Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

CIS Productions Presents...

LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow

Horsemen Saga

Season 2 - Death Arc

Episode 18 & 19 - Christine's Might

Blood Moon Sub Arc - Part 5 & 6 (Final)

Fourth & Fifth Episode of Season 2

Extremely Long Episode

Sub Arc Finale

In memory of Chester Bennington (1976-2017)

The late singer of Linkin Park


Previous Season: LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow - The Cranes Arc

Previous Crossover: LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow & Sword of Kings Crossover - The Corbin Files

Previous Crossover Episode: LOTM: Crossover - The Corbin Files - Chapitre Douze et Fin (Final)

Previous Episode: LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow Horsemen Saga - Colin's Death

Also tie-in with: LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow Spin-Off - Firenza Junior

Previous Spin-Off Episode: LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow Spin-Off - Firenza Junior - Executioner

Previously on last episode of LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow...[]

Vital parts only


  • Sister Mary Eunice: (voice) Previously on LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow...

Irving recognized the woman since he saw her in some news. She is the maid of the mayor. Irving was very confused.

The woman named Selina Sarandon turned back and looked at Frank Irving with some mild surprise.

  • Selina: You know my name?
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Selina was confused at first, but soon she realized that there was no need to be confused, since she was already a well-known figure in the town of Sleepy Hollow for being the maid in service of the current mayor.

  • Selina: I... thought I won't be recognized with this eye-patch. I recently suffered from an eye injury and therefore... Ahem, by the way, captain, why are you here?

Irving chuckled sarcastically.

  • Irving: I am here to do my job, but I just don't know how I am inside this festival.

Selina drank a cup of drink inside her cup. It was not wine, but strawberry juice. She then turned back and chatted with Irving, but Irving remained distressed.

  • Selina: Oh, captain, life is too short for regrets. You should feel relaxed yourself. The mayor himself had complimented about your efforts during the recent events, and um, not to be rude, but... I am really curious about the recent events in Sleepy Hollow.

Irving turned back to Selina, and the latter became serious.

- Selina: Detective Luke Morales was hospitalized.


Hearing this, Irving was surprised since he did not expected that it happened. Selina sighed and then continued.

  • Selina: Please... don't look at me like that, captain. I will be embarrassed.
  • Irving: What the Hell is happening here?

Looking at the serious captain, Selina shrugged her shoulder as she put her glass back to the table with a calm expression on her face. She soon sighed in sheer distraught.

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    Selina: The Hell? The Hell is everywhere... Fortunately, Morales is recovering and is fine. However, he is not the first victim... Just before Detective Morales was suffered from an unknown disease that was currently disappearing, two victims had already died. Also, there was a supernatural event occurring on one of the guests in this festival, and I heard Lt. Abbie Mills was investigating this case.

Hearing that Abbie was investigating the case, Irving was both relieved... and surprised.

  • Irving: So you are here to investigate those cases as well?

Selina nodded her head with a smile.

  • Selina: You know what people talked about me - a maid who can do everything almost in a matter of minutes... but they flattered me. In fact, once one of my clients made a request to make me bomb a city, but I refused. That is against my own rules. However, since this case is concerning everyone's life, even though no clients ordered me to do so, I came here myself.

Irving heard the words of Selina silently, and after she was finished, he asked her once again.

  • Irving: Who is the name of that guest?

Selina put her hand inside her pocket and took out a paper before revealing a list written on it to Irving.

  • Selina: Here, captain, a woman named Vivian Apfel, who is a potter that worked beside Hudson River, and I just found out that another woman named Hannah Schneider failed to present on the festival. I assume she was missing for now.

Selina then put the list back to her pocket.

  • Selina: Look, captain, I am on your side. If anything happens to this town with no explanation, the mayor may ask for my own resignation.

Then, she shrugged her shoulders with a cryptic smile.

- Selina: However, not everything is hard to explain, Captain Irving. Believe me.

Vivian Apfel
Irving remained silence and thought about Selina's words, when suddenly, Irving's phone was rang, and he immediately answered the phone. Selina's smile faded as she heard the words of Irving.
  • Irving: Captain Irving here. What's it?

Then, Selina noticed that Irving's face turned into a facial expression of surprise, and soon the police captain widened his eyes. Then, Irving hung up the phone as Selina leaned forward immediately.

  • Selina: What happened?
  • Irving: There are something happened in the precinct. You told me about the woman named Vivien Apfel is in the station, right?

Hearing this, Selina suddenly widened her eyes as she bit her lips in a glimmer of horror.

  • Selina: What happened?

- Irving: She broke out.

Irving then stood up and was about to leave, and it was apparent that it was not a small case.

  • 105Frank
    Irving: They said the woman was getting monstrous as she stretched her limbs and attacked the police guards before she made her way escape, and I must go back to deal with this.

Suddenly, Selina grabbed the wrist of Irving.

  • Selina: Please, no, captain. You don't need to do this on yourself.

Irving turned back to Selina with confusion, and Selina blinked her eyes.

- Selina: Ichabod Crane can manage this.

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Hearing this, Irving was utterly confused and surprise, since he did not know that Selina knew about the man known as Ichabod Crane.
  • Irving: How do you know that? Who... the hell are you?

As a response, Selina looked at Irving with calm on her face as she narrowed her eyes.

  • Selina: I am from one of Sleepy Hollow's oldest families, and I'm part of a group which... oversees things.

As Irving looked at Selina with skepticism, Selina then whispered to Irving in a deeper voice.

  • Selina: Evil is the source of this plague that haunted this town since its foundation, and I am secretly one of those people who confronted those malevolence.

​Irving only looked at Selina and did not responded, as Selina continued with a smile.

  • Selina: You may think I am crazy, captain, but please beware of the fact that demons are all around us. Do something to prevent this, captain, please... before it's too late for that.

Despite not believing in Selina's strange words since it was too weird for him, Irving then nodded.

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    Irving: It seems unbelievable, but I will soon find it out. Leave this to me.

Then, Irving looked aside and turned back to Selina.

  • Irving: What we discussed in today... I will keep them as secrets, and also I will not reveal about your secret group to the town. I give you my words.

Hearing this, Selina widened her eyes first and then, she smiled as if she was warmed in her heart.

- Selina: Many thanks, captain.

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Suddenly, as Selina was about to leave, a crash could be heard not far away.
  • Selina & Irving: ?!!

​Hearing all of this, Selina and Irving both looked aside and saw several citizens at the scene began to rant savagely, as they swayed their own arms and screamed in great fervent, all the while crashing the tables and started to terrorize the entire scene.

Shocked, Irving and Selina were shocked and stood up, and Irving started to fire at the arm one of the rampaging citizens, but that citizen immediately grabbed the bullet. Selina seemed to be quiet enraged by what happened, through unknown means.

  • Selina: Captain Irving!

​Selina immediately yelled as she quickly pushed Irving out, with Irving widening his eyes.

  • Irving: Ms. Sarandon?
  • Selina: Run, captain! Those people were affected by the colleagues of the Headless Horseman, and I promise you that we can handle this!
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​At this time, Irving was surprised to hear Selina talking about the Headless Horseman, and it was very obvious that she was one who knew the darkest secrets of Sleepy Hollow, but Irving did not ask more. He then retreated and soon went away back to his office.

At this time, the terror still risen as Selina tried to evacuate screaming citizens from the deranged situation, and she narrowed her eyes and thought bitterly.

  • Selina: (think) * That Melancholia deceived me! She said she will work in overthrowing Moloch, but now his vileness had spread into innocent citizens! *

​Selina then clenched her fist as she turned to look at those monsters, and she bit her lips.

  • Selina: (think) * There must be some kind of new evil pushing this... I am going to seek it out! *

Then, Selina immediately rushed away with the citizens, and the Harvest Festival havoc had caused several people injured on different scales. Fortunately, no one had died. Then, Selina knew she had to do something.

First, she decided to contact Melancholia at once.

Sleepy Hollow

Westchester County Police Department



At this time, at the interior of Westchester County Police Department, things get vicious.

  • Police 1: What is that? What is that? Somebody do something! Stop her! Stop her and find out the reason--!!

As the police officers were berating, a long tentacle came and whipped towards him and then he dropped on the floor. People were frightened and started to escape.


There were also several police being severely injured, but fortunately, none of them were killed. Who they were attacking... or "what" they were attacking... was Vivian Apfel, but somehow she was different. Instead of being human-like appearance, she turned into a monstrous human abomination with long arms like tentacles. She used it to break out the cell before berating in sheer rage.

  • Police 2: Someone call for reinforcement!

As the police were calling for reinforcements, Apfel immediately escaped through window and soon sunk into the ground, disappeared.

  • Police officers: (?!!)

The police department soon went quiet... as if nothing had ever happened. The police officers were all shocked.

- Police 1: What the Hell is happening?

They looked at each other and could not figure out the answer. However, they did not know the fact that it was merely a beginning... of another chain of horror...

Pandora's lair

At the same time

  • Hidden One: [Pandora!]

The Hidden One's sudden bellow caused Pandora being shocked from her illusions. Pandora was looking at the water to see what happened in Sleepy Hollow now, and now the Hidden One's face surfaced on the pool.

  • Pandora: Yes, My Lord?

The Hidden One seemed frail and darkened, since he lost his power and it made him looking like an old man.

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    Hidden One: [The Order of Blood Moon itself seemed to take their moves. You told me that you were gathering enough fear to open the portal towards the Catacombs.]

Pandora nodded her head in confidence.

  • Pandora: Master, I promise to you... I am now doing what I should do. I won't fail you.

Obeying the Hidden One very deeply, Pandora lowered her head and did not talked back to her master and husband.

  • 310PandoraHiddenOne
    Pandora: I am currently tracking down the Witnesses, and I found out that Colin, the only known living member of the Van Bilj Family was currently trying to cause more harm by summoning a replica of one of their mansions in the woods of Sleepy Hollow. I think in order to achieve our own utopia, the first thing we need to do was to clean those trashes.

The Hidden One's face seemed relent after hearing the words of Pandora.

  • Illuminati-allseeing
    Hidden One: [Very well, Pandora, you've done well in this mission, and I think it is the time for us to release our power above humanity that betrayed me and berated me for my so-called sins. Our own justice will prevail... as long as we establish our own New World Order... Our own Illuminati...]

Then, the Hidden One narrowed his eyes as he looked at Pandora.

  • Hidden One: [Now, Pandora, track down the Two Witnesses, and bring me the results I want. Gather more fear in this mess, and find out the secrets behind the Van Bilj Family, so that we could seek out a way to destroy Moloch. They fear the Headless Horseman? Michael Langdon? Serilda of Abaddon? Moloch? Colin Van Bilj? Christine Van Bilj? Hmm, don't let them make me laugh...]

- Hidden One: [I am the most fearful of them all!]

The face of the Hidden One soon dissolved into the water as Pandora deeply bowed in front of the pool.
  • Pandora: I will follow your orders, My Lord, like always.

Soon enough, Pandora immediately put up another dress almost immediately with magic, just before she walked towards the door. Mr. Gold was standing right beside it.

  • Mr. Gold: So, how did it go?

Pandora looked at Mr. Gold, with her common face of aloof.

- Pandora: I think it went... rather well.

Pandora then turned back and was trying to leave, and Gold walked after her.
  • Mr. Gold: Well, I am glad to hear it. However, how do you define the ambiguous relations between us and the Witnesses? Partnership... or friendship?

Pandora stopped and she turned to look at Mr. Gold apathetically.

  • Pandora: Did I not tell you to remain calm and silence, Gold? Don't forget the fact that your wife, Belle, is under my protection... even though she is not on my side.

Pandora then turned back and continued to walk. Mr. Gold smiled cryptically before following Pandora out.

  • Mr. Gold: Whatever.

  • -美国恐怖故事--第二季-第5-00 21 42--20170320-234252-1-
    Tweedledee: Sister? There are still some information. Look what I have found.

As he was speaking, Tweedledee took something which is seemed to be a large book and then he put that book in front of Sister Mary Eunice.

  • Tweedledee: It is Caspar Van Bilj's journey.

Sister Mary Eunice suddenly feel shocked and she and Ichabod both looked at each other with surprise. They were both shocked when they heard Caspar's name.

  • Alexander Ashford
    Sister Mary Eunice: He is Colin & Christine's father!

Tweedledee then opened the journal as he showed them to his friends.

  • Tweedledee: Now, you take a look at this.

Sister Mary Eunice then opened the journal as she widened her eyes and read it.

  • Caspar: * note * [The year was 1776. It became obvious that my daughter was obsessed with producing the Bee Elixir. She even went to the point to experiment it on her own body. I had contacted General Washington since I realized what happened to her.]

​Sister Mary Eunice was startled when she read this part, but the feelings soon over and she continued to read Caspar's note.

  • Caspar: * note * [Years ago, I enhanced my children's own intelligence in order to make them my tools, but now I found out that I was wrong. I will now become the subject of that elixir, and I believe it will turn human into nothing but monsters. I could only pray to God that someone helps Christine to leave her insanity, but I took actions to make Betsy Ross sewed the flag. I do not want to do this, but I have no choice. Since what I had done was wrong, then I hope Ichabod Crane would fix it for me.]
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Sister Mary Eunice immediately closed the journal.
  • Sister Mary Eunice: This is Caspar's note, but it was in Christine's possession...

- Ichabod: Then, that bee monster was...

All of them were startled as they looked all towards the locked underground chamber...

  • Prussia.full
    Abbie: It was Caspar.

Sister Mary Eunice immediately turned away, as she was trying to leave.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: This place is unsettling. We must leave for Baltimore now!

Before she could react, a human laugh could be heard, as Colin Van Bilj suddenly appeared at the staircase with his rifle.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Oh...

Colin's laugh and Sister Mary Eunice's reaction made Ichabod and Abbie turned back.

  • WhiteCreature
    Abbie: No way... Him again!

Colin grinned deviously as he widened his eyes.

  • Colin: Ha, not so fast to leave. Please stay a while, and I have another special entertainment presented for this game, since there are three more participants!

Tweedledee crossed his arms in anger.

  • Tweedledee: I am not participant, and I have not even one glimpse of interest in your so-called entertainment or your twisted game!
  • Tweedledum: Me neither!

Colin chuckled bitterly as he narrowed his eyes.

  • Colin: Sure you will. If you win, you can enter the next Boss level, but if you lose, you would either become just like my father...

Before Colin could finish, a strong bellow came from the ground and a white creature rose from the ground and had appeared itself in front of the Team Witness, and Ichabod, Sister Mary Eunice and Abbie were all startled. It was the very same white creature who claimed to be Betsy Ross.

  • Abbie: What? It is still alive?

Colin grinned maliciously as he stepped back and left.

  • Colin: Good luck.

Colin instantly went upstairs.

As Sister Mary Eunice was enchanting the spell, a horrendously strong storm soon burst out from the monster's body, and soon the monster transformed back into a black-haired woman with Colonial Army Uniform. The woman soon collapsed on the ground, and Ichabod immediately leaned forward.
  • Ichabod: Betsy!

At this moment, Betsy was inanimate, lying on the ground. Ichabod tried to move forward but Sister Mary Eunice and Tweedledee immediately went forward to stopped him.

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    Sister Mary Eunice: Ichabod, watch out. This purification could only lasted for two hours at best, and I need to check her in order to assume your safety.
  • Tweedledee: We need to take down Colin and went to find the flag, so that we could truly purify the evil that those demons from Hell planted inside her.

However, Abbie soon stood forward and took a closer look at Betsy.

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    Look, she was still breathing.

Utterly surprised, ​Ichabod and others heard this and immediately went forward, and they saw Betsy immediately opened her eyes and looked at Ichabod in panic. She was still alive.

  • Ichabod: Betsy?

The first person Betsy saw was none other than her old friend, Ichabod Crane, much to her surprise.

- Betsy: Ichabod... is that you?

Abbie, Sister Mary Eunice and the Tweedles could only had their jaws opened...

  • Betsy: Very well... What goes on in your head, I'm not really always understand... but what goes on in your heart never let us down.

Ichabod went silent, and soon Betsy spoke out.

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    Betsy: If I was right, this room led to a secret tunnel that would make you out of here. Colin had shut down other entrances, all but this one. It was the only way that you can leave here.

Tweedledee then looked at Ichabod.

  • Tweedledee: Crane, the time is running out. If we met Colin here or in that tunnel, we will all doomed!

Suddenly, Ichabod and others had a bad feelings about this, and Tweedledum immediately covered his brother's face.

  • Sweden.full
    Tweedledum: Hey, brother! Don't you know it might come true?
  • ???: It is true! Now, prepare yourselves!

Colin's voice suddenly burst out as he suddenly appeared, and now he not only wielded his rifle. A dark purple aura started to surround him as he grinned. Sister Mary Eunice widened her eyes as soon as he spotted the ring on Colin's index finger, while others were shocked by Colin's presence...

  • Sister Mary Eunice: He had enhanced himself with that ring!

Colin then turned to Betsy Ross and then raised his hand to her, and soon he fired a purple aura string at Betsy and tied her up, and Betsy fell on the ground and could barely moved.

  • W104Tweedledee
    Colin: Get into your cage, my prey.

As Colin tried to teleported Betsy, Ichabod tried to save Betsy, but he was shot at the leg by Colin's rifle. Abbie Sister Mary Eunice immediately went towards Ichabod who collapsed on the ground, trying to remove the bullet and heal his wound. Tweedledee and Tweedledum glared at Colin, infuriated.

  • Tweedledee: How could you!

Tweedledee and Tweedledum was furious, and then they held their swords and tried to attack Colin, but Colin raised his hand, and soon, the Brothers were rendered frozen at the midair.

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    Tweedledee: Eh...
  • Tweedledum: What have you done to us?

​Colin merely looked at them with scorn.

  • Colin: Enough, both of you. I don't care who you are, but why don't you get back to where you came from?

With a cold smile, Colin's eyes turned inhumanely red and soon he made a finger snap. All of a sudden, Tweedledee and Tweedledum disappeared in puff smokes. Seeing all of this, Abbie glared at Colin as she helped a recovered Ichabod to get up. Colin immediately raised his rifle at the Witnesses with a gleeful grin.

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    Colin and Christine as children

    Colin: And now, Witnesses...
  • Abbie: Wait, stop! You are insane... What do you want?

Colin coldly grinned at Abbie, Sister Mary Eunice and Ichabod as a response.

  • Colin: I am preparing for a noble war with my sister ever since I was a child. I'm calm, I know the secret. I know what's coming and I know no one can stop me, not even myself. I kill people I like. Some of them beg for their life. I don't feel sad. I don't feel anything.

At this time, Sister Mary Eunice saw an enormous chandelier above Colin's head, and she lowered her head. An idea was formed and then, she knew what to do.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: That'll do it...

She whispered at Abbie first and drew her light sword before shouting at Colin...

  • Girl-white-angel
    Sister Mary Eunice: You are wrong, terribly wrong. The world still has its brightened side, and yet you failed to admit it.

Sister Mary Eunice went out of her hiding place and confronted Colin. Interrupting the words of Sister Mary Eunice, however, ​Colin immediately glared at her while shouting.

  • Colin: Admit it? Admit it!? How could I, you sad Catholic? Do you know that how your God treated me and my sister? From the time we were children, our father saw us not as family, but as tool to raise his fame in his mad experiments.
Angel by chevsy-d53u2dq

Sister Mary Eunice then looked at Colin with a calm expression.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Is that God's purpose to make your sister abuse you?

Without any remorse inside his eyes, Colin bit his lips as he answered.

  • Colin: You can't understand, and you won't understand! My sister may abused me, but it was her largess to keep me alive! She still treated me as her family, and now I will carry on her legacy! I will take you down, first, Sister Mary Eunice, before I slice those Witnesses bit by bit... very slowly.

After hearing this, Sister Mary Eunice then narrowed her eyes. She grabbed her sword and attempted to draw it as she looked at the masochist with scorn in her eyes..

- Sister Mary Eunice: Then, I have no choice but defeat you!

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Sister Mary Eunice then released a blue magic aura and fired it to Colin, but Colin raised his index finger and fired a purple beam to Sister Mary Eunice, the two auras clashed together.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: (think) * He's buying it... He is buying it! *

At this time, Colin perversely grinned.

  • Colin: Do you know what will happen next, Sister? You will be a beholder of something that will happen not long afterwards!
  • Sister Mary Eunice: What?

While clashing with Sister Mary Eunice, Colin spoke something in great obsession and it made Sister Mary Eunice once again alarmed.

- Colin: The Queen will return... The Queen's awakening... Yes... it's getting closer! I'll see the Queen very soon.

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While Colin was obsessively speaking, Sister Mary Eunice immediately took a closer look and watched the large chandelier right above Colin.
  • Sister Mary Eunice: Abbie, shoot down the chandelier!

​Seizing the chance, Abbie immediately went behind the angel and aimed for the chandelier. Colin tried to stop Abbie, but Sister Mary Eunice seized the chance and sliced off his hand before dodged away. Then, the large chandelier fell towards Colin.

  • Colin: NO!!!

​In great terror, Colin immediately dodged the chandelier but then he got slipped under his feet accidentally. Soon, with a painful scream, he fell from the window...


Abbie asking Jenny for help
Then, Abbie walked towards the window and looked down before she saw Colin, who was severely injured after his fall, had struggled himself to escape, but chances for his survival was not that much.

Abbie laughed confidently before she went to untie Ichabod.

  • Abbie: How do you like that, huh!? I finally took out the BOSS!

Sister Mary Eunice walked towards the window as well after returning back into her nun form, but she was not happy at all. Then, she mumbled something with a worrying face.

- Sister Mary Eunice: The Queen...

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Abbie looked at Sister Mary Eunice with confusion.

  • Abbie: What?

To Abbie's surprise, Sister Mary Eunice bit her lips with sheer worry on her face.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: He said more than once, "The Queen will return. The Queen's awakening." What does that mean?

Abbie shrugged her shoulders.

  • Abbie: I don't know. This guy was insane.
  • Sister Mary Eunice: Surely, he was, and yet... Why do I had a very bad feeling about this?

However, things started to change when they heard a strange noise like a insect humming, but it was much louder and it was so loud that it was like coming from a trumpet. Hearing the strange noise, Abbie was quickly alarmed.

  • Abbie: What is that noise?

Ichabod's eyes narrowed.

  • Ichabod: Be careful...

All of a sudden, a roar like thunder could be heard and then the three turned to the place before they saw an enormous humanoid monster like a bee had jumped towards them. Ichabod, Abbie and Sister Mary Eunice's eyes went widened into astonishment as they recognized the monster was that bee monster that was once chained in the basement.

  • Russia.(Female).full
    Ichabod: Isn't that...
  • Sister Mary Eunice: No way...

​The monster that was once Caspar Van Bilj shouted in fury and charged at the Team Witness.

  • Abbie: Out of the frying pan...
  • Sister Mary Eunice: ... and get into the fire. Run... RUN!!!

The Team Witness attempted to escape, but then the bee monster had blocked their way after flying towards them. Knowing a fight was inevitable, Sister Mary Eunice turned into her angelic form once more and drew her sword.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Fine... I don't think he wants to be left alone anymore! Then, let us free him from his misery before he hurt anyone else!

The monster roared to the three in fury, this time in English...

- Caspar: Ý͇̖̍ͩ͒ͣ̇̄͋O͈͙̰͇ͬ͑̆̿̑̄U̫͇ͨͤ͌͊͐̐̽̾ͪ ͉̟͎̩̺͍̩̃̈́̌ͭ̊̓͒̒K̮͔͑̒͆͐I̪͇͍̩̓ͦ͌́̂Ľ̳̋̽ͫͯͤ̄L̮̺̣̣̞̭̬̟͈ͥ̈ͥ̚E͈͚̜͗̓̆̿D͍̗̝̼̲͍̞̂̾̈́̾ͭ̎̓̅ ̯̖̳̠̩̺ͩ̃͑ͧ͐ͪ̒̎M̻̻͒̔͑͆Y̝̼͔̮͕͎͖̎͗ͮ͐ ̜͍͍̐͋S̳͙͉̺̪͈̖ͪ̄̊̀͒O̲̰ͬͧN̥̱̠͖͇̖̊͑̓ͯ͌̚!͖̟̹͚̼̞ͪ̏͑̒ ̮̠̱̋ͭ̑̅ͨ Y̭̱̳̪̘̓ͧ̈́̊ͬ͗̊O̘͇͉͕̠̣͚͌̅͂̄̐ͪ́̀ͦǗ̥̳͕͓̼ͮ̀̈ͤ̊̂̐ ̗͇͈̪͍̠̽̐ͤ̇̔ͧ͗W̤̺͂̿̎͒̚I̠̪ͥ́̋͆ͧ͊̅L͉͚͒́̓L̰̝͎͈̺̱̻̏ ̻̖̬͖̠̼ͭ̃̾ͭ͗̃̄P͖̦̠̼̝̭ͨ͌͊͐A̩ͦ̏ͧY̬̙̺̬̝̳̟ͭ̔ ̪͌̽͗͋ͨ͆ͦF̬̺̄̋͛ͮ̊̐ͥ̔Ő̟́̂͛̎ͮͦͤͬR̺͍̠̟̥͚͓͖ͦ̄̅ ̭̳͚̱͔̫̟̺̖͛̾̄́ͬ͋ͨ̈́̀ͨ̒ͪT̺̣̜͉̫̝ͧ͊̚H̦͇̝͂͊I̫̞̥ͤ̒̄̾̇̽ͥS͖̰ͧ͒̾͂͋̔̒̆̂!̬̞̪͖̬̇̃̎͋ͫ̈!̻̣̭͚̮̰̦̳ͨ̾ͪ̑!͉͓̬̐̇̉͋̆ͣͥ!͎̝̻̺͉̗̄͐ͬͧ̂ͤͪ

Trout Lake

10 minutes later

Severely injured yet survived, Colin crawled himself towards the Trout Lake, not far away from the place where the bee hive once stood.

He shivered in pain and terror as he mumbled. He was looking at a tree with a painful look. That was the very same dead tree which Sister Mary Eunice sensed and saw some horrid... life... sealed within it.

Now, it was going to reveal what or who was inside the tree... and the truth was about to be uncovered.

  • Colin: Ahh... I am sorry, Christine... Forgive me. I thought... I thought I could finish them alone...

With his last breath, ​Colin crawled towards a place when a large coffin surrounded by red aura had surfaced from the tree, floating in front of him. Colin smiled maliciously while mumbling something like a spell.

  • Colin: Ah... heh-heh-heh...



- Colin: A͏͞wa̶҉͏ḱ̡è͢ń ͢f̵r̶o̵͡m̕͢ ̵͡y̶͘o҉̛u̵̴r̸ ̵̡s̕͘͢l̶u̴̶m̷͝͠b̛͘͡é̕͞r.̕͜.͟.̧́ ̡̛͠a̷͢n͘d͠ ̶b͟͠͞ŕ͟i̴n̴g͠͡ h̴̨͟on̷ò̡͝r̶.͞͡.́.҉ ̵̢f͘͜͟ò̸͠ŕ ̶͟t͏͘h҉̡e͏͏ ҉͜͝n̵̡a̴͏̢m҉͜e ̴o̶f̸͝ t͏h͏è̀ ̸͝gr҉҉e͟a͘t̕ ͏G͟͢en̵̢e͜r͏a̵̷̡l͡ ͜͢W̶̨i͠l̵l̢͝͡a̛̕͏ì̷͠m̵̸ ́͡H̴͡o͠w̷̡e̢,̡͠ 5̴t̴͟h͜ ̷V́͘i̸̴͢s͏͢c҉̕̕o̴un̷͡t͜ Ho͟w̛̛e̷̵͞..̨̨.҉

Aristocrat by igorkieryluk-d4nhpqd
As he was mumbling, the coffin in front of him had appeared opened on its own. Water start flowing out of the coffin. After some time of silence, Colin struggled to stand up and almost gave up hope... but then, much to Colin's delight, a woman in her twenties with white dress and black hair had rose from the coffin.
  • Colin: Christine... My dear... The King asked you for his service once again.

​It was not a split personality anymore. It was the real Christine Van Bilj, who looked around in confusion and then, she look at her dying brother with confusion in her eyes.

  • Christine: Where am I?

​Colin delightfully answered his sister's question despite his injury.

  • Colin: You are in... Sleepy Hollow... and it is 2013.
  • Tumblr nnlfttYQQq1uuqo27o1 1280
    Christine: 2013?
  • Colin: Uh-huh. Welcome back, sister. It is I! Colin!

Suddenly, without warning, Christine summoned a shadow blade and pierce through Colin's chest, making him to bleed violently. Colin screamed in terror and pain as he looked at his sister with full of shock in his eyes.

  • Colin: AHHHHH!!!

Ignoring his brother's screaming Christine then ripped a large hole in Colin's chest. A twisted, bratty and inhumanely sarcastic smile had appeared on the pale face of Christine.

  • Christine: Why did you break your promise, my poor dear brother?

​Blood kept flowing from Colin's mouth, making him unable to speak. To his sheer horror, Christine's face became menacing like a horrid demon in his eyes.

  • Christine: It was 237 years ago when I fell into this slumber so that I can become the ultimate Queen of Humanity myself! You did not wake me up on time, you slob. Now, how shall I face this world I do not know anymore? How shall I fill the fun I missed for so many years? How shall I? Answer me!!!
As Colin fell dying, Christine summoned several hands made of shadows and grabbed the neck torso, as well as the limbs of her brother.
  • Christine: Say hello to our father for me in Hell, Colin.

​Then, after Christine finished her selfish words, those hands made of shadow ripped Colin apart, and then Christine burned the fragments into ashes. All of Colin's dream of being reunited with his beloved sister, all of his efforts to raise the name of his family once again... had died with him because of Christine's brutal act.

After killing her brother, Christine's eyes widened as she start gloating with an inhumane smile...

Opening - Numb[]

(- Officer Candy Apple: My favorite song of Linkin Park...)


Numb (Official Video) - Linkin Park


I'm tired of being what you want me to be

Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface

I don't know what you're expecting of me

Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes

Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow

Every step that I take is another mistake to you

Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow

I've become so numb, I can't feel you there

Become so tired, so much more aware

By becoming this all I want to do

Is be more like me and be less like you

Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control

'Cause everything that you thought I would be

Has fallen apart right in front of you

Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow

Every step that I take is another mistake to you

Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow

And every second I waste is more than I can take!

I've become so numb, I can't feel you there

Become so tired, so much more aware

By becoming this all I want to do

Is be more like me and be less like you

And I know I may end up failing too

But I know you were just like me with someone disappointed in you

I've become so numb, I can't feel you there

Become so tired, so much more aware

By becoming this all I want to do

Is be more like me and be less like you

I've become so numb, I can't feel you there

I'm tired of being what you want me to be

I've become so numb, I can't feel you there

I'm tired of being what you want me to be 

Act 1 - Serilda's Successor[]


Near the Snowmobile

10 meters away

  • 2104431-bigthumbnail
    Sister Mary Eunice: Get to that snowmobile! I'll handle him!

At the very moment when Colin fell to his apparent death, the bee monster that was once Caspar Van Bilj roared like a complete savage before it broke free and went towards the Team Witness, in a savage wrath. It was very apparent that this monster, which was once a man... had lost its mind

Ichabod and Abbie immediately dodged the attack, as Sister Mary Eunice turned to her angel form in her armor, and she tried hard to attack the mutated Caspar.


However, Caspar chose to ignore Sister Mary Eunice and leaped towards Ichabod and Abbie, as if there was someone that was controlling him to attack the two Witnesses. Sister Mary Eunice was annoyed that monster was ignoring him, but soon she immediately caught it up.


On the other side, Abbie and Ichabod raised their guns and tried to attack Caspar. They shot at the belly of Caspar as Caspar fired poisonous stings out of his tail, but Sister Mary Eunice swayed her sword from far away and sliced the stings in half.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I think he could've gotten out a long time ago if he'd tried.

Sister Mary Eunice landed beside Abbie, as she watched Caspar was regenerating from his wounds while suffering other damages.

  • Abbie: Maybe he likes being trapped?

​When Abbie was commenting with a drop of sweat on her head, Caspar was clearly not amused. He jumped towards the roof of the facility and started to throw gasoline barrels at the Witnesses. Sister Mary Eunice saw this and immediately shouted out.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Shoot it!

