there are a shower and a bathtub. Kyouko prefered to take bath in the shower like a normal person but Sonia was born taking bath in bathtub.

Unfortunately for Kyouko, Sonia was able to enter the bathroom five minutes after Kyouko closed the door. After a while, Kyouko finally let her go in.

Sonia: Ohh~ Taking a bath in a bikini! This is lewd!

Sonia was seated inside of the bathrub as Kyouko was taking her shower.

Kyouko: Who you are calling lewd?! I don't want to show it to anybody.

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Sonia: Ah... I see...

Kyouko was using a bikini because of Sonia. This is normal?

Sonia: You're pretty closed...

Kyouko: Closed?

Sonia: Well, about your body...

Kyouko blushed.

Kyouko: It's not like I'm closed. I never showered with anyone besides my parents... So...



Kyouko quickly became sad. Sonia immediately noticed that and found what happened.

Sonia: I'm sorry... If brought tragic memories.

Kyouko: Not really, I'm used to it. I can't stay in the past.


Sonia: Shall I wash your hair?

Kyouko woke up from her little world and looked at Sonia.


Kyouko: Ahn? I can do it myself.

Sonia: That's all right, I'll do it!

Kyouko blushed and didn't say nothing as Sonia walked towards her with a shampoo. Just like that, Kyouko stayed in the same place and let Sonia wash her hair.

Sonia: Does it itch anywhere, miss? *troll face*

Kyouko: No... Not really. Fufufu.

Sonia: Pupupu... Here? Or maybe...

Sonia grabbed Kyouko's breasts.

Sonia: Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle!

Sonia began to tickle her.

Kyouko: H-AHAA-HA STOP!!

The two laughed for minutes.

10 minutes later

Semi classic bedroom night by l1qu1dx

Well, that would be something like a slumber party. There were two women in the same room having fun and the two were very similar. Sonia and Kyouko were so close that it was hard to believe these two had met only two days ago in Raizen High School.

After that bath, Sonia made a hot coffee and the two drank while were drying their hair. Despite the month, the temperature is very low in Japan at night today, so a hot cup of coffee would fall well before sleep.

In addition, the two had to sleep early because tomorrow they would have one more day of investigation. Sonia does not belong to any official government organization, so she would be considered an amateur detective. However, Kyouko knows this blonde girl who appears to be very relaxed is actually an amazon and a extremely reliable person.

Some minutes later, they were going to sleep. Kyouko lied on the bed and Sonia was about to lay on the floor when...

Kyouko: Just once... You can sleep in the bed but if you try something funny I'll kick you out.


Kyouko said that without looking at Sonia.

Sonia: Kyouko! Thank you!

Sonia lied in the bed. Kyouko was on the right side and Sonia on the left side.

Kyouko: Well lights out.

Sonia: Okay.

Kyouko turned off the light of the room. 


Kyouko: You're not bad.

Sonia looked at Kyouko, however, she was facing the other direction to avoid eye contact with Sonia.


Sonia: Fufufu. You too... Changing matter, Kyouko.

Kyouko: What's it?

Sonia: When I was wearing my clothes, I saw a green bag under the bed. I thought it was not yours because this room is very clean.

Kyouko: A green bag? If I recall, I don't have any green bag.

Sonia: Seriously? Hmm...

Sonia stood up from the bed and looked under the bed. She saw the green bag and took it. Kyouko heard her and decided to look to.

Sonia: Could it be....



Sonia: Your porn magazines?

Kyouko: No! I don't have any porn!

Sonia: Well, let's take a look.

Sonia opened the bag and knocked down everything that was inside... Their eyes widened at what they saw...

Kyouko's fell to the ground...


Kyouko: Impossible...

Sonia: What's that?

In front of them, there were boats, ropes, gloves, lanterns, scissors and a mask... A full arsenal of kidnapping. Kyouko immediately realized what it was. The killer was entered Kyouko's room before she arrived. The serial killer intended to kill Kyouko that night... But Sonia's presence in the room prevented the killer from doing so, Kyouko was saved by Sonia. And she finally realized that the serial killer's next victim is herself...

In the Next Day

07:40 AM


The sun was rising in the horizon. Another day had passed, that was 3rd day since the World War III began, the peace reigned in Japan while the rest of the world were destroying themselves with nuclear weapons, 9 million people died, however, the war was far from over.

Meanwhile in Tenguu City, the city woke up for another day of work. The bread was done, the coffee was ready, the newspapers were being delivered and people were waking up for another day. It would be nice if the murders were not happening, every day, people woke up afraid that Jack the Ripper had killed another person. However, this time, peace reigned over that city. There were no murders in the city, thanks to Mafusa Gang attack in Tenguu City 2 weeks ago, crime rate fell by 98%.


And fortunately, this time, there was not murder. It was thanks to Sonia, Kyouko was supposed to be the next victim of that night. Kyouko was alive.

Sonia was the first to wake up and make breakfast, even a princess knows how to make her own food. The meaning of a princess is not being elegant, honest, beautiful and rich but a perfect person who can do everything and help everyone around.

The sun streamed through the bedroom's window, the rays of light hit Kyouko's eyes, making her wake up from the bed. Kyouko yawned and stretched her shoulders. Kyouko noticed a good smell of eggs and bacon. Kyouko stood up and decided to go to the kitchen, there she saw Sonia making the breakfast, she was wearing an apron. Sonia noticed Kyouko and smiled like a wife.

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- Sonia: Good morning, Kyouko! You were wonderful last night...

Sonia blushed trying to hide her face with her hands.

- Kyouko: Good morning... What happened last night?

Kyouko looked confused, she knew what happened last night with the green bag but she noticed that Sonia was talking about another thing.


Sonia's face became red like a apple.

- Sonia: That "thing"... You took my... thing

A drop of sweat fell by Kyouko's face.

- Kyouko: Like I asked... What happened? I know you saved me... If you were not here I would probably... Thanks...

- Sonia: No problem, I'll stay with you from now on.

- Kyouko: Aye... Again what happened?

- Sonia: You took my innocence... And it was with another woman... I can't marry anymore...

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- Kyouko: Huh?

Loading... Kyouko finally noticed what she was saying.

- Kyouko: Screw you...


Of course that was a bad joke but even Kyouko held her laugh while she replied Sonia. Sonia laughed.

- Sonia: Hahahaha! I'm just joking. If I sleep with you, I'm pretty sure my parents will force you to marry me.

- Kyouko: But I'm a woman.

- Sonia: The same rule works to men so there is no difference between men and women.

Sonia blushed.

- Kyouko: You're acting like a wife right now. Your dream is to become married?

- Sonia: Hmm... Yes, I want a family. Have two children and a husband... Or wife...

Kyouko's widened with the "wife" word.

- Kyouko: You're... Bi?

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Sonia continued looking at coffee.

- Sonia: I do not have a preference, even if a woman wins my heart, I'll marry her.

Sonia has no preference among people, she loves any kind of person who wins her heart through good deeds. Beauty, money and status, none of that mattered to her.

Kyouko laughed awkwardly.

- Kyouko: Hehehe... You're amazing... In some ways.

Kyouko was actually very surprised with her preference.

Kyouko noticed the breakfast.

- Kyouko: Ahn?

- Sonia: The breakfast is ready. Maybe I'll invite everyone to eat here another day! Let's call Tenma t---

Kyouko's eyes widened and was flabbergasted when she saw her breakfast in the desk of the kitchen. She was so focused in the breakfast that Sonia's words could not be heard.


Kyouko stared at that breakfast for a few seconds without saying a word. Several good and bad memories passed through her mind at that moment. The last time she saw that breakfast was 8 years ago before her parents died.


For years, Kyouko ate nothing more than a simple bread. Only some old and crusty bread. She always ate alone in the house while she thought her life was meaningless without her parents.

Before Kyouko could notice, tears fell from her eyes. She did not know why she is crying. The tears fell in front of the plate.


Sonia noticed Kyouko crying.

- Sonia: Kyouko?

- Kyouko: It's n... *sniff*

Sonia pet Kyouko and smiled.

6 kilometers away from the Hotel

Asuha's House

07:45 AM


Fortunately or unfortunately, when a murder fails, the hunter simply looks for another prey. That's what was happening at that moment. Since Kyouko was not killed by the serial killer, "she" chose another victim. Like all victims, the person is a student of Raizen High School and was a person who studies with Katarina, her name is Asuha Chigusa.

Asuha is a cold and antisocial person but still a kind person. Moreover, she is one of La Folia's best friends.

- Asuha: This is so boring...


Asuha is 16-years old girl with dark ash red hair. She is seated in the living room of her house while she was looking at the street through the window.

- Asuha: If I knew staying home was this boring, then I prefer to go to school... Tama Sakai is dead so the school is closed. I really liked her despite her annoying personality.

Asuha stretched shoulders and stood up from her chair.

- Asuha: I'll buy a PlayStation 8 game.

Remember, they're in 2036.


Asuha walked towards the door of her home, however, she noticed something behind the sofa beside her. Asuha always leaves her house clean then it was a surprise. It was a piece of paper.

Asuha lied on the sofa and looked at the paper.

- Asuha: I've got a bad feeling... Hmm...

Her words were so calm and cold that she felt she was lying to herself. Asuha took the paper and read it.


- Asuha: "I'm watching you for 10 hours per day for your Despair."


- Asuha: Well, that was scary.

Asuha knew that paper was a Death Letter. But she gave zero fucks. What a normal individual.

Asuha remembered that there is a detective woman know as Kyouko Kirigiri in Tenguu City.

- Asuha: Well, I think I'll talk with that woman.

Asuha knew that if she talked about that with the police she will be dead in the next day... But again, she gave zero fucks.

2 kilometers away from the Hotel

Otoya Takechi's house

08:20 AM


That would be the last day. If Kyouko and Sonia are right, the serial killer is Otoya Takechi, there is not doubt. All evidence pointed Otoya Takechi as the main culprit. Kyouko made a list of 10 people in Raizen High School that could be the culprit:

  • Tamae Okamine
  • Otoya Takechi
  • Tama Sakai - Discarded
  • Eckidina KnightWalker - Discarded
  • Misogi Kumagawa - Discarded
  • Mashuro Gaku
  • Katarina Couteau - Discarded
  • Isao Shidou
  • Rentaro Satomi
  • Ai Yamabuki

Kyouko made that list in her laptop. Sonia noticed some important names there. Sonia was seated in the driver seat while Kyouko was seated beside her.

Sonia: Why did you put Rentaro in the list?


Kyouko: Hmm... Rentaro Satomi is the class representative of 3rd Classes so he knows where the victims where living. But Otoya is the main suspect for now.

Sonia: Ah... Anyway, the drone saw Otoya leaving her house?

