Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Cerberus is a human-survivalist paramilitary group led by the enigmatic Illusive Man. Cerberus' core belief is that humans deserve a greater role in the galactic community, and that the Systems Alliance is too hamstrung by law and public opinion to stand up effectively to the other Citadel races. Cerberus supports the principle that any methods of advancing humanity's ascension are entirely justified, including illegal or dangerous experimentation, terrorist activities, sabotage and assassination. Cerberus operatives accept that these methods are brutal, but believe history will vindicate them. Nevertheless, both the Systems Alliance and the Citadel Council have declared Cerberus to be a terrorist organization and will prosecute identified Cerberus agents accordingly.

Known Members[]


Illusive Man - The founder of Cerberus 


Colonel Raymond Ashe - General Petrovsky's second-in-command 

Armistan Banes - An operative that previously worked with Dr. Chloe Michel 

Eva Coré - A synthetic sent to infiltrate the Prothean archives on Mars 

Director - An operative in charge of the Barn space station 

Randall Ezno - An operative assigned to capture aliens for Cerberus experiments 

Major Elena Flores - Cerberus officer in charge of rachni cloning experiments 

Paul Grayson - An operative charged with caring for Gillian Grayson

Jana - The Illusive Man's assistant 

Miranda Lawson - The operative in charge of the Lazarus Cell

Kai Leng - The Illusive Man's personal assassin 

Captain Lentz - A Cerberus cruiser captain captured by Aria T'Loak's forces 

Hope Lilium - An operative who compiled the dossiers of potential team members for Commander Shepard's assault on the Collector Base in 2185 

Hal McCann - An operative captured by batarian slavers 

Messner - An operative tasked with investigating the human colony abductions in 2185 

Pel - An operative tasked with assassinations 

General Oleg Petrovsky - The Illusive Man's chief military strategist in charge of the Omega occupation 

Tyrone Rawlings - An operative captured by Eclipse forces 

Inali Renata - Randall Ezno's handler 

Roth's Decoy - An operative put in place to protect an endangered Cerberus financier in 2161 

Jacob Taylor - Security specialist for the Lazarus Cell 

Dr. Jiro Toshiwa - An operative who infiltrated the Alliance's Ascension Project 

Skye Turnick - A member of an exposed Cerberus cell on Trident 

Scientists and Researchers[]

Dr. Gavin Archer - Chief scientist on Project Overlord 

Dr. Chandana - Chief scientist on the Derelict Reaper expedition 

Dr. Brynn Cole - A scientist studying Collector technology 

Gabone - An assistant administrator on Avernus Station 

Henry Lawson - Overseer of the Sanctuary project to manipulate Reaper indoctrination 

Dr. Nuri - A scientist studying Reaper implant technology 

Dr. Waycross - A Cerberus medical doctor 

Wilson - Chief Medical Officer of the Lazarus Project 

Dr. Wayne - One of the science group studying Thresher Maws on Akuze

Military Forces[]