Hearing this order, Ichabod and ​Abbie aimed at the gasoline barrels before Caspar could throw it, and Caspar was caught in explosions, but it was seemed that those explosions did not harm him at all.

  • Strike The Blood screenshot 0059

Then, Caspar jumped from the roof and leaped towards Ichabod, but Sister Mary Eunice pushed Ichabod away in time. Caspar leaped to the ground, and his claws struck into the ground.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Time to free him from his pain!

Yelling her war cry, Sister Mary Eunice seized the chance and kicked Caspar's chest and tried to slice him. Suddenly, three long and sharp crab legs had grown from the back of Caspar and blocked the attack. Sister Mary Eunice widened her eyes in shock.

  • Nosferatu23232
    Sister Mary Eunice:
  • Ichabod: This is even more than a bee...

​Ichabod narrowed his eyes and wonder what Christine had done in her malicious elixir. Sister Mary Eunice immediately leaped up and kicked the back of the monster. Caspar fell on the ground and collapse, though he was still alive.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Now, go!

Sister Mary Eunice landed on the ground and led Ichabod and Abbie towards the snowmobile, despite the strong blizzard, but then they stopped when they heard Caspar's growling. The three turned and watched with horror as they saw Caspar crawling towards them. Ichabod, Sister Mary Eunice and Abbie immediately dodged away as Caspar tried to attack them. Then, Caspar stood on a layer of ice.

  • Caspar: AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!

With his strength, Caspar struck his crab legs into the icy ground and lifted up an enormous ice, trying to throw at Ichabod, but Ichabod immediately refill his magazine and fired at Caspar repeatedly. He was now skilled in the modern gun.

  • Caspar: AAAAAAAAAARGH!!! NO! NO! NO!

After Caspar was shot, he collapsed on the ground with the large ice landing on him. Then, Abbie immediately noticed a large fuel tank behind Caspar.

  • Abbie: The fuel tank?

She aimed at the fuel tank and immediately fired her shot, just as Caspar was trying to get up and lift the huge ice once again...



The fuel tank exploded and Caspar collapsed on the ground once again, apparently dead, as the way in front of Abbie was now in fire.

  • Abbie: Yes!

But then, she discovered a problem...

  • Abbie: Ugh, now we cannot go down that way.

Sister Mary Eunice landed on the ground and looked around... before her eyes laid on some large iron brandreth with several wire on it.

  • Sister mary eunice by misshitsuneurose-d5lzldw
    Sister Mary Eunice: Crane, Abbie, you two are not afraid of heights, are you?
  • Abbie: I am sorry?

Abbie and Ichabod both looked at Sister Mary Eunice with confusion, but Sister Mary Eunice ignored them. She instead immediately leaped up and aimed at the wire between two brandreth. Then, she fired light beam of the joints between the two ropes, each of them attached to one large hook. Then, the joint was broken, and the ropes were freed. The ropes than dangling not far away from Ichabod, who immediately realized this.

  • Ichabod: I know how this will work out.
  • Abbie: All right, it's time to have some fun.

Just as Ichabod and Abbie were trying to reach the hook, the rant came once again, causing the trio to turn back. They saw Caspar, who still alive and kicking, was grabbing a wire and slide himself towards the Witnesses' position.

  • Abbie: What!? How is he still alive?!

The monster Caspar stopped sliding and stopped at the middle of the wire, facing Abbie in the face. Abbie turned her head back and saw the swinging hook.

  • Strike The Blood screenshot 0184
    Abbie: That's it! Grab on!
  • Ichabod: Lieutenant, wait!
  • Abbie: Now!

Ichabod tried to stop Abbie, but she headed first and jumped on the hook, swinging alongside it. Sister Mary Eunice leaped forward and attacked Caspar, but he managed to place himself tightly on the wire with one of his claws.

  • Abbie: Sister, keep shooting!

​Ichabod immediately went on the other side of the giant hook, while Sister Mary Eunice continued to attack Caspar. Ichabod and Abbie shot at Caspar while swinging on the hook, acting like some scenes in an action movie.


Abbie and Ichabod attacked Caspar desperately, Caspar sway one of his claws and tried to struck Ichabod with it, but finally, he was beaten and fell on the ground, wit his eyes full of menace and pain.

  • Abbie: Now, jump!
  • Ichabod: What? Wait!

Abbie immediately seized the chance and leaped on another hook, now getting much closer to Caspar, and she shot at the bee monster with her remaining bullets.

  • Abbie: EAT LEAD, YOU SON OF A B***H!

Strike The Blood screenshot 0054

Caspar was growling angrily and sway his claw. He slapped Abbie on the ground, and then he proceeded to stood up and growled in rage. Abbie fell on the ground, just as Ichabod landed in front of them.

  • Ichabod: Lieutenant!

Sister Mary Eunice widened her eyes in shock, and she immediately raised her sword, before looking at the chest of Caspar. Caspar's chest was severely damaged, and his heart was exposed. Sister Mary Eunice immediately raised her sword and flew right towards Caspar.

  • U=1813491919,3923481185&fm=214&gp=0
    Sister Mary Eunice: YOU'LL DIE NOW!

Just as Caspar was trying to kill Abbie, Sister Mary Eunice pierced through Caspar's heart, leaving a large hole on his body.

As Sister Mary Eunice flew above Caspar to avoid the coming hook behind Caspar, the dying monster growled in anger and pain before the hook had pierced through his chest as well, but he somehow was still alive.

Sister Mary Eunice then leaped at the front of Caspar, before seeing a red ruby pin on his chest, which is shaped like a butterfly.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: The pin...

Immediately, Sister Mary Eunice took that pin and fly towards the sky, and the loss of the pin had sealed Caspar's fate. Caspar struggled and struggled, but he could bot free himself from the hook, of which he was stuck on it. Then, after letting out one last bellow, Caspar lowered his head and his claws, dying for the final time.

  • 201Abbie
    Abbie: Is he dead?
  • Sister Mary Eunice: Yeah, it's all right now.

Sister Mary Eunice was above the corpse of Caspar, looking at his human spirit coming out of his body. Caspar's spirit was more humane and complete, showing the time before he turned into a monster. The soul of Caspar eventually opened his eyes and smiled at Ichabod.

- Caspar: Everything is over... Thank you, Crane..

Slowly, Caspar's soul faded away. Ichabod and Abbie stood up as they watched Caspar's soul moved on to afterlife. Ichabod sighed as he closed his eyes. Sister Mary Eunice then prayed for Caspar's soul and drew a crucifix in front of her chest, with her fingers.

  • Ichabod: Rest in peace, Mr. Van Bilj.

​Then, Ichabod turned to Abbie, as Sister Mary Eunice landed on the ground, returning back to her nun form.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Let's go. We are running out of time.

​After that, the Team Witness went to the snow mobile not far away.

1 minute later

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After reaching the snowmobile, the trio then started to check the door of the machine. Just then, Abbie saw a key on its door lock.

  • Abbie: Our lucky day! The key is in it!

Suddenly, Sister Mary Eunice had saw some blurry hands had appeared behind Abbie and Ichabod, and she was quickly alarmed.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: ICHABOD! ABBIE! BEHIND YOU!!!

However, it was too late. The shadow hands grabbed ​Abbie and Ichabod's shoulders and pulled then down.

  • Ichabod & Abbie: AHHH!!!

Seeing this, Sister Mary Eunice who immediately turned into her angel form and prepared her holy sword, start struggling with some other hands behind her.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Tsk! Where on Earth do those things come from!?

​Suddenly, Sister Mary Eunice realized something in shock, and it made her distracted a bit as the other two were nearly plunged into the darkness.

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Fortunately, Sister Mary Eunice immediately repelled all the hands on time, but still, Abbie and Ichabod were plunged into darkness.

Fading back into her nun form and looking at the place where the Witnesses once stood, Sister Mary Eunice stood in the place with blank shock and astonishment... after realizing what Colin meant in his horrible speech before his fall.

- Sister Mary Eunice: "The Queen will return..." Oh, no, don't tell me that it was...

Not knowing where Ichabod and Abbie was, Sister Mary Eunice immediately teleported herself back to the Trout Lake to see what was going on... but it was too late.

Christine Van Bilj had already left.

10 minutes later

Under Van Bilj Mansion


Haunted dungeon 3

It was a long and nightmarish dream for Abbie before she woke up, even it was only for 10 minutes, she felt like it's been 10 years.

She shivered in terror when all of a sudden, she woke up and opened her eyes. Then, everything around was followed by nothing but an unnerving silence.

Abbie shivered in sheer horror as she looked around, only to find herself being locked in chains on her wrist. She could barely move.

What was more, Ichabod Crane was not beside her.

  • Abbie: Crane? Crane!? 

Being so worried about Ichabod, yelling their name was perhaps the only thing Abbie could do in such a horrid circumstances.

  • Hungary.full
    ???: Hmm, Crane is not here, Lt. Mills. I put him in another cell before I have to deal with him personally. Even if you broke your own throat, he's not going to hear you.

A husky female voice came out from the outside of the prison door. Abbie was shocked and confused when she heard the voice. Then, the door opened and Abbie saw a tall woman with dark hair was walking into her cell.

  • Abbie: YOU!? You are not Colin! You are... You are the REAL Christine?
  • Christine: Yes, I am. I am the true mistress in this house! Is there any impostors here or not?

It was Christine Van Bilj, much to Abbie's shock. She recognized the real Christine judging by her arrogant tone which was not seen in Colin when he dressed up as his sister. Calmly, Christine walked beside Abbie before looking at her emotionlessly.

  • Abbie: How do you know my name?
  • Christine: That is none of your business. You seem tired, Lt. Mills. It was a shame that I was just coming back to this place with no proper supplies.

Abbie gasped in horror since she could not believe what she had saw... Christine Van Bilj was back to life.

  • Abbie: I thought you were dead...
  • Christine: No, you're not right, not even close. In fact, I faked my suicide before sealing my own essence of spirit within a tree beside the Trout Lake.
  • Abbie: But I heard there was your corpse!
  • Christine: The corpse that Katrina saw was my own body, indeed, but my soul was not inside it because...

​Christine then turned to a mirror and looked at her own reflection. Much to her horror, Abbie saw Christine's true monstrous form in the mirror. It was a seductive and deadly humanoid wasp with a human face. The reflection of Christine was smiling deviously while Christine herself remained calm and emotionless.

  • Christine: I am no longer an ordinary human being thanks to my potion, so I don't need that "chrysalis" anymore. Thanks to Colin's summoning, I have now returned back to life and regained a new physical body, with an eternal youth due to the wasp potion I brewed.

Hearing all of this and having all her questions answered, Abbie started sweating in sheer horror, and she bellowed at Christine with rage.

  • Abbie: I think you want to avenge your brother, Christine. That's why you brought me in this place, right?!

Christine's eyes began to become sharp when she heard Abbie's question.

  • Christine: You mean my brother? Should I tell you that I am always like as if I "never had" a brother once?
  • Abbie: What?

With a sudden grin, ​Christine bluntly blushed before she perversely covered her cheeks with both of her hands.

  • Christine: He really isn't so fun. He couldn't even wake me up on time, but... I have release him from all his responsibilities...
  • Abbie: Hmm!? You mean... YOU KILLED HIM!?

Seeing​ this, Abbie was shocked to see Christine's attitude concerning her... fratricide. Then, Christine stopped acting weird and looked at Christine with a more serious and menacing look.

  • Christine: Therefore, why would I avenge him? His own demise has nothing to do with me.

Christine put her hand on her own waist and looked at Abbie scornfully as if she was nothing else than an inferior ant. Abbie was confused, shocked and enraged hearing this.

  • Abbie: If you don't want to avenge him, why did you take me here?
  • Christine: Ms. Mills, despite I don't blame you for almost killing my brother, I don't want to let you leave this place...

Then, Christine looked at Abbie with a face of sorrow... and she definitely faked it.

- Christine: According to my Master, if you want to truly hurt someone, you should not just simply torture them. The best way of this is to make them feel the pain in their mind... by making them to watch their beloved friends to die in a tragic death... and had no hope of saving them. I truly want to prove it.

Abbie was shocked by Christine's words, and she was even more shocked when she saw Christine behaved like a normal person while speaking those heartless words.

  • Christine: By the way, Ms. Mills, I brought you some treats. I think you will like it as much as I do...

Christine them raised her hand and a magical oval appeared in the midair, and Betsy's face appeared on the oval. Abbie was shocked to find Betsy Ross being trapped inside a room. Trying to find her way escape, Betsy kept knocking the door with her hand, but the door was firmly locked.

  • Christine: I think you will like to see your new friend in pain... Given the fact that she is my most hated enemy, I will relish her pain even more... I said "even more".

​Abbie looked at Betsy as the latter kept struggling, but she did not ignore Christine's word.

  • Abbie: She is Crane's friend, not mine.
  • Christine: So her suffering means nothing to you, either, right?

Abbie's eyes widened in shock when Christine glared at her and made a finger snap. Soon, in Betsy's room, a demon appeared in the room like a smoke. The demon troop walked towards Betsy as she collapsed on the ground, wholly weary. Then, the demon raised its claw and slashed the back of Betsy.

Betsy was too tired to fight back, and she could do nothing but waiting for her demise. Abbie was shocked by this and shouted out.

  • Abbie: BETSY! NO!

Calmly, Christine looked at Abbie screaming in horror... but Christine was smiling deviously. Abbie saw Betsy being slowly butchered but there was nothing she could do. That made her feel sorrow even if she only met Betsy for a while.

Act 2 - Temporary Alliance[]

Corbin's Cabin

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Oh...... !!

Sister Mary Eunice stood in front of that very same dead tree with shock, only shock. She was absolutely horrified, so horrified that her face immediately went pale due to the shock.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: It can't be...

Sister Mary Eunice then went forward before she felt that she was almost trampled by something.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: ?!

Sister Mary Eunice regained her balance and then she lowered her head, before she saw the corpse of a man. It was a mutilated corpse with several bleeding holes on it. Sister Mary Eunice widened her eyes and looked closer. Soon, she was close enough to clarify the identity of that rotten cadaver, despite the fume of decadence made her very uneasy.

- Sister Mary Eunice: That is Colin... but...


Sister Mary Eunice had identified that man as Colin Van Bilj's body, but she was shocked because of the wounds on Colin, not because Colin crawled to the place before he died. The wounds on Colin was far too serious. It could not be caused by a simple fall.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Is that the thing inside the tree killed him?

Sister Mary Eunice then took a ruby ring inside her pocket. During her previous confrontation of Colin, Sister Mary Eunice managed to chop off his right hand. Then, she took Colin's ring, believing it could have some use to solve more mysteries.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: That tree...

Sister Mary Eunice then looked at the tree once again. She widened her gaze with sheer horror when the last words of Colin had echoed in her mind. "The Queen is returning..."

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Then, now it all made sense...

- Sister Mary Eunice: It was Christine Van Bilj!

In shock and rage, Sister Mary Eunice started to bit her lips in anger and rage.


Scene from LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow Horsemen Saga - Colin & Christine

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All of a sudden, Sister Mary Eunice had a strange feeling... She was feeling that the dead tree she leaned made her feel chill on her spine.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: What is that...

Sister Mary Eunice immediately stood up and turned back in order to check the tree which made her very uneasy. The tree was seemly just a plain withered tree with dry branches, no leaves. However, when she narrowed her eyes and leaned forward, Sister Mary Eunice felt there was something very strange.

  • SoulsoftheForgotten-TF04-JP-VG
    Sister Mary Eunice: How could I feel a life in the tree? A sinister life?

Through the tree, Sister Mary Eunice saw through the trunk of the tree and then she saw purple mists as well as sparkling eyes and black, widened mouth with no teeth. Then, holding back her fear, she see through the demonic faces once again...

... before she saw a human shadow which seemed like a woman, standing straight, but she could not see the shadow's facial features. However, Sister Mary Eunice could felt that the shadow was still alive and was, for now, in dormant. She then looked closer before she finally see the face of the shadow. She was so shocked that she even stepped back in horror.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Impossible... That is...



Drowning inside her own guilt, Sister Mary Eunice clenched her fist in sadness and lowered her head.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: It is all my fault... I should have burn that tree down.

Just then, Sister Mary Eunice thought about something as her eyes immediately lit and and her gaze was widened.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: But now I must fix this!

Just at this time, a bright yellow light shone behind Sister Mary Eunice, catching her attention and she turned back, seeing Tweedledee and Tweedledum were there, looking at each other.

  • Tweedledee: I told you that you're gonna watch over her!
  • Tweedledum: No, you said that you are gonna watch over her!
  • Tweedledee: What? You... foolish, careless warthog!

Tweedledee and Tweedledum quarreled very bitterly and then they started to fight, much to Sister Mary Eunice's sheer dismay.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: What are you guys doing?

Tweedledee and Tweedledum immediately heard the words of Sister Mary Eunice before they suddenly stopped fighting and then stood up, smiling at her.

  • Tweedledee: Good question. Colin sent us back to our base, and soon after we told about the whereabouts of the flag of Betsy Ross, we got a bad news.
  • Tweedledum: Yeah, we got a really, really bad news. There is a woman who is trying to do harm upon us.
  • Tweedledee: Well, to avoid some misunderstanding, I must say we are not referring to a nun...

At this time, Sister Mary Eunice was getting more and more incensed. She immediately reacted in greater horror.

  • Tweedledee: ... whose brother is dead. That is all.

Tweedledee's words immediately made Sister Mary Eunice widened her eyes.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You mean that is Christine?
  • ???: Sister!

Suddenly, a horrid scream could be heard from behind, as Sister Mary Eunice turned back and saw that Dr. Jekyll appeared behind her, with an expression of horror.

  • Dr. Jekyll: Sister! Christine had opened several portals to the tainted Purgatory and other unearthly realms, right inside the Mirror World, and she planned to gather a group of evil demons and possessed citizens! It is war!

Alarmed, Sister Mary Eunice immediately lowered her head and saw the corpse of Colin. She then looked at the ring of Colin inside her hand. Just before she left the Van Bilj Mansion, Sister Mary Eunice took the ring off the hand of Colin that she had cut off.


Believing the ring, alongside the ruby pin of Caspar, would be the secrets towards the Team Witness' victory, Sister Mary Eunice held it tightly inside her hands and looked at Dr. Jekyll.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Dr. Jekyll, go to Baltimore with Ms. Emma Swan and find the flag! I will find Crane and others! Tweedledee, now, gather more people and we will all go towards the Mirror World.
  • Tweedledee: But Sister...

Hearing this, ​Tweedledee was worried about Sister Mary Eunice, and he tried to talked to her and make her not to do so. However, Dr. Jekyll held him back. Tweedledee turned back and looked at Dr. Jekyll.

  • Dr. Jekyll: Do as she said.

Hearing this, although being highly reluctant, still, Tweedledee nodded and immediately went away with Tweedledum and Dr. Jekyll, using teleportation. Even so, Tweedledee turned to Sister Mary Eunice, reminding her before he left.

  • W104Tweedledee
    Tweedledee: Be careful.

With distraught, Sister Mary Eunice watched as the three people disappeared. Then, she did not waste time and immediately summoned her golden wings. She planned to got to Van Bilj Mansions.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I must be hurry!

As Sister Mary Eunice was ready to go, she soon had her eyes widened up when she heard several laugh beside her.


Frightened, Sister Mary Eunice took a look at Colin's mangled body, and found it was still lying dead on the ground. Therefore, the laughs were from elsewhere.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Why are you hiding? I have no time to play with this!

As Sister Mary Eunice was talking, she suddenly had her eyes widened up when she saw several red-eyed warlocks, all wearing black cape and cloak, were walking towards her with malevolence in her eyes.

  • Furumidou.Shiun.full
    ???: I am not trying to hide, my friend... and yet I have never ever want to make you leave this place, either.

One of the warlocks spoke out in a deep and sinister male voice all of a sudden, as the cloaked person walked out. Sister Mary Eunice immediately looked at the cloaked figure with anger in her eyes.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You are... Ancitif.

The demon named Ancitif was one of the possessor demons who roamed Sleepy Hollow and tried to cause mayhem. He grinned as he stopped walking.

  • Ancitif: Ha, clever... Sister Mary Eunice, I will not let you reach Christine, since she was a great piece of puzzle in the Master's plan.

Hearing this, Sister Mary Eunice then tried to draw her holy sword... but suddenly, she felt strange. She looked at those hooded people and realized something went terribly wrong.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Who are they?
Blood moon by jim373-d4dcimx

After, hearing this, which made him amused, Ancitif cackled in sheer bitterness as he looked around.

  • Ancitif: You seemed that you were sensing something that was wrong. Very, very impressive. I tell you. They are the citizens you are trying to protect.

Hearing that, Sister Mary Eunice felt a hit inside her chest and she stepped back in great horror, widening her eyes and looked around.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You mean... the ashes...

Ancitif nodded as his eyes was glowing with malevolence.

  • Ancitif: That is right, Sister. Those ashes from the Blood Moon Witches, as well as the unholy spirits summoned by Serilda of Abaddon, had took over more and more people because of Christine's return! Now, she is gathering them to our new army to conquer the entire land!

Sister Mary Eunice's hand was shaking as she was holding her sword, and she did not drew it. She closed her eyes and sweated. Now, she could only hear Ancitif teasing her.

  • Ancitif: In fact, I did not want to make you suffer so soon. However, your companions want troubles from me even though I am avoiding myself from messing with you so rashly.


Scene from LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow Horseman Saga - Seamstress (Prologue)

The bar


Inside the bar, there were not many people, only some costumers, a few waiters and the keeper of the bar. Captain Hook and Dr. Jekyll were seated in a table not far away from the counters and paid for a bottle of whisky.

A waitress went towards them with a smiling face and accepted their pay as well as tips. She then went away. Hook then took a look at the man he was looking for, also the man the Tweedles were looking for - that mysterious man with purple suit. A bottle of holy water was inside Dr. Jekyll's pocket.


For now, Captain Hook and Dr. Jekyll were both agents from Hexenmeisters after the entire Fairy Tale Land were threatened by demonic forces. Places and lands like Arendelle, Oz, Neverland, Agrabah, Wonderland, the Land Without Color and Camelot all suffered from demonic attacks of different kinds. All the evidence shown that many of the demons were now gathering inside Sleepy Hollow summoned by Serilda of Abaddon, the deceased High Priestess of the Order of the Blood Moon.

  • Hook: (think) * Now, we are here to take them down one by one. *
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Then, Hook went concentrated on the mysterious man with purple suit while having a cup of whisky and a plate with a piece of cake on it. Dr. Jekyll grabbed the bottle with holy water out from his pocket and looked at Hook, who faintly shook his head. Then, Dr. Jekyll lowered his head before took the glance at the strange man. The man was standing up and walking towards the back door. When the man went out of the back door, Hook whispered to Dr. Jekyll.

  • Hook: Pull the car in back. We'll be right out.

Dr. Jekyll leaned forward to Hook with great distraught on his face.

  • 523ConjuresIt
    Dr. Jekyll: I really don' t know for sure if I make you to join this cause, Hook. Emma would have kill me if anything bad happens upon you.

Hearing this, Hook looked at Jekyll with a pair of eyes like some dead fish.

  • Hook: Here is our chance and please don't say those trash for now, all right?

With a large drop of sweat coming from his forehead, Dr. Jekyll shrugged his shoulders.

  • Dr. Jekyll: Very well.
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Holding the bottle of holy water in his hand, Dr. Jekyll stood up and walked towards the door. Suddenly, he felt that his arm was grabbed by someone behind him. He turned back his head to saw a man with a pair of eyes full of anger. Before Jekyll could react, the man pull Jekyll beside him and turned around, looking at him face to face.

  • Man: What do you think you're doing?

Several costumers of the bar went looking at the scene. Hook stood up with his eyes widened. Seeing this, Dr. Jekyll immediately explained to the man.

  • Dr. Jekyll: I'm just want to leave for a while.

The man, however, immediately grabbed the holy water bottle from Dr. Jekyll's hand and threw it away.

  • Man: No, I mean... what do you think you are doing here?

Suddenly, the man's eye pupils immediately turned unnaturally red, and it frightened Jekyll and Hook - It was a sign of demonic possession. Jekyll stepped back two paces and was now close to where Hook was standing. Both of them looked at the "man" as he angrily shouted out...

- Ancitif: I don't like to see any Hexenmeister in my bar!


Jekyll and Hook were shocked to hear the man's voice became deeper and his eyes changed into white. He stepped back several paces and looked at the man.

  • Dr. Jekyll: Ancitif?

Just then, the people in the restaurant all stood up with their eyes red. Waiters, customers, clerks, chefs... they all gathered towards Jekyll and Hook. It was clear that they were all possessed by lesser demons. Hook and Dr. Jekyll were now surrounded.

Emperor Mateus 23

Then, to make things worse, that mysterious blond man whom Jekyll and Hook (as well as the Tweedles) were coming after also came back from the back door. He then started to change in a purple aura... before turning into someone else with a strange exotic outfit.

  • ???: My poor friends, you really came into the wrong place today...
  • Dr. Jekyll: Mateus?
Dissidia Mateus

Without warning, Emperor Mateus suddenly grabbed Dr. Jekyll's neck and lifted him above the air. Some possessed people had seal the front door so that no one would get out of the place.

  • Emperor Mateus: Tell me, you poor wretch from the Hexenmeister Community... Why are you here? We are here looking for the flag of Betsy Ross. You must tell me where it is!

​Jekyll glared at Mateus. Then, they heard the sealed front door were knocked fiercely. It was Sister Mary Eunice, alongside Tweedledee and Tweedledum. They were knocking the bar door sealed by the dark magic.

  • Jekyll: I thought you and Moloch's demonic army shall never work together...
  • Emperor Mateus: You are wrong. I was stuck inside such a human vessel and I could barely use my full power, and so I need to work with him to bring the apocalypse so that I would reconstruct my Empire on Earth and regain my ancestor's grandeur.

​Then, Mateus let Jekyll free, and the latter merely fell on the ground and trembled in pain.

  • Emperor Mateus: Despite all of this, however, I would still like to snap your neck with ease, Dr. Jekyll. Even so, I will allow others to have a chance. Do you see them?

Mateus then grabbed the hair of Dr. Jekyll. Hook tried to stop him, but a strong-build man dressed up as a waiter had held him back.

  • The imperial invasion
    Emperor Mateus: Some of those "people" were true demons in their vessels, but some were lost souls of the dead servants... who served Christine Van Bilj.

​The people possessed by evil spirits all burst into laughter, and Ancitif smiled wickedly to a shocked Hook.

  • Ancitif: Yes, they are. They are her "worker bees" if you like. Now, they were summoned by Serilda of Abaddon from Hell yesterday - before her destruction, of course - and they are loyal to Christine and Master Moloch only. They are waiting for their queen's orders, Jekyll and Hook. You will soon find out my men are now... everywhere.

Hook glared at Ancitif with sheer rage.

  • Hook: So Serilda is the biblical Apollyon to Moloch's Satan. I can see that now. She brought such a legion of yours in front of us.

Hook then tried to sprinkle his bottle of holy water when a lesser demon grabbed the bottle from his hand before he could react. Then, with a mocking face, the demon put a bottle of poison on the hand of Hook. A caution mark of skeleton with crossbones was marked on the bottle.

  • GHS-pictogram-skull
    Hook: W-what is the meaning of this?

Ancitif started to grin wickedly and his words shocked Hook.

  • Ancitif: You want a bottle? Now, here is your bottle. Open it and let your friend to drink it.
  • Hook: What?

Hook was stunned in horror. The demons around him were laughing with sheer malice. Ancitif became more impatient, however.

  • Ancitif: This poison will not kill someone who takes it, at least not instantly. It will slowly driving you insane, splitting your mind in half, before you went half-crazed...

Hook was even more shock, and Ancitif became more incensed.

  • Ancitif: Fine, you left me no choice!

Ancitif then grabbed the bottle in Hook's hand and opened its lit. With a menacing look, Ancitif then walked towards Dr. Jekyll and plunged the liquid down his throat. The eyes of Dr. Hyde widened as Hook yelled in agony and the demons were laughing.

Dr. Jekyll's eyes soon closed and start trembling while still standing on the ground. Suddenly, there was a crash on the front door. A car rushed into the bar itself, and its door was opened. Sister Mary Eunice and Tweedledum went out of the car and start to attack the demons.

  • Tweedledum: Get off my friends!

​Tweedledum sprayed his own bottle of holy water on the demons, and the demons were all scorched and terrified by its power. Changing into her angelic form, Sister Mary Eunice rushed towards a dying Jekyll and held him before he collapsed on the ground. Hook was beside Dr. Jekyll.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: What is happening?
  • Hook: He is poisoned.

​Sister Mary Eunice checked Hyde's pulse before helped him to get up.

  • Sariel.full
    Sister Mary Eunice:
    He is still alive. Help me out.

​Hook then helped Sister Mary Eunice to carry Dr. Jekyll into the trunk and closed its lit. Then, Sister Mary Eunice summoned a magic staff in front of her, and the purple light it released had repelled Mateus and Ancitif who tried to attack her. With a yell, both Mateus and Ancitif were hit 5 meters away.

Returning back to her nun form and hiding the staff, Sister Mary Eunice immediately went back into the car with Hook and Tweedledum.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: NOW, GO!

Tweedledee drove the car backward from the bar before slamming his foot on the accelerator. Then, Tweedledee drove away from the bar as far as he could, finally making everyone out of danger.


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Shocked and enraged, Sister Mary Eunice clenched her fist in anger when she thought about what Dr. Jekyll and Captain Hook had suffered after hearing Ancitif's words. She could not stand anyone who dared to mock her over the suffering of her friends.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Shut up.

Ancitif shrugged his shoulders while he deviously cackled.

  • Ancitif: What did you say? It is too windy here. I can't hear it clearly.
  • Pixiv.Id.2802741.full
    Sister Mary Eunice: I WANT YOU TO SHUT UP!

Fueled with rage, Sister Mary Eunice tried to get closer to Ancitif, but Ancitif only showed his blade. Then, he almost immediately grabbed the collar of a possessed female citizen and held her in his knife point.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You vile creature...

Sister Mary Eunice stopped and looked at Ancitif taking a hostage at his knife point. Ancitif's wicked grin was utterly disgusting, but it was nothing scary compared to the cold and vacant look on the face of that hostage.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: !!

Sister Mary Eunice widened her eyes in shock when she noticed that hostage was indifferent, even if the latter was held at the knife point and her life was at stake. Noticing this, Ancitif chuckled deviously before he continued.

  • Ancitif: You seemed to understand that, Sister. This possessed citizen had her own emotion erased after being possessed. After the ash of the witches took the control inside her body, all it remained inside her was the zealous fervent towards Lord Moloch and his loyal followers like me. I can even order her to mutilate her finger and eat it instantly. She won't feel any pain at all.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum were both enraged and they watched at that possessed woman in horror.

  • Tweedledee: You can't do this!

Ancitif only grinned maliciously. Ancitif was among one of the most sadistic and most prolifically murderous demons that served Moloch, and so he never cared about the life of those citizens possessed by witches.

  • Ancitif: Ha, if you think I need to stop, I will stop, but at first... why not following my own instructions? Take me to Baltimore, while hand me the pin of Caspar and the ring of Colin... right now!
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At this time, a shadowy human figure snuck itself behind the bushes and overlooked at the entire scene. It was none other than Pandora, who had just arrived at the scene. Mr. Gold was beside her.

  • Pandora: ......

Hearing Ancitif's words, Sister Mary Eunice was shocked and looked at the ruby pin and ring inside her pocket, before she looked at Ancitif once again.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: If giving them in the hands of people like you will benefit you... then I refuse!

Ancitif heard this and shook his head with a devious smile. He then looked at the woman he was held captive. The emotionless face of that woman made Sister Mary Eunice chill in her spines.

  • Ancitif: As I thought, humans are not negotiable.

As Ancitif was trying to slit the throat of the woman, the knife suddenly flew away from his hand, despite he was holding it tightly between his fingers.

  • Ancitif: Hmm!?

Ancitif was surprised before he turned back, and in shock, he saw some possessed citizens were beaten by Mr. Gold's staff, while some others were fighting with Pandora.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Why is she here?

At this time, Sister Mary Eunice saw Pandora, and she was shocked of it as well. However, she immediately seized the chance and attacked Ancitif. Ancitif was briefly distracted, and he was beaten on the ground after being heavily punched in his face.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Ha...