The drone that Sonia is talking about is the drone sent by Tenma Kenzo some days ago. When Kyouko put Otoya as the main suspect 2 days ago, she ordered Tenma to send a probe drone to watch her house.

Kyouko: Not yet. Also, Sonia, did you change your car?

Sonia's new car was... kind old... Sonia was driving a Toyota car from 1988, a very old car. This car is collection car nowadays.

Sonia: For security.


Kyouko: Security?

Kyouko looked at Sonia in confusion.

Sonia: Yes. Think about it. If you were a serial killer and noticed an expensive car following you, what would you do?

Kyouko realized what she was talking about.

Kyouko: Ah, I got it. He will suspect us.

Sonia: Exactly, also it's better this way because it keeps thieves away from this car.

Kyouko (think): *She's smart.*

Kyouko noticed something coming out of the glove compartment in front of her.

Kyouko: Something's sticking out.


Kyouko decided to open it.

Sonia: !!!!!

Kyouko opened it.

Sonia: Kyouko, don't touch it!

When Kyouko opened that, several little things in plastics fell on the car floor.

Kyouko: I'm sorr---!

Kyouko noticed something strange and her eyes widened in panic.

Kyouko: This is...!



Kyouko's eyes widened while Sonia was facing ahead without looking at Kyouko.

SoniaKyouko... You've seen it...


Kyouko (think): *Candy?*

Sonia took some of the candies and put it in her mouth.

Sonia: Now that you've seen it, there's no sense in hiding it anymore! You have some too, so you become equally guilty!

Sonia gave Kyouko a lollipop.

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Kyouko: Ok...

Kyouko took the lollipop and ate it.

Sonia: Since I'm the Princess of Novosic Kingdom, I'm not allowed to eat candy. So I hide some in my car.

Kyouko laughed.

Kyouko: Hahahaha! I see. So I'll take some.

Kyouko noticed someone leaving Otoya's house by the front door. It was Otoya Takechi, she was using her phone while walking away from her house. Sonia and Kyouko changed their sight to Otoya. Luckily, Otoya hadn't noticed their car.


Kyouko: She is in good mood today. But why she is wearing her school uniform? Raizen High School was closed yesterday.


Sonia: This is important?

Kyouko: Maybe, but we will know that once we investigate the house.

Sonia nodded.

Sonia: I agree.

Sonia and Kyouko walked towards the house and tried to open the door. Sonia tried to open the door several times but it was locked.

Sonia: It's locked.

Kyouko crossed her arms.

Kyouko: It's OK. We can try another door. Shall we check around?

Sonia: Yes.

Japanese house with tatami floor my life in japan

Sonia and Kyouko walked around the house and saw a typical Japanese tatami entrance. Tatami entrances are cultural places of the house so it's possible to enter the house without problems.

Kyouko and Sonia arrived in front of the tatami.

Sonia: Thanks Japan.

Sonia smiled thanking Japan for its culture. Normally, Kyouko would call the police to help invade the house but this mission is a secret one, not even Adam and Temna know about that.

Kyouko: Hehehe...

Kyouko and Sonia stepped in the house. The house looked normal and without problems. Kyouko thought to spread out but they're in the house of one of the suspects so its dangerous to act alone here.

Sonia: Shall we di---

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Kyouko interrupted Sonia, she knew what she was about to say.

Kyouko: No, it's red zone, so it's dangerous to walk alone here.

Sonia nodded and could only agree.

Sonia: Yes, I'm sorry... Kyouko... You by chance...


Sonia: ... Are you worried with me?! *blush*

Kyouko: No! I... Of course I am. *sigh* Enough, let's continue.

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Sonia: Hmm~ Hmm~!

Sonia let out an sarcastic smile. Kyouko walked towards the kitchen, she investigated all cabinets and drawers but found nothing suspicious. Sonia did the same. They only found normal knives and sharp objects but that was normal. They looked the bathroom but found nothing suspect... However...

Sonia: This is...

Sonia and Kyouko looked at the sink of the bathroom.

Kyouko: Hair?

Sonia: It's a black hair. Otoya's hair is dark brown. This hair don't belongs to her. Also, Otoya is hair is rolled and bent at certain points. Also there is too much hair... As if someone had taken the entire scalp.


Kyouko: Now that I noticed, one of the victims had her hair shaved while she was alive and then was violently killed with stakes in crosses format.

Sonia: Maybe it's just a coincidence.

Kyouko took a line of the hair in the sink.

Kyouko: No, this hair is 100% original. If this were a wig of hair, that would be another story.

Kyouko put 5 lines of that hair in a plastic bag.

Kyouko: We are not finished. Let's look around.

Kyouko left the bathroom, Sonia followed her without saying nothing. However, Sonia saw something on the ground behind a closet full of dolls as she was following Kyouko.

Sonia: Kyouko, look at this.

Kyouko: What?


Kyouko: This is the cross!

Sonia: Cross?

The cross Kyouko is talking about was used in one of the murders.


Kyouko: The 26th victim was killed with many of that crosses in her body. Why does Otoya have this thing in her house?

Sonia: At this point, I can't deny anything. Otoya is the killer.

Kyouko: We are detectives, we can say nothing until we complete the investigation here. But I agree with you.

Sonia and Kyouko looked at the cross.

Sonia: What should we do with that thing?

Kyouko knew they can't bring that thing with them. If Otoya notice that something is missing from her house, she will go after Kyouko for sure.

Bloody stairs with door by moon willowstock

Kyouko: Don't touch it. Let's just take a picture of this thing.

Sonia quickly pulled her cellphone and took 5 pictures of the cross.

Sonia: That should do... Hm?

Kyouko noticed her reaction when she turned around.

Kyouko: What?

Sonia: Ah, I remember when I sent my drone here, I drove it down stairs. There is a door behind you.

Kyouko turned around. When Sonia used her drone to investigate this house, she drove it to the basement. According to her pictures, there is a torture chamber down there.

Kyouko: Forget about the rest of her house. We don't have time to explore the entire house. Let's go to the core of all murders.

Sonia: Right.


Kyouko then opened the door behind, revealing a small staircase. Kyouko and Sonia walked down the stairs with caution, they do not know if there could be a trap to prevent intruders coming down those stairs. Few seconds, they arrived in front of a door... The door was full of blood as people with bloody hands had pushed that door. That scene left Kyouko and Sonia frightened.

Sonia: I'll open it.

Kyouko just nodded as Sonia slowly opened the door. And what they saw next was a bizarre scene. It was a torture room.

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Kyouko: This is...!

Sonia: A torture room...

That dark room there were several types of instruments of torture. The room was so bizarre that it looked like a torture chamber used by the Church in the Middle Ages to torture heretics and sinners.

Sonia: When I took a picture of this place, there were many dead bodies...

Kyouko: She cleaned this place.


In Sonia's picture, this place was full of mutilated bodies but not that this place was clean as if no one had set a foot in that place. Kyouko and Sonia looked around and saw many torture devices used by Catholic Church in past centuries. Sonia found a door at the end of room, it was unlocked and decided to open. When she opened that...

Sonia: What in the world...

It was a dark and very small place. It looks like a freeze used by butchers. Kyouko saw that room and walked towards Sonia.

Kyouko: Sonia, wha--- What the hell? Marionettes... 

Kyouko noticed blood on the floor.

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Kyouko: Don't tell me...

Kyouko's eyes widened. She immediately discovered what were those puppets. Sonia shook.

Sonia: They're... People!

Yes, those puppets were people. The name "Ripper" is not for nothing. Jack the Ripper, dissected all those people and turned them into dolls.

Sonia: This is horrible...

Kyouko: Otoya Takechi... Is Jack the Ripper.

Until now, Kyouko and Sonia only suspected Otoya to be the killer but now they finally confirmed.

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Kyouko: Sonia! Call the police! There is no need to be cautious now! The world must see it! Call Tenma and Adam, my cellphone is in your car! Otoya Takechi is the killer!

Kyouko was not messing around, she was scared and serious at the same time.

Kyouko: Quick!

Sonia nodded in fear.

Sonia: R-Right!


Sonia ran away and headed to her car outside of the house. Kyouko looked at the dolls again.

Kyouko: Finally...

- (???): ... It's over.

Kyouko: Huh?

Before could notice, someone finished her words. It was a female voice, when Kyouko turned around, she only saw a shovel coming in the direction of her head. The shovel hit her head.

Otoya Takechi's house

Unknown Room

20 minutes later


Someone hit Kyouko with a shovel, the attack was so strong that Kyouko fainted. It's been 20 minutes since Kyouko fainted.

After a while, Kyouko regained consciousness and opened her eyes slowly. There was a lamp on the ceiling. Kyouko finally regained consciousness and tried to move her body but it was not possible, after all, her arms and her legs were trapped in 4 iron bars.

Kyouko: What... Happened... ?

Kyouko looked around... It was a very scary place. It was a like a hospice room. There is no words to describe it...

Kyouko: Where...?


- (???): Are you awake? Relax, I won't kill you right away, I still have plenty of time before I reach my time limit, I'm going to enjoy this slowly.

Kyouko changed her sight to left side. In front of the entrance door, she saw a woman smiling like a devil about to eat its prey. However, her face was being covered by the darkness.

Kyouko: Who are you?! You're Jack the Ripper?!

- (???): No, I'm Donald Trump. HAHAHAHA! I'm just joking.

The woman walked forward. As she walked forward, her face was being revealed.

Kyouko: I knew it... You're the killer, Otoya Takechi!

The serial killer is Otoya Takechi as Sonia said.

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Otoya: Hey, did you know? Spiders insert their venomous fangs into the prey they catch and suck out their bodily juices by dissolving them from the inside. The prey remains alive as it's killed little by little, can you imagine it?! Kuku....It gives me the chills! I don't have poisonous fang or anything like that, so I use these! I cut my prey little by little! 

Kyouko: Damn you! Let me go!

Otoya: Haha, if you resist I'll get wet! 

Otoya licked her scissor.

Kyouko: What happened to Sonia?!

Otoya: Hmm. Don't worry, I haven't killed her yet. When she left this house, I attacked you and brought you this secret room. I built this place by myself in special moments.

Kyouko: Why?! Why do you kill people?!


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Otoya: Why I kill people? For sex? You see, I'm 17-years old. At this age, female hormones are most active. Like a teenager who masturbates to satisfy their sexual needs, I kill people to please myself.

Kyouko: Sonia was right... You're evil.

Otoya: Not really, evil people are those who commit evil acts to see the suffering of their victims. I just do it to please myself. Their blood makes me feel young, their organs being removed makes me cum... And so go on...

Kyouko: Why... Those children?

