Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Curtis Blackburn

Curtis Blackburn is a character in the video game killer7. Infamous in the circles of organ trafficking, he serves as the central antagonist in the "Encounter" chapter of the game.


One of the sickest, most sadistic, most perverted video game villains around, Curtis Blackburn is a complete monster assassin from the Killer 7 Universe that goes too far in destroying the lives of his victims before killing them to seal his satisfaction. He also likes to sexually molest little girls and older women, before killing them and stuffing them to perform taxidermys on their dead bodies then sell their organs to the black market for whatever purpose the criminals use them for. Johan Liebert impressed by his reputation of being a skilled assassin and intimidating serial killer had prompt him to hire the pedophile into his services for the Murderistic League to which Curtis Blackburn accepted with no questions asked. For his preceded reputation in dealing with his contracted enemies even when they lay helpless before him in a merciless and cold-hearted manner, Johan Liebert had made Curtis Blackburn Seventh in Command of his army.

He is voiced by Alastair Duncan.



Killer 7 - Goodbye Pedro

Indepth look at what Curtis Blackburn does to his assassination targets.