However, one second later, Sister Mary Eunice then felt a scratch on her neck and she turned back to see that woman who was taken hostage was attacking her with a pale, taloned hand.

The Old Witch

Sister Mary Eunice was horrified when she saw the face of that woman. The woman's hood had fell and her face was revealed, revealing a twisted and mangled face of a hag beneath that hood. It was very certain that she did not look like that before she was possessed.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: This is horrible... but I can't harm these innocent citizens!

However, as she was struggling, she felt that her spiritual body was almost being pierced by the woman's nail, with golden blood flowing from her neck. It was clear that the possessed citizen was using evil witchcraft that could harm a holy spirit and injured it.

Seeing this, the Tweedle Brothers soon came to rescue to attack that witch, but they were trapped by other citizens possessed by witches.

  • -美国恐怖故事--第二季-第1-00 29 21--20170718-165621-0-
    Sister Mary Eunice: Tweedledee! Tweedledum!

Struggling fiercely, Sister Mary Eunice then realized that she could not have an alternative choice other than performing exorcism on the woman... despite all its risks.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I am sorry...

Sister Mary Eunice then turned into her angelic form and released a certain amount of silver light that caused many witches to fall. Pandora was startled as well before she turned back and looked at the glowing nun.


Sister Mary Eunice immediately cast her spell of exorcism towards the possessed woman as well as other citizens. Despite her wounds, Sister Mary Eunice still struggled herself to perform exorcism.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: (think) * If there is no sunlight in such a white out, then I shall bring the light by myself! *

Ancitif was shocked as well and he immediately stepped back, leaving Mr. Gold alone. At that point, Mr. Gold was ambushed and was almost slayed by Ancitif.

  • 310Pandora
    Ancitif: Ugh! This isn't over!

Ancitif tried to struggle in the light and exorcism spell. At this moment, Pandora took out a sun-glass before covering her eyes with it. She then saw Ancitif before she immediately went towards him, took out a bottle of salt and sprinkled some on his body.

  • Pandora: Taste this!

Ancitif yelled in horror and fright as his body was covered with some salt, but before he was cast back into the Hell, Ancitif left the body of his host and soon escaped almost immediately.

  • -美国恐怖故事--第二季-第1-00 30 20--20170718-171113-1-
    Ancitif: THIS IS NOT OVER!

Sister Mary Eunice struggled herself to get through the possessed citizens and tried to brush the ashes off their body, but some of them passed out and many more of them escaped with Ancitif, sinking into the ground like a mole.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: No, my power...

Sister Mary Eunice had never done such a thing before, and she immediately fell on the ground, returning back into her nun form. Soon, it returned back to silence. There were only Mr. Gold, Pandora and the Tweedle Brothers were left standing, while Sister Mary Eunice was lying on the ground, slowing having her wounds healed and her power recovered. Some of the possessed citizens were lying on the ground, not sure if they were all still alive.

  • -美国恐怖故事--第二季-第8-00 31 08--20170309-131131-2-
    Pandora: Hmm...

Pandora then checked the pulse of the lying citizens as Sister Mary Eunice struggled herself to stand up.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: How were they?

Pandora sighed helplessly as she turned to Sister Mary Eunice.

  • Pandora: Three of those citizens are dead. The rest may have memory loss or suffering from the trauma, maybe for a lifetime.

Sister Mary Eunice clenched her fist while sweating. She was feeling guilty for not saving everyone from the devil's grasp in that mass exorcism. However, it was not the time for this. She looked at Pandora immediately.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You helped me again... Why?

​Sister Mary Eunice's Flashback[]

Scene from LOTM: Crossover - The Corbin Files - Chapitre Dix

-美国恐怖故事--第二季-第1-00 29 21--20170718-165621-0-

Katarina's eyes widened when she realized who the woman is. She turned to Sister Mary Eunice.

  • Katarina: Sister, she is the woman who gave me the real Spear of Virtue. What is more, this woman had just saved me from the bleeding after Michael stabbed me.

Surprised, Sister Mary Eunice looked at Katarina before she looked at Pandora. Pandora had already cured Katarina's injury once again, and Katarina stood up with full spirit once again.

  • 318Pandora
    Sister Mary Eunice: Indeed?

​Pandora looked at Sister Mary Eunice with calmness in her eyes.

  • Pandora: Sister, I came here by no harm.
  • Sister Mary Eunice: How can I trust you? Katarina may see you like a savior who walks on the water, but you can never fool me. You are Pandora, don't you?

The name Pandora had made the whole team Witness feel surprised. They all took a look at Pandora and Mr. Gold with shock.

  • Tumblr nnlfttYQQq1uuqo27o1 1280
    Sister Mary Eunice: Not exactly the Greek Pandora, but you are still as dangerous and seductive as her. You are no saint. If you dare to harm Katarina and her friends in any way... UGRH!

​Just then, Sister Mary Eunice felt pain in her stomach and then, to everyone's horror, her spiritual body was bleeding. With horror, Katarina then noticed the belly of Sister Mary Eunice had a long cut by sword. Blood start pouring down.

  • Rentaro, Sonia, Asuha & La Folia: SISTER!

Nearly all of the Team Witness had ran towards Sister Mary Eunice, just as the nun collapsed on the ground, coughing blood and cried with tears on her eyes.

  • -00 38 30--20161230-231136-0-
    Sister Mary Eunice: Curse that Michael... He had weapons that could harm spiritual individuals... It is getting more serious...
  • La Folia: Oh, my... What will happen if a heavenly spirit bled too much?

In a weak and crying voice, Sister Mary Eunice said a shocking thing that shocked her friends.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: They will... be condemned... to Hell... or becoming nothingness...
  • Katarina: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Screaming, ​Katarina hugged Sister Mary Eunice and cried very hard. Sister Mary Eunice and many others, even Sonia, had tears in their eyes, too. For the very first time, Katarina saw fear in Sister Mary Eunice's once stoic eyes.

Pandora, however, just stood by and watch.

  • 39739-Gif-Anime-Edit-Manga-Cry-Tears-Sukitte-Ii-Na-Yo-Tachibana-Mei-Poor-Mei-...
    Sister Mary Eunice: I am sorry, *cough* Katarina, that I cannot... see Michael's true nature... I am such a fool. I suspected him once but since I saw you and him are seemly friends...
  • Katarina: He is not my friend. Not anymore. He is deceitful and fooled all of us. Please, Sister, please don't leave us...

​Katarina cried in sheer sadness and horror. This was as sad as the feeling when she lost Eugen forever.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I am sorry, but there is no way back... Perhaps my soul... is destined to be a belonging of the Devil... or worse. Goodbye, Katarina. I only want to see your smile... before I leave...

Feeling sadness and hatred towards Michael, Katarina bit her lips before she saw Pandora. She then immediately stood up ran to Pandora, much to the latter's shock.

However, to Pandora's and anyone else's surprise, Katarina knelt in front of her and begged her. 

  • Katarina: No, please, do something! PANDORA! Is this your name? No matter who you are, please help her! I beg you! I believe you can cure a spirit! PLEASE! SHE IS OUR FRIEND! We need her!
  • 310Pandora
    Mr. Gold: She is right, Pandora! You once said you have the power to cure a fragile soul, did you not?

At first, Pandora stood stone cold still since she only works for her master to help Katarina, not the Team Witness itself. Seeing​ Katarina's attitude, however, even a woman like Pandora was deeply moved.

  • Pandora: I am not always that reliable... but I will see what I can do.

Pandora then raised her hands. Sister Mary Eunice could not speak at the moment, only looked at Pandora weakly. With her eyes closed, Pandora then spoke a spell and then something unbelievable happened. Sister Mary Eunice's wound had glowed in golden light before healing itself. The bleeding stopped, but Sister Mary Eunice was still weak and pale.

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Seeing Pandora healed the nun, Katarina, La Folia and others were all surprised by this.

  • Pandora: She is fine, and she left the grasp of Hell. She just need few hours' rest.

While speaking this, Pandora went to cure Kyouko's wound while Katarina hugged Sister Mary Eunice with tears in her eyes. Sister Mary Eunice looked at Katarina and it took a while before she regained her consciousness.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Katarina?
  • Katarina: Thank God... Sister, you are back...

​Katarina was so excited that she hugged Sister Mary Eunice deeply. She had successfully pull her from the Hell Lords' grip.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You saved me?

Katarina was like...

  • Katarina: Uh, sort of... but I made Pandora save you.

Sister Mary Eunice then looked at Pandora, but her eyes still filled with anger, to Katarina's confusion.

  • Kirigiri.Kyouko.full
    Sister Mary Eunice: You saved my life, and I am grateful for this. I am also grateful that you did not harm Kat and her friends, but I will not see you fall within your deluded mind.

To this point, ​Katarina was really confused.

  • Katarina: Why do you still hate her?
  • Sister Mary Eunice: I am not hating her. I am hating her master who nearly plunged humanity into a dystopia like Illuminati!

Everyone soon turned to Pandora who merely turned back. Despite her worrying face, Katarina was relaxed when she looked at Sister Mary Eunice who assured her to make everything fine.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I will explain you on the way. We need to leave here. If she had anything troubling you guys, I will tell you.
  • Kyouko: Okay, everyone, please follow me.

Then, everyone followed behind Pandora and Mr. Gold, as Kyouko with the map was walking in front of all of them. Katarina helped Sister Mary Eunice to walk. Sister Mary Eunice told her story to Katarina, La Folia, Poison Ivy and Sonia beside her, and everyone could hear it. Pandora did not interrupted the story.

  • HiddenOne
    Sister Mary Eunice:
     (narrator)  Many years ago, there was a battle between some deities, and the deities' enemy was named Etu Ilu, better known as the Hidden One - a hot-tempered Sumerian deity who tried to enslave humanity, but he failed. The gods chained him within a place known as the Catacombs and no one knows where it is. The Hidden One needed power, so he needed to find an agent, so his sealed soul had appeared in a dream of a poor girl whose real name had already lost in history.


  • 313Promo8
    Sister Mary Eunice:
    (narrator) Maybe only she knew or she had already forgot as well. She had a sad story, since she was about to be sold by her abusive father to be a slave, but the Hidden One summoned her into the Catacombs and seduced her before used a magic spell to feed the abusive father of her to a lion. The girl sworn loyalty to him and fell in love with him. She will do anything he wanted her to do as her gratitude. The Hidden One gave her a magical box that was said to contain everything Made of Evil in the world. She became his most loyal minion before banishing her real name. She renamed herself after a figure in Greek mythology which is...

Then, Katarina, Sister Mary Eunice and their comrades-in-arms all said one name.

- Team Witness: Pandora.

Everyone, even including Kyouko who was leading them out of the maze, were looking at Pandora, as if they were asking that if they were telling the truth. Pandora nodded in satisfaction.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Is this story accurate enough to your life story, Pandora?
  • Pandora: (sarcastically) Indeed, 100% accurate.

​Sister Mary Eunice, however, shook her head.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: No, the only thing that is NOT accurate is that the Hidden One... never loved you.
I-Love U1

​Pandora shook her heads, and Sister Mary Eunice expected this. She believed that Pandora still lived in her false lies.

  • Pandora: He WILL love me as soon as I help him to wipe out Moloch, before we live in a world filled with peace and without war. Everyone will be happy for eternity.
  • Rentaro: Then, you sounded like trying to make yourself as a hero, but you are serving an tyrant... who on Earth are you, exactly?
Rentaro (Pre Release)

Annoyed by her ambiguous motive, Rentaro questioned Pandora. However, she only gave him a cold answer.

  • Pandora: Even I don't know who I am... You can see me as a friend, an enemy or just a nobody. My master is not a tyrant at all, Sister. Besides, I am only a servant to my master, and it was my duty to stop Moloch and raise my master's glory. He saved and raised me when I was about to be sold by my father as a slave. Then, I became his wife and eventually vowed my loyalty to him. I know that he was suggesting me to get closer to Moloch so that we can get rid of him. Then, we will help humanity to rebuild their order.
Sonia nevermind danganronpa and super danganronpa 2 drawn by sakuyu 31ca02b58bb8a481b7f83ac4a3729692

At first, Rentaro, Kyouko, La Folia and Sonia all felt suspicious on Pandora's motives, but hearing Pandora's words had made them surprised. Even so, even Pandora herself does not know the Hidden One's nasty nature, not to mention the Team Witness who had not met him at all.

  • Sonia: You are such a strange person.

Sonia crossed her fingers and looked at Pandora, who simply nodded with zero anger. She was not angry at all. Just as this time, the people went out of the Munition Tunnel.

  • Pandora: Indeed I am, Sonia Nevermind.

Looking up, Sonia looked at Pandora with surprise in her eyes.

  • Sonia: How do you know my name?
  • Pandora: I can know many things, though I am not omniscient but that was not the point. I assure you that Moloch himself is far worse than the Hidden One. The Hidden One indeed loves me or he would never have saved me from that pit, and he is just unaware that what is real love.

Pandora then turned her sight from Sonia to Katarina before giving her a formal warning.

  • Pandora: Moloch, however, is completely loveless... and lack of empathy. Katarina, your enemy wants to bring Moloch's rule back to your era, and you must stop him before he did. The First Tribulation now starts after a hiatus for 232 years, and now...




- Pandora: ... It costed your good sheriff's life...


Everyone went silent and the whole team stopped...

August Corbin... is dead...



Pandora immediately showed an aloof expression as she always showed in front of others.

  • Pandora: I and you, Sister, is now in a temporary alliance, since we know the real threats coming from.

Pandora then took a look at the hollowed dead tree and laid her eye on the corpse of Colin.

  • Pandora: Yes, Christine Van Bilj is back. Yes, she committed fratricide as a punishment on her brother. Yes, she is now putting the lives of the Witnesses in danger.

​Sister Mary Eunice looked at Colin's corpse and closed her eyes.

  • Pandora: What she did should not be my business, but I am here to help you. I don't want your gratitude. I only want your attitude. I am here to save the world.

​Sister Mary Eunice still looked at Pandora with doubt, and Pandora shrugged her shoulders.

  • Pandora: I even called that Elsa the Snow Queen to the Mirror World for a temporarily help. Therefore, are you in or out?

Tweedledee and Tweedledum both were surprised, but when they took a look at Mr. Gold, who was smiling, they soon went quiet.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Pandora...

Sister Mary Eunice stepped ahead and looked towards Pandora in her eyes.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I appreciate your help, but seriously, I do not know what you were planning with your husband, but I am here to tell you that I am not afraid of him, much less of you.

Sister Mary Eunice paused a bit and narrowed her eyes with a serious expression.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: The Witnesses are in danger now. We must go to Baltimore to get the flag right away, before we stop Christine and get that accursed bracelet of her, stopping her devious curse. Otherwise, if you are trying to do something bad that would harm my crew, then your visit shall be the most unwelcome.

Still with no emotions on her face, Pandora merely nodded in satisfaction.

  • Pandora: I do not care if you trust me or not. All I want to do is to bring Moloch's evil plan to an end.

Sister Mary Eunice heard this and fell in thoughts, but she did not hesitate.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Very well, and welcome to our team... even it is a temporarily partnership.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum were both shocked by Sister Mary Eunice's words.

  • Tweedledee: Eh? She agreed that easy?

Tweedledum even performed a big face faux.

  • Tweedledum: That was unexpected!!!

Mr. Gold, however, chuckled in satisfaction. Sister Mary Eunice then looked up with a smile full of sheer confidence before she drew her blade.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Now, new mission: Find the flag and destroy Christine with its holy power!

Sister Mary Eunice then looked at the dead corpses on the ground, the corpses that were once innocent citizens. Her mind was now fueled with wrath.

- Sister Mary Eunice: I will let that monster pay!

Act 3 - Betsy's Tears[]

Under Van Bilj Mansion

5 minutes ago


After some struggling against the monster, Betsy had no time or power to fight against the demonic monster that was attacking her. At this time, Christine had separated Abbie, Ichabod and Betsy in three different cells and then set up a chain of savage "game" for each of them to play, in order to fuel her own sick amusement. Christine thought Abbie was Betsy's friend, and so she tortured Betsy and Abbie to look at the entire sequence, in order to make Abbie feel pain.

  • Hungary.full
    Christine: Ha, after Ichabod Crane was awakened from his coma, I will make... what you people from the 21st century called "video tape" that recorded the entire "session", and I will present Crane what one of his best comrades had suffered and tormented.

Christine smiled maliciously and looked at Abbie before stretching her slender arms.

  • Christine: Aw, the whole world is now changing, and so should my methods.

Abbie, at this time, was both horrified and desperate, not wanting to see the sadistic scene anymore. At this time, Betsy had broke her arms while struggling against the demons.

  • Hungary.full
    Abbie: Please, Christine, I will do whatever you ask, but please at first, make it stop!

Christine turned back to see Abbie, and she licked her lips as if she was enjoying all of those sick tortures.

  • Christine: Hmm, do you want to know what I feel after looking at your cowardly desperation and your futile struggling? I feel nothing but excitement. Therefore, how can I make it stop? I never feel such a excitement in the last 300 years.
  • Abbie: You...

​Christine then performed a cruel smile.

  • Christine: I feel my blood pumping when looking at all this majestic scene, so that I can finally spit on the graves of your so-called Founding Fathers, on the authority, on your democracy!

​Abbie could not bear it anymore.


Christine then looked at the place where Betsy was severely beaten, ignoring Abbie's objection and cursing.

  • Christine: Let her go? Hmm, I will, perhaps after I'm tired of it.

As Abbie looked at Christine with fueled anger, Christine made a finger snap, and then the demonic beast stopped attacking Betsy. It immediately went back into its room, leaving Betsy injured and humiliated on the ground.

  • Christine: However, you do have a point, Ms. Mills. I will keep her alive for now, and then there will be more fun to watch. Enjoy your final days inside this cell, Ms. Mills.

While laughing, Christine left from the cell and close the door. Abbie looked at Christine with hatred in her eyes.

  • Abbie: (think) * This woman is even more sick and insane than her brother! *

She then looked at Betsy on the screen and lowered her head with guilt.

Christine's Room

5 minutes later


Inside Christine's room, Christine stood in front of Moloch, who was looking at her through the mirror. Christine then smiled maliciously.

  • Christine: Master, I have captured the Witnesses and sent the Hexenmeisters a warning. With my help, your power will soon reign over the entire globe.

Christine then smiled maliciously as she closed her eyes.

  • Christine: As for Colin, who failed your orders, I have destroyed him on your behalf--

Before Christine could finish, she suddenly stopped smiling as if there was some kind of demonic and horrendous power that stopped her from doing so. Her smile faded when she saw Moloch's menacing eyes.

  • Moloch: [Who told you to kill Colin?]

Christine bit her lips as she started to regain her composure.

  • Christine: Master, Colin disgraced my name, and he also failed to kill the Witnesses. Isn't your orders to execute everyone that betrayed and/or failed you?

Christine blinked calmly while facing Moloch. In sheer menace, Moloch scoffed.

  • Moloch2ndForm
    Moloch: [It is up to me to execute them, not you! If you did not capture the Witnesses and torture Betsy Ross, I will consider you as a traitor! How dare you not follow my orders? You will face the same fate of Lady Van Tassel, staying inside Purgatory for all eternity with no freedom at all!]

Christine widened her eyes in shock and soon, she bit her lips.

  • Christine: Master, I can assure you that I have never ever trying to betray you. If I did, I will admit it and face your punishment with no fear.

Moloch then narrowed his eyes and continued to talk in his deep and dark voice.

  • Moloch: [Now, those troublesome companions of the Two Witnesses is trying to rescue them. Stop them unless you want to be executed!]

Christine put her hand on her heart and bowed in front of Moloch.

  • Christine: I understand, Master.

Christine watched as Moloch disappeared. She turned back and smiled. She had a lot of work to do...

  • Christine: Now, I won't feel alone or boring anymore.


Betsy Ross' cell


Betsy struggled herself as she tried to regain herself consciousness, bit by bit. She was out of frying pan and start getting herself into the fire. She tried to laugh at herself, but she could only feel pain.

  • Betsy: At least... there is someone who is sharing my pain... even if I do not know her. This is such a surprise.

Abbie, at this time, was watching Betsy struggling with shock and sadness. Betsy could not get up, and she looked at Abbie with a sarcastic smile.

  • 【mjt100
    Betsy: Why did Christine wanted to make you to watch my torture, not Crane? It is a lucky thing for Crane, indeed, but looking at a stranger to sympathize me... What kind of spy and warrior am I?

Abbie sighed and she turned her head. She tried to hold back her sad feelings. She could not even cried at this very moment to release her sadness.

  • Abbie: [Betsy, this year is not 1800. It is 2013.]

Betsy sighed in a sad smile. Then, she shook her head and looked at Abbie.

  • Abbie asking Jenny for help
    Betsy: It is seemed that the world has rapidly and drastically changed... Tell me, Ms. Mills, why Ichabod Crane care for you? I just want to know the reason.

Betsy looked at Abbie, as the latter sighed. Abbie was handcuffed at this moment, and she felt weak that she could not reach Betsy right in time.

  • Abbie: [My life had changed as well... I went into the darkness until someone helped me to get out of it. I encountered something that was so hard to believe. Then I met Crane.]
  • 【mjt100
    Betsy: Tell me more details, please, Ms. Mills. Don't be afraid.

Abbie sighed and then she told all of her experiences, including when she and her sister, Jenny, met a demon in the woods. She also mentioned many people that helped her through pain and joy, including Corbin, Katarina Couteau and many more.

Abbie detailed every part of it, and Betsy acted like a well listener, who concentrated herself into listening to the whole backstory. She was feeling amazed to hear Abbie's story. Abbie's story ends when she mentioned that both her and Ichabod were the reincarnations of Two Biblical Witnesses.

  • Sleepy-Hollow-Katrina-
    Betsy: So you and Crane both have the same destiny, Ms. Mills. No wonder why Katrina always mentioned you in Purgatory.
  • Abbie: [You mean Crane's wife?]
  • Betsy: I and Katrina are best friends, too.

Betsy nodded with a smile, despite her injuries.

  • Betsy: Promise me, Ms. Abigail Mills. You will protect Ichabod Crane with all you had, even including your own life. If you failed to protect him from all those supernatural monsters, I will coming back for you!

Abbie smiled as well and then she nodded.

  • Abbie: [Cross my heart. If I get you out, I will introduce you to many of my friends. They will be glad to see you!]

Betsy smiled as well, this time for real, but suddenly...

- Christine: Hahahahaha!!! Ladies, sorry to interrupt your conversation, but what your little emotion as well as your oath only make me want to puke!


Abbie and Betsy were both alarmed and stopped their own conversation. Betsy turned to the door with horror as he saw Christine standing right at her cell door. She seemed to bring some more... things... to give her final blow on Betsy.

  • Christine: Now, let us see... What a coincidence, A, B and C, all here and lined up, but now I shall choose the middle letter to torture.

Christine's pun was clearly referring to the names of her prisoners and herself. She then walked towards whom she referred as "B" - Betsy Ross.

  • Abbie: [Christine! I beg you! Stop torturing her! She had it enough!]

Abbie begged Christine desperately as she tied the injured Betsy on the beam and prepared a dagger. Christine heard the screaming of Abbie, and she turned back to Abbie with a malevolent smile. 

  • Christine: Why this hurry? Soon, it will be your turn, Ms. Abigail Mills.

Christine then licked her lips and looked at her tied-up prey with a malicious and more serious look. Her eyes were now fueled in anger.

  • Christine: You crushed my plan in Trenton, and I always hate you for it. Now, I can finally have my own revenge upon you, Elizabeth Ross!
  • Abbie: [What are you trying to do to her?]
    Christine: You think?

With no hesitation, Christine sliced down the wrist of Betsy and make Abbie to watch.

  • Christine: Why did you force me to do so?

Christine the repeatedly stabbed the thigh of Betsy, with tears in her eyes.

  • Christine: Do you know how many times I tried hard to get the trust and honor from my own superior? But my father stole my name! Yes, I am sick, but you must see the reason behind this!

Christine then took out a syringe with green liquid inside it.

  • Hungary.full
    I had it enough. All those lies, those deceptions... it's all going to end.
  • Abbie: [MAKE IT STOP!!!]

Christine then plucked the syringe in the arm of Betsy as Abbie watched with sheer horror. As Christine started to fill the liquid into Betsy's arm, Betsy struggled in horror. She had grown a new hand from her disabled wrist, but her body started to change. Her skin turned more sallow in color, and yellow and black stripes started to flow on her body.

  • Christine: Scream in pain, Washington's loyal dog!

Betsy could not hold back her pain and screamed in horror. Christine laughed like a total maniac, and Abbie could only watch in despair.

  • Christine: So beautiful, right? Ms. Mills, I like stripes and cracks like this. She looks much better, if I must say.
  • Abbie: [What have you done to her? What did you give to her?]

Christine turned to Abbie with a smile...

  • The Blood Magic
     What did I give to her? I thought you won't be a stranger to magic potion... combined with my own blood... which will turn a human into a monster.

Abbie's heart was struck with shock and horror, and she finally vomited and broke down in despair.

  • Abbie: [You are the real monster! You dared to harm her in that way? You will pay for what you have done!]

Christine turned back to Abbie with her face twisted. Her expression turned more serious and malicious.

  • Christine: Do not worry, Lt. Mills. You just stay and watch her to transform slowly. I will deal with more of your friends that was looking for the flag this woman sewed.

Abbie was shocked and enraged and she bit her lips as Christine continued in a more menacing and angry face.

  • Christine: You have so many friends, including a nun... and I have none, not even a beggar! I envy you. I hate you! I will slaughter them all with my own hands!

Abbie realized who Christine was exactly referred to. Christine was acting apparently normal, but Abbie felt that Christine clearly lost her mind.

Then, Abbie looked at Christine with no fear.

  • Hungary.full
    Abbie: [Christine, I tell you. If the nun you was referring is "her", then I shall inform you one thing...]

- Abbie: [... You will lose!]

Christine, however, laughed insanely, much to Abbie's confusion.

  • Abbie: [Why are you laughing?]

Christine stopped laughing and glared at Abbie with menace.

  • Christine: Why? Well... I feel interested in your words. If that is true, then I will see what she is capable of! Now, I will deal her in my own way before I go back to Sleepy Hollow, the town where I belong.

Then, Christine took a peak at the dying Betsy.

  • Christine: Until then, you will see Betsy transform and tear Ichabod apart! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Christine laughed madly before she left, without noticing that the stripes on Betsy's body was slowly fading, hinting she was still struggling...

Act 4 - For the Flag[]

  • 【mjt100
    Abbie: [Betsy! How was your condition?]

​Abbie saw this and felt that her hope returned once again. She looked up with a sad smile.

  • Betsy: It was okay... it seemed that situation is better for now...

Then, Betsy struggled herself and crawled to Abbie.

  • Betsy: Ms. Mills... You have your own friends... but all my friends had left me... I feel lonely.

Abbie shook her head and sighed.

  • Abbie: [You are never alone. Ichabod said that you are one of the most respected person in his mind. He never forgot about you. He only feel that it will be hard for you to blend in the modern society... like him.]

Betsy went silent as Abbie continued to say encouraging words even she herself could not expected.

  • Betsy: Ms. Mills...
  • Abbie: [Join us, Betsy. We are in a same team. We can help you to fight against those enemies. We will take good care of you! Therefore, never lose hope.]

Abbie then looked aside with a sigh.

  • Abbie: [I am so far down the rabbit hole here. I ne... never thought I'd say this, not in a million years, but I just want to go back to the way it was before.]
  • Betsy: I'm afraid none of us can... but I do take comfort knowing that this strange road we find ourselves on... can only be traveled together.

​As she was continuing, however, Betsy suddenly feel pain inside her heart. It was the poison once again! It also reacted much more violent than before.

  • Abbie: [Betsy! What happened?]

Betsy could not answer the words of Abbie anymore. She could only screamed alone when she stood up, enduring harsh pains that no one can ever imagined. Abbie felt pain inside her mind as well seeing Betsy tormented.

  • Abbie: [Betsy! Can you hear me!?]

Betsy then pulled the chain that strained her as stripes surfaced on her face once again, as her arms suddenly became useful once again. Betsy's face turned more menacing and horrendous as she broke the chain and rushed out of her cell, breaking the door with an inhumane strength...


Christine's Room


Meanwhile, inside her room with a twisted grin, Christine watched everything inside her mirror.

  • Christine: Such a stoic cockroach. I will see what you are capable of!

Christine continued to watch as Betsy rushed to Ichabod's cell and broke him free before she left. Ichabod stood there in confusion, looking at Betsy running towards the cell of Abbie.

Abbie was then broke free by Betsy as she turned to her.

  • Abbie: Well done, Betsy! Now, let us search for the cure!
  • Betsy: ......

Betsy, however, failed to answer, much to Abbie's confusion. She then turned back rushed out of the cell in an inhuman speed. Abbie walked out from the door and look around, failed to see Betsy anywhere in the tunnel.

  • 48199163 p0
    Abbie: Where is she going?

Betsy ran and ran and ran until she reached the door towards Christine's room.


Betsy beat the door until it broke, and it surprised Christine. It was clear that Betsy wants revenge upon the woman who made her and her friends like this.

  • Christine: Oh, my...

Christine smiled in surprise and turned back to face Betsy. Betsy's face was menacing enough to kill someone, and she gave Christine a death glare.

  • Betsy: Kill... Kill... Kill...

Christine, however, chuckled and remained her composure stable. Her face was cold as ice.

  • Christine: You want to show me your revenge? Pathetic... but I will be glad to see what you are capable of. Come on, show me!

- Christine: Show me what you can do, my new pets!

  • Hungary.full
    Betsy: Grhh... Ugh... I am... gonna... kill you...

Betsy glared at ​Christine with no fear in her eyes, but Christine only snarled at her.

  • Christine: Huh, such insolence! You are wasting my precious time.

Betsy did not answered this. She clenched her fist and leaped towards Christine, preparing to slam it at Christine, who looked at her with no fear on face. Just as Betsy's fist was about to reach Christine, Christine suddenly disappeared in front of her, without a trace.

  • Betsy: Hmm?

​Betsy suddenly fell pain on her back and fell dizzy. She felt the entire world started to spin around her. She then saw Christine who suddenly appeared and laughed out in sheer insanity.

  • 【mjt100
    Christine: How is that feel? I'll find out whether is you are the better one or my anesthetic is the better one!
  • Betsy: Anesthetic? You stung me with it? ...

Betsy could not spoke more and she immediately fell on the ground. Christine scoffed and disappeared in the room.

  • Christine: Sweet dreams.

Meanwhile, Ichabod and Abbie had met each other in the corridor.

  • BetsyRoss
    Ichabod: Lieutenant? What happened to Betsy?

​Abbie bit her lips and sighed, as she looked back.

  • Abbie: I will talk to you about this later, Crane. However, we need to get to the hall and stop her.
  • Ichabod: Who?
  • Abbie: The real Christine!

​Ichabod was shocked to hear that, and he realized that the things were getting uglier, and so he followed Abbie all the way through the corridor until they reached a large gate.

Abbie carefully pushed the gate, and she found the door was not locked. She opened it and entered the room, followed by Ichabod They soon found themselves inside a large and wide hall.

In the middle of the hall, there was a long stairs that reached upstairs, and in the center, there was a portrait of Van Bilj Family, with Caspar sitting on the chair in the center. Colin was at his right side, and Christine was at his left side.

  • Abbie: I suspect that something will happen... like it all happened when we reached somewhere new.

​Just then, a growl had occurred from behind and then they turned back, as they saw a monstrous being, a monster that was very similar to Betsy's monster form. It was another monster created by Christine with an unknown host.

  • Ichabod: Looks like there is more than one, this kind of thing...

​Ichabod and Abbie raised their guns, but then they heard a mysterious voice coming out...

  • 306BeeWoman
     Naughty, naughty...

​Thinking that it was the monster's voice, which was far from twisted and monstrous, Ichabod was confused, and so was Abbie.

Then, almost immediately, the monster exploded in flame and burned into ashes. Ichabod and Abbie was blasted on the ground and they looked at the smoke disappeared and revealed a female figure behind it.

  • Abbie: You?

​It was Christine, who walked out of the smoke with a malicious grin. Her face was now brownish red and have insectoid eyes. Her hand was now turned into a claw with yellow and black stripes like the body of a hornet, and it was sizzling, hinting that she had released a fire ball from her hand.