Otoya: I'm not a pedophile... I killed them because I hate them. They're annoying... I always wake up with the cries of a damn baby in the house next to mine. I thought about killing him and leaving only his head in the cradle but the police would search my home so I never killed him. I hate kids... That's why kept them alive while I put my precious scissors into their anus... Ahh... I remember now... It was so good... I felt like I could sleep again... Every time I kill, a black shadow person sleeps next to me. He comforts me and I fell alive. 

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Kyouko: You're insane!

Otoya: Not really. We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours. That's why I can't stop killing. Killing is love. Killing is life. Some days ago, I wanted to join KnightWalker Family and be a Serial Killer working for them. My wish is to continue my spree-killing without being captured by the police. I want Serial Killer-Insurance.

Kyouko: You were planning to leave Tenguu City?

Otoya: Yes... The world need Despair... 

Kyouko: Despair... Again... Don't tell me...

Otoya: Yes! I serve Junko Enoshima! Pupupupu!


Kyouko: Ultimate Despair...


Otoya: Oh~ I remember now! It's like I didn't even need to take advantage of your weakness.

Kyouko: Weakness?

*Dramatic song*

Otoya: Kirigiri Kyouko harbors a forbidden love in her heart of hearts! The person she cares for is one of her friends! But this person is very far away from her! "How Can I Be So Wrong As To Fall For This Person! If I Knew It Would Feel This Terrible I Wish I Had Never Fallen In Love...!"


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Otoya said all of that as if she was in a drama. The dramatic song stops.

Otoya: Love that you know will remain unrequited is really tough. But it wouldn't be love if you could just get over it, y'know?

Kyouko: If you've got something to say then say it, you little bitch!

Otoya: OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!! The forbidden subject of your affections is... Adam Jensen!



Kyouko: Huh?

Otoya: Or not! It's actually...



Kyouko: !!!!!!!!!!

Otoya: Hahaha! I knew it! Yes... Kyouko Kirigiri! You fell in love with your new friend! Sonia Nevermind! ULTRA-GAY! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Kyouko's eyes widened.

Otoya: Kyouko, you're a proud woman! You've proud to be the Ultimate Detective! You're the smartest detective in the world and yet you fell in love with another woman! And worse, she is only 17-years old! You're 23-years old! Look what I have here!

Otoya pulled a cellphone from her pocket and showed images of Kyouko sleeping with Sonia. Otoya managed to enter in Kyouko's room last night when they were sleeping. There were 20 pictures of Kyouko sleeping hugging Sonia.

Otoya: You didn't even notice your room was being monitored! What a terrible detective! I wonder what everyone from Global Pact Defense (GDP) would think if they saw these? Not only them, I wonder what everyone in the entire world will would think if they saw these pictures in the Internet? Or better! What Sonia will think when she saw these?! She was sleeping when you hugged and kissed her!

Kyouko: Don't!

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Otoya: Excuse me? "Don't"? Do you understand the position you're in? If you really want me to stop, then you gotta ask me real nicely!

Kyouko bit her lips.

Kyouko: Please... Don't.

Otoya smiled.

Otoya: Well, I'm not a monster... If you really want it that badly, I'll keep my mouth shut! Also, I'm not going to kill if you do a favor for me. But in exchange...

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Kyouko: Ahn?

Otoya: You have to betray the GDP! You were looking for me because they sent you to Tenguu City to investigate about Jack the Ripper, right? You gotta tell them you investigated me and report to them that the murders are caused by the KnightWalker Family and they can do nothing about that. If they discovered the KnightWalkers are involved, they will realize they can do nothing to stop them. And then, the detectives will leave Tenguu City.

Despaired Sonia

Kyouko: Screw you! I would never do that!

Otoya: I bet she's gonna be really surprised to see these! She will NEVER talk with you anymore! She will go insane when she discover her "goddess" is a lesbian and did pervert things with her while she is sleeping!


Tears formed in Kyouko's face.

Kyouko: F-Fine... I'll tell them you're innocent.

Otoya: Huh?! Aren't you forgetting a "please let me"?!

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Otoya slapped Kyouko.

Otoya: Go on.

Kyouko: Please let me tell them...

Otoya: Aw! Don't give me that scared look... After all, I look at you and all I see is an adorable maiden in love.

Kyouko: I'll kill you!

Otoya: Ah... I forgot to say...

Kyouko: What now?!

Otoya: Since I'll spare you and don't show these pictures, you owe me another favor.

Otoya laughed.

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Otoya: Your best friend... You've got to kill Sonia Nevermind with your own hands! She knows too much of our operation.

Kyouko: Fuck you! I'll never do that! I'll betray GDP but I'm not going to take the life of anyone!

Otoya: Hmm... So... I'm going to kill you here and now. I don't have much time.

Otoya pulled a scissor from a bucket full of blood beside the table where Kyouko was tied.

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Kyouko: Dammit...

Otoya: This blood came from a woman in India. I killed her when she coming home. She had 2 children and she was the only one who took care of them. They're probably dead right now, they starved... Hahahaha. Kyouko, I decided to not kill or torture you but I changed my mind, I'll torture you like those children. I'll cut your womb while you're alive.

Otoya removed Kyouko's clothes, revealing her private parts.

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Otoya: Since you're single, you never shave... Hahahaha! Don't worry, I'll cut this for you with you entire pussy! Pupupupupu!

Otoya was making a pervert smile and approached the scissor from her private parts.

Otoya: Here we go!

However, without warning, something small and sharp flew towards Otoya. She noticed it and dodged. The object passed through the wall. Kyouko and Otoya looked at the wall and saw it was a playing card.

Otoya: What?

Kyouko: Sonia!

The person who throw that card was Sonia. She was standing in front of the door with a scary look.

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Otoya: You... How did you find this room?

Sonia: You want to know?

Otoya: Tsk!


Sonia: It was just... Luck. Your Despair is weak.

Otoya: Damn you... HA! What a Princess can do against a Serial Killer?

Sonia: I don't know. You're stupider than I thought. You locked the house with me inside, so it's obvious I would return here to check for Kyouko.

Otoya: You're pretty. I think... It's not bad to have a threesome!

Otoya charged at Sonia with knives in her hands. Sonia throw one more card at Otoya but she dodged and the card cut only a part of her face.


Otoya knocked Sonia to the ground and was about to kill her knives but Sonia held her hands, delaying the arrival of the knives in her neck.

Sonia: Ugh!


Sonia: Prey, because if I get out of this situation you will become a real piece of junk!


Otoya: Really?! Show me!

Sonia: Well, Kyouko is the one who will do that. I was just a bait.

Otoya's widened.

Otoya: What?!

While Sonia was facing Otoya, Kyouko used her tactical skills to break the iron bars. She took a crowbar in the desk beside the table and charged at Otoya.


Otoya looked around and only saw a crowbar coming towards her head. The crowbar hit her head so hard that Otoya fainted at the same time but it did not kill him. Otoya fell to the ground, freeing Sonia from her hands.

Kyouko: Are you OK?

Sonia stood up and hugged Kyouko.

Sonia: Yes...

Kyouko: I see...

Kyouko hugged her too but she saw Otoya's cellphone on the ground and smashed it with the crowbar.


Kyouko: This is what do you get...

Kyouko dropped the crowbar and started to wear her panties that Otoya removed.

Sonia: Why you did that?


Kyouko: Nothing. *sigh*

Sonia smiled. They heard several sirens in front of the house. Sonia used her cellphone to call the police.

Sonia: It's over now...

Kyouko: Yes.

30 minutes later


In fact, it was over. The police investigated the whole house in a few minutes. Kyouko put her clothes back before the arrival of the police in the basement, if other people saw Kyouko like that it would be the most humiliating thing for her.

The police saved Sonia and Kyouko and after that they put Otoya on a medical stretcher and took her to the hospital, Sonia and Kyouko had confirmed that Otoya was the culprit.

The news quickly spread all over the world, Jack the Ripper was finally caught by the police. The killer was Otoya Takechi a student Raizen High School, the news shocked million people around the city. Students of Raizen High School were shocked by the news, many at the school knew Otoya. She was a so kind and cheerful person... And many people were killed because of her.

Kyouko remembered to break the phone with all the pictures. In fact, Kyouko never had relationship with Sonia, it was just an impulse of love. Otoya was defeated and Kyouko was almost killed. Kyouko would rather be dead than be humiliated worldwide for exposing her secrets.

The police found several instruments of torture in the house, there were 10 bodies buried in the backyard and 9 children beheaded in Otoya's closet. In total, Otoya killed 50 people. Unfortunately, the police found more dead bodies, increasing the number of victims. The case of Jack the Ripper, was finalized. Jack, also know as Otoya Takechi, become the most ruthless Serial Killers of all times.

Tenma: She's under arrest for spree-killing. 50 people were killed in brutal ways. The world will curse Otoya Takechi forever. She will receive perpetual prison or the death penalty... I...

Sonia, Adam, Tenma and Kyouko were looking at the entrance of the house. There were 90 civilians around but the police held them.

Adam: She will be executed. For sure.

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Tenma: I hope so. Are you OK, Kyouko?

Kyouko: Yes. But this case let me shocked with what humans can do. "Believing in someone". That's a weird phrase, isn't it?

Sonia: Huh?

Kyouko: After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe in you". It's like saying, "I believe in air".

Adam: You mean "believing" because there's doubt?


Kyouko: I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.

Everyone smiled.

Kyouko: And you, Tenma? Are you okay now?


Tenma: I will take time but I want to follow my path. I hope Tama can forgive me... Now that we captured the killer, everyone can go in peace. Justice is served... I'm leaving.

Adam: Me too. Since the killer was captured, our boss ordered us to leave Tenguu City and return to USA tonight. You are coming, Kyouko?


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Kyouko looked at Sonia.

Kyouko: No, not yet. I think I'll leave GDP.

Everyone: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sonia: Why?! You're the best detective of the world!

Kyouko smiled.

Kyouko: I don't want to be a detective anymore.

Sonia shook her head several times.

Sonia: Bu---

Kyouko interrupted Sonia.

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Kyouko: No buts. I'm tired. I want to live like a normal person from now on. I hope you guys can understand my decision.


Tenma and Adam looked each other and smiled. Both looked at Kyouko.

Adam: If you say so.

Tenma: Yes.

Tenma extended his hand to Kyouko. Kyouko smiled and shook their hands.

Adam: It was a honor serve with you, Kyouko Kirigiri.

Kyouko: Thank you guys...

Adamn and Tenma turned around and left. Both of them entered in the police car and left in seconds. Kyouko turned to Sonia and stared at her. Sonia knew what Kyouko was trying to say.

Sonia: *sigh* OK, I'll respect your decision. 

Kyouko smiled.

Sonia: Don't worry, just because you're not a detective anymore, I'll not let you down.

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*heart beating*

Kyouko: !!!!

Sonia noticed tears coming down from her eyes.

