Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"Shepherd, let me tell you something I've learned the hard way. You can pay a soldier to fire a gun. You can pay him to charge the enemy and take a hill. But you can't pay him to believe. When you went up against Sovereign, there was no good reason to believe you'd win. But your crew didn't seem to care. They went along anyway. Your trip through the Omega-4 relay? That was a suicide mission if there ever was one. Yet there your crew was, standing beside you, proud to serve. Why? Because they believed in YOU, their leader! That's what I need now."
Admiral Hackett

Hope Bringers are these types of heroes, who bring hope to the world and its inhabitants in its darkest hour. These heroes represent being the determinator in many fictional stories as heroes who will bring hope to the world and not look into the despair of their current dillema. They inspire hope in many ways: Boosting the morale of his or her allies, persistently keep fighting their enemies even though they are almost going to die, proving cynics wrong about their own jaded ideals, and inspire people who have started lose hope by reassuring them that all is not completely lost.

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