Then, the claw and her head returned back to normal. Christine returned back to her human form almost immediately.

  • Christine: Pretty birds belongs to their cages.

As the Witnesses shocked at her presence, Christine smiled and waved her hand at Ichabod and Abbie before they fell dizzy. Both Ichabod and Abbie fell that the world spun in almost all of a sudden. They, they passed out right after they saw Christine's inhumane face.

One minute later

Ichabod and Abbie then fell unconscious, and Christine had trapped them on the wall in the hall, inside two dark green cocoons. Christine looked at the two Witness and shrugged her shoulder with no emotion on her face.

  • Christine: I never wanted to make you like this, but you denied the Heaven which present you its road... before choosing the Hell even if it have no gate at all. Our next stage of game, it has just begun!

Afterwards, ​Christine turned back and left.


Fort McHenry

2 minutes later

-美国恐怖故事--第二季-第9-00 31 34--20170426-223401-4-

While Betsy and the Two Witnesses were struggling for survival, Sister Mary Eunice and the Tweedle Brothers had arrived at Fort McHenry with the magic of teleportation, under disguises.

During this time, Pandora and Mr. Gold were both in Sleepy Hollow, trying to enter the facility of Van Bilj Family, now under guards of demons.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Oh, finally, we are now here... Fort Knox of Kentucky.
  • Tweedledum: Fort Knox?

​Sister Mary Eunice bit her lips.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: No, I mean Fort McHenry, Baltimore, used continuously for over 125 years.

As Sister Mary Eunice tried to correct herself with a large sweat drop on her head, Tweedledee raised his head and looked at a 42-foot-tall statue of Orpheus on the grounds.

  • Tweedledee: But why is there a 42-foot-tall statue of Orpheus on the grounds?

Sister Mary Eunice looked up and saw the statue. She immediately went forward and took a closer look at the base, on the relieve on it.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I do not know if I am be able to be sure... but these relieves, around the base... I assume these are the figures from Greek mythology.

​Sister Mary Eunice then walked around, and the Tweedle Brothers are behind her.

  • Tweedledum: No sign of Hades.
  • Tweedledee: Orpheus used a lyre... to enter the Underworld.

Tweedledee then went forward when he saw the figure of Orpheus, and he went forward to put his finger through the lyre on its carving... until his finger pushed something round on it, which turned to be a button. Then, a sound of ringing came out, and it sounded like door bell.

US flag 13 stars – Betsy Ross

Sister Mary Eunice and Tweedledum heard this and looked at Tweedledee with a surprise.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Oh...
  • Tweedledee: Any request?

Tweedledee smiled at Sister Mary Eunice before she smiled back. It was apparent that they were getting closer and closer to the flag of Betsy

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You know the tune.

Tweedledee then clicked the seven buttons in the tune in the first sentence of the United States' national anthem, and then, the door swiftly opened. Tweedledee looked at Sister Mary Eunice and Tweedledum. He nodded his head, and they entered the room.

-美国恐怖故事--第二季-第8-00 13 24--20170318-111737-4-
  • Sister Mary Eunice: My, my, I think I will one day put a doorbell like this in the Archives or the cabin of Sheriff Corbin. When I tried to reach him, I bought him a coat of Santa Claus and tried to please him.

Tweedledee was curious when he heard it.

  • Tweedledee: Oh, really? How did you get in? He opened the door for you?

​Sister Mary Eunice lowed down her head.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Well, no, I heard strange noise and so I decided to broke the lock and get in, thinking he would be in trouble.
-美国恐怖故事--第二季-第9-00 31 37--20170426-223750-6-

Then, she smiled at Tweedledee helplessly.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: And therefore, Don't be afraid when you messed up with something. Everyone could messed up a little.

Tweedledee heard this and swept a huge sweat drop on his head.

  • Tweedledee: No, I messed up a little, and you messed up a lot.

Sister Mary Eunice frowned.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Come on, it is not a competition.
  • Tweedledee: Oh, yes, it is, and you won.

Sister Mary Eunice shrugged her shoulders. In the end, she reached the bottom of the stairs. Her face turned more serious.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: No wonder why those evil Hessians and their supporters wanted to get Betsy Ross so badly...

Just as she was about to finish, a ghastly wind had suddenly blown and all of the torches around the chamber had ignited. Sister Mary Eunice walked around, no longer speaking. She stopped talking and concentrated herself in finding the flag inside the chamber... before she had saw a large glass box at the center of the room.

  • 317BetsyRoss
    Sister Mary Eunice:
    So this is the original Stars and Stripes Betsy Ross had made... 

She opened the flag and viewed it, just like Betsy who opened the flag and showed it to Ichabod so many years ago.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Even after so many years, this is still so beautiful... I can feel just how much awe Crane had when he saw the flag.

Feeling relieved, Sister Mary Eunice smiled to both Tweedledee and Tweedledum, and she folded the flag up and tried to put it back to the bag, until...

  • 01300001253993130916010998620
    ???: Leave it alone, Sister.

Sister Mary Eunice heard this all of a sudden and she was alarmed. She immediately drew her sword after giving the flag to Tweedledee to keep. She glared at the person who was looking at her.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You... are Christine!

It was Christine Van Bilj, the real Christine Van Bilj. Sister Mary Eunice was disgusted by her presence.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You are so ungrateful, Christine. Your brother released you from your slumber, in order to meet you once again, and you murdered him! Why?

Christine immediately raised her hand in anger.

  • Hungary.full
    Christine: Silence! In this place, only I have the rights to ask questions!

Christine raised her hand and released a large fire ball before slashing it at Sister Mary Eunice. Sister Mary Eunice looked at the Tweedles, and they immediately ran away. Sister Mary Eunice raised her holy sword and sliced the fire ball in half.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You will not succeeded!

Christine laughed out and she snarled at Sister Mary Eunice in sheer scorn.

  • Christine: Be careful, Sister Mary Eunice, or your poor dear Witnesses shall fall apart in my hand.

Sister Mary Eunice was surprised that Christine spoke out her own name, but she did not questioned this.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Where did you put them in?

With a sadistic smile, Christine narrowed her eyes and summoned a black sword in her hand.

  • Christine: In the place where I kept my father in, and I hope the former prisoner there was finding his peace, thanks to you. Now, surrender!

As Christine was ready to raise her sword at Sister Mary Eunice, Sister Mary Eunice felt that it was enhanced with demonic and unholy power, a power that would harm the holy spirits. Sister Mary Eunice was shocked as she lifted her sword in defense.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I hate to brake it to you, but I bet our grandchildren will see you as nothing but a monster who committed fratricide! Do you know how Colin was suffering when you are not there in the family!?
  • Christine: There is no turning back. I wished the old days returns, but eventually I need to let it go!

Enraged and berated, Sister Mary Eunice tried to stop Christine, but then after a "BANG", she felt her back was so painful all of a sudden.

Tweedledee found a spear at the side of the room, and he picked up the spear and ran towards Christine, attacking her with it. However, everyone stopped when they heard the unexpected gunfire.

  • Bullet
    Sister Mary Eunice: It was a bullet with unholy enchantment...

Sister Mary Eunice realized she was shot by such a bullet, and she immediately used her regeneration to heal her own wound. Christine looked up and saw a man with grey hair was looking at them.

  • Nevins: Finally, I have...

Nevins did not finish his words when he saw Christine Van Bilj right in front of him.

- Nevins: No... it... it is impossible!

Atticus Nevins-SHS3

Christine looked at Nevins with a strange poker face. Nevins had finally realized that Christine indeed came back to life as the latter started to approach him.

  • Christine: You look as if you seen a ghost, this good sir. If you are helping me, then please help me to get these people captured. Anyone can come back from their grave if there is magic in this world.

Tweedledee and Tweedledum both looked at each other with shock and surprise.

  • Tweedledee: Aw, no, no, no way.

Tweedledee immediately tried to reach Nevins in an attempt to subdue him, but he then felt his ankle was strained. Turned out, it was because of Christine, who summoned a long whip to tie on the ankle of Tweedledee. Tweedledee slipped and fell on the ground.

  • Christine: That is my prey, not yours! Otherwise, I will send you to the Horseman of Death and make your head a decoration!

Tweedledee widened his eyes and started to imagine what will be like to have his head strained in a box. Sister Mary Eunice was alarmed by Christine's word.

  • U=2435243067,1878846041&fm=214&gp=0
    Sister Mary Eunice: Christine, you said about the Horseman of Death... but now he had his own problem searching his own head, and he was currently not in the move at all.

Christine bit her lips and narrowed her eyes. She put out a large helmet and put it on her head.

  • Christine: Really? Why is that?

Sister Mary Eunice scoffed as she drew her sword to cut off the whip of Christine. Nevins was trying to attack her, but she waved her hand at him before sending him to the wall three meters away.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: His head was cut off by Crane, and we hid it to somewhere even I don't know, since it was not me who hid it. The most important thing was that the Horseman wounded Crane as well, and their blood and their lives bound together due to a curse. Given the fact that the Horseman is indestructible, you cannot kill Crane either even if you desired to destroy him.

Christine heard this and was mildly surprised, but then she returned to her evil grin and narrowed her eyes.

  • Christine: Living without a freedom is a curse, and freedom without living is a tragedy. If I can't kill him, I will strain his freedom.

Sister Mary Eunice narrowed her eyes as she saw Christine slowly turned back into her normal form. She was nearly letting the monster inside her getting out.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Where did you keep him?

Christine bit her lips and grinned in malevolence.

  • Christine: In the place where you killed my father, alongside other prisoners, I've already told you.

To everyone's surprise, Christine then turned back, and Sister Mary Eunice was very surprised that Christine would tell such an important thing to her so easily.

  • Christine: You must go and save them, my friends. It all depends on you.

Christine could not control her feeling with a smile.

  • Christine: By the way, I will now enter the town of Sleepy Hollow and get the attentions of your dear friends from the Hexenmeister Community, and then meet me at the Mirror World!

Christine laughed before she summoned a puff smoke.

  • Christine: Then, I will bury you all! Anything for my rise to power! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Sister Mary Eunice and the Tweedles all choked on the smoke and then, after the smoke disappeared, they turned around and widened their eyes. Christine had gone. Nevins escaped as well.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Where are they?

Sister Mary Eunice looked for Nevins and Christine, but she could not find either of them. She looked at the flag, and luckily, it was not harmed at all.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: No, it is not the time for this... I must go back to where it starts!

As she left the chamber with her friend, Sister Mary Eunice closed the door and cast a spell before leaving the place as soon as possible.


In the forest


Nevins had used teleportation to escape into a forest near the town of Sleepy Hollow, and Nevins sighed in sheer horror on his face.

  • Nevins: Impossible. She is still alive...

Suddenly, the telephone of Nevins rang, and Nevins immediately opened his phone.

  • Nevins: Hello?

The other side was a man who was talking in a dark and deep voice with a sinister tone.

  • ???: [What happened?]

Nevins immediately answered the man.

  • Nevins: Christine Van Bilj is still alive, sir... She is now inside Sleepy Hollow. I saw her
  • ???: [Are you sure that it was really her?]

Nevins nodded his head with confidence.

  • Nevins: Yes, I am sure.

Then, he heard a wicked chuckling form man at the other side of phone...

  • ???: [Fffuffuffuffuffuffuffu...]

Then, the man spoke out... with a calm tone.

62559354 p0

- Michael Langdon: [Unexpected, Atticus... Now, time to take Christine back to our order. My plan needs her.]

Act 5 - Nevins VS. Christine VS. Elsa[]

Some Church in the town

20 minutes later


When Hexenmeister struggled against the zealots of the dark coven and start saving the Witnesses, in a small church, there were a group of people inside the church, quietly listening to a pleasant melody in the place, sung by a choir. Some people had smiles on their face as the song went on.

However, the song was stopped all of a sudden when the choir noticed a woman wearing long black robe walked into the hall. She had a poker face and went straight towards a priest standing in front of a large crucifix.


The people around who were surprised, including the choir, all stopped to see the woman... who was in fact, Christine Van Bilj in disguise. The priest looked at Christine with a smile as well as curiosity.

  • Priest: May I help you?

Christine simply walked towards the middle of the church hall and cried out.

  • Christine: Blood! War. Famine. Pestilence. Poverty. A clawing sickness in our souls. No wonder you seek succor.
  • Evil grin 2 by fastspeedy
    Priest: I want you to leave.

The facial expression of the priest changed when he heard the words. He immediately ordered Christine to leave, but she simply looked at him with a grin full of malice before waving her hand, and then a dark red mist start flowing above the crowd. Many people began to feel horrified.

  • Christine: This world has become a terrifying place. You want to push your fears aside, but they are all around you.

​Christine's eyes widened.

  • Christine: Rejoice! For I have come, hmm... and all I ask is for your obedience, your adoration, your respect. I can take your fears away... or I can send them slavering to your door.

Christine snapped her finger as the red mist start coming down into small twisters and start attacking the people. Then, the controlled zealots of Christine began to attack people in the church, subdued some people in the church. Many of them, including the priest as well as choir members, start running away.

With sheer scorn, Christine looked at them running away like rats before she smilingly sat in front of a coffin, blushed about her fratricide she had just started...

  • Horseman11
     Though he loved me dearly... I loved him not. Though he trusted me dearly... I trusted him not. Now, he lies dead. Dead, dead, dead... and then by sundown, the sacrifice shall begin.

Christine then narrowed her eyes with a smile.

  • Christine: Samael... Abaddon... the Dark Rider of Apocalypse... I call you forth...
  • ???: STOP! Who do you think you are? You dare to summon the Horseman without our Master's permission?
Atticus Nevins-SHS3

A voice had appeared not far away from the church's door, and there stood an elderly man wearing a black suit. Seeing this, Christine looked towards the man and was surprised.

  • Christine: Who are you?

The man with a black suit walked closer with full of calm, and then he chanted a spell while pointing to Christine, expelling the zealots towards the side of Christine before making the red mist disappeared. He looked at Christine calmly.

  • ???: I am Atticus Nevins, and Master Moloch calls you for his service.

Christine grinned like a egotist.

  • Christine: And what if I say "no"?
  • Nevins: Then, I have no choice...

- Nevins: I will take your blood.


Hearing this, Christine scoffed and soon she started to clap her hand, with a smile on her face and started to express her compliment.

  • Christine: Not bad, Mr. Nevins... but I am no longer what I am 273 years ago.

While speaking, Christine's eyes widened as two demonic ghouls surfaced from the ground and then walked towards Nevins. Christine smiled wickedly and then she raised her hand.

  • Christine: I have produced my... strongest... "worker bee" I have ever made based on just another experiment subject the master used. It is near here. It is perfect. My achievement is truly undeniable as well as charming, don't you think so, Mr. Nevins?

Calmly, ​Nevins simply turned his head back and saw the two ghouls. He scoffed in scorn and started to speak very slowly.

  • Nevins: You mean... those two creatures? Hmm, to be honest, Ms. Van Bilj, I am... not... impressed... at all... at all.

Then, Nevins fired two shots at the ghouls, killing them and reducing them to ashes. He then turned back to Christine, speaking with a cool tone as if he was some sort of vigilante.

  • Nevins: Termination completed. Where is your worker bee now, Christine?

The attitude of Nevins caused great anger within the mind of ​Christine.

  • Jormungand kokoeye
    Christine: You are making me so embarrassed, Nevins... SO EMBARRASSED!

​Christine start ranting in rage as her eyes began to glow in red due to anger. Nevins only stood by and watched her rant in a poker face.

  • Nevins: Hmm?

​Nevins bluntly scoffed once again.

  • 2015-11-06-sh-irwin
    Nevins: Well, I think you let out a secret of yours. You are such a Queen of Fools, also known as the Queen of Garbage...

Hearing this, ​Christine was stunned in shock before realizing she had talked too much, and then she became more and more incensed and angry.

  • Christine: If you want my blood, why don't you find it and take some sample from its body? I assume that it will definitely eat you if you got closer to it...

In great disappointment, ​Nevins shook his head.

  • Nevins: I don't think this blood will be pure enough. I want the pure blood of a witch from Blood Moon Wicked, and I will make it towards perfection to unleash its real power.

Christine covered her face with her hand and tried to hide her face full of amusement.

  • Christine: You come for my blood? Huh, sad to tell you, Mr. Nevins, you are so ignorant. Only I can unleash the full power of the blood magic in a Blood Moon Order style! Therefore, I won't give my blood to someone like you... unless...

​Nevins was getting angrier and more tired towards Christine's childish behavior.

  • Tumblr lxfqnyYrAX1qio1obo1 500
    Nevins: Unless what?
  • Christine: ... unless you bow to me, admit my charm... and become my loyal slave for all eternity, period.

Hearing this arrogant speech, ​Nevins was angry and walked closer. Christine then pull a blade from her pocket, which Nevins thought she was going to use in order to attack him.

  • Nevins: No, you won't. It is I who shall make you succumb to me!
  • Christine: Fool... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Queen bee by unripehamadryad-d4v4r6r

Laughing out loudly at Nevins, however, Christine merely cut her wrist to allow blood flowing to her bracelet. What came next had utterly shocked Nevins who was not see the might of true power given by the Blood Moon...


Bellowed in sheer malice, Christine's eyes wide opened in rage and then, her hair turned golden and her eyes turned silver in a quick speed.

As she was walking down stairs, two large insect wings had came out of the back of the evil witch. Numerous bees had gathered towards her.

- Christine: You ignorant peasant... YOU... ARE... NOT... WORTHY... OF ITS POWER!!!

Seeing Christine's horrid transformation, Nevins was horrified and immediately raised his gun.

  • Nevins: You are insane! If the master saw this, you know what will happen... He will condemn you into Purgatory like he did to Lady Van Tassel!

​Christine did not buy this, however...

  • Christine: I am not intend to betray him... not yet. I am only enforcing his will... before I overthrow him and become the Queen of Purgatory, running seven billions of slaves! The development of this world is now beyond my imagination... and soon I will use it as an advantage to bring an new era! I will be the new Serilda of Abaddon from now on... No, I will be better than Serilda! My form is majesty!

​All of a sudden, the Blood Moon Wicked Bracelet on Christine's wrist shone in red light as she broke into insanity and start narcisstically snapping at Nevins. Just like Michael Langdon after merging with the Blood Moon Wicked, Christine had turned insane as well despite far from a villainous breakdown like Michael did.

  • Christine: My form is royalty! My form is lofty and ambition! My form is the hive! Revere me! Praise me! This noble and beautiful, powerful and intellectual Queen on earth! All Hail Queen Christine of Sleepy Hollow, First of Her Name!
Atticus Nevins-SHS3

The body of Christine had became more like a bee than a human, and she had two more arms coming out from her waist. Unlike Michael's transformation, Christine's transformation was much less like an Lovecraftian Horror but was still disturbing to see. Even someone like Nevins was shocked.

  • Nevins: You... are not going to control all of this, Christine! This power combined with your blood shall tear you apart if you did not master it completely!
  • Christine: Ha-ha...

At this time, ​Nevins was preparing his gun and shot at Christine's face, but nothing happened. The now mutated body of hers has ability of regenerating. Despite trying to keep his calmness, Nevins was still horrified to see this as he kept shooting at Christine.

  • Tumblr o41vk5peZc1tqjhmao2 500
     Listen... I am taking it from you not because I want to use it, but I want to make a research so that I can make it nearer to perfection. August Corbin prohibited me to do such a research because of his cowardice and therefore I left him... and then I see you, another extreme example who is the polar opposite of August. You... are so reckless and egotistic.
  • Christine: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......

However, all of his shooting remained futile, Christine kept laughing like a sick and twisted monster, ignoring Nevins' roar. After that, she ranted at Nevins fiercely as she started to fire stings to attack him.

  • Christine: You want my blood, Nevins, so that you can spit on Corbin's grave? Then, you had to go through me! You have to go through the queen, over my dead body!

Dodging the stings of Christine, Nevins shot at Christine's wings but like her body, the wings managed to regenerate itself as well. Even with all of his efforts, the right index finger was stun by a stinger. Managed to regain his balance, Nevins removed the stinger, and he saw his finger bled faintly and a little amount of blood tainted Colin's ring, now wearing on his index finger.

  • BloodChain

With a loud and proud cry, Christine flew towards Nevins and grabbed his neck, taking him 10 feet above the floor. Struggling, Nevins glared at Christine, knowing a death battle is almost inevitable.

  • Nevins: You want me to tell you something? The pendant of the Blood Moon Wicked was now in the hands of another person who managed to become one with it, achieving what Serilda had failed to achieve so many years ago... and what you are yet to achieve.

All of a sudden, after hearing this, ​Christine stopped acting so hurbristic, and a face of horror surfaced on her face.

  • Christine: What?

Now, it is time for Nevins to gloat.

  • Nevins: Yes, you know what it means, right? Christine, to be honest... compare to this man... you are absolutely nothing at all!

All of a sudden, ​Christine was enraged and felt she was highly insulted. However, she did not let Nevins to fell for releasing her anger.

  • Himeichiko.full
    Christine: Tell me who he is!
  • Nevins: He is... definitely not you!

With scorn, Nevins shouted at Christine who stepped back in sheer rage, feeling insulted even more.

  • Christine: "Definitely Not You"? What a strange name it it is... and no matter who he is, I will find him as soon as I have you killed... no, disabled!

Christine then released ​Nevins as he fell down to the floor... but suddenly, the Blood Moon Ring glowed in red.

  • 322SnowQueenBack
    Christine: My brother's... ring?

Christine was mildly surprised when she saw Nevins was protected by a red energy shield, watching him to land unharmed. Flying above the air with her insectoid wing, Christine licked her lips and sniffed.

  • Christine: Mr. Nevins, it is apparent that you owed my brother, more than once.
  • Nevins: Well, it is a shame that you killed him, but fortunately I have this replica ring. I can still stand against you... before they came!
  • 405FightMe
    Christine: Hmm?

​Nevins was ready to stand up and face Christine, when suddenly...

  • ???: Both of you, be quiet. Your reign of terror ends here and now!

Suddenly, as Christine was speaking, some voice appeared from the outside, and a gust of cold wind had flowed itself into the church.

Christine and Nevins both stopped their grudge for a while when they felt this cold wind... with snowflake.

  • Christine: Snow? There shouldn't be any snow in the room... unless...

Christine then looked aside and saw another woman, wearing long pale blue dress with snowflake patterns, was standing not far away. Christine narrowed her eyes, and Nevins reacted in shock while standing up.

  • Atticus: Elsa the Snow Queen? How did she came in?

Christine narrowed her eyes when she heard the phrase, "Snow Queen". She turned alarmed almost immediately and stepped forward, looking at a pile of snow which had buried some other demon troops buried beneath it.

  • 401ElsaExitsBarn2
    Christine: You are Elsa the Snow Queen? Why are you here?
  • Elsa: Ms. Christine Van Bilj...

While talking, Elsa slowly turned back and then she faced Christine with her eyes narrowed seriously.

  • Elsa: ... Please open your eyes wider. If you do that, you would see that you are facing the threats that is in more way than one.

Elsa then narrowed her eyes before she raised her hand as some pale blue snowflake appeared on her hand.

  • 405NoNeed
    Elsa: I am not suppose to take you down myself, but now my friends are in danger. I cannot risk their life and stand by. I am now here with my allies, and we will bring you down.

All of a sudden, as Elsa was speaking, two other people walked into the church and stood behind Elsa. It was Regina Mills and Emma Swan. Christine soon scowled and walked towards Elsa.

  • Christine: It seems that I am too merciful today that everyone wants to defy me... and I will tell you how to respect me!

Infuriated, Christine raised her hand as her fingers turned into bee stings.

  • Elsa: No, you can't!

Elsa immediately reacted by firing the ice at Christine, and Christine leaped towards the sky and immediately fired the stings everywhere. Elsa immediately summoned a large ice shield and shield Emma and Regina, as Emma throw fire at Christine. The flows of flame and ice flew towards Christine, who drew her sword and slashed her arm once again.

  • 402ElsaWithMagic
    Christine: Now, you will all die in here!

Christine gleefully allowed her blood to flow to her wrist, on her bracelet, and then the entire body of Christine started to glow in red. She fueled herself with more power drained from the bracelet.

  • Christine: Now, you three will all die in here and get buried together with the Witnesses!
  • Elsa: Emma, the bracelet!

Elsa and Emma both aimed their respective magic at Christine, all the while trying to avoid Christine's stings and burning blood fired at them.


Nevins looked at the scene and tried to seize a chance so that he could ambush Christine in a right time. Unfortunately for him, there was no chance for him to do so.

Elsa and Emma fought so hard with Christine and the possessed minions, that the whole place was occupied with fire and ice, and even more, when he was trying to come, Regina suddenly leaped towards Nevins with a sword.

  • Regina: You are under our arrest, Mr. Nevins!

Nevins immediately summoned a red sword and defend himself from Regina's attack. However, Nevins was not that easy to give himself in.

  • Nevins: People from the Storybrooke, and those who came from Hexenmeister Community and the Fairy Tale World, because of your valiant courage, I will allow you to deal this woman with me.

Nevins grinned wickedly as Regina tried to get him. When Regina tried to reach and attack them, Nevins escaped immediately. Christine watched the scene while sweating in shock.

  • Christine: That is not the rule of my game! No one can leave!

After having a possessed citizen punched unconscious, Elsa turned back and fired ice beam at Christine.

  • 402ElsaItsOkay
    Elsa: It is YOU who cannot leave!

Christine immediately summoned an energy shield to attack Elsa and Emma. Christine then bit her lips and narrowed her eyes. Elsa froze the entire interior of the church and it soon became like a ice cave.

  • Christine: *think* Who called those people here for help? I am outnumbered. Sister Mary Eunice cast many of my companions back into Hell...


  • Hungary.full
    Christine: Wait a minute...

Christine then rolled her eyes with a grin and then she came up to an idea. She dodged herself from Elsa's attack and then she cast a spell, making the time slowed down. At this time, everything and everyone froze in air, only Christine was in a "normal" speed.

In a short time of almost nobody could noticed, Christine forged a replica of the bracelet herself, just like how her brother forged the replica of his rings.

  • Christine: Now...

Christine then returned went behind Elsa and made a finger snap. The time immediately returned back to normal, and people aside from Christine did not know what was happening during this time. Then, Christine immediately struck Elsa with a sting.

  • Christine: Die!
  • Elsa: AHH!!!

Emma was shocked and she went to Elsa to help, but Christine leaped towards the midair and then kicked Emma. Emma fell on the ground, as Regina turned back to throw a fire ball at Christine, but Christine swayed her wings and made the fire ball extinguished in wind.

  • Hungary.full
    Christine: Playtime is enough for now.

With a smile, Christine landed on the ground and returned back to her human form immediately.

  • Christine: Don't you dare to think I am just a weakling. I just have no chance to release my full power.

With a sword in her left hand, Christine raised her faked bracelet in the right hand.

  • Christine: You want my bracelet, right, Elsa? Take it!

Christine immediately threw the bracelet on Elsa's face in order to insult it, and Christine then turned back with a horrid smile. Elsa could not fight back, since she was paralyzed by the poison. Emma had the same feeling as well.

  • Christine: This is just an exercise, my friends. Next time we meet... I will show you no mercy.

When Christine finished her words, Elsa and Emma both regained their sense, but Christine was ready to leave.

  • Emma: Wait!

Emma was shocked and she tried to stop Christine as soon as her sense restored, but Christine soon disappeared in a puff smoke. Elsa immediately pulled Emma.

  • RubyBracelet
    Elsa: Emma! No, that is toxic fume!

Emma and Regina both heard this and soon they went out from the church and went into another building not far away to avoid snowstorm (despite Elsa is not bothered by it).

Before that, Elsa had used her magic to change her dress and disguised as a normal citizen. She then looked at the bracelet inside her palm, while Emma and Regina both seemed unsettled.

  • Elsa: If it is not the calling for help from Mr. Gold and Pandora, I will not appear in this town.

Emma and Regina looked at the bracelet, and Emma mildly frowned.

  • Emma: I assume this bracelet is a fake. I had sensed Christine lying. She gave us a fake bracelet to make us get into her trap.

As Emma finished her speaking, the sky suddenly turned darker as the blizzard had slowly settled down.

  • Regina: Wait, the sun is set...

Elsa turned to Emma with her face pale.

  • Elsa: Emma, We have no time. We must reach Ichabod Crane as soon as possible. The Two Witnesses need our help.

Just as Elsa was speaking, Emma's walkie-talkie had rang, and Emma immediately opened it.

  • 301OrEvenYourself
    Emma: Who is it?

From the other side, Emma could hear the voice of Mr. Gold talking to her.

  • Mr. Gold: [It is me, Emma. We had gained the flag of Betsy Ross in order to rescue the Two Witnesses, but I am afraid that the Hidden One is discovering my true loyalty. I began to feel the worst.]

Emma's face turned pale. At this moment, she could not help feeling chills on her spines, but they need to take action before Gold's spy identity was exposed.

  • 608MirrorWorld
    Emma: You need to reach the Witnesses as soon as possible, since the Hidden One is yet having enough power to see through it.
  • Mr. Gold: [Very well, Emma. Meet me in the World Behind the Mirror.]

After that, Gold hung up the walkie-talkie. Emma turned to Regina and Elsa before she bit her lips.

  • Emma: Come on, we must be fast in order to reach the Mirror World.

At this very moment, they had no idea what Christine was hiding in her store... yet.

Act 6 - Reunion in Hell[]

As for Pandora...[]

Van Bilj Facility

25 minutes later

  • 306CreatureEyesight
    Pandora: Mr. Crane? Mr. Crane!

Pandora, now inside a mask, had helped Ichabod and Abbie leave out of the cocoon. She was taking care of Ichabod whereas Mr. Gold was taking care of Abbie. The two were both trapped on the wall, and both Pandora and Mr. Gold had to go through several tunnels to find the place.

  • Pandora: He is unconscious.

Pandora looked at Mr. Gold, who had just closed his walkie-talkie.

  • 305Pandora1
    Mr. Gold: Well, at least we had contacted Elsa and others. All we need to do is wait to find Betsy.

Pandora was wearing a creepy and bizarre mask on her face, and that mask full of scales made her look like nothing but a snake. She bit her lips and looked at Ichabod once again.

  • Pandora: Is there any possibility to wake them up, my friend?

As Pandora and Mr. Gold was talking, someone was looking from above. Mr. Gold tried to answer, but then he looked up... and immediately widened his gaze. He saw the one who was overseeing them.

  • 310Pandora
    Christine: Hmm... hehehehehe...

Christine put her hand on her chin and giggled like a child. Pandora and Mr. Gold were both alarmed and turned back, looking at Christine with surprise.

  • Pandora: You are Christine Van Bilj?!

Christine stopped laughing and looked at Pandora with a more menacing smile.

  • Christine: Oh, you know my name?

Mr. Gold and Pandora were both alarmed. The rumors were true. Christine Van Bilj had returned back.

  • Hetalia scene hungary by architect gillesania-db90afi
    Mr. Gold: I thought you were dead.
  • Christine: No, I have been hibernating for nearly 300 years to become one with the Supreme Dark Witch.

Pandora frowned in wariness.

  • Pandora: Supreme Dark Witch?
  • Christine: I still have some experiments to perform. Do you care to play alone?

Christine then turned back and raised her hand, as the portrait of her family moved and opened like an automatic door.

  • Christine: Your friend is waiting for you in the Colosseum. You don't want to be late.

- ???: Hey, stop!

  • Headless by phoenix zhuzh-db5vis7
    Christine: Hmm?

Suddenly, a line of light had shone at Christine's neck. With shock and confusion, Christine suddenly feel pain on her neck... and then, her head immediately dropped on the ground.

Sister Mary Eunice had appeared in her angelic armor, holding her sword, and watching the head of Christine rolled on the ground. The body of Christine tried to held the head her head in her arm, but not for long, it collapsed as well.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Wait a minute, this does not make sense.

Mysteriously enough, there was no blood at all, as if the killing never happened in this place. A second later, the brothers Tweedledee and Tweedledum appeared beside Christine's headless corpse as well.

  • Tweedledee: Well, at last, we are back into this...

Tweedledee looked aside and reacted with shock, right after he saw the headless corpse of Christine.

  • Tweedledee: AHHHHHHH!!!