Sonia: W-What?! What I did?!

Kyouko: Nothing... You're just... Amazing.

Kyouko wiped her tears. Sonia smiled.

Sonia: I'm leaving for now. Since the case is finished, my parents are calling me to go back home. Don't worry, I'll see you again.

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Sonia hugged Kyouko and left. Kyouko saw Sonia walking away and tried to stop her. Kyouko remembered the first time she saw Sonia. She was seated in that class in Raizen High School for their meeting.

Kyouko: Sonia!

Sonia heard her words and turned around.

Sonia: Hm?

Kyouko: I...


Sonia: Eh?

Kyouko looked down.

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Kyouko: No, it's nothing.

Sonia looked confused at Kyouko but she smiled. She thought that reaction was cute. Sonia continued her way. Kyouko hit the wall beside her.

Kyouko: Dammit! I know this is not normal...


- (???): Hey...

Kyouko looked around and saw a girl wearing a school uniform standing behind her. 


Kyouko: Who are you?

- (???): I'm Asuha Chigusa. A student from Raizen High School.

Kyouko: Right, what do you want with me?

Asuha was so calm that she went straight to the subject. Asuha closed her eyes scratched her head.

Asuha: I received a Death Letter this morning.

Asuha gave the Death Letter to Kyouko. She read it.


Kyouko: But the killer is now arrested. You don't have to worry anymore. But can you please tell me when you saw?


Asuha: I cleaned my house 07:24 AM. I found this letter behind the sofa at 08:20 AM... I guess... When I cleaning the house, I found nothing there. That letter came from nowhere.


Kyouko's widened.

Kyouko: You said 08:20 AM?

Asuha: Yes...

Kyouko became pale in a second. She knew what was that. That Death Letter was definitely from the killer, the letters and handwriting was the same of the killer. However, the drone that was watching Otoya's hourse saw no anyone coming out of that house before 8 o'clock in the morning. Otoya left her house by 08:20 AM.

Kyouko noticed at the same time that Adam was right. That was something obvious, it was impossible that only one killer could cause two deaths at the same time... There were two serial killers...

Kyouko's cellphone rang. Kyouko put it in her ear, it was a police officer.

Kyouko: What's it?

- Police Officer (phone): [Ms. Kirigiri! We have a problem! A dead body was found at Hagoru Park!]

Kyouko: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(fades to black)

In the Next Day

09:22 PM

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Kyouko (narrator): Otoya Takechi's gone now. If there was 2 Jack the Rippers, than one is down. Adam was right, it's impossible to kill two people at the same time. So it's possible that Otoya Takechi was not the only one who managed to enter in my room in the Hotel. Yesterday, the victim was Shaturu Kizuna, a high-school student from Tenjoushima High School. It was the first time that another person from another school was killed. All dead bodies that were found in Otoya's house were civilians, showing that students were not the only victims. With this, the number of victims increased to 51 people.


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Kyouko (narrator): Now that I left GDP, I've no office and the police to help me. Luckily, Sonia Nevermind still on my side. I decided to let Asuha Chigusa's case in secret, I can't let anyone know that or the killer will go after her in the next day. I'm the only person who knows about Asuha's situation.. I told her to not tell about the Death Letter, I can easily get the Jack the Ripper 2 if I keep low profile around Asuha. I'll caught the next killer when he or she try to kill Chigusa. Now that Raizen High School is closed, the killer will invade Asuha's house to kill her. But for now, it's better to keep Asuha in groups to keep the killer away from her. I said to Asuha to stay in the house of her friends for now, it's dangerous to live alone with Jack the Ripper watching you. Asuha has parents living on the other side of the city but this too far away for me. Maybe capturing this serial killer will be easier than capturing Otoya. Now that I have enough evidence, it should be easy.



Kyouko (narrator): First I have to investigate her basic activity pattern. Asuha is not going to Raizen High School because the school is closed. So I have to spent my days watching her house in secret. If the killer tries to enter the house, I'll shot him (or her). Asuha is the 2nd Victim of this serial killer this week, since 2 people are killed per week, then Asuha is the next victim. I can not let her die. Also, Asuha go to cram school at 3:40 AM and gets out 6:30 AM. I should be able to watch her in secret. The killer will probably try to kill her at 06:30 PM to 11:00 PM since she is living with her friends now. The killer is not dumb enough to invade a house full of people to kill her.


Kyouko (narrator): Asuha Chigusa's daily activity schedule was simple, that makes things easy for me. If she were going to be abducted, it would most likely happen in this time slot, after cram school. Where she is out of her house. Right now, I'm following Asuha Chigusa.


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Kyouko (narrator): It's raining right now. Chigusa returns to her home by bus. If I had to choose a perfect timing to abduct her, it would be the time. The killer will try abduct her to somewhere and the kill her. This serial killer is smart enough to not kill people in public places. I'm hiding behind a light pole. I'm not hiding from Asuha but from the killer. If the killer know I'm here, he or she will gave up on Asuha. 

Kyouko noticed that Asuha made a signal with her hands to stop the bus. The bus stopped and she entered. Few seconds later, the driver of the bus continued his route.

Kyouko sighned.

Kyouko: Thanks god. She is safe today.

- (???): Oh! Kyouko-san!

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Kyouko heard a female voice behind her. It was a beautiful red haired girl. Kyouko knew that person.

Kyouko: Katarina Couteau!

The girl behind was Katarina Couteau, the Legendary Red Haired Demon. Katarina was wet, but it was normal, it was raining.

Katarina: Nice timing! Help me!

Kyouko noticed that Katarina was carrying several bags and boxes.

Kyouko: No way...

Well, it happened. Not even the Ultimate Detective can resist the Red Haired Demon.

Kyouko: You gotta be joking.


Kyouko was no carrying several plastic bags. Katarina was carrying two boxes. They walking towards 56th Bus Station, that was the only bus station that lead to La Folia's house. Well, Kyouko's car was from GDP so when she left them, she lost her car as well.

Kyouko: Why did you buy all this in just one trip?

Katarina: It was cheap, so I couldn't help myself. Now that Mana is living in our home, we need to increase the food there.


Kyouko: It's heavy...


Katarina: Don't complain! That only makes it heavier!

Kyouko: It's heavy even if I don't say anything.

Suddenly, their heard a car's horn behind them.

*piiii* *piiiii*

Kyouko and Katarina looked around.

Kyouko & Katarina: Huh?!

2 minutes later


Kyouko: You're a lifesaver, Sonia! Katarina binged on groceries.

Katarina: Don't say I binged!

Few things happened back there. When Katarina and Kyouko were carrying their bags and boxes, Sonia Nevermind was passing by when she saw them walking like old men. Sonia offered a ride to Katarina and Kyouko. Katarina sat in the back and Kyouko was sat in the front seat beside Sonia.

Sonia: HAHAHAHAHA..... Wrong moment for a laugh. *sigh*


Kyouko: Say, Sonia... Why aren't you dating?

Another lesbian indirect question.

Sonia: That came out of nowhere. Hmm... Listen, Kyouko... You need to have a partner to date. And it depends on your partner's feelings, mutual timings... Well, various things... Wait... I've been through a painful experience once so I don't have experience with it. I never slept with anyone because of my family. I'm free to do whatever I want but there things I can't do no matter what.

Kyouko: ... I'm sorry.

Sonia: Don't worry about it, it's not a bad question.

Kyouko looked back and saw Katarina sleeping.

Sonia: Ah, where are going, Kyouko? I know where Katarina lives so I'm heading there.

Kyouko: Leave me in front... Oh wait... Since I left the GDP yesterday, I lost my prestige to live in that Hotel... That means... I'VE NOWHERE TO GO!

Sonia: Oh my... You can't be helped. You can stay with me.


*heart beating*

Kyouko quickly looked at Sonia and blushed

Kyouko: Really? But we so far away from your home.

Sonia: Don't worry about it. Since it's dangerous to drive at night, we can stay in my home. The Nevermind family has several houses across the Japan.

As expected from Nevermind Family.

Kyouko: Hehehe... You guys are incredible. 

Sonia: After I throw Katarina from the car when we arrive in La Folia's house, we'll get your stuff in the Hotel.

Sonia has a funny sense of humor.

Kyouko: Hehehe.

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Kyouko was thinking about Asuha's case but she remembered she can't say about that to anyone.

Well, many things happened after that. When Sonia arrived at La Folia's house, Kyouko carried Katarina and her stuff and let her sleeping in front of the house. That was Sonia and Kyouko's troll characters. Inside of La Folia's house, they started to get worried, Katarina was missing for hours. 

La Folia and Mana were lying in their beds and were ready to sleep but Katarina had not arrived in the house.


La Folia: She is... Late... I wonder if something happened... I'm going to look for her.

La Folia stood from the her bed and walked towards the door. Mana tried to stop her.

Mana: La Folia! It's dangerous!

La Folia and Mana walked down the stairs of the house and opened the front door only to see Katarina sleeping on the ground.

La Folia: ........

Mana: .........

In the Next Day

Asuha's new apartment

Apartment building evening by dave5264-d3e7ol6

Nothing strange happened. Nothing at all. Nothing strange happened at Sonia's house. Though Kyouko was happy she would sleep in the same house of Sonia, she tried to avoid any kind of dirty thing. The night was normal and both slept well.

As always, Sonia woke up early and did the morning work. However, this time Sonia decided to visit Asuha's new house. 2 days ago, a friend of Asuha asked Sonia to call her to watch his football game. This person probably love Asuha but he's shy.

Ai. Mai

Asuha was living in an apartment with Ai, Mii and Mai. Their room is the No. 465. Sonia walked through the corridor and pressed the bell of the room. Few seconds later, the door opened revealing 3 girls.

Ai: Sonia?

Mai: What're you doing here?

Mii: How lame.

Don't worry about the "how lame". This is the only words the girl with glasses says.

Sonia: I asked to a friend of mine about Asuha's new address. Can I go in?

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Ai: Ah, sure.

Sonia then entered and headed to the living room, where she saw Asuha seated.

Sonia: Asuha? Why are you here?

Asuha replied without looking at her.

Asuha: Well, many things happened.


Sonia: Good to see you. Ah, Asuha, your friend, Hiroto asked you to go watch his football game today at the Yui Gymnasium.

Asuha: Hiroto?

In front of Asuha's Apartment

7 hours later


Kyouko: Awai! It's cold today.

The person who said, Kyouko was standing in front of Asuha's apartment. There is only one entrance and exit so it should be easy to see who enter and leave. Some hours ago, the weather changed dramatically and began to snow. It was Saturday so it was a good day to relax but that day means nothing to Kyouko.

She was watching Asuha's apartment for hours while thousands of citizens were passing by every second. Kyouko was actually happy with the weather, she likes snow. Also, she ate Sonia's breakfast today, so she was satisfied. At that point, Sonia and Kyouko were acting like husband and wife.