Tweedledee screamed in horror and hid behind Sister Mary Eunice.

  • Up92028
    Tweedledee: Christine is dead? She is dead? Dead? DEAD?!

​Tweedledee was shocked that he hid behind Tweedledum, who was looking at the corpse as well. Tweedledum was shocked as well, though he was not as shock as his brother.

  • Tweedledee: AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH! I never expected that Christine would die like that. That is... That is awfully gruesome!
  • Sister Mary Eunice: Be quiet!

Sister Mary Eunice then looked closer at the corpse of Christine... when suddenly she widened her eyes.

- Sister Mary Eunice: THIS IS NOT CHRISTINE!


Suddenly, the headless body of "Christine" stood up very quickly, much to everyone's horror. The head of the false Christine suddenly began to talk, but the head was still on the ground instead of reattached itself on its neck.

  • Christine: [You are now just attacking a clone of mine. My original body is in a place where you can't go so far, and it needs you to piece together the mysteries. Now, taste the pain you inflicted on me! This is your execution to defy your queen!]

​The clone of Christine - both her head and her headless body - then suddenly burst and turned into two large swarms of bees, before they merged together into a bigger swarm. Sister Mary Eunice was alarmed and widened her eyes.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: It's those bugs again!

​Sister Mary Eunice shouted out, and she immediately drew a large sword and started to slice the bees with the fiery blade, while Pandora and Mr. Gold took actions immediately and defend themselves from the bee. Many of the bees were extinguished in flame, and yet there were still many of them.

  • Shocked gif by rinoabc-d3j0x12
    Sister Mary Eunice: Hang on--
  • Tweedledee: AHHH!!!

​Suddenly, Sister Mary Eunice was distracted when she heard a loud scream. She turned back and saw Tweedledee holding his neck in ghastly pain.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Tweedledee?!

​Sister Mary Eunice and Tweedledum immediately approached Tweedledee, as the latter collapsed on the ground, feeling pain on his neck.

  • Tweedledee: No, no, it is impossible... How can I die in this pathetic place? That twisted prophecy is coming...

​Tweedledee became horrified as his head was suddenly filled with the prophecy he heard days ago, and he cannot get rid of it from his head.


Scene from LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow Horsemen Saga - Followers of Pale Horse

Tweedledee and Tweedledum went to the store with their own teleportation after coming out from the tunnels, and they arrived at the herb store which Sister Mary Eunice was on about. They went into the store slowly, and Tweedledee saw a ring on the counter.

A sign was beside it, saying, "Ring for service." Tweedledee pressed the ring and waited for the owner to come. As they were waiting for the owner, Tweedledum bit his lip nervously.

  • Tweedledum: So I guess we put Abbie in a tight spot with the Nevins thing.
  • Tweedledee: She'll be all right.

Tweedledee looked at his brother with confidence, and Tweedledum closed his eyes with a sigh.

  • BlackHeart live action movie
    Tweedledum: Oh, I know... Just, we were so close to finally getting some answers.

​Tweedledee shook his head in dismay while looking at the corner.

  • Tweedledee: I am sorry, Dum. I wish there was another way.
  • Tweedledum: Hey, no, I mean... you went down that road as far as you could in order to track down Mephista and Blackheart, and I hope you know how much I appreciate it.

The ​Tweedles looked at each other with a smile, and Tweedledee looked elsewhere. He found the store was full of plants in all sort of strange and weird shapes. It was a collection of rare species that would be truly expensive, even priceless.

  • Tweedledee: So, what is this guy, some kind of Caribbean witch doctor or... ?
  • ???: Call me that again, and it's me and you.

​Tweedledee heard someone speaking in an English with a thick accent unique to West Indies citizens. Then, he turned back to see a bald man with dark skin came out of the place. The man immediately smiled friendly when he noticed the Tweedles.

  • ???: Well, I heard Sister Mary Eunice mentioned to you. You are the Tweedle twins. Are you looking for any rare species?
  • Tweedledee: Mr. Azzaca... is this your name?

​The Trinidadian shop owner nodded.

  • 【mjt100
    Azzaca: Uh-hmm.
  • Tweedledee: Well, sir, we need something that off the red list, Azzaca. We need Chardon Beni.

​Azzaca shook his head in dismay.

  • Azzaca: That is a tough one on short notice. I have to call a fella who could call a fella who has a boat, but...
  • Tweedledee: No time to haggle. A quarter pound. Friends-and-family rate. We're on the clock.
  • Azzaca: An obeah man is only capable of so much, Mr. Tweedledee. I cannot bend time and space.
  • Tweedledum: And if we pay cash?

Tweedledum looked at Azzaca as he cut in the argument, and the latter looked at the shop owner with a looking like, "You know what I mean." Then, Azzaca had his eyes widened.

  • Azzaca: Oh, you mean to say "that" Chardon Beni.

Tweedledum smiled and nodded.

  • Emperor.Mateus.full
    Azzaca: I have a pinch for emergencies.
  • Tweedledee: Yeah...

Tweedledee looked aside for some seconds with a smile. Then, the owner walked out with a large box. He opened to box and found a piece of Chardon Beni packed in a small green bag. He gave it to Tweedledee, who immediately opened his wallet and paid the price. However, as Tweedledee handed the money to Azzaca, the latter suddenly start swaying his head as he grabbed the hand of Tweedledee.

Tweedledee was horrified as he looked at Azzaca who immediately looked at him while bellowing in a deep cracking voice. Tweeedledum had the same startling feelings as well.

  • Tweedledee: Hmm?
  • Azzaca (???): A shadow older than time falls over your soul. You shall be claimed.

​Tweedledee was too horrified to move at all, and Tweedledum immediately separated the two when he realized something went wrong. The voice sounded somehow like... Emperor Mateus.

  • Tweedledum: Let him go, hey. Come on. Come on! Get off him, man!

​After five seconds of struggling, Tweedledum managed to separated the fingers of Azzaca from the wrist of Tweedledee, and Azzaca stepped back a bit before his eyes turned back to normal. The Tweedles looked at Azzaca and knew that the latter was sensing something which went wrong.

  • Tweedledum: Azzaca, what happened?

Overcame from his feelings of pain, Azzaca looked at Tweedledee with concern. He seemed to be aware that he was possessed briefly by Mateus... if Mateus really possessed him for a while.

  • Azzaca: Watch yourself, bro. Your fate has changed. You two must protect each other for the worst.

Tweedledee took the precious small green package while looking at Azzaca. Then, he left with his brother while Azzaca looked at them, seemly worried.


-美国恐怖故事--第二季-第3-00 38 29--20170323-100308-0-

Tweedledee screamed and felt that his head was going to burst, and Sister Mary Eunice immediately widened her eyes when she saw him struggling in pain. She leaped towards Tweedledee, and then she looked at his neck with shock.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Dee, are you...

Horrified, Sister Mary Eunice was so shocked that she checked the wound of Tweedledee and bit her lips. She was absolutely worried, so worried that she immediately used the remaining tonic on Tweedledee.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: No...

Suddenly, a stream of ice had came not far away, and Sister Mary Eunice widened her eyes when she saw the ice had frozen many monster bees to their death. Sister Mary Eunice turned back, and immediately saw Elsa, who had just used ice magic to destroy the bugs. Emma and Regina was behind them.

  • Elsa: Sister Mary Eunice, are you all right?

Elsa stopped firing ice at the bugs and she turned to look at Sister Mary Eunice, who immediately reacted and bowed in front Elsa.

  • RubyBracelet
    Sister Mary Eunice: Your Majesty...
  • Elsa: Please, in this place, you can call me Elsa.

After that, Elsa walked towards Sister Mary Eunice and stopped in front of Sister Mary Eunice. She then showed the bracelet of Christine to Sister Mary Eunice.

  • Elsa: This is Christine's bracelet... or so it seems. I do not know if it is the real one, but if that can help us...

​Sister Mary Eunice then looked at Tweedledee before she turned back to face Elsa.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Sure, I will do it, but now Tweedledee is in trouble. He was stung by one of the bees that was summoned by Christine.

Hearing all of this, Emma and Regina then suddenly reacted in horror, and they looked at each other. They then turned back and faced Sister Mary Eunice with horror.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Emma? Regina?
  • Emma: If Christine can still use her magic even after she gave us this, it can only mean one thing...

- Emma: This bracelet is a fake.

Sister Mary Eunice widened her eyes and looked at the bracelet.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: We have no time. Even if it is a fake, I need to test it if this can...
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Sister Mary Eunice then looked at the portrait of Van Bilj Family.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: ... lead us to the next stage of this cage. We could only save Betsy with it.

Suddenly, a coughing could be heard, and Pandora immediately went towards Sister Mary Eunice.

  • Pandora: The Witnesses has awakened. 

Sister Mary Eunice nodded, and then she narrowed her eyes and ran upstairs.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I understand, and now I need to help them.

Sister Mary Eunice quickly ran towards the portrait, and then she saw holes on the portrait's certain places - the wrist of Christine, the index finger of Colin and the chest of Caspar. She placed the jewels into those holes one by one, from Caspar's pin, to Colin's ring, and the replica of Christine's bracelet. Before placing the fake bracelet of Christine on her wrist, Sister Mary Eunice hesitate for a moment.

  • Ichabod: What happened? Who are you?
  • Emma: Mr. Crane, there is no time to explain...

As the Witnesses were talking with the Hexenmeisters and fairy tale figures, Sister Mary Eunice immediately made her decision and inserted the fake bracelet on the portrait...

... and the portrait moved like a door, showing a deep tunnel.

Sister Mary Eunice widened her eyes and turned back.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Crane! Abbie! We made it!

​Ichabod and Abbie were surprised and immediately went towards Sister Mary Eunice, followed by Elsa, Pandora and Mr. Gold. Regina and Emma were helping Tweedledee to take care of Tweedledum. However, when the Witnesses reached Sister Mary Eunice before the others did, several iron bars had appeared and blocked Elsa's way, and it deliberately separated them, trapping Ichabod, Abbie and Sister Mary Eunice somewhere like a cage.

  • Pandora: What?

​Pandora was shocked and immediately tried to break the iron bar, but she could not. All of a sudden, a laugh had outburst and echoed across the entire hall. It was the laugh of Christine, which shocked everyone.

  • Christine: [Ha, foolish Hexenmeisters! This game is only reserved for the Witnesses and their guardian angel. As for you, you need to breach my next challenge so that you can catch up with them. I prepared some extra entertainment for the Witnesses in the Colosseum, and you're not in!]

​Ichabod and Abbie were shocked to see this, and Ichabod immediately went to check the bars.

  • SH 305SleepyHollow DeadMenTellNoTales-A10 0035 (Custom)
    Ichabod: No, it can't be broken unless using brute force...
  • Pandora: We haven't get much time. I will find a way to break the bar, and you...

​Before Pandora could finish, the door had opened, and several zombies with red uniform of British Army had appeared.

  • Christine: [Now, it is time to see what you can do. Time does not wait for anyone!]

​Christine's voice appeared once again and ended her speech with a string of cackling. Ichabod and Abbie looked at each other.

  • Emma: Crane, Abbie, Sister Mary Eunice, you must go to save Betsy! We will take care of them!

​Ichabod bit his lips. He was yet to know who were those people that were saving him, but he wasted no time.

  • Ichabod: Very well, and be careful!

​Ichabod, Sister Mary Eunice and Abbie then went into the tunnel, and Emma looked at Tweedledee who was still moaning in pain...

- Emma: I hope they can make it.

Act 7 - Christine's Game[]


10 minutes later


Leaning herself on a stone pillar, Betsy Ross, now trapped inside the pale demonic body made of branches and maggots once again, was struggling in agony. A gigantic axe was on the wall and trapped her at her neck, making her barely animated.

  • Ichabod: Betsy? Betsy!
  • Abbie: NO! GET BACK!

Betsy suddenly heard the yelling and she looked up as the demonic vessel was still consuming her body. In a blurry sight, she saw her saviors - Ichabod, Sister Mary Eunice and Abbie - coming towards her.

  • Giphydeofj
    Betsy: No! Stay away from me! Christine had...

Ichabod and the other two stopped in front of Betsy, as the latter stopped in front of her.

  • Betsy: Ichabod, I saw her... She became even more horrible than before...
  • Ichabod: Don't worry. I will get her...

​Betsy struggled as she bit her lips. Stripes started to flash once again, and it was the same symptom occurred on the body of Caspar.

  • 314Monster
    No, please, don't! She is not here... You did not see her eyes... She injects me with something... It was her witch blood combined with Blood Moon Terrible's power. She wants me to kill you, Crane, see if I obeyed her orders...

​Abbie reacted in horror, and Ichabod's eyes widened as he attempted to walk closer to Betsy.

  • Ichabod: Betsy...
  • Betsy: AGGRH!!

All of a sudden, ​Betsy screamed in pain and horror as her body became pale and was consumed by the white branches from her demonic form once again, but this time, it was not the end. Her mutation became much longer and more intense as she screamed in agony...

- Betsy: I WILL NOT... KILL... YOU!!!

  • WhiteCreature

Ichabod tried to stop it, but Abbie immediately blocked him. Struggling and yelling in sheer pain and agony, the demonic Betsy's body had decayed, twisted and eventually started to expand... to an horrid state.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: No...

Then, she turned into a creature which no longer looked humanoid. Instead, she turned into a twisted and horrid monster which looked at an enormous crocodile. After that, the monster pushed away the axe that strained it before picking it up.

  • Abbie: What... what is that?
  • Sister Mary Eunice: Looks like Christine had made the mutation of this demonic body to extra high!
  • Ichabod: Betsy...

The Team Witness watched with horror as the monster jumped and tried to attack them.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: We must put an end to this sheer horror, right now.

With no hesitation, Sister Mary Eunice immediately repelled the monster with her light shield. The monster quickly bounced away, but was not hurt at all.

  • Girl-white-angel
    Ichabod: Please, Betsy... don't make me do this!

The monster that was once Betsy had lost its mind, and it immediately bounced towards Ichabod and tried to attack him with its axe. Abbie raised her gun and shot at the monster before she stepped back, and Sister Mary Eunice summoned a light lasso and strained the monster.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord...
Chain Chronicle Screenshot 0094

Suddenly, several chains made of shadows had appeared not far away, and soon Sister Mary Eunice was strained and could not move. The monster broke its lasso and started to attack Sister Mary Eunice in a horrid rampage.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: No!

Sister Mary Eunice look up and saw an enormous face with a disturbing smile. It was Christine's face and was enlightened by a puff of purple flame.

  • Christine: [What you can never expect that you are now in my world, and anything can happen! Even my will is merged with this place, and you cannot leave!]
Energy beam by protectprotect

Sister Mary narrowed her eyes and glared at Christine. Christine then summoned several purple claw to attack Sister Mary Eunice, trying to beat her and humiliate her.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Then, I will... find a way... to blow the place up!

Sister Mary Eunice shouted this out all the while being beaten, tortured, humiliated and harmed. Abbie saw Sister Mary Eunice being beaten, and she immediately went Sister Mary Eunice tried to cut the chains, but she was lack of blade and was beaten unconscious by the monster.

  • Christine: [Now, for you, Lt. Mills...]

Christine then controlled the monster and tried to cut off the head of Betsy with its axe. Suddenly, a purple shadow appeared and beaten down the monster. It was Mr. Gold, who used teleportation with Pandora and beat the monster down. Mr. Gold then summoned a red energy beam to attack the face of Christine, blowing itself apart.

  • Christine: [AGRHH!!!]

The face was blown apart with Christine's scream, but the entire thing was yet from over. Pandora entered and immediately went to the monster before attacking it with magic. The monster fell on the ground and its axe dropped. Pandora went forward to it and stepped on its abdomen.

  • Pandora: Well, just another failed experiment made by Christine Van Bilj...

Before Pandora could react, the monster grabbed the face of Pandora and tried to hack her with the axe, but in response, Pandora swayed her hand and fired a magic beam. It hit one of the limbs of the monster and it eventually fell down.

  • -美国恐怖故事--第二季-第1-00 32 50--20170502-125304-0-
    Sister Mary Eunice: Pandora?

Sister Mary Eunice looked with full of surprise when she looked at the face of Pandora... again.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You... again.

Pandora then turned to Sister Mary Eunice while ignoring her utter surprise. With her eyes glowing in green, Pandora then start raising her hand before chanting a spell when she pointing to the chained nun.

  • Incubator
    I call you forth, the Spirit of Purity, the Incubator of Justice, the Form of Sanity, the Redeemed One, the Benevolent One - the One whose name is Mary Eunice McKee! Release what you have been sealed!

Just then, the shadow chains surrounding Sister Mary Eunice had been broken, and then Sister Mary Eunice stood up with bright light, before the light faded. After looking at herself carefully, Sister Mary Eunice then looked at Pandora with a face full of surprise.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Well, thank you. Where are the others?
  • 403NotEvenBelle
    Mr. Gold: Sadly, they left. The Hexenmeisters' base was attacked by demons, and they must be returned to their base and follow the so-called instructions of their leader. By the way, Tweedledee had been taken back for further medical treatment. This is all a trap to separate us.
  • Sister Mary Eunice: Their leader? A trap?

Sister Mary Eunice was surprised to hear from the mysterious leader of the Hexenmeister Community, but she had no time to deal with this.

  • Mr
    Sister Mary Eunice: So, we need to deal with Christine ourselves?
  • Pandora: Don't worry. I will help you to deal with this.

​Despite knowing Pandora's purpose, Sister Mary Eunice gave her a heartfelt gratitude. Then she turned to the Two Witnesses who remained unconscious.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Let us waking them up.
  • Mr. Gold: There is no time. We must try to take this monster down so that the soul trapped inside shall rest in peace forever.
-美国恐怖故事--第二季-第9-00 31 34--20170426-223401-4-

With a reluctant look, Sister Mary Eunice had to sigh in sadness since she was still not sure with Mr. Gold's true loyalty.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Agreed. Looks like there is no choice but killing it... and save Betsy.

Sister Mary Eunice then turned into her angel form before drawing her sword of light and raised it above her head.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: We must be fast.

All of a sudden...


William Birkin 10

All of a sudden, a terrible scream could be heard. Realizing something went horribly wrong, Sister Mary Eunice, Pandora and Mr. Gold watched with horror after the demonic Betsy turned more twisted and horrid.

The monster's broken limbs had disappeared and sunk into her body, and she soon turned into a massive blob with a large mouth, sharp teeth and two long tentacles, occupying the entire room.

  • Pandora: We have problems...
  • Sister Mary Eunice: Isn't that obvious?

The body of the monstrous creature had became so huge that it start occupying the entire room, and soon the laugh of Christine could be heard throughout the room, making everyone reacted in shock.

  • Christine: [Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... Look at yourselves, the helpers of the Two Witnesses, just how dull you really are. Their previous confrontation with the Horseman was just a cliche sideshow compare to this battle because "it" will cost shorter time to end the fight... with "its" victory! This creature's power is just in my expectation and my anticipation... Well, and I guess "it" is beyond your imagination, right? Your eyes betrayed you... You are afraid!]

Hearing this, Sister Mary Eunice was incensed and bellowed angrily.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Show yourself! You dare to address her as "it"? You will suffer from a divine punishment!

However, Pandora quickly dismissed this.

  • Pandora: She was never here, Sister. I can feel that it is only a lie. It is only a recorded voice and was attempted to distract us.

Nodded, Sister Mary Eunice then just looked at the monster which was like a giant worm in sheer anger.

  • Carla Spore
    Sister Mary Eunice: Well, then, we all need to fight together so that we can help Betsy out from her sheer misery.

​The worm suddenly started to struggle, and all of a sudden, Betsy's human body appeared, in a form of white goo with an agonized face, and she was trying to struggle herself from the worm's body, but then she sunk back into the worm's body once again.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Betsy...

Sister Mary Eunice had already reached the enormous worm, but then several white tentacles had came from the worm, and it tied the ankle of Sister Mary Eunice's ankle.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Not again...

During this time, Pandora was infuriated when she was still looking at Ichabod Crane in comatose.

  • Pandora: Ichabod Crane! Get up, you coward! Never tell me that you simply want to lie here! How can you save your best comrade if you can't even save yourself!

​Ichabod was now having a nightmare back into the time when he was young.

  • Ichabod: Uhh...

Pandora then angrily slapped Ichabod. Meanwhile, Abbie had been awakened, and she and Mr. Gold immediately went to Pandora. She did not see Pandora's face due to her illusory mask.

  • 303Promo1
    Abbie: Hey, hey, what are you doing?
  • Pandora: Don't step in. I am just waking him up!

​Pandora then desperately shouted out in anger.

  • Pandora: You said you want to save her, then try it! How can you save her in such a status, Crane!? GET UP!

​Suddenly, Pandora felt her neck being strained...

  • Ichabod: If you don't try... how can you know if I could save her or not?
  • Pandora: Huh!?

​Pandora widened her eyes in shock when she saw Ichabod being awakened. Ichabod pushed Pandora aside and stood up, raising a long sword and charged at Betsy.

  • Pandora: ......
  • Mr. Gold: What is going on?

​Pandora could only create a fake smile.

  • Pandora: It's... it's all according to my plan.

​Mr. Gold sighed in calmness, and Abbie looked at those two strangers in bewilderment.

  • Mr. Gold: It must be a blatant lie...
Carla Spore Render

Ichabod immediately raised his sword against the monster. Betsy was struggling in sheer pain and agony, in a shape of white goo. She struggled and struggled. Ichabod could not see her suffering and raised his sword.

  • Ichabod: I never want to do this... but I have no choice unless you don't snap out of it.

​Betsy's goo body forming from her worm vessel was now in a shape of human, but covered in white goo and looked very hideous. No one can tell if it was a human.

  • Ichabod: This is not the real you. Christine made you into this. She deserves to die, not you! Don't make me do this!

​The monster Betsy released several tentacles, and Ichabod immediately blocked himself with it. Ichabod cut off the tentacles, and Betsy could only howl in sheer pain. Ichabod widened his eyes as he tried to help Betsy.

  • Ichabod: Betsy! Remember the days when we fought against General Howe together? Remember the day when you sewed the flag? I, Katrina, Washington and many others all admire your talents! Therefore, please awaken! You are always my friend!

​As Ichabod tried to strike the monsters that the worm had released, Betsy held back her pain and struggled.

  • Betsy: I am... your friend...

​Betsy closed her eyes and soon, Christine's malevolent face had surfaced inside her mind once again. Rage burned inside Betsy's chest.

  • 908fa0ec08fa513d667da8c23d6d55fbb3fbd9d3
    Betsy: Yes, yes, Christine is my enemy, not my mistress... She can't order me to do anything...

​The white goo on Betsy's body began to melt and fell on the ground like a melting candle, revealing Betsy's navy blue uniform inside it.

  • Betsy: Her monster trapped me for more than 200 years, but she can never chain me once again!

Betsy started to defy Christine's influence, but suddenly, her word was interrupted by a shadowy purple hand coming right towards her, grabbing her throat and stopped her from speaking. Christine's face surfaced behind Ichabod and released a great number of shadow hands.

  • Hungary.full
    Christine: [Enough! I heard enough from you! If you can't become my tool, Elizabeth Phoebes Ross, I will make you watch as the man you once loved die in front of you!]

​As Christine was ranting in rage, the shadowy hand had grabbed Ichabod's ankle and hang him. Abbie and others tried to stop, but many shadow chains had blocked their way.

  • Christine: [We could have rule this whole world together, Ichabod, when we were just children... but sadly, you need to die!]

​As Christine was strangling Betsy and Ichabod, Betsy immediately summoned another tentacle. She picked up the large axe from the ground and threw it at Christine's tentacles. The tentacles were cut and Ichabod was saved.

Christine widened her eyes and was visibly angry.

  • Christine: And, now, Betsy...

​Christine summoned a black tentacle with thorn. It pierced right through Betsy's chest and torn her human body from the worm body as well as those muddy goo. Betsy lied on the ground, dying, as Christine's shadow tentacles and hands went back to the ground. The Worm body immediately melted into white concretes.

  • Ichabod: Betsy!

Ichabod was saved. As Christine's Essence left the room, Ichabod immediately went to Betsy, who was lying on the ground and coughing blood. Abbie, Pandora and Mr. Gold followed him. Ichabod immediately tried to help Betsy to get up, but the latter refused.

  • Ichabod: We will get you out of here!
  • Betsy: No, Ichabod... I could not make it... and you know it. The witch blood is inside me... There is no way back... Please, Ichabod... use the flag I sewed... to destroy her.

Betsy the gave Ichabod a smile as her sight became blurry and her voice became weak.

  • Ichabod: Betsy...

Tears of blood start coming out of the eyes of ​Betsy.

  • Betsy: Ichabod, I... I am so glad to meet you... as my friend... You are my best friend... I hope we will meet again...


- Betsy: And in the end, please give my best to Katrina... Goodbye, Ichabod...


Giving out her one last breath, Betsy shivered one last time before she finally closed her eyes. This time, she was really died...

  • Ichabod: BETSY? BETSY!!!

Losing Betsy, ​Ichabod had felt the same feeling when Katrina lost him in the battlefield, when Katarina Couteau lost Eugen, and when Abbie lost Corbin...

  • Abbie: ......
  • Sister Mary Eunice: ......
  • Pandora: ......
  • Mr. Gold: ......
  • Ichabod: ......

Ichabod watched the demise of Betsy silently... silently... and he was so sad that he could not even shed tears. His body trembled in horror. Abbie could not say a word either.


With tears inside her eyes, Sister Mary Eunice summoned a white shroud and put her crucifix on Betsy's lips, and then Ichabod slowly covered her body with the white cloth sheet the nun summoned. Then, he hugged the flag the martyr sewed so many years, as a sign to say goodbye.

  • Ichabod: Goodbye, Betsy...

Biting her lips, Sister Mary Eunice stood up and spoke out.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Our greatest enemies are truly responsible for all of this, Crane. We need to stop her before she let this entire town fall into ruins. We cannot let Betsy's sacrifice fall in vain.
  • Ichabod: Hmm...

Fury had filled Ichabod's heart, and soon he started to realized that only using Caspar's secret weapons to destroy Christine could save the town from the demonic power. Then, the five set out to find Christine before she tear this town apart...

However, they did not notice a pair of eyes were looking at them, a pair of eyes which belonged to a man who had just arrived a second ago. He took a look at the corpse of Betsy with a smile.

- Nevins: Hmm...

Act 8 - Selina's Arrival[]

Sleepy Hollow[]


Ichabod, Abbie and Sister Mary Eunice left the room without noticing Nevins hiding behind them. They were followed by Pandora and Mr. Gold.

All of a sudden, Pandora felt someone strange was behind her, and she immediately stopped for a moment, but she found nothing strange.

  • Pandora: Was it just me or there was someone right behind us?

Just then, Pandora heard Ichabod's voice.

  • Ichabod: Over here!

Pandora turned back and immediately caught up with the others. She was feeling bad, but there was no time for her to express her feelings. At this point, Ichabod had already reached the hall, where there were ice and snow everywhere. Pandora went to Ichabod and realized what was happening.

  • Pandora: This trail of footprints...

Pandora saw a strange trail of footprints on the thick snow, and she widened her eyes. She turned aside and saw more trails of footprints that did not last long, apparently Emma, Elsa and others since they could use teleportation. This mysterious trail, however, led right through the door of the hall.

Ichabod Crane

Sister Mary Eunice noticed this strange trail of footprint as well. She narrowed her eyes and was utterly surprised.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Someone else is in here... someone that is not among us.

Sister Mary Eunice the crouched at the footprint and looked at it closely. She measured the footprint with a ruler, and she bit her lips.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Those footprints are apparently made of female shoes, but the size is rather large. Hmm, therefore, it could be some woman who is very tall.

Sister Mary Eunice stood up as she narrowed her eyes.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Maybe even taller than an average male.

Sister Mary Eunice sighed and put her hand on her chin. She could not figure out who these footprints belong to, and she rushed to the door, followed by the others. Suddenly, the footprints disappeared... and replaced by a trail of rose pedals.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Rose pedals?

Sister Mary Eunice then looked as there were rose pedals falling not far away, making a trail that lead to the deeper place in the corridor...

  • Hospital corridor at night cc by nc sa by jakebowkett-d65jhoh
    Sister Mary Eunice: Someone is here helping us on purpose.

Ichabod and Abbie immediately widened their eyes in surprise. Mr. Gold looked at Pandora, but Pandora was still maintaining her uncaring face.

  • Pandora: That would be marvelous.

Sister Mary Eunice then turned her head and sighed.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Now, we must follow this trail of rose pedals immediately!

When suddenly---

- Warning! Warning! -

- Warning! Warning! -

- The self destructive system is now activated. -

- Leave this facility in two hours! -


People all heard this and looked around, as the alarm began to roar and the red light flashed.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: It was apparent that this place was not enough to hold for too long. We must find Christine now!

Abbie bit her lips. She took a look at the flag wrapped on her arm and sighed.

  • Abbie: I hope time is on our side.

Then, while following the tracks made of rose pedals out of nowhere, Ichabod, Abbie, Sister Mary Eunice, Pandora and Mr. Gold started to face their final battle against Christine Van Bilj in person.

  • Ichabod: (think) This is for you, Betsy!




At this time, Nevins heard the self-destructive system was activated, and he shook his head.

  • Nevins: Why two hours? If it is up to me to set some system like this, it will only take 30 minutes to its self-destruction!

Then, Nevins sarcastically chuckled and turned back, right before he teleported himself and the corpse of Betsy away, back into Purgatory, where he will start another operation according to Michael Langdon's own instruction.

However, that's for another time.

Mirror World[]


Mirror World

Glass Prison


Inside the Mirror World, Christine Van Bilj snarled with sheer spite when she looked at one of the mirrors, and when she realized that Betsy Ross was now completely freed from her own control. She bit her lips and whispered to herself.

  • Christine: It seemed that I cannot rely on anyone now! However, as soon as I don't make anyone enters here to find the Magic Mirror, I will trap the Witnesses and any intruder coming into this world... This World ... Behind the Mirror.

The Mirror World, also known as the World Behind the Mirror and the Glass Prison, is a realm that is accessible behind all mirrors, and it is connected to Purgatory. Once a person is in this world, he or she can touch various mirrors to see what is happening in the world that the mirrors on the other side exist in.

At an unknown point in time, the Magic Mirror ends up here after being framed for killing King Leopold, and this is how he communicates through the Evil Queen's mirrors. The Mirror begins working on a portal to escape his prison, but he doesn't finish building it. He then became the only way for the intruders to to get out of the prison.


At this point of time, Christine had escaped into the Mirror World while controlling everything inside the facility with her own will. She knew which mirror inside the place was the Magic Mirror, and she hid it inside the place. Anyone who go through the magic mirror will go be teleported to a place they wanted to go, but the mirror itself would still be trapped inside this place and could not escape.

After Betsy's death, Christine kept looking at the Colosseum through a mirror hiding inside the place. She then watched with shock as she saw a figure began to approach the body of the Betsy. She watched closer as she soon narrowed her eyes and whispered to herself...

  • 48204960 p0
    Nevins? What's he doing here? What is he planning with the body of Betsy?

Just then, another mirror behind Christine started to shine, and Christine heard a voice coming from the mirror.

  • ???: I don't care what this world is, but here and now, I will apprehend you for war crimes and mass murder, Christine Van Bilj, in the name of Sleepy Hollow.

​Christine was alarmed and turned back. She looked at a tall woman with red dress, a mask as well as a red hood. The woman came through the mirror with a string of chuckle.

  • ???: I have leave clues for the Witnesses to enter your place through this mirror, and they will come for you very soon. I assume that the Hexenmeisters will coming to get you as soon as they finished with those problems. Now, you must surrender and go to prison for your own maniacal crimes.

​Christine glared at the woman in red with scoff.

  • 43879477 p0
    Who are you?

The woman then slowly revealed her face briefly, and she smiled at Christine.

  • Selina: You can just call me Selina, for I am simply a hell of maid.

The woman was in fact Selina Strawberry in her own disguise. She placed the mask on her face once again and looked at Christine with a malevolent grin. Christine then lifted her head.

  • Christine: Ah, I can see what your intentions are, and I can see who you are. However, how can you find the place?

Hearing this, ​Selina bit her lips and looked at Christine in a look full of nothing but scorn.

  • Selina: Is that really important? Can't you see there is someone who came here looking for trouble? Can't you see there is someone...

Selina then turned into a more serious expression when she took off her glove lifted her bare hand, release a large fire ball which floated on her palm.

  • Selina: ... who is here to tell you that you are nothing but an arrogant creep?

Selina's Flashback[]

Sleepy Hollow

Mayor's Office

1 hour ago

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The Mayor's Office was soon came into mess since many places in the town had missing citizens and panicking people everywhere. Selina Strawberry went out of her secret chamber in her maid outfit as she closed her eyes. However, soon, enough, she opened her eyes once again and then she looked at the window with distraught.

  • Selina: The Mayor was still yet from returning. I just do not understand why citizens of Sleepy Hollow had voted such a man as the mayor.

At this time, her colleague, Gregory Grape, was standing beside her as well, with no emotions in his eyes.

  • Gregory: You mean you want to take his seat?

​Selina only shook her head.

  • Selina: No need, since I alone am the true mayor of this town. However, I need to take care of this insanity and so I need to...

As she was turning back and looked at Gregory with her eyes narrowed.

  • Selina: So I need to contact the Hexenmeister Community right away.
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However, as Selina was ready to move, Gregory shook his head and made a finger snap. Selina suddenly felt her body was strained by something and soon, she found herself could barely move. She closed her eyes as she was trying to struggle.

  • Selina: What are you doing, Gregory?

Selina felt that she was strained harder and harder by that mysterious force and she almost fell on the ground.

  • Gregory: I can't let you go, Selina. You should have know that our Father only wants us to work with two people; Melancholia the Fairy and Michael Langdon, in our quest to overthrow Moloch. We never need those sad Hexenmeisters.

Selina struggled herself and looked at Gregory.

  • Selina: I never doubted him, but we worked with them and got nothing. I contacted Melancholia personally... and she refused to tell me her true purpose. This town is now sliding into the blink of chaos. We cannot afford the great price if we ignored those mayhem.

Gregory made a finger snap once more, and soon, Selina had fell on the ground. Gregory looked at Selina with his own cold and vacant eyes.

  • Ichabod-Crane-Screencaps-ichabod-crane-sleepy-hollow-tv-series-35761154-500-281
    Gregory: Never think you are the hero, Selina. As the second in command of we top executives of our Order, you must understand the differences between us and the Hexenmeisters Community. They are now helping Ichabod Crane, but we are not going to do so... unless Ichabod Crane was on our side.

Gregory then turned back, leaving Selina breathing on the ground.

  • Gregory: The Father wants you to go and visit Ichabod Crane... as soon as this was over, and you will give him a letter from Washington.

Selina struggled herself to stand up and looked at Gregory.

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    Selina: What about those citizens? My reputation will fall if I don't take actions.

Gregory shook his head before he went back into the secret tunnel.

- Gregory: They won't do it. No one will defy the Order of Flourish.

Gregory left, and Selina sighed as she lower her head in shame. However, suddenly, Gregory turned back and made a finger snap once again, and Selina suddenly felt that her body was freed from the straining. She felt this all of a sudden, and she was so surprised that she immediately looked at Gregory.

  • Gregory: Unless they are trying to make things right, they can do it, but they need to pay for the price if anything happen to them.

Gregory then walked forward to a surprised Selina and whispered to her.

  • Gregory: I hope you know what you are doing, Selina. Please, do it quietly.

Selina bit her lips and soon, tears started to stream down from her eyes. She realized that Gregory was not as cold-hearted as he seemed to be.

- Selina: Thank you, Gregory.

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Selina then set out to find the place of Christine Van Bilj. She immediately took off her eye patch, revealing her right eye enchanted with magic, and she used her magical vision to see what was going on. Eventually, she saw the resurrection of Christine.

  • Selina: That is...

​Selina reacted in horror when she saw Christine. She had heard of Christine Van Bilj from her master, but she did not know that Christine was revived.

  • Selina: (think) * Damn that Melancholia, that sick liar! She said that she would prevent all of the things like that to happen! *

​Shocked, Selina immediately covered her eye with eye-patch once again, and then she immediately turned back and wore a red coat.

  • Gregory: Do I need to make some hot tea for you, Selina? The snow is really heavy out there!
  • Selina: No, thank you!

Selina immediately went out of the place with a rush, and she immediately went towards the church, where Christine had been terrorizing townspeople. All the way, Selina saw people lying on the ground and were taken by ambulance, and she realized that things were not going well.

  • U=1139089146,1306466903&fm=200&gp=0
    Selina: (think) * Such a horrible thing had happened... and why didn't anyone tell me? They think I am stupid? That Melancholia can fool me forever? She may fool somebody forever, she may fool everyone forever, but she can never fool everyone forever! *

As the snow became less heavier and the wind became weaker, Selina reached the church and then she saw Elsa, Emma and Regina coming out from the church and rushed towards somewhere. They did not notice Selina, much to her relief.

  • Selina: (think) * Emma Swan? Elsa? What is the Savior of Enchanted Forest and the Snow Queen doing here? *
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​Selina immediately went into the church and only saw several townspeople lying on the ground unconscious. She looked at the townspeople and closed her eyes. Immediately, she clenched her fist when she realized that they were the missing people that was supposed to attend the harvest festival.

  • Selina: (think) * My brothers and sisters! My townspeople... CHRISTINE VAN BILJ!!! *

Selina immediately went to the towns people and checked their condition, finding them to be beaten. Some ashes were covering on their face. Selina tried to brush the ashes off using her gloved hands, but she could not brush them off.

  • Selina: Aw...

Feeling dismayed, Selina started to sweat and bit her lips bitterly, before all of a sudden, the people disappeared. Selina stood up and looked around, frowned. It was obvious that Christine had teleported them away, since Selina had already knew that Christine was behind all of this.


However, her attention was caught when she spotted a small white paper on the ground. She slowly picked it up and looked at it carefully... and saw a crest. She immediately narrowed her eyes and touched the card. All of a sudden, the face of Nevins flashed in Selina's mind, and even it was only for one second. Selina was also shocked.

Selina then looked closer at the crest... and she had recognized the crest.

  • RecklessFistRavenfull921132
    Selina: The crest of Duke Firenza!?

Selina realized that it was the crest of Duke Firenza, and she had heard the Light Lord told her about Duke Firenza, a minion of Moloch who had his blood accursed by something known as The Blackness due to Moloch's curse.

  • Selina: (think) Why would Nevins carried a card of Firenza Family? Maybe he was planning to use Firenza Family as well? But Duke Firenza was dead, and his son was nowhere to find...

Rumors said that his only son carried the same blood, but no one had ever found the boy ever since his missing months ago.

Seeing the blizzard settled down and the sun was set, Selina decided to take the card back for more information and then she turned back and disappeared in a red puff smoke.

30 minutes ago

Sleepy Hollow Woods

Van Bilj Facility



After arriving at the facility of Van Bilj Family by teleportation, with herself in a mask, Selina traveled a long way and entered the hall. She hid herself at the corner beside the stairs. Selina could only feel cold. It was obvious, because there were ice and snow everywhere.

  • Elsa: It was apparent that they are safe.

Elsa watched the direction of the secret tunnel. She, Emma and Regina had fought against a large swarm of monster bees as well as the clones of Christine. Beside them, Pandora and Mr. Gold were helping Tweedledum to keep Tweedledee away from those after mentioned threats.

  • Emma: Now, we must go and help the Witnesses!

Just then, Emma's telephone rang and soon afterwards, Emma answered the phone. Regina and others were trying to reach the door after the bars disappeared. However, when Emma stopped to answer this phone call, they turned back at her with surprise.

  • Emma: Who is this?

At the other side of the phone, it was Captain Hook. He brought unsettling news.

  • SoulsoftheForgotten-TF04-JP-VG
    Hook: [Emma, here is a situation in our base. Someone had spilled the secrets within our base, and now some demons sent by Christine had knew this. They were assaulting the base.]

Emma was very surprised and she widened her eyes with sheer shock. Everyone heard her following words was surprised.

  • Emma: What? Demons from Christine? Don't worry. I am reaching towards Christine now...
  • Hook: [I know, but the leader wants you to get back to our base right now and eliminate them.]

Emma was so almost falling on the ground and she widened her eyes.

  • Emma: The leader? Why would he do that?

​Emma's word "leader" had made people all surprised and shocked. The Hexenmeisters could not disobey the orders from their leader, no matter who is sitting on the chair of their leader.


Hook's voice seemed full of uncertainty.

  • Hook: [I have no idea. He wanted you, the Tweedles and Elsa be there as soon as possible, and we will find the mysterious spy which spilled out our secrets. Also, the leader said that the old crocodile won't be back.]

Emma took a peek at Mr. Gold, who looked at her with a face of surprise. Mr. Gold was not in a good relations with Hook, and Hook often called him "crocodile".

  • Hook: [I think that is all. Elsa needs to return to Arendelle for safety, and that was all for now.]
  • Emma: Very well, Hook. Farewell.

Hook hung up the phone. Emma could only lowered her head in dismay. She slowly put her phone back into her pocket and she sighed in sadness.

  • Emma: The leader wants us to be back, and we can only rely this on Mr. Gold and Pandora.

Elsa was surprised to hear those words. Pandora also had the same reaction.

  • Elsa: I thought you are the leader of the Hexenmeister Community, Emma.

Emma shook her head and sighed in dismay.

  • Emma swan
    Emma: Who told you that I am the leader? Elsa, no, there is another one who is the leader... and I never liked him at all. He always presented himself in a mask on rare occasions of his presence, and not even us know who he is. He became the leader three years ago, and he made me and my friends to join them. Despite I never like him, despite I never know who he is, I cannot disobey him.

Emma then sighed and she looked at Elsa with dismay in her eyes...

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    Emma: Elsa, I need to send you back to your kingdom, Arendelle, in order to keep the safety of you and your family.

Elsa thought about her sister, Anna, and immediately nodded.

  • Elsa: I wish all of us godspeed.

Emma then teleported herself, Elsa, Regina, Tweedledum and an injured Tweedledee away, leaving Pandora and Mr. Gold in the place.

  • Pandora: There is a leader in Hexenmeister Community?

Mr. Gold shrugged his shoulders and spoke another lie, as he and Pandora went into the tunnel.

  • ​Mr. Gold: How should I know? I am not one of them.

Hiding herself inside corner, Selina was now freezing cold and shivered in dismay. She held her feelings from sneezing in order to keep herself from being discovered.

  • 49768056 p10 master1200
    Selina: (think) * Aw, this place is even colder than the outside... *

Selina then slowly walked into the hall and summoned a fire ball to keep herself warm.

  • Selina: (think) * No, I must find Christine as soon as possible, but I need to find myself a mirror... *

Selina turned back to the tunnel, but she was surprised that the tunnel disappeared, replaced by a portrait. Selina was became more and more anxious and she bit her lips without realizing the tunnel was behind the portrait.

  • Selina: Dammit...

Selina was distressed, and so she had to find herself a mirror through the facility, and she searched for half an hour, almost the entire facility, but apparently there was no mirror inside the facility.

  • Selina: It must be Christine. She had hidden all her mirrors away...
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Selina then narrowed her eyes and saw a door that marked "Christine's Room", and the door was having cracks and was casually fixed... or in other words, just added some nailed wooden frames on it, but it can't help.

- Selina: That is it...

Selina lifted her long leg and kicked at the door, immediately kicked the door open. Selina stood there, feeling amazed and looked at her legs.

It should be noted that Selina was an extremely tall woman, taller than many men, with long legs and powerful strength, but she did not expected that she would one day kicked an already broken door to a state beyond repair. She immediately covered her moth with her palm in order to hide her gloating smile.

  • Selina: I really did it... That's such a low quality of a door.

Then, feeling tired of hiding herself, Selina laughed and pointed at the chair in front of her.

  • Selina: I find you, Christine! Now, show yourself and get the hell out of here! Otherwise, I will clean up your mess!


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Selina's smile immediately faded when she saw no one answering her. Selina felt something was going wrong and then she slowly walked towards the chair, slowly and slowly... before she saw the doll of Christine on the chair.

  • Selina: She ran away?

Selina was mildly shock, but then she saw a large mirror was beside the chair. Selina walked towards the mirror and touched it.

  • Selina: It's magical...

At this point, Selina widened her eyes with surprise and curiosity, because she had found the mirror was behaving like water. When its surface was touched, it became wavy like a drop of water fell into the surface of a lake.

  • Selina: So this is the way to the World Behind the Mirror, right? Ha, yes, yes, but I have more work to do. It is time to say goodbye to this hell to the heaven.

Selina then went to a red button on the wall that had the words on it, "Self-Destructive System. Push the Button and it would be exploded in 6 hours. Push the button again before the destruction will stop it."

  • Tumblr matlj2CuYI1rr47iio1 500
    Selina: It is time to leave the Witnesses some clues.

Selina then made a finger snap and several rose pedals began to fall from the sky, from the door of the hall to Christine's room, according to a nearest route. Selina sighed in relief.

  • Selina: Well, no idea. Who makes me such a fan of romanticism?

Selina smiled at the button before her face turned more serious once again, stopping herself from acting like a weirdo. Selina pushed the red button, activating the self-destructive system, and immediately summoned another magic.

- Warning! Warning! -

- Warning! Warning! -

- The self destructive system is now activated. -

- Leave this facility in two hours! -


As the alarm roared in craze, a large shield in a shape of semi-sphere had covered the facility, making it invisible to the outside, and no one would see or hear the explosion happened inside.

The explosion won't affect the outside world either, thanks to the shield. It will also extinguish the fire and put the explosion in the most minimum scale, so that the destruction would be put into the smallest scale.

  • Selina: Order... in the court.

With her face became even more serious, Selina turned back and went into the mirror... and then she will face Christine face to face inside the Mirror World.


  • 49768056 p15 master1200
    Selina: You and your evil plan not only ruin the precious holiday of mine. Worse, it also caused so many people being killed and terrorized, and now you are here to call yourself a queen. What kind of tyrant are you if you put the life of others in danger?

Selina then drew her blade as she started to approach Christine.

  • Selina: I will make you pay and know just how petty, wicked and worthless you are.

Christine looked at Selina with a poker face, and she blinked her eyes.

  • Christine: Please, my poor dear Selina, let us be realistic. You don't know about the rule in this place, right?

Hearing this, Selina's smile faded and her eyes widened in horror. At his time, it was Christine's turn to smile as she approached Selina.

  • Christine: Can't you see there is something strange?

Christine raised her hand and immediately summoned several shadow hands. Those hands immediately grabbed the wrist of Selina and hanged her upside down, just like sausages in the store.

  • Christine: I could have break the mirror behind you to stop you from leaving the place, and also it could prevent the Witnesses from entering her. However, I didn't, because there is no way out for you.

- Christine: The only way out is the magic mirror, and I hid it in somewhere.

Just then, the mirror behind Selina started to shine. Horrified, Selina realized what was happening.

  • Selina: NO! DON'T COME IN!

​It was Ichabod, Abbie, Sister Mary Eunice, Pandora and Mr. Gold, arriving in the mirror one by one.

  • Christine: Hahahahaha, Selina Sarandon, you wanted to help the Witnesses and their allies, but in the end you had ruined them! Now, it is the time to allow you inferior creatures to die in here!
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​Selina struggled and she looked at Christine in an eye full of fear. Ichabod and his allies had heard what Christine had said, but they still went into the mirror.

  • Selina: At least, I helped them to be here and destroy you! You will never win! You can't even beat your father!

Enraged, ​Christine immediately went forward and slapped Selina and turned to Ichabod. Her eyes started to glow in orange as her body began to shine in stripes.

  • Pandora: You are horrible, Christine Van Bilj... Are you someone who is born to induce pain upon innocent people?
  • Sister Mary Eunice: You killed your brother. Why on Earth did you do this?

Pandora narrowed her eyes and glared at Christine. Christine narrowed her eyes as well.

  • Christine: How can you humans understand that? The thing is not "why" but "how". As a special specimen beyond humanity, I deserve to be a queen!

A pair of monster wings began to form on Christine's back as Christine gloated in her intoxicating feelings, speaking in the same words she said so many years ago. Her hands turned into claws and two pairs of claws started to form on her body.

  • Christine: Therefore, prepare yourself for your queen's wrath!

Christine was looking exactly like a bee monster coming from a horror film, all the while gloating. She raised her hand and released Selina, and those shadow hand that once strained Selina turned on Ichabod, Abbie, Sister Mary Eunice, Pandora and Mr. Gold, all in their battle stance.

  • Selina: If you think you are a queen, then I shall inform you this: YOUR REIGN OF TERROR HAS ALREADY DOOMED! IT SHALL NEVER BE ESTABLISHED!
  • Christine: Really? I'll see how you all can stop me!

Selina slowly stood up and walked to the side of the Witnesses. Despite not knowing who she was, Abbie and Ichabod both felt grateful for Selina's efforts to give them a clue.


Act 9 - The True Winner[]

Mirror World[]

  • Mosquito-girl
    Christine: YOU DIE NOW!

With a face full of sheer anger, Christine immediately formed a large sting on her back and transform it into a shape like the head of a dragon with long neck. The monster that formed on Christine's back had large mouth with bare teeth.

  • Christine: Now, Crane, say your prayers.

Seeing the monster, Ichabod and Abbie were almost immediately alarmed, and Ichabod raised his sword and pointed at Christine.

  • Ichabod: Now, let us end everything between me and you so many years ago!
  • Christine: You already asked for it!

Christine did not answer more and attacked Ichabod with the monster sting, while opening he mouth, releasing a certain amount of red bees. The swarm of bees roamed towards Abbie, who was shooting at them but with no use.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Abbie!

Sister Mary Eunice immediately turned into her angel form and released a certain amount of light to burn those bees.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Pandora! Mr. Gold! You two find the Magic Mirror!

Pandora immediately went to search for the Magic Mirror, and Mr. Gold was following him. Selina raised a spear she summoned, and she held it in her grasp. Almost immediately, it began to engulf in flames.

  • Selina: Fire Serpent!

Enraged, Selina raised her fire spear and almost immediately pointed it at Christine, as the flame formed in a shape of an enormous snake.

  • Selina: I won't let you harm my world!

Selina released the fiery snake at Christine, and Christine immediately raised one of her six arm. The arm stretched and grabbed the fiery snake with bare hand.

  • Rōkiai Fired as a cero-like blast
    Christine: You are a fire sorcerer. It is quite a common thing for a fire sorcerer.

Hearing this, Selina smiled.

  • Selina: Thanks for the compliment, but I don't think it is a common thing for a fire sorcerer to achieve this!

Becoming serious once again, Selina narrowed her eyes at the snake, and the fire snake immediately exploded into rose red aura. Christine screamed in pain as one of her arm were blow into pieces.

  • Christine: Ugh, that is somewhat impressive.

Christine bit her lips and slowly watched as her arm slowly regenerated. She then looked at Selina as the latter started to release more smaller fire snakes.

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Christine roared out as a large yellow hexagon formed above Selina, and numerous hands made of black shadows were coming out to strangle Selina.

  • Christine: Hive Hexagon!

Selina was strained in the place and could not move. Ichabod immediately raised his crossbow at Christine to shoot her, but Christine immediately grabbed the arrow coming towards her with her bare hand.

  • Christine: Useless.

It was like Serilda grabbing Ichabod's bullet with bare hand, but even worse, Christine immediately threw the arrow back and it hit the shoulder of Ichabod.

  • 201Abbie
    Ichabod: AHH!

​The arrow pierced Ichabod's shoulder. Abbie heard this and immediately went back to help Ichabod. Christine then grinned wickedly.

  • Christine: Well, well, well, this is just another familiar place. That girl behaved like that when I experimented her with my toxin. She was feared like a coward. I know you hid your fear inside your mind, Crane, but you are fear of me.

​Christine then summoned a silver spear and pointed at Ichabod, as the latter struggled on the ground with pain.

  • Happycultist
    Christine: Admit it. Say, "You want to surrender." Say it.

Abbie tried to shoot Christine, but suddenly several hands grabbed her shoulder and wrist, as Abbie turned back in horror. She saw several possessed townspeople behind her, including all those Harvest Festival Participants who had missing through days.

  • Abbie: What the Hell?

The towns people had no emotions in their eyes, which were glowing red. Christine flipped her wings and beaten Abbie with he spear. Then, with a war cry, Christine struck the wound of Ichabod one by one.

  • -美国恐怖故事--第二季-第1-00 29 41--20170728-171540-5-
    Christine: If you don't want to say it, fine, then surrender the flag of Betsy Ross! I want it!

Christine then delved the sting spear into Ichabod even harder and continued her threats.

  • Christine: Otherwise, your allies will all be doomed!

Above the top of Christine's head, Sister Mary Eunice was surrounded by the bees, and she tried to get rid of them, but the more she killed, the more the swarm developed.

  • -美国恐怖故事--第二季-第1-00 13 04--20170728-171200-3-
    Sister Mary Eunice: Impossible!

Sister Mary Eunice could not destroy all of the swarm, and soon the swarm became even bigger after all those efforts to destroy it. The bees attacked Sister Mary Eunice, as the poor nun bit her own teeth, being agonized.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: What happened? Those bees...

​Sister Mary Eunice could only fell dizzy, but she maintained her calmness.


Despite this, the situation was not getting well. Sister Mary Eunice knew that only killing Christine would stop those madness, but she could not reach her.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I am sorry, Betsy...

Sister Mary Eunice could only watch as Ichabod being tortured by Christine, Selina being trapped by shadow hands, Pandora and Mr. Gold desperately trying to find the Magic Mirror, and Abbie being surrounded by possessed citizens.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Everyone...

Then, Sister Mary Eunice looked at the flag with a sign of guilty conscience. She had just made Ichabod to keep the flag of Betsy Ross in her hand.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Betsy... Betsy... What should I do...

​Suddenly, Sister Mary Eunice had heard a voice in her head as she looked at the flag in her hand.

  • ???: Use your own light to enlighten the flag, and use those mirrors to reflect them on the citizens...
  • Sister Mary Eunice: Betsy? Betsy? Is that you?
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Inside Sister Mary Eunice's mind, a surface wearing light blue dress had appeared. It was Betsy Ross, dressed up as a seamstress while wielding a knife.

  • Betsy: Sister, do it. Please believe in yourself. Christine Van Bilj had killed so many people, and this day is her last day on Earth. You and that red haired girl reminded me of who I am after I was trapped in that husk for so many years, and you brought the sense of human back to me when I was a monster. I am here to return the favor.

Feeling her eyes blurry by her tears, ​Sister Mary Eunice then looked at the flag inside her hand. She immediately looked at Betsy with excitement in her eyes.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Betsy Ross, when I heard about you as a child, I began to know that you were the woman sewed the first American flag. Ichabod said that this flag is your greatest achievement. He was right. I know every flag has its own story, and I like the story behind this one.
  • -美国恐怖故事--第二季-第1-00 21 03--20170728-171357-4-
    Then, Sister, use it and bring down Christine.

​Betsy smiled and turned back, much to Sister Mary Eunice's surprise.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Wait a minute! Where are you going?
  • Betsy: I will return to my own era, back into my true self... and I will make the history return back to normal.

​Sister Mary Eunice smiled as she shed tears for Betsy.

  • -美国恐怖故事--第二季-第1-00 06 02--20170728-171027-2-
    Sister Mary Eunice: That would be nice. Goodbye, Betsy.
  • Betsy: ......

Betsy smiled and looked one last time at Ichabod. No matter how Christine was torturing him, he did not speak the words, "I surrender." Then, feeling proud of Ichabod and hoping he will make it, Betsy's soul disappeared into golden photons and disappeared.

With tears in her eyes, Sister Mary Eunice prayed for Betsy's soul and then focused on the swarm coming towards her. She was determined to kill Christine and those monsters the latter controlled and saved everyone from danger.

- Sister Mary Eunice: This is for you, Betsy.


10 meters away

  • Pandora: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

Pandora picked up one of the mirrors and asked that same cliche question above. Of course, she received no answers.

  • Pandora: Gold, you said you met the Magic Mirror before in Enchanted Forest, and why can't I find him with this only question which will make him respond?

Mr. Gold shook his head with confusion as well.

  • PandoraAndHerTree
    Mr. Gold: No idea. Maybe he could not answer.

Pandora immediately threw the mirror on the ground, and the mirror did not crack, much to her surprise. However, she did not care about all of this at all.

  • Pandora: The Hidden One would be infuriated if I made one of the most trusted servant of Moloch win. Even so, I guess there are a lot more roses on the trees that was going to bloom.

​Pandora's true purpose inside this battle was to collect the fear raised by Christine's evil plot and bloom the roses on her tree. Even so, in case her plan went out of control, she needed to kill Christine as well in order to foil another plan of Moloch.

  • Pandora: The Team Witness...

Pandora looked at the scene not far away, as Mr. Gold began busy in finding the mirror. Not far away, Ichabod, Selina, Sister Mary Eunice and Abbie were all struggling against Christine and her demonic possessors.

  • Pandora: What made them fight alongside each other? Why can't I have a feelings like this in my partnership?

Suddenly, Pandora's words was interrupted when she heard a bellow from the sky.

  • Christine: You want the Magic Mirror? In your dream!

Christine was not far above Mr. Gold and Pandora, who looked at her with shock in her eyes. Christine had carried an awfully injured Ichabod on her arms.

  • 4091914-7076876239-Mosqu
    Christine: Now, fools, I will take you heads!

Christine threw the body of Ichabod on Pandora and started to mutate even more, into a shape of a true insect instead of a human.

  • Christine: Honey Explosion!

Christine called out her next attack, and several amber colored flame began to flashed on her eyes and the top of her head. She gathered a large sphere of energy that was glowing in amber color.

  • Christine: I WILL TEAR YOU APART!

With a sadistic yell, Christine crashed the sphere on Pandora, Ichabod and Mr. Gold. The explosion had knocked them back, sending them several meters away.

  • Selina: Unforgivable!

Seeing this not far away, Selina, who had broke free from the grasp of the shadow hands, yelled in panic and anger. Immediately, she charged at Christine on then midair, all the while being chased by the shadow hands.

  • Selina: Red Lotus Slash!

Selina used her fiery spear and slashed at Christine's back, but Christine immediately blocked herself from the attack, and she raised the dragon on her back. The head of dragon started to spit large bee stings and fired at Selina. Selina was horrified and slashed the stings in half.

  • Christine: This is not over! I am not done with you!

Christine then narrowed her eyes and bellowed in sheer rage. There are more hexagons formed beneath her. It was not just a few of them. There were bunches of them, hundreds in each bunch.

- Christine: I will summon my entire society! I will kill you all!!! Taste the pain you inflicted on my kingdom! THIS IS YOUR PUNISHMENT!

Mosquito Girl full appearance

Christine screamed in sheer menace as there were loud noises like that of a train. Soon, millions of bees had been summoned and flew out of the hexagons. Christine controlled those bugs and charged them at Pandora, Ichabod and Mr. Gold.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: No, I must be quick!

Sister Mary Eunice saw the things from not far away. She immediately wrapped the flag on her arm tightly. Then, she raised her light sword and slashed against those shadow demons that were trying to attack her.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I am coming, Abbie!

Sister Mary Eunice immediately cut those demons and went to save Abbie. Abbie was attacked by the possessed citizens, when Sister Mary Eunice used her light fist to knock them out.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You witches and demons! Leave my friend and those citizens you controlled alone!

Abbie was amazed to see Sister Mary Eunice defend her from the attack and knocked those attackers unconscious. Soon, the possessed citizens were all knocked down, with some of them unconscious.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: I am sorry to you all... and I promise that it won't last long.

Sister Mary Eunice was not apologizing to the demons and evil witches. She was apologizing to the citizens under their control.

  • Abbie in the Necromancer
    Sister Mary Eunice: Abbie, are you all right?

Sister Mary Eunice helped Abbie to get up, and Abbie sighed as she looked at Sister Mary Eunice.

  • Abbie: Sister...
  • Sister Mary Eunice: Don't worry. I am here to help you, like always.

​Sister Mary Eunice smiled at Abbie. Abbie looked at the flag wrapped on the arm of Sister Mary Eunice.

  • Abbie: It was glad that Colin never found the flag as he claimed in his letter.
  • Sister Mary Eunice: This is Betsy's greatest achievement. We cannot allow anyone so evil to take it away.

​Sister Mary Eunice then raised her head at Christine and the cloud of bees she had been controlled.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Now, let's kill that monster together.
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Meanwhile, Selina was trying to use her fiery spear to slash through the cloud of bee swarm, and she burnt a lot of them to die, but Christine immediately grabbed her shoulder with her dragon's bare teeth. Selina was bitten on her shoulder and glared at Christine.

  • Selina: Christine Van Bilj! You are such a hateful witch! You think you can make us to bow in front of you?

Christine bit Selina's shoulder even harder.

  • Christine: No, but I will make you die in front of me... and I will enjoy all of this!

With a sudden pain like stings, Selina felt that her body could not move at all, and only her lips could move. She could only speak in a weak voice.

  • Selina: What... have you... given to me?

Selina was getting weaker and weaker. Christine licked her lips with a perverted smile on her face. She leaned forward at Selina and whispered at her.

- Christine: Neurotoxins.


Christine then grinned as Selina looked at Christine with horror.

  • Christine: It can only be cured through killing me, but I think it would be too late. I will make you die slowly, without feelings at all. Sleepy well...

Selina could not speak at all. Her body stopped struggling. Her heart was still beating, and she was to the point of unconsciousness. Christine smiled and threw Selina to the ground.

  • Christine: GOODBYE, SELINA!

Suddenly, a light had flashed and Christine's smile turned into a face of horror. She was shocked to find Sister Mary Eunice had caught Selina. Due to her spiritual status, Sister Mary Eunice could carry Selina with no efforts, despite the latter's towering height and large bone structure.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Oh, that was close.

Selina closed her eyes and tears of joy began to shed. Sister Mary Eunice then carried her on the ground and landed beside Ichabod and Mr. Gold. Pandora went on searching for the Magic Mirror.

  • 【mjt100
    Christine: NO!

Christine slammed her thigh with her clenched fists. Sister Mary Eunice immediately looked at Ichabod, and then she was appalled with his injury.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Crane, you are so hurt! Let me fix you up.

Sister Mary Eunice tried to cure Ichabod, but Ichabod shook his head with a smile.

  • Ichabod: I'm fine, Sister. You need to take down that witch, for all of our sake.
US flag 13 stars – Betsy Ross

Sister Mary Eunice then looked at the flag of Betsy Ross wrapped on her arm.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: You are right. Now, my friends, watch me over here. As long as you are behind me, I will vanquish that fiend with no hard efforts at all! Now, here's the plan if you get the Magic Mirror...

Sister Mary Eunice whispered her plan at Ichabod, and then Ichabod nodded in agreement. Sister Mary Eunice then stood up as she looked at Christine, who was snarling at them.

  • Hungary.full
    Christine: Kill.

The large swarm of bees had blew towards Sister Mary Eunice like living thunderclouds, and Sister Mary Eunice immediately widened her eyes and raised her sword.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Die!

Sister Mary Eunice flapped her wings and flew towards Christine, killing bees all the way. She created an energy shield to prevent herself from being stung. Then, she slashed her sword at Christine. Christine used the spear of bee sting to block it. Christine widened her eyes in sheer madness as the spear turned into a sword.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Turning yourself into a bee monster? Do you really know what have you been doing, Christine?

Christine chuckled in sheer madness, all the while blocking Sister Mary Eunice's sword.

  • Christine: Heheh... a trivial sacrifice. I'll do anything to achieve my most cherished wish!

Christine then noticed the flag of Betsy Ross, which was wrapped tightly on Sister Mary Eunice's arm. Fueling herself with sheer anger and madness, Christine then attacked as Sister Mary Eunice defend herself from the attack.

- Christine: Give me that flag right now!

Sister Mary Eunice blocked herself form the next slash.

  • 512Nooo!
    Sister Mary Eunice:

As the two people were fighting, Pandora had carried a large silver mirror and ran towards the place where Ichabod and Mr. Gold stood alongside a lying but still living Selina.

  • Pandora: Everyone! I found the magic mirror! I heard him crying for help and I located him immediately!

​Mr. Gold was surprised to hear that, and so he stood up and looked at the magic mirror, whose face was seen clearly in it.