Kyouko noticed someone leaving the apartment, it was Asuha. 

SFU GYM 1s - photo credit to CEI Architects

Kyouko: Why is she out? 

Kyouko followed her for minutes without being noticed. Some minutes later, Asuha entered in a building similar to a gymnasium.

Kyouko: Yui Gymnasium?

Kyouko entered in the gymnasium as well. There were many people there, but not that much. Kyouko knew some people there. Katarina, La Folia, Mana and Hiroto were there. Looks like a game was about to start. It was a championship.


Kyouko: It's colder in here than it is outside.

Most importantly, Kyouko looked around to find Asuha. She found Asuha seated in one of the seats. She was seated beside...

Kyouko: Sonia, Ai, Mai and Mii.

Most importantly... Sonia was wearing a Kimono, the most cultural and beautiful Japanese dress in this country. Kyouko blushed, she was more beautiful than normal.

Ai: Eh... Sonia... Why you are wearing a kimono? It's very cold here...


Mii: How lame.

Hiroto, the person who asked to Asuha to come, was training in the field.

Mai: Hey, Hiroto! Do your best, dumbass!

Hiroto: Shut up, ugly! Just watch with your mouth shut!

The girls laughed. Sonia laughed too. There were many bentos of food beside Sonia.

Kyouko: Hahaha.

Kyouko changed her sight to Asuha. She was drinking a cup of soda.


Kyouko: There she is. So Sonia called her and the girls here to watch Hiroto's game. Sonia don't know about Asuha's Death Letter so it was a nice move. As expected from you, hon---

Kyouko stopped her words when she was about to say something dirty. She looked at Asuha again.

Kyouko: With Sonia's move, the killer lost his target for today.

Kyouko can't think of anything but Sonia at that moment.


Suddenly, Asuha stood up from her seat and headed to the bathroom. The toilet was in a corridor out of the field. Kyouko followed her and arrived in a corridor. The bathroom was just 15 meters ahead. Asuha entered in the bathroom and Kyouko was watching the entrance of the toilet to confirm that the killer was not there.

Kyouko decided to approach the entrance and looked inside. But the sounds of a metal door behind scared her. When Kyouko turned around, she saw Sonia eating squid sausage and sweet apple. 

Sonia: !!!!

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Kyouko: Sonia!

Kyouko smiled in happiness. She thought it was another person.

Sonia: I just went out for a sucker! These Japanese sweets are the best! I never imagined that squid would be so good!

Kyouko: Squid.... Ah....

Sonia: Why are you here? I thought you were busy investigating the new serial killer so I didn't invite you here. Also, you don't know Hiroto so...

Kyouko: You're beautiful...

Sonia blushed.

Sonia: R-Really? Well, thanks...

Kyouko smiled. Sonia was the only person able to see that cute face.

Sonia: Anyway, the game's going to start. What are you doing here?



Kyouko want Asuha's case to be a secret so she can't just say she is watching Asuha for her security.

Kyouko: E-Eh... Uh, I just want to talk to Asuha.

Sonia: Asuha? Hmm...

Sonia walked backwards, Kyouko followed her and then... She noticed that bathroom has another entrance.

Kyouko (think): *What?!*

Sonia: She was here just a few moments ago when I entered. Maybe she is outside of the building. 


Sonia and Kyouko walked towards the door where Sonia entered few moments ago and opened it. The door was an emergency exit that led to outside of the building.

Sonia: Huh? She was here a few seconds ago.

Kyouko: Did Asuha go outside?

Sonia: Yeah.

Kyouko looked at Sonia in despair.


Kyouko (think): *The game hasn't started yet.*

Kyouko heard the sound of a truck. A truck has passed beneath the platform. Kyouko quickly down the stairs and looked at the truck. In that truck, there were Japanese kanjis. The kanjis were saying: "Chigusa Food Products".

Kyouko (think): *Asuha Chigusa's family truck?*

Kyouko turned her sight to Sonia.

Kyouko: Sonia! There's something I need to check on this right away! Help me!

Sonia looked confused.

Sonia: Hm?

Hanamura Street

2 minutes later


The help that Kyouko asked was ride. Kyouko was without her car so she asked Sonia to follow that truck. Kyouko suspected Asuha had left the gym in that truck. Asuha's parents work in a restaurant, so their job is to make and sell food. Still, Kyouko did not know why they were there.

After a while, Kyouko could no longer keep secret and told everything to Sonia. She said Asuha was the next victim and that she wanted to keep it a secret so the serial killer would be caught when he or she try to kill Asuha. Right now, Sonia is following the truck in her old car to keep low profile.

Sonia: I see... So this is what happened.


Kyouko: I wanted to capture the serial killer alone too. 

Sonia: You don't need to hide. Don't forget I'm on your side. 

Kyouko smiled.

Kyouko: Thanks.

Sonia: Kyouko, your seat belt.

Kyouko forgot to put her seat belt. She tried to put it but it was sticking.


Kyouko: Huh?

Without changing her sight from the street, Sonia put Kyouko seat belt.

Sonia: Oh, it's been sticking lately. There!

Kyouko: Thanks.

Chigusa's family truck entered in the road of the left ahead. Sonia also entered this street.

Part 5 (Final) - Win Your Ending[]

Closed to Avoid Spoilers...


Sonia and Kyouko continued chasing the truck.

Sonia: So you sent Asuha to live with her friends so the killer will focus only when she is coming back home from the cram school. Even so, I respect your spirit and drive.

Kyouko: Thanks. But this time I used my difficulty in talking to her as a excuse, and as a result, Asuha has become like a bait.


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Sonia: Bait, huh? You're pretty sure. So there's a flip side to your investigations around her recently. When you were investigating with me, I never thought you could use this trick.

Sonia remembered the first time they investigated Otoya in her house.

Kyouko: Yes. I thought it would be best if I use her as bait, I know this is evil but this is for the greater good.

Sonia quickly changed her sight to Kyouko in surprise.

Sonia: !!!!

Kyouko: Hmm...

Sonia: We have a lot in common, Kyouko. I already knew that, that's why I like you. That's exactly my philosophy in life. I intended to bring that up at the graduation ceremony ever since I came to Raizen High School. It seems you regret using Asuha as a lure, but there's no need to feel guilty or ashamed about it. The essence of good deeds and evil deeds is the same. They're both nothing more than a person's actions to make up for a defect in themselves.

Kyouko: Well... I've got to agree.


Chigusa's truck entered in a tunnel. Sonia continued following the truck and entered the tunnel as well.

Sonia: To get closer with someone, it's necessary many kinds of measures. Sometimes it's necessary straightforward. Sometimes it's necessary to throw a curve ball. People use what can be called "illegal". Boy, that was fun.


Kyouko: Um... You're talking how to get closer with a victim so we can learn more about them? 

Sonia: Haha. You read my mind. There are similarities with a romantic situation too. Hmm... I guess "filling the hole in your heart" is the commonality. 

Kyouko: Ah! Want a candy?

Kyouko wanted to eat a candy. She remembered there are candies in the glove compartment. She opened it but there were no candies in there. While Kyouko opened that, Sonia drove the car to inside of a tunnel while chasing the truck.

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Kyouko: It's over?

Kyouko only saw a some kind of remedy inside of the glove compartment.

Sonia's car was now inside of the tunnel. The environment quickly changed to dark with red lights.

Sonia: Thanks, Kyouko. But there is no candy in there... Hm... How I can say that?









- Sonia: After all, this car belongs to Haru Ichinose.

Sonia smilingi

Kyouko: What do you mean this car belongs to Haru Ichinose?


Sonia: [Your happiest moment... Don't you find that gets updated again and again? My latest "happiest moment" happened today. Filling up that missing something in your heart is the finest moment. Finding what you're looking for and then obtaining it... The more difficulties there are, the greater the happiness when you overcome them.]

Sonia let out a devilish smile.

Kyouko (think): *I don't get it. What's she talking about?*

Kyouko looked inside of the glove compartment and saw laxatives in there.


Kyouko (think): *Laxatives?*

Kyouko's eyes widened when she finally noticed. She continued staring at the glove compartment for seconds like a scared doll.

Sonia: [Kyouko, you lied to me about one thing. You said you're pretending there's a Second Jack the Ripper, but you've actually confirmed there is one and now you're acting on it. You said to me this "person" that is after Asuha is just another ordinary killer or a troll trying to prank her. I resisted that idea. I couldn't believe it. Rather, I don't want to believe it. That someone was anticipating my thinking.]


Kyouko looked at Sonia in panic. Sonia was looking at the street like she always does. Chigusa's truck turned right but Sonia turned left.

Kyouko looked back only to see the truck going in the other direction.

Sonia: [Don't worry, Asuha isn't in that truck. The only person in that vehicle is the driver, Jun Chigusa, Asuha's father.]


Kyouko: !!!!!

Sonia: Surprised? I had no idea until yesterday when I saw you following Asuha Chigusa after her cram school. The day I gave a ride for you and Katarina is the day I was going to carry out my plan. But there you were, trying to snatch my prey away from me. It was me who sent that Death Letter to Asuha Chigusa... Also, it was me who killed Shaturu Kizuna.

Sonia laughed.

Sonia: I noticed you were focusing only in Raizen High School, so I decided to kill Shaturu, a student from Tenjoushima High School. I thought if you noticed that the killer choose another school, then you would focus your attention in that school. I was planning to kill Asuha, a student from Raizen High School in secret. In other words, the death of Shataru was only a "decoy". I was planning to push you away from Raizen High School to Tenjoushima High School. But... In the end you ruined my plans... Or better, Asuha ruined my plans... I thought she was going to be silent about the letter but she showed it to you the same day we captured Otoya. Hahaha... So, I finally decided to put an end to you to confirm that you were watching Asuha to protect her.


Sonia: I executed my plan today. Hiroto Tonomachi has romantic feelings towards Asuha so I invited her to watch his game in Yui Gymnasium.


Ai. Mai

Ai: Sonia?

Mai: What're you doing here?

Mii: How lame.

Don't worry about the "how lame". This is the only words the girl with glasses says.

Sonia: I asked a friend of mine about Asuha's new address. Can I go in?

Ai: Ah, sure.

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Sonia then entered and headed to the living room, where she saw Asuha seated.

Sonia: Asuha? Why are you here?

Asuha replied without looking at her.

Asuha: Well, many things happened.


Sonia: Good to see you. Ah, Asuha, your friend, Hiroto asked you to go watch his football game today at the Yui Gymnasium.

Asuha: Hiroto?