  • Mr-Gold-1x19-The-Return-rumpelstiltskin-mr-gold-30293884-1280-1920
    Magic Mirror: Ah, there are people looking for me. I thought I've been long forgotten.

Mr. Gold looked at the Magic Mirror and nodded.

  • Mr. Gold: Yes, it is. Now, Mirror, we are here to set you free, but at first you must do us a favor.

The Magic Mirror shook his head.

  • Magic Mirror: No, there is no need. Even if you don't set me free, I will agree with your requests. You can ask me to help in three things, in order to show my gratitude.

Looking at the talking Magic Mirror with amaze, Ichabod then asked carefully.

  • Ichabod: Um, would you please reflect a light to all those mirrors?

Ichabod only asked one question in order to prevent himself from making two or more requests at the same time.

  • Magic Mirror: Certainly. Where is the source of light?

Ichabod immediately turned to Sister Mary Eunice and shouted out.

  • Ichabod: Sister Mary Eunice!

Sister Mary Eunice immediately turned back to Ichabod and then she lit herself up. Ichabod found that some other possessed citizens were trying to attack them, but it no longer matters. The Witnesses will win this battle.

  • Girl-white-angel
    Sister Mary Eunice: Here I am!

Christine was appalled by the sudden movement when she saw the magic mirror on Pandora's hand. She was angered and immediately tried to attack Pandora, but the light shone by Sister Mary Eunice rendered her inanimate at her position.

  • Christine: What?

Seeing the horrified face of Christine, Sister Mary Eunice lowed down her head with a face full of scorn.

  • Strike The Blood screenshot 0059
    Sister Mary Eunice: Go to Hell, Christine! You will pay for what you have done! This is for Betsy Ross!

With the starts on the Betsy Ross flag enlightened, a light beam was formed and went directly to Pandora. As a sign of signal, Sister Mary Eunice the looked at Pandora, who almost immediately use the Magic Mirror and reflect the light reflected from the flag on other mirrors.

Soon, there were hundreds of mirrors were reflecting light. Barely to see anything, Ichabod and his allies could only close their eyes. 

  • Christine: IMPOSSIBLE!
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Christine was utterly horrified to see so many light that was enhanced with the flag. She knew what will happen next.

  • Christine: No! I won't allow this!

Desperately, Christine tried to reach one of the mirrors and broke it, but before she could act, the light beam eventually hit her body.

  • Christine: AHH!!!

Then, Sister Mary Eunice immediately seized the chance and pierced through Christine's chest with her sword. After Sister Mary Eunice flew away from Christine and her swarm, it is the part for Christine to scream.

  • Christine: NO! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!
  • Sister Mary Eunice: It is the part for your final words, you false queen. Your reign of terror is over!

With golden electric current surging on her body, Christine fell her body was heated to an unbearable state. She desperately flipping her wings on the sky, trying to get out of a situation like this, but her wound was too fatal. It was tearing her apart.




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Howling in sheer pain, Christine's body exploded, as the blood boiled inside her body had torn her body into pieces. After a loud explosion and a flash of light, Christine Van Bilj finally died of this explosion, being finally destroyed into pieces.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: We did it... Christine is dead...

Returning back to her nun form, Sister Mary Eunice fell on the ground, and the light on her body soon disappeared, along with those radiations.

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However, the effects was going well. The light shone had brushed down the ashes from all of the possessed citizens, and the citizens all fell on the ground, becoming unconscious because of the effect. Lying on the ground, Sister Mary Eunice smiled as she watched Christine being destroyed and reduced into ashes, like Serilda.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: We... we won.

Just then, Sister Mary Eunice heard a trail of footsteps.

  • -美国恐怖故事--第二季-第1-00 30 40--20170728-170355-1-
    Abbie: SISTER!

Abbie immediately went to hug Sister Mary Eunice despite the latter's incorporeal nature, and Sister Mary Eunice closed her eyes.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: We did it. Christine is dead. Betsy is avenged.

Sister Mary Eunice then watched as the ashes of Christine and those evil bees fell on the ground like snowflakes. The ashes on the possessed citizens were brushed off their body as well, and they were rendered unconscious, lying on the ground and yet still alive.

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    Selina: Oh...

Selina then shivered as her body began to move again.

  • Selina: Oh, I can speak again... I can move my fingers...

Selina tried to move her hand and then her limbs. She was getting rid of the toxin due to the death of Christine. Then, Selina's whole body could move as she slowly stood up and rose to her full height.

  • Selina: Oh, I am still alive... I am still alive!

Selina had finally move properly instead of being paralyzed and waited for dying. Although still feeling unstabilized, Selina felt much better when she was lying on the ground as if she had a stroke.

  • Selina: Yes, we won! We won!

Selina immediately cheered in happiness, but soon she immediately coughed and regained her calmness and composure.

  • 303Promo1
    Selina: Um, and I'm happy... about that... friends.

Sister Mary Eunice slowly stood up and then she cured the wounds of Ichabod and Betsy.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: It is all of us. We made a team from here, we six.

Sister Mary Eunice then smiled at Pandora, who looked at her with surprise.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Including you.

Pandora looked at Sister Mary Eunice as she felt a little bit of embarrassed and shy.

  • Pandora: I... I am just doing what is right for us all.

Pandora sighed and looked at the unconscious people.

  • Pandora: What about these people? We need to send them back so that they could be reunite with their family and love one.

The Magic Mirror then shone in silver light.

  • Magic Mirror: Please allow me to do the job.

The Magic Mirror then shone in bright silver light, and soon the unconscious townspeople were all disappeared. The, the mirror showed everyone several scenes of those people appearing in their house and reunited with their family.

  • 512HelloAgain
    Magic Mirror: I think it would be the last shock for those people. Things will be settled down... for now.

Sister Mary Eunice then smiled at Magic Mirror.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Now, here is our one last request. Please send us back to where we came from.

Hearing this, the Magic Mirror sighed.

  • Magic Mirror: Now, I can do that, but when you returned back to that place... I think you will face an unexpected thing.

Everyone hearing this was surprised. They looked at Magic Mirror with sarcasm.

  • Abbie: What do you mean?

The Magic Mirror only gave them a cryptic smile.

- Magic Mirror: You'll see.

One second later, with a brief flash of white light, all people gathered in front of the Magic Mirror vanished.

Sleepy Hollow[]

Van Bilj Facility

30 minutes to the explosion


Sent by the power of the magic mirror, Ichabod and his allies were teleported back to Van Bilj Facility. The Team Witness then looked around and found themselves at the hall of Van Bilj Facility.

  • Abbie: It looked like the magic mirror itself had tricked us.
  • Selina: No, he sent us to the place where we came from. Maybe he did not know it was Sleepy Hollow.

The red light were flashed violently, and Ichabod widened his eyes. He immediately remembered the self destruction system.

  • Ichabod: If this place blew up, I think it will inflict the town, right?
  • Selina: There is no need to be bothered, Mr. Crane.

Selina shook her head calmly, and people around her all looked at the towering woman in her red dress and her red mask. Selina only shrugged her shoulder with no fear.

  • 49768056 p11 master1200
    Selina: I created a magic shield around this plant, and it will prevent the explosion to affect the town of Sleepy Hollow. It will also make the destruction into a minimum scale. I give you my word. All we need to do is go to the town's boarder via my teleportation, and I will call an ambulance for you. There is a hospital where...

Ichabod looked at Selina with curiosity. He politely interrupted Selina's word.

  • Ichabod: Sorry to interrupt, but... You know who I am? Who are you?

Did not feeling angry at all, Selina smiled as she blinked her eyes. Her smile was hidden by her mask.

  • Selina: If I tell you my true identity, can you keep my true identity as a secret?

Ichabod nodded confidently.

  • Ichabod: Yes, I can.

Selina chuckled like a joking child.

- Selina: Well, me, too.

Ichabod widened his eyes as Sister Mary Eunice and Abbie smile to each other.

  • 【mjt100
    Ichabod: Well, I know. You are really... really trustworthy...

​Selina smile as well...

  • Selina: No problem...

... when suddenly, Selina's smile faded. Ichabod had found something was wrong. Sister Mary Eunice had widened her eyes and was startled as well. Ichabod was confused.

  • Sister Mary Eunice: Crane... behind you...
Abbie Mills

​Ichabod turned back as Abbie raised her gun. She walked towards the man who stood at the door - Atticus Nevins.

  • Nevins: It looks like you guys are chatting really well in here. May I cut in if you don't mind?

​Abbie knew who Nevins are, given to his former friendship with Corbin.

  • Abbie: Shut the hell up and I will take you to jail. You and Corbin had a lot of debt between you.

Nevins slowly raised his hands and smiled in calmness.

  • Nevins: You think I am the villain here? No, no, no, no, it doesn't work like that. In this game, Lt. Mills, the debts collects you.

Nevins looked at Abbie as the latter glared at him with rage.

  • Nevins: Your sheriff learned that the hard way.

Abbie shook her head.

  • Abbie: I am not like Corbin.
  • Nevins: Yeah... and have you ever asked yourself why you need to know? Why we're playing ring-around-the-rosy over this little town? You're exactly like him. You and his son, Joe, you two are exactly like him.

Sister Mary Eunice and Ichabod both looked at each other with surprise. They never knew that Corbin had a son. Even so, they looked at Nevins as the latter still grinned at her. The time was running out, but Nevins seemed never bothered at all.

  • Nevins: You're drawn to the darkness, and you can't look away. That... badge of your sheriff, that uh...

Nevins looked at Abbie with a cold smile.

  • Nevins: Mayberry sheriff vibe... that was not August Corbin. No, he knew the truth.

Abbie heard this and immediately looked at Nevins with surprise.

  • Blood moon by koobazz
    Two covens in Sleepy Hollow? One is good and one is evil? Hmm... There is no good... no evil...

Nevins turned back and then he revealed the replica Blood Moon Ring on his hand. He then opened his coat and revealed the things inside his inner pocket - Caspar's pin, Christine's fake bracelet and Colin's real ring.

Ichabod, Sister Mary Eunice, Pandora, Mr. Gold, Selina and Abbie all watched with horror as he opened the box beside him, revealing something that made them screamed...


The corpse of Betsy Ross.

- Nevins: ... Just power.


Nevins raised his hand and immediately summoned the real bracelet of Christine, making it slipped from the hand of Sister Mary Eunice to the hand of his. Ichabod widened his eyes when he saw the corpse of Betsy.

  • Ichabod: What have you done to her?

Nevins raised his other hand and touched the box with his palm. The box containing the body of Betsy disappeared before Ichabod reached it.

  • Nevins: I am yet to do things on her. Christine is dead, indeed. I just need to take the corpse of Betsy Ross. She still have Christine's evil blood inside her, which will benefit my plan. Our master and that man will both be pleased when the latter returned to this place.
  • Abbie: That man?
  • Nevins: He and I both serve the same Master that Christine served. You six people all know his name.

Nevins slowly opened his mouth and spoke a name that made everyone in front of him startled.


- Nevins: His name is Michael Langdon.

  • Fate.Grand.Order.full
    Sister Mary Eunice: Damn you!

​Sister Mary Eunice immediately tried to charge at Nevins, but Selina blocked her way.

  • Selina: Sister, please, there is no time. This time, he won, but next time we will make him pay. I give you my word.

Selina then narrowed her eyes and bit her lips.

  • Selina: Because I have my own debt of blood between me and that man named Michael Langdon. I want to pay it with blood.

Nevins chuckled and he looked at Selina.

  • Nevins: Pathetic, young lady. I know who you are, but I am not going to tell anyone about it.
  • Selina: I cannot trust you.

Nevins blinked his eyes with a cruel smile.

  • Nevins: You are just wasting the time here. I will leave here now. If you don't want to die here... now it's the time to leave. Next time if you met Betsy, Mr. Crane, maybe she will be revived as well, just like me!

After throwing these sarcastic words, Nevins suddenly disappeared with a cruel smile. Sister Mary Eunice tried to grab the collar of Nevins, but it was too late.

Countdown to explosion

Ten, nine, eight...

  • Sister Mary Eunice: No, we must leave here!
  • Selina: Run!!!

Selina immediately used her teleportation magic... and soon they disappeared almost immediately.

... Three, two, one...



Sign of Sleepy Hollow

10 minutes later

Sleepy Hollow sign

Selina awoke beside the road. She stood up and looked around. She saw Sister Mary Eunice on the ground, sitting beside Abbie and Ichabod, who were both unconscious.

  • Selina: Sister?

Selina looked at Sister Mary Eunice, who nodded at her with a smile. Selina looked around, and she found no trace of Pandora and Mr. Gold. They must have left already.

  • Atticus Nevins-SHS3
    Selina: (think) * Atticus Nevins had won... It is cruel, but he had won... *

Selina bit her lips and stomped her right foot in anger. She then immediately realized what to do next. Selina opened the phone and looked at the Witnesses.

  • Selina: Mm.......

Just then, someone answer the telephone. Selina immediately reacted an answered it, all the while looking at Ichabod and Abbie.

- Selina: Please... I need an ambulance...

Mirror World[]

10 minutes later...

Valindra Shadowmantle

After the Team Witness, their allies and the unconscious citizens had left for their respective place through the Magic Mirror, Christine's remains still was inside the place. At this point Christine was now nothing but something fragmental and turned into several burning fragments...

  • ???: Hmm, Christine Van Bilj, do you know why you died? You talked too much and showed too less strength.

A scornful female voice, follow some noise of footsteps, had entered the Mirror World. It was Valindra Shadowmantle, who was looking at the remains of Christine with dismay and anger. She did not waste the time to insult Christine's remain.

  • Valindra: It is a shame that you are not on my side. However, I will take you back and bring you back one day. Soon enough, I will make you even more powerful and vicious than before, maybe worse than I am.

Valindra then summoned a purple aura inside her hand and soon, she gathered the ashes of Christine as well as the ashes of Blood Moon Witches.

  • ???: You are going to revive her? I am afraid one day he will surpass you, Lady Valindra, hissssahahaha...

Valindra heard a strange laughter like some snake's hissing, and she turned back with annoyance. As she was expected, it was Marlos Urnayle, the Prophet of Earth, who looked at Valindra with a teasing expression.

  • Marlos: To enter this pathetic world, you need to use my mirror... and that is so pathetic to see. I do not know about this but you will swallow your own bitter pills if you don't make her into a lich.

The words of Marlos made Valindra disgusted. In fact, Marlos is the only one of the Elemental Prophets (beside Aerisi) who is full of extreme vanity, and his vanity even exceeded to Aerisi's narcissism.

Hearing his words, Valindra was absolutely annoyed.

  • Valindra: (think) At least, Aerisi still have her own charm to be narcissistic, but what do you think you are, Marlos? You are just a rich but stinky medusa!
Neverwinter valindra by arteche-d65zfjq

With quite an annoyance, Valindra then turned back as she put the purple sphere inside her palms.

  • Valindra: Marlos, spare me your sermons. I did not want you to follow me here, and yet you did not listen. If you speak like some kind of spoiled child again, don't blame me for my following punishment.

Marlos fell silent and looked at Valindra with some annoyance. Valindra then made the ashes into a shape of a skull and looked at with a horrifying smile.

  • Valindra: I will bring her back as a living, not undead. I have no authority to order her, but I have my plan to make her stronger. This is what they are capable of...

​Marlos blinked his eyes.

  • Marlos: They?
  • ValindraBrokenFace
    Valindra: Moloch and Vizeran DeVir referred them as the Witness, and I believe after we activated the Seeds of Elemental Power, they will die.

Valindra then smiled wickedly before turning back to approach the Magic Mirror, as the Magic Mirror to look at her with nothing but fear.

  • Valindra: First of all, however, I need to bring the ashes of Christine back to Matron Malice. I will return you your mirror after we returned to the Reclamation Rock. Good news here for you, you will not come with me to Do'Urden's house.

Valindra then stopped as she muttered another word.

  • Valindra: By the way, Marlos, don't forget to find Drizzt Do'Urden for me. Our bargain is still yet from over. That thorn in my shoes must be removed!

Marlos shook his head and chuckled bitterly. He then smiled devilishly as the snake hair was wriggling in a horrible manner.

  • Marlos: As you wish.

Sleepy Hollow[]

3 hours later

Westchester County Police Department

Capt. Irving's office


Captain Frank Irving looked at the paper given by Selina Strawberry with suspicion in his eyes.

  • Selina: It seems that you never did trust me, Captain.

Irving looked at Selina in a poker face. Selina sighed and smiled at Irving.

  • Selina: Never worry, captain. I have specialized some project that can remove bad memories from those citizens. I made them forgot those horrifying memories, and therefore I managed to put the panic down. However, I am not sure if I am going to use that "thing" again.
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Irving looked at Selina with a cryptic look of sarcasm.

  • Irving: "Thing"?

Selina nodded with a sigh.

  • Selina: It was my invention... but it could only be used in extreme situation like this, and I am not sure if I am going to use that again. This panic was bigger than before, and captain, since this is a secret war, we need to keep it as secret as possible.
  • Irving: What about those people who did not survive in these messes?

​Selina shook her head and closed her eyes.

  • Selina: The only pain it can't be erased was the death in the family. I cannot erase them. That was too cruel. For now, their death could only be explained with "paranormal". It sounds like a rush work, but I have to do this.

Selina then bit her lips as she dared not look at the eyes of Irving, which were staring at her as if she was also a criminal.

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    Selina: Please don't ask more, captain. Once you know the truth, once you join all of this, there is no turning back. It is not like you let someone joined a surprise party which the surprise was reserved for them very specifically. This is war, a war should be done unnoticed, or people will pay with their life.

Captain Irving sighed in relief.

  • Irving: Very well, Ms. Sarandon, and I hope you will enjoy your vacation. How is Detective Luke Morales?

Selina looked at Irving and was relieved as well.

  • Selina: He is recovering and his mental status became normal once again. Maybe he would be out of hospital by next week.

Irving then took a look at Ichabod Crane, who was still napping on the chair.

  • Irving: He has been sleeping for several hours after that.

Selina lowered her head and closed her eyes. She seemed cared deeply for Ichabod.

  • Selina: It's true, and fortunately, he was alive. I will leave for a while and then return here to check this Crane's personal conditions.

Selina turned back to Captain Irving with a calm smile.

  • Selina: Goodbye, Captain Irving.

Selina then left promptly. Irving sat back on his chair and fell into thoughts.

20 minutes later

Sleepy Hollow


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  • Selina: A cup of cider, please.

Selina sat in the bar and smiled when the patron got her a cup of cider, her favorite alcohol and a relaxing drink for her after such a long work.

  • Selina: (narrator) * Finally, my winter vacation is here. Even so, I am really excited for waiting the next part of my jobs. Everything in the future is unknown. All you need to do is to keep a good work, like I do. *

Selina allowed her mind wander when the bar patron gave her the cup of cider.

  • Bar patron: Here, Ms. Sarandon.
  • Selina: Many thanks.

After drinking the cup of cider, Selina felt relaxed. She then took a small note and paid for the price, and then, when she turned back, she knocked into someone else, someone much shorter than her.

  • Selina: Oh! Ah!

Selina looked at the person, who was a woman with short black hair and white dress. The woman was holding a cup of champagne and it spilled some on Selina's dress.

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However, instead of becoming angry, Selina apologized first.

  • Selina: Oh, well, I'm sorry. Let me get you another.

The white dressed woman, however, shook her head with a smile.

  • ???: Oh, you know what? It's okay. I'm gonna take that as a sign that it's time to call it a night and go back home.

Selina smiled as well when the woman continued.

  • ???: Or to the hotel, rather. Mm-hmm.
  • Selina: You're from out of town?
  • ???: Yes, I just arrived.

The woman in white nodded with a smile and shook the hand with Selina.

  • ???: I'm Pandora.

As a response, Selina shook her hand with Selina, all the while wearing a cryptic smile.

  • 【mjt100
    Selina: My name is Selina. "Pandora"? This is an interesting name. It's like the lady with the... the box.
  • Pandora: The lady with the box?

At this point, Pandora sighed helplessly though she was still smile. Her smile became visibly sadder.

  • Pandora: Yeah... which is actually more of a dowry.

Selina did not understand what Pandora meant, and she smiled at Pandora in a frivolous manner as some kind of a joke. Pandora laughed as well.

  • -Ichabod-ichabod-crane-sleepy-hollow-tv-series-37189436-642-720
    Pandora: Ha-ha, you know, I used to study classics, so I tend to get a little carried away with the old stories sometimes.

Selina nodded with a smile as well.

  • Selina: There is someone else in the town just like that.

She was referring to Ichabod Crane.

  • Selina: Maybe you would like to meet him in your own eyes.

Pandora smiled as well, and she nodded. For a while, Selina paused and then she continued.

  • Selina: Well, welcome to Sleepy Hollow. I bet you will feel like you are home in here. Here is my card, and contact me if you have problems.

Selina then handed her name card to Pandora. Then, Pandora happily accepted. Selina cryptically smiled at Pandora, as if she was something familiar to her.


Selina then put on her coat and slowly walked to the door. Pandora watched as Selina walked away.

  • Pandora: (think) * She was like she had recognized me as someone who helped the Witnesses... I think she is not that simple. It looks like Sleepy Hollow is full of surprises. Anyway, no matter what happens here... *

Pandora then turned into a more serious and scary expression, with her eyes glowing in light green aura, like that of a snake.

- Pandora: It always feels like a home.

Act 10 (final) - Visiting[]


  • Sister Mary Eunice: (narrator) Despite our efforts to destroy Christine, the Magical Blood of Van Bilj was eventually gained by Nevins, who had stole the corpse of Betsy and presumably used it to an unknown purpose. Perhaps, in the future, the cycle of fate will make us meet those abomination caused by the blood of those evil witch... but it was still currently uncertain... Even so, no matter what the outcome is, it will be very uncomfortable.




Do'Urden Castle

Matron Throne Room

  • Valindra: Christine Van Bilj is dead, My Matron. I suspect that the so-called Witnesses are supposed to be responsible.

Inside the Matron Throne Room of Do'Urden Family, Valindra Shadowmantle stood in front of Matron Malice Do'Urden, reporting her about a recent news. Malice heard this and immediately widened her eyes in shock.

  • Malice: Christine Van Bilj?
Malice by fesbraa-d9utvsd

Valindra nodded her head with calmness, as if it was none of her business. Matron Malice bit her lips and trembled in great terror. The Matron was infuriated that she even spill the blood red wine inside the cup in her hand.

  • Malice: What... the Underdark are those so-called Two Witness? They... they defeated one of the most trusted and most sadistic minions of Moloch?

Valindra, however, still kept her calm at this very moment, as she only looked at the panicked Matron with a calm and cold expression.

  • Valindra: Matron Malice, if I may say... perhaps the death of Christine will show us how those called Two Witnesses on Earth is capable of, and we will do anything to prevent being exterminated by them...

Valindra paused and then her own expression turned darker.

- Valindra: ... not to mention that I have already conceiving a new plan to bring Christine back to life.

Matron Malice heard this and she immediately widened her eyes in surprise. Valindra still looked at her calmly. It was obvious that she did not boasted or lied.

  • Malice: Are you sure?

Finally getting out of her calm and aloof face, Valindra nodded with a sadistic grin.

  • ValindraBrokenFace
    Valindra: I collected some remains of Christine, and I shall summon her soul and create a new body for her. The only problem is that this might cost some time, and if I do this job, maybe you need to find another person to find your son, Drizzt.

Malice looked aside and bit her lips.

  • Malice: Porcelain can deal with this. I will send her to the search of Drizzt. I permit your work, but if you failed this within one month, I will have you head!

Valindra smiled confidently and then she bowed in front of Matron Malice.

- Valindra: Do not worry, Matron Malice. Valindra Shadowmantle never fails.

Hexenmeister Base[]


Inside the base of Hexenmeister Community, Emma Swan was facing a man in black outfit like someone who was attending a masque. The man was wearing a mask and spoke in a tone like an old man.

  • Masked Man: Why are you coming here, Ms. Swan? Can't you see that you cannot put your own will forcefully upon me?

A moment of silence later, Emma broke the silence with anger and disgust.

  • Emma: Ever since you became the leader of the Hexenmeister Community, you brought us in it, and now we behave like cowards. You called us back from Sleepy Hollow merely due to small assaults, but killing Christine Van Bilj will conclude the assault with our victory!

The masked man, who was revealed to be the new leader of the Hexenmeister Community, did not answer or show any emotions. Anyway, his emotions was hidden by his own mask.

  • Emma: Was it because... because of you never want us to help the Witnesses?

The masked man shook his head. Emma seemed very disappointed by his reactions, but it was obvious that he never feel bothered at all.

  • Masked Man: Emma, you must understand all these circumstances. We cannot sacrifice our good to help two mere mortals who just can't adjust themselves to the reality.

After hearing all of this, Emma could only bit her lips in anger just as the masked man continued slowly and gently.

  • 220444-183088-mephisto
    Masked Man: Beside, Mephisto is a greater threat than Christine. He rose those assaults, not Christine. We are helping Arendelle, not Sleepy Hollow. Unless the town itself falls into ruins, or many things will gone, just gone, unnoticed and forgotten, never to be know by people out of the town.

Emma did not fear the masked man and she immediately went forward.

  • Emma: Leader, I think you are hiding something like a self-serving purpose.

The masked man seemed to be offended, and he looked at Emma immediately. Through his mask, Emma saw his eyes widened.

  • Emma: Never forget about my own ability. I can see through your lie if I want to, but I am sparing you from your final indignity. Tell me, what do you want from Mephisto? What made you so desperate to take him down that you even ignored many other threats?

The masked man seemed to get much, much calmer, and he turned his head back with a slow speed.

  • Masked Man: Only a few pages of books, but that pages of books means greatly for me... for us.

Emma narrowed her eyes and bit her lips. She had her own ability to seek out lies, and she did not find any lies inside the masked man's words.

  • 215SpellBook1
    Emma: Pages of books? A magic book?

The masked man nodded his head and sighed.

  • Masked Man: Yes, and that is no ordinary magic book. I can only tell you this much now. I need to go for a rest, and leave my office now. I will find who the spy truly is.

Emma then bit her lips and looked at the masked man before the latter stood up and left.

  • Emma: (think) * One day, I will find who you truly are and what you did. I will expose it to everyone in this world. I will see people know who you truly are, and I am going to enjoy it. *

Emma immediately turned back and stormed out of the room.

Ichabod's Nightmare[]

A horrible nightmare was making Ichabod uncomfortable. In front of him, Corbin, Katrina, Abbie and Betsy were tied on four white trees. Moloch walked towards the trees and burned them all just as Ichabod tried to stop, but he could not move.

Ichabod widened his eyes in horror as he saw his wife and others crying in pain. The smokes rose above the air and formed the shadows of Four Horsemen. Ichabod looked at Moloch in horror and anger, but Moloch did not speak anything. He just stepped away and leave, revealing another person not far behind him.

It was a person with silver hair and black suit, but his face was darkened.

It was the Man in Suit, and now he somehow entered Ichabod's dream.

  • Man in Suit: Are you feeling pain and despair watching those things, Ichabod Crane?

​Trying to hold back his fear, Ichabod faced the Man in Suit as Moloch disappeared in shadows. The Man in Suit walked closer.

  • Ichabod: No... this is just a dream. Just a dream.

​Ichabod tried to encourage himself as the Man in Suit came closer to Ichabod, speaking in a menacing tone.

  • Man in Suit: No, Crane, it's not a dream, but it drives you crazy, doesn't it? What you saw is in fact... the future! A FUTURE WHICH YOUR FORMER ASSISTANT KATARINA COUTEAU LIVED IN!
  • Ichabod: Future?

A Nazi flag suddenly appeared and tied Ichabod like an egg roll. Struggling, Ichabod stared at the Man in Suit unleashed a laugh full of evilness.

  • Man in Suit: Allow me to introduce you to the mighty Swastika!
  • Ichabod: What do you want!?
  • Man in Suit: Crane, give up. I'll make you feel more comfortable after realize that you've lost everything. Your pain force you to forget everything. What is the point to cry for the dead?
  • Logonazi party flag by elhadibrahimi-d4qkyxs

    DEM Empire Swastika

    Ichabod: You...
  • Man in Suit: Do not worry, I'll cut all your friends and loved ones in front of you in millions of pieces and make you take bath in their blood while crying in despair and being electrocuted to insanity. Let's see for how long you can hold your sanity. Like I said before, sanity is like a stick in front of an abyss. If you push the stick, it will fall on the abyss and it will never come back. But the abyss is the madness itself. You can't undo it.
  • Ichabod: WHO ARE YOU?!

All of a sudden, the Man in Suit had came closer to Ichabod while laughing madly. This time, he became an enormous and demonic purplish figure with red stripe.

  • Man in Suit: I am not the shadow that the Mills Sisters saw. It's that demon who burned your wife. However, I am more powerful. Throughout many years, they call me in different names... My allies and my enemies outside this planet gave me different names... The heroes name me the Caligula, my minions hail me as their emperor, but since we meet for the first time, I will present you another, far older name, a name I bet you will never ever want to listen again. A PHANTOM! A SHADOW OF A FORMER LIFE! I - am...

- Man in Suit: The Fallen.

​All of a sudden, Ichabod awakened from his nightmare.

Sleepy Hollow[]

Westchester Police Department

4 hours after Christine's defeat


Ichabod suddenly awakened from his nightmare, finding himself sitting in a chair, and he took some time before he could calm down. After that, Ichabod looked around before he heard a soft and calm voice talking to him.

  • ???: Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Crane. You slept for more than four hours.

Ichabod turned his head and widened his eyes, as if he was shocked. However, Ichabod soon relented when he saw a tall and thin woman, standing next to his seat with red dress and red hair. She was wearing a black eye-patch. Her presence made Ichabod very confused.

  • Ichabod: I am sorry, miss. May I have your name, please?

Ichabod slowly stood up and asked the question, all the while regaining his own composure. The woman smiled at Ichabod.

  • ???: My name is Selina Sarandon. I am the town mayor's maid and secretary.
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It was Selina "Strawberry" Sarandon standing in front of Ichabod, with her face soon turned more serious when looking at Ichabod.

  • Selina: Mr. Crane, I am here to inform you that I found you and Lt. Mills in the town's streets before sending you back to the street.
  • Ichabod: Thank you, miss, but... how do you know my name? Why did you look for me?

Hearing this, Selina looked around as if she was looking for someone that was beside them. Selina then whispered to Ichabod.

  • Selina: We will talk in a place away from the crowd.

The two people then went to the corridor, and then they began to talk.

  • Selina: The following talk between you and me, Crane, we need to keep secret to each other. Do you understand me?
  • Ichabod: Oh, I am a man of my word. I will keep secrets on everything. In fact, I know you are the one who...
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    Selina: Hush...

Selina then sighed in relief as she entered an empty room. She then turned her head back to Ichabod.

  • Selina: In fact, I know who you are, Ichabod Crane. I know many things, including some top secrets within the town. I know how to cover up your trace to keep the public.
  • Ichabod: What did you mean?

Selina then opened the newspaper and it showed the headline news, "The Mystery of Sleepy Hollow Disappeared". With confusion, Ichabod started to read the news with the newspaper inside his hand. He widened his eyes, but Selina slightly smiled.

  • Ichabod: All of the victims were spared?

Selina nodded with confidence and smiled. 

  • Selina: There were no evidence that those citizens had caused the recent mayhem inside this town. I helped the town to spare them all. Captain Irving did not ask too much on this, and he complimented Abbie for her good work. The bad news is, he is still yet doubting you. However, I can assure you that he is now impressed by you.

​Selina paused and then she lowered her head with a sigh, and her face turned more unhappy.

  • Mckey mary-eunice 9763
    Selina: For the citizens who have been killed, I need to attend some funerals after this meeting. As for those survivors, they could not remember and/or spoke what they suffered, and I guess... the trauma will affect them throughout their life.
  • Ichabod: Where is Sister Mary Eunice? Did she know about you?

Selina then sighed as she stayed calm and aloof.

  • Selina: Maybe, and maybe not, but I managed to save you all from the Mirror World. Then, you both were teleported to the street, and I sent you and Abbie back to this town. Sister Mary Eunice is taking care of Abbie, and those Hexenmeister Members and Fairy Tale characters returned back to their realm... but there is only one problem exists.

Ichabod immediately realized what the problem was.

  • Ichabod: That man known as Atticus Nevins.

Selina then bit her lips. Her face became more incensed. She slowly clenched her fist.