Sonia: So I encouraged Asuha to go the soccer game and then told to Ai, Mai and Mii about it. I was not planning to kill Asuha today. Kyouko, if you came, my suspicion would turn into conviction that you knew Asuha was being chased by the another killer... And finally... That you're my enemy.

Kyouko (think): *No way...*

Sonia: I waited for the right time, then gave Asuha a drink laced with laxatives to force go to the bathroom. I'd ordered bentos with food from Chigusa Food Products beforehand just to create the scenery that you would ask for my help to follow that truck. 

Kyouko (think): *You're lying... IT CAN'T BE!*

Sonia: All of the pieces fit into place just a I planned. This is my true form. Since you're going to die soon, I'll tell EVERYTHING about my plan.

Sonia let out an evil smile as Kyouko was looking down in defeat.

Sonia nevermind 56000

Sonia: It all happened in Raizen High School. I killed all those people without problem... 29 people...? 19 people...? 30 people...? I can't really remember how many I killed. My spree-killing was going SO well... Until you stepped in Raizen High School... When you called some students for that meeting, I decided to watch you. You called, Katarina, La Folia, Mana and Hiroto in that class. So I decided to go to that meeting as your "fan" to learn more about you. At first, I was thinking you were another stupid detective so I tried to ignore you. However, I thought if you were going to watch Raizen High School for too long, my killings would be stopped so I planned to use Otoya Takechi as the main culprit.

Kyouko (think): *WHAT?!*

Sonia: The Nevermind Family is know for its Brainwashing technology, I used a Realizer Chip and implanted it in Otoya Takechi in the same day you were in Raizen High School. Since I began my spree-killing, I thought Otoya would be a good "puppet" to disguise as a bloody serial killer in emergency. When you came to Raizen High School, I implanted my memories and personality in that Realizer Chip and turned Otoya in the Second Sonia Nevermind, she was acting like my clone. So I disguised myself as a victim to make Otoya the serial killer in my place. However, Otoya didn't kill anyone, it was me who killed all those people and put their bodies in Otoya's house and take a picture of the bodies. Ah, it was me who killed my own friends too... Do you like my humans dolls? Children's bones are perfect to create fake bodies because they're healthy... Pupupupu...



Sonia: You were so dumb, Kyouko. You could have discovered who was the killer if you a little more intelligent. The invasion of GDP Building... It was me who entered there. I was watching you for a long time, so I know your favorite food is Meat Cake, so I put a needle there to kill you, but not before killing the guards. The Nevermind is affiliated with GDP so everyone in that building knew me, I used my own card to open the door of the Security Room. The guards knew who I am, so they let me in, and this is when I killed them all in seconds, that's why they do not shot me at that time. 



Sonia: I thought you were going to give up but you continued in the case. In the next day, you noticed the killer was in Raizen High School so I knew it would be problem. Instead of killing, I decided to approach you like a friend. I knew you were going to call me to ask some questions since I'm from Nevermind Family. And just as I planned, you came to Raizen High School and asked me some questions about Otoya and Tama Sakai. I planned to use Otoya as the serial killer... But that bitch came, you met Tama Sakai in the hallway of the school. Tama told only the girls who talked about Jack the Ripper where killed, I knew this were going to be a problem so I killed her the same minute you left the school. With Tama out of my way, Otoya was the only one to use as the culprit.

Kyouko (think): *You're lying... You can't be...*

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Sonia: That day when I invited you to my home, was the day I was going to start my master plan. I used everything I did but I put Otoya as the main suspect. That's why you believed in me so easily. You thought I was a detective but I was only a serial killer blaming another person for my crimes. I just changed the culprit in my actions... But that bitch almost destroyed my plans too!

Kyouko: Who?...

Kyouko was almost crying at that point.

Sonia: Otoya Takechi was not the only one who was brainwashed. I did the same with my mother... That's why her eyes were so lifeless. She knew you were a detective so she tried to warn you who was the killer saying "This case is full of Despair". I tried to hide that by sending my men to kill her while we were investigating Otoya Takechi in my laboratory. Oh! I almost forgot! Before I arrived in Raizen High School at that morning where Tama's body was found the basement of the school, I did MANY great things.

Kyouko slowly looked at Sonia in despair.


Sonia: After you left your apartment that morning I entered in the hotel and I used my name as Nevermind to enter in your room. I said to the guards that I was going to make a surprise for you and told them to say nothing about my presence there. When I entered your room, I put that green bag with my "tools" in there. Hahaha. You thought the killer was planning to kill you but it was just a "decoy" that I was not killer, just to make sure I was not involved with the killings. After that, I went to Haru Ichinose's apartment and killed her while she was sleeping. I entered through the window. I killed her with poison and the dragged her body out of the building, where I started to have my "sex" with her. I cut her arm off too and put it in her closet with two Death Letters. Haru never received a Death Letter from the beginning, I lied to you, I put two letters in that closet.

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Sonia: About this car, Haru Ichinose had new a car parked in front of the building. Fortunately, no one knew she had a car then I used this car. But it was really funny, I never thought you would fell in love with me. Was I so perfect like that? Actually, I used this feelings in my favor. Kyouko, your biggest weakness is not your love for me... It's your feelings. You always thought I was innocent because I was helping you, but it was all an act. Our night together, the breakfast... All of that was fake... You just act in logical way but the moment when you started to smile, it was the moment of your defeat. With this, I was no longer a suspicious person and you fell in love with me. 

Kyouko was now crying.

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Sonia: About that scissors in Haru's apartment, it was me who dropped that. I always killed with scissors because when I met Otoya for the first time, I discovered about her hobby with scissors... Using that, I started my spree-killing with scissors... I used the same belt and scissors Otoya uses in her daily life to pretend that Otoya was the one who killed Haru Ichinose in her room. With that, I finally made Otoya Takechi the serial killer. Before I went to your apartment that night, I went to Otoya's house and put Haru Ichinose's body in that torture room. I turned her into a doll like the others. About Otoya's behavior, she tried to kill me because I implanted my personality in her brain, so I acted like I was the victim and Otoya was the killer trying to kill me when I rescued you in that basement.


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- Kyouko (think): *I'm an idiot. It was so obvious. Sonia was the only one who had acess to GDP Building without being shot by the security... The only one able to know all people from Raizen High School... I just couldn't accept it... I let my feelings interfere in this case... The killer was so close to me... I had so much trust and love in Sonia that I rejected any doubts. But the killer is right next to me... Sonia Nevermind... The Princess of Novosic Kingdom.*

Sonia: Kyouko... All of that was only a game. I attack here and you go there. It was a mind-game. Like a cat and mouse game... Kyouko Kirigiri... I won.


Kyouko: .... Why? 

Sonia: Why? "Why", you ask? That's obvious. You know my history. 2 years ago, I moved to USA to study in Hope's Peak Academy but a person know as Junko Enoshima arrived in there and used my class in her insane Despair-Inducing Incident. We were corrupted by our friendship... We are the Ultimate Despair. There is no love or empathy in our hearts. Our dream is to just spread Despair across the world. 

Kyouko: Despair... I knew it... I heard that phrase before... Junko Enoshima and Eckidina KnightWalker are involved...


Sonia: 2 weeks ago, Junko Enoshima joined the KnightWalker Family when the World War III started in Japan and London. I'm from one of the organizations responsible for this war. My classmates... Our goal is to spread chaos in the world for the sake of Despair. Well, I'm a KnightWalker since we joined the KnightWalker Alliance so even if I say the culprit was a KnightWalker, it would be useless. If you want to blame someone, blame Junko and Eckidina for what I am right now. But thanks to them, I was able to meet you, Kyouko. I won't lie, you were the first person who really loved me and I loved that... But we can't stay like this.



Before Kyouko could notice, Sonia stopped the car in front of a frozen river. It was night and they were the only people in an abandoned roadway. Sonia looked outside and noticed it was snowing.

Sonia: It's snowing, huh?

Kyouko could only look ahead like a doll.

Sonia: I thought you were going to run away. But you accepted your defeat, Kyouko. Game over. For you and me. Your friends... Will never know what happened to you. Kyouko, I still can't believe it. You thoroughly anticipated my secret plan to kill Asuha and crushed it. To be honest, I didn't want to kill you but if put your nose around you would of eventually discovered who was the TRUE killer. I don't want any hard feelings so let me just say this. I truly respect you.

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Sonia pulled knife from her seat and left the car. Then she freed Kyouko from the seat belt and pushed her out of the car. Kyouko could do nothing but watch Sonia preparing to kill her. Sonia rid on Kyouko's body and started to remove her clothes. 

Kyouko: Damn you...

Sonia: Kyouko, you've interfered with my plans but what I'm about to do is not for revenge. I really love you. I want you to think of this as my sublimation for not being able to satisfy my desires. I wanted to kill as many people as possible, cutting their womb while they were alive... The screams of those children while I put my scissors in their genitals was the best...

Sonia started to slowly cut Kyouko's legs with the knife. Kyouko, however, don't screamed. 


A pond of blood formed on the ground.

Kyouko: Tskcc!!

Sonia: What's wrong? All victims screamed with this... Why you are not feeling the pain? Why you are holding your pain?

Kyouko: No matter what you do with me, I'll never show you my pain... I'll never scream before you...

Sonia: You have a gun in your leg... But you don't used it to kill me... Don't tell me... You love me so much that you are allowing me to do this with you? You're a masochist. Don't tell me you getting excited while your loved one is torturing you... Pervert...

Sonia smiled like a sadist looking to her masochist slave.


Sonia brutally stabbed Kyouko's legs several times. Kyouko was biting her lips so strong that her month was filled with blood.

Sonia: Why?! What the hell is your problem?! There is fun if you don't show your pain!! What the hell are you doing?!!


Kyouko: I just said that, no matter what you try to do, I'll never scream.

Sonia: You are letting your feelings flow right now? You're just trying to be awesome?

Kyouko: Both, I'll never show you my despair! And... You can't kill me!



Sonia stood up and walked towards her car. She took a red bag that was in the back seat.

Sonia: What do you mean with "I can't kill you"? Do you understand your situation right now? Kyouko-chan.

Sonia walked towards and Kyouko and ride her. She was the... cowgirl position. Sonia pulled a scissor from the red bag.

Kyouko: I noticed that when we arrived here... You can't kill me... You're not alone anymore. I think I've won.

Sonia: What?

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Kyouko: Asuha, Katarina, La Folia, Mana, Tamae... And all people of Raizen High School. I saved them all. I ruined your plans... Because we are similar to each other. That's all. You could have killed me in your mansion when you invited to your house. But you let me live... Because you knew I was the only one in the entire world who can stop you. Because you need me! You're the Ultimate Princess and because of that you got bored of the world... The world is simple... the mankind is simple... Everything for you is boring because they act like you predict... That's why you want a different person to avoid your strategy skills and authority.

Sonia: .............

Kyouko: You started killing for fun... But when I came to Raizen High School, I became your reason to live. Because I'm your nemesis and archenemy now. I'm the only one who can kill you... That's why you want me to live. You want to feel despair, then you'll let me live to ruin your plans and kill you in the future... I've become your hope and despair at the same time. I filled the hole in your heart!

Sonia: Wrong...


Kyouko: You think you've won... But it was me who beat you, Sonia Nevermind. You can't kill me because I complete you. I'm the missing part in your boring world. That's you don't have preferences to choose people. I'm the winner.

Sonia: Wrong... I killed your friends... I killed all those children... I killed all those people for fun... And you're saying you forgive me? 

Kyouko: Yes, but I don't mean I'll let you run away. If I don't forgive you, that means I'm acting like you predicted. You were alone for so lon---


Well, without warning, Sonia kissed Kyouko. That was so fast that not even Kyouko noticed that, she was really surprised. The kiss lasted for 20 seconds before Sonia stood up and walked away.

Kyouko: Where are you going? Are you not going to torture me?



Sonia: I'm going to leave this town... I'll plunge my country in the World War III. I think you've won... I'll stop my spree-killing.

Kyouko looked at Sonia while she was lying on the floor.

Kyouko: And I'll stop you... No matter what! I'll bring you back to your humanity...

Sonia: I'll help Eckidina and Junko to destroy this boring world... Please do it. I'll be executed for crimes against humanity, right?

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Kyouko: No, I'll bring you to my side... Even if the entire world turns against me, I'll stop and save you from yourself.

Sonia: This is for your feelings?

Kyouko: No, it's for you.


Sonia smiled and laughed.


Kyouko: What's so funny? My legs are hurting so I can't laugh...

Sonia: No... It's nothing... 

Sonia looked in the water of the river beside her and looked her reflection. Her red eyes of despair disappeared.

Sonia: Thank you, Kyouko Kirigiri. This is the stupidest finale between a serial killer and a detective in history... But everything is possible in this world.

Kyouko, however, could not hear her words. Kyouko passed out with the pain and loss of blood...

1 week later


Reporter: [Contacting the center. Good morning to all viewers, I'm Fernando Falcao bringing new news for you. Today, it's been a week since that one last murder of Jack the Ripper happened, the last victim was Shuguru Kizuna and after that, the murders stopped mysteriously. The police are investigating the killings. During the investigations, the doctors of GDP did an analysis in Otoya Takechi, the person who the police believe to be one of the serial killers. However, this morning, police discovered a chip installed Otoya's brain, this chip was controlling her brainwaves. [...] Unfortunately like in 1888, Jack the Ripper was not captured but the police of the entire world will hunt down and punish this killer who won the title of one of the greatest villains of humanity.]


Reporter: [Today, the president of United States, John Buck visited Japan to sign a treaty of neutrality in the World War III. More than 50 million people were killed in Europe in just a week. Research confirm this war will last for 10 years, the number of dead people is estimated around 1,000,000,000. The Global Pact Defense is asking for the help of JGSDF to face the terrorist organization know as Ultimate Despair. More presidents across the world will move to Japan to avoid assassins.]


Reporter: [Today, the KnightWalker Family invaded and took control of Novosic Kingdom. The King, Arthur Gaz, allowed the invasion for unknown reasons. Many people believe the Princess, Sonia Nevermind, is involved with this war. This morning, Sonia Nevermind sighed a treaty with the KnightWalker Family, symbolizing the Kingdom's entry into the war. From now, the kingdom will be part of the KnightWalker Alliance. Sonia Nevermind did not comment about the treaty.]

Sonia and Mahiru as Ultimate Despair members

Reporter: [षसहॐक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़फ़य़ॠॡ।॥०१२३ ४५६७८९ॲॻॼॽ ॾॿঅআইঈউঊঋঌ এঐওঔকখগঘঙচ ছজঝঞটঠডঢণত থদধনপফবভময রলশষসহঽৎড়ঢ় য়ৠৡ১২৩৪৫৬৭ ৮৯ৰৱ৲৳৴৵৶৷ ৸৹৺ਅਆਇਈਉਊਏ ਐਓਔਕਖਗਘਙਚਛ ਜਝਞਟਠਡਢਣਤਥ ਦਧਨਪਫਬਭਮਯਰ ਲਲ਼ਵਸ਼ਸਹਖ਼ਗ਼ਜ਼ੜ ਫ਼੦੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮ ੯ੲੳੴઅઆઇઈઉઊ ઋઌઍએઐઑઓઔકખ ગઘઙચછજઝઞટઠ ડઢણતથદધનપફ બભમયરલળવશષ षसहॐक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़फ़य़ॠॡ।॥०१२३ ४५६७८९ॲॻॼॽ ॾॿঅআইঈউঊঋঌ এঐওঔকখগঘঙচ ছজঝঞটঠডঢণত থদধনপফবভময রলশষসহঽৎড়ঢ় য়ৠৡ১২৩৪৫৬৭ ৮৯ৰৱ৲৳৴৵৶৷ ৸৹৺ਅਆਇਈਉਊਏ ਐਓਔਕਖਗਘਙਚਛ ਜਝਞਟਠਡਢਣਤਥ ਦਧਨਪਫਬਭਮਯਰ ਲਲ਼ਵਸ਼ਸਹਖ਼ਗ਼ਜ਼ੜ ਫ਼੦੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮ ੯ੲੳੴઅઆઇઈઉઊ ઋઌઍએઐઑઓઔકખ ગઘઙચછજઝઞટઠ ડઢણતથદધનપફ બભમયરલળવશષ...]

- Sonia: Despair is...

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Hanamura Hospital

2 days later

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building- Tamers

It had been a long time since Kyouko fainted. In fact, she didn't faint, she was comatose. The pain, blood loss and cold led her to a state of coma but fortunately nothing was going to happen to her. 

She was just recovering. She spent one week sleeping since she discovered Sonia's identity.

While she was sleeping, the world was being destroyed gradually in the war. Many horrible things were happening. 

However, peace returned in Tenguu City after Kyouko slept, the murders stopped. Unfortunately, for the society, the killer has not been caught. Just like Jack the Ripper from 1888, the culprit escaped from Justice. The police continued the investigations but nothing has been found yet, the world would continue to investigate this unknown killer who entered the history as one of the most evil serial killers in human history.


Kyouko was lying in the bed of one of the room in that hospital. There were 2 people standing beside her, it was 2 men, they were Tenma and Adam. Kyouko slowly opened her eyes.

Tenma: She is awake!

Tenma, who was looking, opened his eyes in happiness when he saw Kyouko awakening from her comatose.

Adam: Oh! Finally! I was getting worried!

Kyouko looked around and saw her friends standing beside the bed.

Kyouko: Adam... Tenma... Where I am?

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Kyouko was almost blind because she slept for a week.

Adam: You're in Hanamura Hospital. You passed out for a week. Or better saying, you were in a coma for a week due to the intense cold.

Kyouko remembered all of what happened after he said that. No one else in the world knew about the killer's identity, only Kyouko knew about Sonia.

Kyouko: I see... I was... 

Kyouko looked down and saw that her legs were healed. 

Kyouko: How?

Kyouko put her hands in her legs trying to figure out what happened. She is pretty sure that Sonia stabbed her legs several times a week ago.

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Tenma: Well, we don't know what really happened. Actually, Sonia Nevermind was the one brought you here, your legs were brutally injured but Sonia gave the doctors the medicine of her kingdom. It was a green liquid or something like that. When the doctors used that on you, your injuries quickly vanished in 2 days. It was a miracle. We believe the killer tried to kill you but Sonia saved you again.

Adam: We haven't seen Sonia again. We wanted to thank for her everything.

Adam crossed his arms. Sonia saved Kyouko twice, this makes Tenma and Adam owe two for her. 

Kyouko: I see... But... Now that I'm healed, there is no point for me to stay here.


Kyouko stood up, left her bed and dressed in her clothes that were in the bathroom. It took 2 minutes. Kyouko then walked towards the door. Adam and Tenma yelled at her to stop her from leaving the room.

Adam put his body in front of the door to prevent her from leaving the room.

Adam: Hey! What're you doing?!

Tenma: You can't leave until you are 100% healed! Your body is weak!

Tenma put his hand on her left shoulder.

Kyouko: Get out of my way! I can't waste my time here!

Kyouko pushed Adam out of the way.


Kyouko: She is out there killing more people...!

Kyouko opened the door.

Tenma: "She"? Kyouko, who are you talking about?

Kyouko: I'll eat something when I get my stuff from Sonia's house. I'll move to Novosic Kingdom tomorrow.

Kyouko left the room and walked through the hallway of the hospital. Tenma and Adam tried to follow her.

Tenma: No way! Are you insane?! Novosic Kingdom joined forces with the KnightWalker Family! They're now part of the KnightWalker Alliance! If you step a foot there, they are going to kill you for sure! They closed the borders! No foreigner can enter the country without being shot in the head!

Kyouko looked back at Tenma and Adam and smiled like she always did with Sonia.

Kyouko: It's OK! I'm Kirigiri Kyouko! The Ultimate Detective! I know what I'm doing! And all I can do now... Is bring her back to me!

Novosic Kingdom

Sonia Nevermind's Underground HQ

War Room

05:32 AM

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Sonia: Prepare the next wave! Send the drones to invade the 3,583 point! I want all of that resistance destroyed by the end of the day!

Novosic Workers: Roger!

Inside of Sonia's HQ, she was preparing the next attack in Chronos Empire's state of Lamina. Since the Novosic joined forces with the KnightWalker Family, Sonia is now serving Eckidina KnightWalker and Junko Enoshima as a Despair Servant, bringing war and helping her leaders to overthrow their enemies.

Sonia was staring at the main monitor in the War Room in silence when a strange voice behind of her talked with her.

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- (???): Now, Now! I knew you would be here! It's been a long time, Sonia Nevermind!

Sonia turned around only to see a small black and white robotic bear standing behind her.

Sonia: Monokuma... Or better... Junko. What you are doing here?

That robot was being controlled by a person, and that person was Junko Enoshima, the leader and founder of Ultimate Despair.

Monokuma (Junko): Nothing, I was just curious! HAHAHAHA! I saw your work in Tenguu City! Oh man! You're a monster! You killed all those people in the most brutal way I can imagine! You're a monster, Sonia Nevermind!

Sonia: I'm busy right now. 

Monokuma (Junko): I know that... Ah... Souda Kazuichi wants to see you...

Souda was one of the Ultimate Despair members, he has been in love with her ever since they met 2 years ago when they were students at Hope's Peak Academy (before their corruption) but she really hate him. 