  • Atticus Nevins-SHS3
    Selina: FBI itself had put a search warrant for Atticus Nevins, and yet he is yet to be found. However, since he was now classified as a global terrorist, I guess Nevins won't get away so easy.

​Ichabod then looked aside and closed his eyes.

  • Ichabod: The sad thing is that he took Betsy Ross' corpse away, and I do not know what he was planning next...
  • Selina: Yes, I know, but you must find out.

Ichabod heard this and looked at Selina with surprise. Selina remained serious before she revealed a envelope from her pocket.

  • Selina: As your reward to stop Christine Van Bilj and her malevolent plan, I, on behalf of the mayor and every citizens of Sleepy Hollow, shall present you a gift as a reward, Mr. Ichabod Crane.

Selina then handed the envelope to Ichabod.

  • Selina: I found this letter in the Archives, and I lend it. Corbin is an old friend of mine. Then, I shall bring it to you.

​With confusion, Ichabod took the letter from Selina's hand and opened the envelope.

  • 402Washington
    Selina: Please read it. It is written by General Washington.

Ichabod heard this and was surprised. He looked at the letter and immediately recognized the writing style of Washington.

  • Ichabod: The year was 1798?

Selina nodded with calm.

  • Selina: Please, read it.

Ichabod then read the letter.

Washington's letter[]

George WashingtonSH

To Captain Ichabod Crane, under the request of Ms. Betsy Ross:

This Letters of Marque and Reprisal empowers me as the first president of the United States to appoint Captain Ichabod Crane Commanding Officer.

Captain Crane is to lead this organization. His sworn duty, to stand guard against all threats deemed otherworldly.

George Washington

York, 1798


Solace Sigil

Ichabod widened his eyes with surprise when he read about the letter, and he looked at the words, "under the request of Betsy Ross"...

  • Ichabod: Betsy? I thought she was... transformed and trapped... in 1798.

Selina shook her head with a sigh.

  • Selina: Well, this... is what I am yet to know. However, I assume that it was her soul who returned back to her time and continued to live until the day she died according to the history. She might visited a retired General Washington and sent you this letter.

Ichabod then handed the letter of Washington back to Selina.

  • Ichabod: George Washington founded a secret organization to battle the supernatural.
  • Selina: Actually, he allowed one secret organization to stabilize Sleepy Hollow and battle the supernatural. I am one of them.
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Ichabod slowly turned back to Selina with his eyes widened. Selina began to become sadder in looks, and Ichabod did not know what to say to comfort this enigmatic woman.

  • Selina: Our leaders' intentions were noble. We are not all bad people, though many of us have lost their way. If you qualified to be one of us, to be one of our leaders, you must adjust everything that was wrong.

Selina then closed her eyes before she sighed and walked towards the door. Tears started to stream down her eyes despite she tried herself not to cry.

  • Selina: Forgive them... for they do not know what they do.

Ichabod looked at Selina as she went away, and he then went out of the room as well. No one heard their talking, and no one was interested in what they talked about.

Corbin's Office

10 minutes later


Corbin's office was full of In silence, ever since it was closed. No other officers had yet to enter the room until Abbie went to that office with the words "Sheriff August Corbin" on its door, and she opened the office, trying to say her last goodbye to her late mentor. However, she then got a surprise.

Surprisingly, Abbie Corbin reading his files inside there. Seeing Abbie coming inside, Corbin smiled to her.

  • Corbin: You look lost, kid.
  • Abbie: What is this? (paused) I'm dreaming, right?
  • August Corbin
    Corbin: Well, what difference does that make? I'm here right now, aren't I? With you?

Abbie stepped closer to Corbin, ignoring the fact that he was a ghost or perhaps even an illusion.

  • Abbie: Look, if you're gonna haunt me, be helpful. Okay?
  • Corbin: Okay, what seems to be the problem?
  • Abbie: Ooh... "What seems to be the problem?" How about, what the hell is happening here? You were ahead of me the whole time. Were you ever planning on telling me anything?

​Corbin still smiled cryptically.

  • Abbie in the Necromancer
    Corbin: Would you believe me if I did?
  • Abbie: Maybe.
  • Corbin: Maybe not. You spent a lot of time running away from what happened to you, Abbie.

​Abbie shook her head in confusion.

  • Abbie: I asked you to be helpful. I don't know how to do this.
  • Corbin: You're scared, aren't you?

​Abbie bit her lips when she looked closer at Corbin.

  • Abbie: Scared? Yeah, and I'm furious... and outraged that you didn't tell me...
  • Corbin: Good, that's progress. Ever since you were little, you let your life be ruled by fear. You're so afraid about what you don't understand that it kept you from seeing who you really are... or what you were meant to do.

​All the while, Corbin still kept his smile. Abbie sighed in helplessness.

  • Abbie: Which is... ?
  • Corbin: The only person that can tell you that... is you. That's what faith is, honey.
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    Abbie: I really... miss you.

After sometime of silence, Corbin smiled and nodded.

  • Corbin: Don't be afraid of No. 49. That's where you find you're not alone.

​Abbie looked up to Corbin before Ichabod came behind her.

  • Ichabod: Lieutenant?

​Abbie turned back to see Ichabod behind her, but when she turned back, she was surprised to see Corbin had disappeared...

  • Ichabod: Are you all right?


Tarrytown Psych

Room 49

The Room of Jenny Mills


In the Room No. 49, Jenny Mills was doing push-ups inside her room one time after another, sweating and feeling anxious as if she was feeling something horrid. At this time, a female orderly arrived at the scene with a cart that carried medicines and all kind of tools.

  • Orderly: Tonight, Mills.

Jenny stopped doing push-ups and looked at the orderly. Then, she breath out. The orderly then turned to the cart and grabbed two small cups on an iron plate, with some tags written on the plate.

Mills, Jennifer

Delusional Disorder

Chlorpromazine 35mg Capsule

Jenny stood up as the orderly bring her one of the cups, with a capsule inside it.

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    Orderly: Seen any monsters lately, Jenny?

Jenny peeked at the cup before she looked at the orderly straight into her face once again.

  • Jenny: No, ma'am... Not since I've been taking these.

Jenny swiftly and calmly took the cup from the orderly and put the capsule inside her mouth, seemly swallowing it. The orderly then gave her the second cup filled with water, but Jenny did not drank it. She swayed her hand and refused it.

  • Orderly: Open.

Jenny calmly opened her mouth, and the orderly checked this carefully. There was no capsule inside. It was seemed that Jenny swallowed the medicine.

  • Orderly: Good girl.

Jenny nodded her head and closed her mouth.

  • Orderly: Lights out in five minutes.

The orderly pushed the cart away before closing the door, all the while Jenny was watching this. However, Jenny soon spat out the capsule hidden under her tongue and immediately crushed it with her foot until it was ground into dust. Then, Jenny crouched and blew the dust away, leaving no trace on the floor. Jenny then looked at a news hanging on the wall, which was cut from a newspaper 13 years ago.

Mills Sisters Found

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Afterwards, Jenny put an long iron bar on the window and started to do chinning. However, after that, the lights out... and Jenny heard a mysterious whisper behind her, as if there was someone or something behind her...

  • Jenny: (!?)

Jenny immediately stopped chinning and turned back, but strangely, Jenny found no one there. A face full of horror soon surfaced on the face of Jenny as she looked around...


December 23rd, 1798

Washington's House

  • 318Promo14
    Washington: "... as the first President of the United States to appoint Captain Ichabod Crane the Commanding Officer."

An elderly and retired George Washington was reading the letter he wrote as he looked up. Betsy Ross was standing in front of him. At this time, she was suppose to be trapped in Purgatory, but now her soul had returned back to her own time.

  • Betsy: This being the Crane I met in the future of Sleepy Hollow, not the Crane who is said to have died on the battlefield in 1781.

​Washington looked at Betsy and nodded.

  • MV5BMjE5MjgzNzAwNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTk1ODM2ODE@
    Washington: Hundreds of years from now, the man we know and love will be the last of the Founding Fathers, carrying on what we have built.

​Betsy nodded with confidence, and Washington continued to read the letter.

  • Washington: "Captain Crane is to lead this team. His sworn duty is to stand guard against all threats deemed otherworldly."

​After that, Washington sighed in relief as he thought about Ichabod, before he thought about himself. Washington knew his life won't last much longer, so he decided to do something.

  • Washington: (think) * I hope you will win, my friend. *

Then, Washington slowly wrote the the date and location on it.

York, 1798

LOTM: Witnesses of Sleepy Hollow

Horsemen Saga

Season 2 - Death Arc

Sub Arc Finale

Episode 18 - Christine's Might

Sub Arc 1 - Blood Moon Sub Arc

The End

Coming up...

Haunting Past Sub Arc

To be continued...

MAD - Passengers[]

Inspired by a comedy drama on Hunan Channel comedy talk show "More Talk, More Happy" (越策越开心)

Main Cast

Michael Langdon as Driver

Katarina Couteau as the Bus conductor

Misogi Kumagawa as Passenger

Eckidina KnightWalker as Passenger

Maria Arzonia as Passenger

Hazama as Thief

Aki Honda as Gangster

Note: No relations to the main story.



A bus station

  • Avenger.(Edmond.Dantès).full
    Michael: Ah-choo! Ah-choo!

​In his driver seat, Michael Langdon sneezed several times before he could finally speak.

  • Michael: To all passengers, welcome to take our bus, Route 444.

(- Narrator: What a number...)

  • Michael: The origin station of this bus was right beneath the driver. As for the terminal of this bus, oh, well, it all depends on the mood of the driver.

Michael then looked at Katarina Couteau not far away, who was dressed up in a uniform.

  • Michael: I am the driver. That red-haired lady is the conductor of this bus. You let her check the ticket of yours, and then your soul will be mine.
Elesis grand master elsword by riief-da1zn9c

As a response, Katarina smiled to the passengers in a wicked manner. Michael then continued.

  • Michael: If you mess with her, and then you messed with me. Don't make me do extreme things, I tell you. Anyway, the major element of our service is all in one word: "smile". Come, and create a fake smile with me!

- All: Hohohohoholalala~~

  • Michael: Very well, so good.

After Michael was finished, Katarina spoke to passengers with a gentle smile as well.

  • Katarina: To every passengers, please take care. Here is your only warning. This bus had been broke down for nearly thirteen years. Due to the lack of breaking system, our bus had to hit other objects in order to make a break, and then it would stop. Now, if you don't want to stay here, now it's the time, I tell you this.

Almost immediately after Katarina was finished, almost every single passenger had fled in horror. Only a few of them had remained on the bus, trembling.

  • Michael: To all our dear passengers... * cough * to all our dear passengers... this bus is lacking a speedometer. After it was started, if your upper teeth hit your lower teeth...
  • Katarina: ... it means the speed of this bus is 40 km/h.
  • Michael: If the window dropped and flew away...
  • Katarina: ... that means the speed increased to 80 km/h.
  • Michael: If the tires were dropped and flew away...
  • Elesis by lkirol-das4xmo
    Katarina: ... that means the speed of this bus was reaching towards 140 km/h.
  • Michael: If the roof was ripped off and everyone saw the stars on the sky...
  • Katarina: ... then, we have arrived at the final destination of our own life, a promised land of peace.

Michael then tried to start the bus before he looked back. He saw the remaining passengers on the bus.

  • Michael: Wow, there are still people on it. For you, I can only say...

Michael immediately had his thumb up.

- Michael: Bravo.

  • IMG 1956
    Misogi: Hey, hey, hey, please, start the bus, will you? I have to catch my plane! If I am late, there will consequences!

Misogi Kuwagama, a passenger who was sitting on a seat behind Katarina steadily, urged the driver to start the bus. Michael was annoyed. He walked towards Misogi.

  • Michael: You catch up a plane by bus? What an utter hogwash. I can only say...

- Michael: Bravo.

Misogi scratched his head and looked at Michael with confusion. He then left his seat and tried to get away from the bus.

  • Dvgrfhf
    I am trying to save money. Is there anything wrong?

After standing up from his seat, Misogi started to ran away in a bizarre manner like...

The 100th setting-up-exercise to music!

First step: Exercise is like dancing~

  • Katarina & Michael: Hey, hey, get back!

Katarina and Michael immediately dragged Misogi back as he tried to leave the bus by dancing. Misogi had no choice but taking a seat. However, he was shaking himself playfully. Michael returned back to his driver seat, but then he saw Misogi shaking his body.

  • Michael: Hey, why are you shaking? The bus hasn't started yet.
  • 62559354 p0
    Ah? It hasn't started? But this entire bus was trembling!

Michael immediately turned back and looked at the road in front of him.

  • Michael: Soon, very soon. Whoooooooo~~

The bus immediately drove in a fast speed according to the route. Misogi was still complaining.

  • Misogi: You've gotta get there fast. I am gonna catching up the flight in 8:40!
  • Katarina: Seriously? It is half past eight now, and how can you catch up a flight in ten minutes? The plane will not wait for you!
  • Misogi: Don't worry. It will wait for me. I can assure you.
  • Katarina: How can you be so sure?
  • Misogi: Because I am the pilot of this flight.

Katarina was struck speechless.

  • Katarina: Bravo, you...

All of a sudden, the bus hit a wire pole and made it stopped. Katarina and Misogi were both shocked and fell dizzy, and they nearly started to vomit.

Olympic Green

Beijing national stadium

The bus door opened as Michael the driver started his broadcast, and then a pregnant woman went on the bus carefully.

  • Michael: (broadcast) We are now at Olympic Green. Passengers who left, please leave carefully. People who got on the bus, please hold the handrail. Please give your seat to elderly, children, patients, disabled and pregnant women, thank you.

The pregnant woman went on the bus, but Misogi chose to ignore her. Katarina saw this and immediately reminded him.

  • Katarina: Hey, she needs a seat.
  • Misogi: There are so many seated passengers here. Why should I give her a seat?
  • Katarina: She is pregnant.
  • Misogi: Huh, what is the connection between me and her pregnancy? I did not make her pregnant!

Hearing this, Michael was furious. As the pregnant woman was in dismay, Michael rushed down from the driver's seat and dragged Misogi from his seat. The two were in a bitter argument.

  • Tumblr n25qheEx5Q1ri1zbno1 500
    Michael: Are you giving her your seat or not?
  • Misogi: No, I am not! Drive your bus and...

Michael immediately kicked Misogi away before he could finish his sentence, and then Michael made the pregnant woman to sit on Misogi's seat.

  • Michael: Please, take a seat.

Michael and the pregnant woman smiled, but Misogi was very frustrated. Michael then went back to the driver's seat. However, the bus was almost losing control, and Michael made things in control almost immediately.

  • Misogi: Hey, you are the driver! You can't leave the place as you were driving a bus that had no break!

​Michael ignored him and continued his broadcasting. The bus stopped again by hitting another wire pole, and Katarina and Misogi both fell dizzy once again.

  • Michael: (broadcast) We are now at Earth Wall North Station. Passengers who left, please leave carefully. People who got on the bus, please hold the handrail. Please give your seat to elderly, children, patients, disabled and pregnant women, thank you.

​Soon afterwards, Misogi and Katarina went back to their respective seat, as Misogi had noticed an empty seat was reserved after one of the passengers left the bus. He sat on it. However, soon, an old man was walking on the bus. Misogi started to read newspaper, ignoring the old man.

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Katarina was furious and she reminded Misogi again..

  • Katarina: Why don't you give a seat to elders?
  • Misogi: Why on Earth it is always me who gave somebody a seat? Why can't others do it?
  • Katarina: He's pregnant... OOPS! I mean, that woman is pregnant.

​Misogi looked at the old man and smiled at him with no bother at all.

  • Misogi: Hey, sir, I see you have a tough build. You may do an exercise on this bus.
  • Old man: ......
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​Just then, a young blond girl (portrayed by Maria Arzonia) went on the bus and passed by Misogi. She tried to held the handle ring, but soon it was pulled down. Maria was surprised.

  • Katarina: Sorry, I told you that this bus was broke down for 13 years.

Just then, Misogi saw Maria and immediately stood up. He then presented her his seat.

  • Misogi: Hey, cutie, please sit here.

Maria looked at that old man beside her, and she did not take the seat. The old man was dissatisfied and glared at Misogi.

  • Old Man: Hey, why did you give your seat to her?

Misogi had to make up a lie.

  • Misogi: Why shouldn't I? She is my sister!

The old man widened his eyes and was surprised.

- Old man: This is strange. I am her father!


Misogi was surprised as Maria let the old man to take the seat.

  • Maria: Yeah, that's right! Papa, please take a seat.

The old man sat down while looking at Misogi sarcastically.

  • Old man: When on Earth do I have a son?

Misogi did not hear what the elderly said to him. As the bus progressed itself into one station after another, Misogi was feeling bored. Then, Misogi immediately smiled at Maria.

  • Misogi: Miss, what time is it on your watch?

Maria looked at her watch.

  • Maria: It is 8:40.

Misogi looked at his watch and then smiled. He spoke something that made Maria dismayed.

  • Misogi: What coincidence. The time on my watch is also 8:40. Is there any connection between me and you?
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Before Maria could complain about this, Michael suddenly sneezed again and again. The bus began to shake violently. Maria and Misogi both reacted in sheer horror, but Katarina sat still.

  • Maria: Driver! The bus is broken!

Katarina shook her head as she continued to speak like nothing abnormal was happening.

  • Katarina: The bus is not broken. It was just because the driver. Whenever he sneezes, this kind of things happens.

Katarina then promptly left her seat with a wicked smile.

  • Katarina: Our good driver has another nature that is even more interesting!
  • Misogi & Maria: What is that?

Katarina walked closer to Michael with no warning. With a wicked grin, she patted Michael's shoulder.

  • Katarina: Whenever there is someone who pat his shoulder from behind--

Before Katarina could finish, Michael felt horrified when he was patted on his shoulder. He removed his hand from steering wheel and screamed like a girl child.

  • Michael: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Maria and Misogi were both horrified and helped the driver to regain his composure.

  • Maria & Misogi: Hold the steering wheel! The steering wheel!!!

Katarina smiled as she went back to her seat. She was the calmest of them all.

  • 20080410180315 2026721796
    Katarina: You know, our driver once drove a hearse when he worked in a funeral parlor.

Michael soon regained his composure as the bus entered the next stop.

  • Michael: The next stop, Deshengmen Gate. Passengers who left, please leave carefully. People who got on the bus, please hold the handrail and show your tickets to the conductor.

The next who went on the bus was none other than... Eckidina KnightWalker.

  • Katarina: Welcome to take Route 444 Bus...
  • Crimson.Avenger.(Elesis).full
    Maria: Watch out!

​Katarina immediately noticed Eckidina, who almost slipped on the floor. She stood up and went to Eckidina, who had just steal a ride - or in another words, take the bus without buying a ticket.

  • Katarina: Hey, why don't you buy ticket?
  • Eckidina: Don't you look at me like that as if I am a gold coin!

​Eckidina snarled at Katarina with a childish and bratty tone, pretty much like a spoiled kid.

  • Katarina: I just want you to show me your ticket or buy one.
  • Eckidina: My mom said that... I am a child!
  • Katarina: Hmm?
  • Ajimu chan by codegeman-d5m5t36
    Eckidina: I am only five years old! I heard children under five years old should be freed from buying tickets!

​Katarina and Maria were both surprised, and they looked at Eckidina closer and closer.

  • Katarina: You are only five? You have quite an "elderly" look.

​Katarina put her hand on her chin. Maria narrowed her eyes at Eckidina angrily.

  • Maria: Then, when will you turn six?
  • Eckidina: Heehee...

​Eckidina giggled like a spoiled brat.

  • Eckidina: As soon as I get off this bus, I will be six.

​Katarina and Maria were both shocked by her words, and even Michael was alarmed.

  • Katarina: You are such a bratty passenger who has no shame or regards of public morality! You think you can mess with our driver?

​Eckidina immediately turned to see Michael, the driver, who was releasing a certain amount of "cold air" that made her feel creepy. She shivered and looked at Katarina.

  • Eckidina: Well, maybe I forgot to take my monthly round-trip ticket.
  • Ojniioijioiunudeddd
    Katarina: How should I believe you?
  • Eckidina: You can just look at my face and then you'll see my honest face, which is the most realistic ticket in the world!

​Feeling not amused, Katarina then picked up a hole puncher in her hand with an unsmiling face.

  • Katarina: Then, please make your face come closer to me. The duty of a conductor like me is just punching a hole on each of tickets.

​Afraid of leaving a hole on her face, Eckidina tried to find another excuse.

  • Eckidina: I did not have money to buy a ticket.
  • Avenger.(Edmond.Dantès).full

Katarina and Maria were both fed up with it and immediately bellowed at Eckidina. Just then, Michael rolled his eyes and loudly announced the next station.

  • Michael: The next stop: Gulou Street. The front door, the middle door and the back door are all broken. Any passengers who steal a ride, please jump out of the bus through the window one by one with proper order.

Hearing this announcement, Eckidina was having an awful expression... as if there were more than 10,000 horses running and stepping on her heart. She bit her lips and immediately claimed her own objection.

  • Eckidina: No way! I won't buy ticket. I won't jump out from the bus, either! I will die if I jump out!

That word was the last drop of water that had made Michael enraged. He immediately jumped from his driver's seat and stormed at Eckidina, not caring there would be a risk of traffic accident.

  • Najimi Ajimu
    Michael: You take my bus, and you don't buy ticket? What kind of passenger are you!?

Michael immediately chased Eckidina all over the bus. Misogi immediately jumped on the driver's seat and held the steering wheel in his hand to keep the bus from losing control. Katarina watched Eckidina being punched by Michael and was relieved.

  • Katarina: I suggest that you buy a ticket, or you will receive a fate worse than dying.
  • Eckidina: All right! Spare my life! I will buy one ticket!

Eckidina was having bruises all over her face, and she had to surrender. Satisfied, Michael turned back to his seat, only finding Misogi sitting on it.

  • Michael: This is my seat!

Michael screamed in wrath and dragged Misogi from his seat. Michael the sat back on the seat, and Misogi had to pat his own coat.

  • Misogi: I thought you gave up your position!

Eckidina then behaved like a much better passenger.

  • E9273b62jw1f3xmm0h3zmj21hc0u0wia
    Eckidina: Very well, very well, I will buy a ticket.
  • Katarina: Deal.

But when she tried to take out her wallet...

  • Eckidina: Hey! My wallet is gone!

Eckidina suddenly began to search in Maria's pocket. Maria was disgusted and she pushed Eckidina away.

  • Maria: Wait a minute! How could you find your wallet in my pocket? That's nonsense.

Katarina looked at Eckidina with a drop of sweat on her face.

  • Misogi Kumagawaiojk
    Katarina: You are such an uncivilized passenger. You've gone too far. How can you find money in other people's pocket?
  • Maria: I know it! She is a thief! She pretended that she lost money and try to rob from others!

​Maria then turned to Eckidina angrily, who immediately objected.

  • Eckidina: Don't frame good girls, okay? Thieves nowadays cannot be someone who looks like a thief, so I won't be one of them!

​Misogi nodded and agreed with Eckidina.

  • Misogi: She does have a point. Thieves today can never dress themselves like thieves, am I right?

Hearing this, Katarina thought for a while and then she had some idea.

  • Katarina: Based on the years of experiences as a conductor, I conclude that thieves in recent days often dressed themselves in a fashion manner...

Suddenly, everyone looked at another passenger on the bus who was perhaps having the most "fashion" hairstyle and hair color of them all - Hazama. With a sigh, Hazama made his complaints.

  • Hazama: Hey, what's wrong with the fashion manner?

Just then, when he walked forward, something had dropped from his pocket. It was Eckidina's wallet. Hazama was recognized as the thief, and he immediately jumped out of the bus in a bizarre manner...

The 100th setting-up-exercise to music ONCE AGAIN!

First step: Exercise like dancing~

  • Michael: Is there a passenger who jumped out of the bus?

Right after Hazama jumped out of the bus and ran away unscathed, Michael asked while still driving, and Katarina looked at the radio. She was shocked to find that the plug of the radio had been misplaced.

  • Katarina: Driver, your radio lost its plug. How could you speak through it?
  • Misogi: He must be using a Bluetooth device.

Michael cleared his throat and continued.

  • Michael: Is there a passenger who jumped out of the bus? I have yet to make a brake.

​Katarina shrugged her shoulders and answered with a smile.

  • Katarina: Well, sir, he is a thief. People like him shall leave the bus as soon as possible when their crimes are exposed.
  • Michael: It is a shame we never capture one thief on this bus success---

Before he spoke out the full word of "successfully", Michael was shocked to find that there was a red light at the coming crossing. As aforementioned above, the bus 444 needs to hit other objects to make a break.

Almost immediately afterwards, Michael made a small turn towards a wire pole and shouted out.

  • U=11703728,712749716&fm=26&gp=0
    Michael: Watch out! I am going to make a brake!

​Micheal yelled and other passengers immediately held the handrail or taking any other procedures in order to stabilized themselves on the street. The bus immediately hit the wire pole and stopped.

Maria immediately grabbed the handrail with her left hand, while her right hand was grabbing the collar of Misogi, without even noticing it...

  • Misogi: This cutie, would you just hold the handrail, please?

Maria looked at her left hand which was holding the handrail.

  • Maria: I AM holding the handrail, sir.
  • Misogi: Then, let go of my collar, PLEASE! I am choking here!
  • Maria: ......

At this point, Maria finally realized that her right hand had grabbed the collar of Misogi unknowingly, and she released him immediately.

  • Maria: Lo siento. (Sorry.)

20 minutes later

In another crossing

Red light ahead

  • Ajimu.Najimi.full
    I am gonna make a brake AGAIN!!!

Michael immediately hit another wire pole and many of the passengers almost leaning forward because of the inertia... with Eckidina as the opposite. Her body leaned backward when the break happened. Katarina and Maria looked at Eckidina with confusion.

  • Katarina: This passenger, why your direction of inertia is the opposite of ours?

Eckidina bit her lips and screamed in agony.

  • Eckidina: I am sick!
  • Maria: Hmm?
  • Eckidina: I just had my head hit on the floor.

Katarina and Maria looked at each other. Each of them had a large drop of sweat on their heads. Just then, Eckidina regained her conscious and looked around.

  • Eckidina: Wait a minute...

Feeling something was wrong, she pointed at somewhere.

  • Eckidina: Excuse me, comrade, is this Chinese Art Gallery?

Katarina frowned.

  • Katarina: You're not pointing at Chinese Art Gallery. You're pointing at my rib!
  • Eckidina: Oh...
  • Katarina: You want to go to Chinese Art Gallery, right?
  • Eckidina: Yes.

​Katarina shook her head.

  • Katarina: Then, you took the wrong bus. The Art Gallery is at the another position, at the east. We are heading to the south.

Eckidina immediately turned to Michael, who was waiting for green light in a bad mood.

  • Eckidina: Mr. Driver, would you please make a turn at this road and head to the east?
  • Izuru eye
    Michael: Hmm!?

Michael was infuriated and immediately leaped at his seat, chasing Eckidina. His eyes was glowing in red with rage.

  • Michael: You want me to do a thing that disobey the rule? You want me to make a turn just to serve your stupid reason? Who is the driver here, me or you!?
  • Eckidina: I am sorry! I will go to the opposite direction myself...

​Other passengers immediately held Michael back as Eckidina tried to jump out of the bus.

  • Maria: Take a deep breath, a deep breath.

Eckidina, however, did not jump out of the bus. A female who was dressed up like a criminal (portrayed by Aki Honda) had went on the bus with a knife in her hand.

  • Eckidina: A... a gangster!

Eckidina was horrified as Aki went on the bus and waved her knife, terrifying everyone on bus.

  • Ojniioijioiunu
    Aki: Nobody moves! I am a gangster from the worst of mankind! You just sit there, stand there and do not make any stupid moves. If you follow my instruction, I promise I will leave you all unscathed.

Michael was surprised by this and he stood still, as Katarina approached to the gangster.

  • Katarina: This Ms. Gangster...

Putting a white flag on her head, Katarina immediately lifted a sign and showed it to Aki. It said, "You are free from buying tickets."

  • Katarina: Please stay calm. What do you want? Tell me and I will do what you said.

At first, Aki reacted in bewilderment while looking at the sign, but then, Aki grinned in satisfaction and smiled.

  • Aki: I want you to drive this bus to Beijing!

Hearing this, everyone on the bus were surprised and looked at each other. Katarina widened her eyes as well, all the while sweating.

  • 7OZqWEfNYb0
    To Beijing?
  • Maria: But we're already at Beijing!
  • Eckidina: THIS place is already Beijing!
  • Katarina: You really don't know you are in Beijing all along?

Aki's smile faded and immediately widened her eyes in surprise.

  • Aki: We're now at Beijing all along?
  • All: Yes!!!

​Aki was so surprised that she immediately threw her knife out of the window by accident. With a face full of embarrassment, Aki then chuckled in an apologetic manner.

  • Aki: Uh, I am sorry... Please, all of you, please disregard what I said and done...
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At this point, everyone felt that they were slapped in their face and mocked as an idiot. Michael was so infuriated that he immediately raised a large wooden stick and ready to charge at Aki.


​Aki could only stand at her position and shivered. What awaited her would be quite a serious punching...

And then, there is no such phrase known as "and then" in this MAD Section anymore.

Remember, always be a civilized passenger on the bus.

Otherwise, there will be bad consequences happened to you and many others on bus.

Thank you for your cooperation, and have a nice and safe journey.

~ Michael Langdon & Katarina Couteau

Ending - Take me to Shanghai[]

(Music from 2016 Chinese Film: "The Wasted Times")


It is possible that there will be one or two advertisements rolling before the music starts.

If it happens, please wait until the ads were over and the music begins.

The countdown is on the top-right hand courner.

When the countdown is over, the music will begin.

Sorry for the inconvienience it might cased.

~ Officer Candy Apple


(罗曼蒂克消亡史)插曲 take me to shanghai


- John Hughes:

Liberty swathes this city of shades

Like gloves on the wings of a bir

The silken smoke of the words you spoke

Still rises where you lay

Take me to Shanghai

Take me to Shanghai

To the town where I belong

- Ise Downes:

The pathways were red the lanterns alive

Diamonds adrift in the sky

You're standing here when I close my eyes

This slumber leaves me blind

Take me to Shanghai

Take me to Shanghai

To the town where I belong

- John Hughes:

The night was mine to set alight

Every cord and every chain

Your hands were ice within the fire

And it burned like poison rain

- Both:

The blood in these veins the streets that it stains

Fevers unbroken by death

Their shadows ride on this ruby tide

And the waves that toss my breath

Take me to Shanghai

Take me to Shanghai

To the town where I belong

Sub Arc Finale Gallery[]


  • From Officer: This finale was actually two episodes in one, being the first long episode in the whole story. Due to the length of this ep equals two ordinary eps, the main story will have one hiatus, and the coming weeks will release TWO episodes of Firenza Junior one by one, before the release of our next main story episode, which will pave for the next sub arc.
    • ​Due to the recent tragic demise of Chester Bennington, the singer of Linkin Park band, I made this episode in memory of him by making my favorite song of Linkin Park as the opening theme. May him rest in peace and sing in the Paradise. His legacy on rap and rock will always be forever more remembered. Long Live Linkin Park, and it's all thanks to him.
    • Also, if I have to say something, I need to say that the story around Christine Van Bilj is FAR FROM OVER... However, the next Sub Arc, now formally known as Haunting Past Arc, shall evolve with the past of Ichabod, Abbie and Jenny. in order to set the return this story's mascot villain, the Headless Horseman in the 3rd Sub Arc. The second sub arc will evolve smaller battles and focused more on Monsters of the Week instead of one unique Arc Villain like Christine, but Moloch will still be the person behind or connected to them. More characters will coming soon and more mysteries will be solved.
  • ​From Sub & Prime: The latest episode of LOTM: Sword of Kings AA Final - Eckidina Arc: Unit-CM 130 Arc was ready. Unfortunately for us, we will lose another main character in this episode tragically with a twisted and bizzare death scene, and be prepared for the worst. Here is the link: LOTM: Sword of Kings AA 2nd Season - I Love You.
  • From CIS: A special epsiode in CM Sub Arc is ready, and it would introduce loads and loads of characters, including new characters and old friends that reprised their role. Also, the MAD episode is still in production. Please wait and see. :)