Souda meet Sonia

Kazuichi always supports Sonia's claims and defends her from any contradictions. Although Kazuichi shows a lot of interest in her, Sonia makes it very clear that she is far from interested and when talking to Hajime (also know as Kamukura Izuru, now a member of Ultimate Despair) she refers to him (Kazuichi) as her stalker. She also is much more hostile towards Kazuichi than she is towards any other student. 

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Sonia: Disgusting.

Monokuma (Junko): Here you go again! I know your relationship with Kyouko! I watched you for A LOOONNNGGG TIIIMMMEEE~! Don't worry, I'll not kill her! We don't have time to worry about a detective, Eckidina-chan is really pleased with this war! Hmm... I'll move to Tenguu City in the next week. Maybe I can find someone interesting there.

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Sonia: What you do is not any of my business... Get out...

Monokuma (Junko): Hmm... Then I'll try corrupt Kyouko into Despair just like I di---!

Before Junko could finish her words, Sonia used her bare hands to destroy Monokuma's head and took out its brain. Sonia looked down with evil angry red eyes.

In another place far away from there, Junko was smiling like a psychopath.

Enoshima end

- Junko: HAHAHAHAHA! Stupid lesbian! Well, I'll try it... Now let's do it, Eckidina-chan... Our Parade will begin...

Junko's grin

- Junko: Pupupupupu!

- Sonia & Kyouko: I'll see you again.

LOTM: Sword of Kings

Holiday Special

"From Hell" Letter

The End

Ending - Concentration[]


Akuma no Riddle ED 3 Concentration


I sharpen the contradiction between love and hate;
Biting through feels extraordinary today, like always
No one can stand before me
The fun starts from here on...
Fell the despair of my blade
Your pain makes me wet!

Wither like flowers,
lives as fleeting as mayflies…
If you’d like to learn what pleasure is,
then become my prey!
And cry in pain! Since you’re soon to rot away with the passing of time,
I’ll love you right now
If you don’t want to ever forget this moment between us,
then I’ll burn them into scars
as more tears rise to your eyes...
Tonight will be hot.
I'll rip your organs!

It’s all over once your concentration’s spent;
You’ll soon become a fine, artistic work of trash
You will rot in pieces.
No one will know!
No one would understand how I feel,
but that’s fine with me

This path is the one I’ve chosen,
one that allows me to stay true to myself
This is what fills my heart
Your heart will turn my trophy
I bet you’re all in the middle of a horrible misunderstanding;
Don’t give me those kinds of looks...

Look at that stupid fucking cute smile! Children and women...
I wonder how they will fell when I rip their wombs!
Cornering me is the same as being cornered
Someone shouted out as the blood flowed
Left or right? Pick the darker one,
as I’ll mangle the correct answer as well…
And then, where do you think you can get away?

Since you’re soon to rot away with the passing of time,
I’ll love you right now
If you don’t want to ever forget this moment between us,
then I’ll burn them into scars
as more tears rise to your eyes...
I will never die
Even after my death,
I'll haunt in your nightmares!
Women and children will wake up screaming in madness!

Come little girl, come with me
Safe and happy you will be
Away from your homes, now let us run
With me, you'll have so much fun

Little girl, please don't squirm
Those ropes, I know, will hold you firm
I tells you this is true
But sadly, I lied to you

Little girl, you mustn't leave
Your families for you will grieve
Your body they will find
You will not have your innocence back
I will transform you into an adult
Oh, these scissors, I know, will enter down here

But surely, all of you must know
That it is time for you to suffer
Litte girl, you weren't clever
Now you will cry!
If you don’t want to ever forget this moment between us,
then I’ll burn them into scars...
as more tears rise to your eyes...


MAD - Aki Honda's Evil Plan[]

KnightWalker Family's Secret Apartament

Torture Room

07:23 AM 

Aaron's amazing apartments

Another normal night in Gotham City, a night of crime and violence. Gotham City always had the reputation to be one of the most dangerous cities in the country. And worst, most of the criminals are supervillains with super powers and bloodthirsty killers. However, this night was a "little" different for our vigilante, Batman. Or better saying, Bruce Wayne.

The KnightWalker Family is a military corporation located in the world of the East, so they have interests in the United States and send spies to the United States in order to spy the US government. The KnightWalkers have bases in many cities but all these bases are disguised as ordinary houses and apartments. Batman, also known as Bruce Wayne, discovered the activities of the KnightWalkers in Gotham City and began to investigate in many parts of the city. The KnightWalkers have involvement with major villains like Penguin, Falcone and many others crime bosses from Gotham City, which left the dangerous research.


After many nights investigating the activities of the KnightWalkers in Gotham City, Batman was captured in an ambush when he tried to break into a Strip Club of KnightWalker Family. The KnightWalkers injected drugs in his body to make him pass out for hours. After Batman was knocked out, he was taken to the secret apartment of Aki Honda. Aki Honda is the leader of the Mafusa Gang in Tenguu City, Japan, but Eckidina decided to send a person with experience in crime for this task.

In the torture room of the secret apartment, Aki Honda and 10 of her men tied Batman in a chair and tied a giant stone being held by a rope a few meters above his head. Some minutes after that, Aki Honda seated in a chair in front of the asleep vigilante. Finally, some minutes later, Batman woke up and looked around the room to identify the location. He realized that the devices in his gloves and belt were not there, they were removed by the KnightWalkers before he woke up. They did this to prevent him from escape.


Batman moved his arms a little but he stopped when felt a terrible pain in his shoulders.

Batman: ARGH!

Batman looked to his shoulders and noticed 2 deep wounds in both shoulders. While Batman was sleeping, Aki Honda used a drill to torture him for fun. However, she did not kill him because she thinks that torture is not fun if the victim is not conscious.

Aki Honda stood up from her chair and looked at Batman with an evil grin.

Aki: Well, well, well. What do we have here? Batman! Or would it be Bruce Wayne? I'm bad! I'm bad! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Batman: -- Damn you! KnightWalker scum!

Aki: -- Shut up!... I'm gonna kill you, Batman. But first I'm gonna tell you all about my evil plan.

Batman was supposed to be surprised with such idiocy but he kept his cool.

Batman: ...... *sigh* Is this really nece---

Aki: -- SHUT UP! Let's start.

Aki Honda's men smiled.

Aki: Once upon a time, there was a fragile girl who lived in a farm near Ohio...!



2 hours later

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Aki: ... So I scammed you with my genius plan, you fell for it like an idiot and now you're here!

Batman was getting sleepy after hearing Aki Honda's plan (story of her life). 

While Aki Honda was speaking, a KnightWalker opened the door of the torture room and entered. In the hands of KnightWalker, Robin, was being pulled by the collar, of course, his hands were tied. Also, his looks more pathetic than normal.

Robin is Batman's assistant, so he was captured alongside Batman few hours ago when they tried to break into the Strip Club of KF. 


Aki Honda looked at Robin and smiled again.

Aki: Well, well, well, well, what do we have here... The Boy Wonder!

The KnightWalker brought Robin beside Aki Honda.

Batman: -- Robin, what the hell?

Aki: -- I'll have to tell my plan again.

Batman's eyes widened.

Batman: Wait, not again!

Aki: -- But he didn't hear it!

Batman: But he doesn't need to, I'll tell it myself. She captured Batman and then she captured Robin. Done.

Aki: But you have to put it into context...

Minatsuki from deadman wonderland line art fan art by patjgray67-d7frnfa

Batman: Fine! Go on, but skip the first part, it was too slurred!

Robin and the KnightWalkers smiled in excitement.

Aki: I'm gonna cut out the story.

Batman: Oh, fuck...

Aki Honda smiled and began to swung her arms in all directions as if she was in a drama.

Aki: Once upon a time, there was a fragile girl who lived in a farm near Ohio!

Aki Honda got on her knees and began to act out the story of her life.

Aki: (acting as a child): "Daddy, daddy! I made a new friend! My new friend is Mr. Squirrel!" 

Aki Honda stood up and acted as her father.

- Aki: (acting as the father): "Shut up! How could I have conceived that piece of shit?!"



3 hours later

Batman was so bored with Aki Honda's story that he stared at the stone above him all the time with his mouth open.


Aki: ... I caught him! I caught Batman, now he is here (to Robin), and then you got here too! (to KnightWalker men) The end!

Batman: I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention, I was worried about the rock.

Robin: -- Excuse me, I liked the---

Aki Honda yelled at Robin.

Aki: Shut up! I'm done with you!

Batman: Thank, God. Let's go... Even Joker and Riddler are much less annoying than you...

However... the door opened again and another KnightWalker entered the room with another hostage. It was the commissioner of Police, James Gordon.


Aki: Our new guest!

Batman: Gordon! CRAP!

Gordon: So what were you talking about?

Batman: About you shutting up, Gordon!

Aki Honda looked sadly at Batman.

Aki: Don't you want him to hear my plan?

Batman: Get out of here, Gordon! Oh! Gordon!

Batman yelled at Gordon while trying to kick him.

Robin: Batman, I'm sorry to bother you again, but I think it's important for him to hear it, he works for the police...

Aki Honda shouted to everyone.

Aki: I just had a brilliant idea! - Let's act it out!

Batman: -- No! Don't! For God's sake! Kill me! Kill me!

Everyone: -- Role-play! Role-play!

Batman: -- Unleash the rock and---!

Aki: Shut up. Armando, you're gonna play me. Silas, you're gonna play my father.

Robin: Can I play Batman?

Batman: No! You can't play Batman!

Gordon: If he's playing Batman, I can play Robin!~

Aki: All right! Once upon a time, there was a fragile girl! Real fragile...



4 hours later


Aki: So that was it! So I caught Batman, Robin, then Gordon came in, and here we are! The End!

Batman: *sigh* Nice... *claps*

Aki: Let's end this boring thing!


Aki: You're such a masochist...

KnightWalker: We have another prisoner, Honda.

Aki: Great. Bring him.


And then... the door opened again and another KnightWalker entered bringing a man in green outfit.

Green Lantern: Hey...

The Green Lantern (unknown, because they are shit).

Batman: Wait a minute...

Green Lantern: They told me there was a great a plan to hear, right?

Batman: Oh, fuck it.

Batman stood up from the chair and walked away.


  • From Prime: This is the second special holiday episode. Well, if you don't like mystery then this episode is not for you. This is the last episode of LOTM: Sword of Kings before the beginning of LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow & Sword of Kings Crossover - The Corbin Files.
  • From Subjugator: We actually wanted to use Hypno from Pokemon creepypasta as the main antagonist but the idea of using a real life event was better.
  • From CIS: Watch out for the creepy clowns walking at night in the streets of Brazil and USA. You don't know when they're just pranking you or when they're REAL serial killers. And remember: the Psychopaths are everywhere. Sometimes on your side. Sometimes, within your own home. Happy... Halloween...